4:45pm Aug 31 2010
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"You smell anything, wrong?" Andrew asked. Trying not to smile, when she called him love. ~ Paradise grunted again, like before. It hurt. Bad. She squirmed a little, hoping it was done soon, and by doing all of this, that saying 'Love hurts' really shown here.
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4:48pm Aug 31 2010
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She narrowed her eyes only nodding a little.She snarled and leaped into the bushes and snarls and rumbles were heard but their were two of them.Tamashi whimpered and snapped. He released her licking the wound and it healed leaving his mark.She licked he blood from his fangs then sighed sadly"you ok"He asked concerned.
4:51pm Aug 31 2010
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Paradise started feeling better, as she felt Senshi lick her wound. Then nodded her head, running another hand through his hair. "Yeah.." She said, with a sigh. She noticed he was upset, she could tell. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. ~ Andrew frowned, eyes wide by the noise. "Tamashi!" He screamed. Stupid enough to run over to the bushes as a human. Having no idea how to change.
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4:55pm Aug 31 2010
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He still didnt feel any beter but gave a shy smile"Now..you have to mark me"He said turning his head and revealing his neck to her"With your fangs"He wasnt scared at all not even caring about the pain. Tamashi was being pined down by a black wolf as they snarled and snapped at each other.Tamashi managed to bite the the black wolfs neck but recieving a slash at her chest that was already bleeding and she whimpered go Andrew run..now She thought to him and the black wolf took its paw off her throat and snarled and snapped at him.
5:06pm Aug 31 2010
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Andrew frowned, and started backing away. I can't leave you here! How do I shift? He stared at the black wolf, not knowing if he'd even be as strong as that. He went back to the spot he was at before, before he started backing away, and stayed there. WIth a more sad ex pression on his face as he stared. I can't even help her... Was all he could think. ~ Paradise nodded her head, and let her new fangs out. Pressing them against his neck, and sinking them in. Making his mark, like her's.
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7:11am Sep 1 2010
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She whimpered at his thoughts think Andrew..Think of anger..let it build up inside you The black wolf took another step forward.Tamashi bit its leg causing it to whimper.She was trying to buy Andrew some time.She got of the ground and onto the beast's back. He didnt make the sound even though the pain was agonizing.He simply closed his eyes and let her mark his neck.
8:17am Sep 1 2010
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Paradise let her teeth, off of Senshi. "That didn't hurt you?" She asked, in surprise as she licked her teeth the way he did. ~ Andrew swallowed hard. He new his anger right now, was off the edge anger. But he couldn't even think! He stared back at the black wolf, fist clenched and trembling. Before he knew it, yes! The anger inside him controlled his thoughts, senses. Everything. BEfore he new it he was just like Tamashi, running straight at the black wolf. ((I'm guessing guys are like black? And then girls are white? ))
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2:48pm Sep 1 2010
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(no the evil ones are black and the good ones are white because senshi is white) He looked at her"Of course it did but without pain their isnt pleasure"He said softly. The black wolfs hair stood on its neck and he flung Tamashi to a tree causing her to yelp.He tackled andrew snarling and snapping at him.
8:35pm Sep 1 2010
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Andrew snapped back at the black wolf. Not having any control. His anger controlled him. He looked back at Tamashi, Are you okay Tamashi! He thought,as pushed the black wolf off of him, but not having as much strength. Panicking, he tried again. When it wasn't working, he finally bite the others leg, not having no self control. ~ Paradise did a soft chuckle. Feeling relieved by it done. She couldn't help but pressed her lips against his, kissing him p*censored*ionately.
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7:17am Sep 2 2010
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The black wolf whimpered and growled but escaped his grasp running off into the snowy forest.Tamashi got of the ground yeah im fine she thoought to him and walked over to him licking his cheek. He kissed her back then his eyes flashed open smelling Tamashis blood.He got the strength to stop the kiss."Tamashi and Andrew are in trouble come on"He grabbed her oputting her onto his muscular back opening the window."Hang on" He looked back at her and saw noone was beneath himso he transformed into a wolf when he reached the ground.
5:36pm Sep 2 2010
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Paradise held on to him tight, as he ran. Hoping Tamashi and Andrew were alright. "Are they okay now?" She asked as she held him tighter. Hoping she wouldn't fall off of him. ~ Andrew nuzzled Tamashi. Anything hurt? He asked/thought, as he looked down at her wolf body.
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5:36pm Sep 2 2010
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Paradise held on to him tight, as he ran. Hoping Tamashi and Andrew were alright. "Are they okay now?" She asked as she held him tighter. Hoping she wouldn't fall off of him. ~ Andrew nuzzled Tamashi. Anything hurt? He asked/thought, as he looked down at her wolf body.
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6:12am Sep 3 2010
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He looked back at her and hesitantly nodded a yes not really sure if they were or not.He sure hoped so. She shook her head now and nuzzzled him back what about you? are you hurt? she scaned his body with her eyes.
5:45pm Sep 3 2010
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Before Andrew could respond, though he was hurting a little bit, saw movement from the corner of his eyes. He turned his head to see another wolf running towards them. With Paradise ontop. He looked back at Tamashi, and got up from laying down. Now realizing he doesn't know how to shift to normal.
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10:26am Sep 5 2010
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She giggled relax yourself Andrew and you will return to normal she said as she returned to human form and Saw senshi running towards her. Senshi stopped and went into a sprint infront of the two.
12:25pm Sep 5 2010
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Andrew stared back at Tamashi, not letting his gaze off as he listened to what she thought relaxed andhifted back to human form. He smiled at Tamashi, holding her close. "Are you sure your okay?" He asked, kissing her nose. Ignoring the fact that Senshi and Paradise were there for a moment. (( Hey... Can we do this RP through Rmail? I am asking everyone this, because I know I am going to loose threads while I am in school.))
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7:23am Sep 7 2010
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(yeah sure)
4:24pm Sep 9 2010
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i rmailed you