2:50pm Aug 6 2010
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(( HEHE I will be getting off in about 15 to 20 minutes though...:( )) Paradise looked up for a second, and tried to smile. But she knew her shyness, would make her frown.It was her shyness, or ANdrew rubbing off on her.Either way, It was a habit. "Hi.." Hoping they'd walk away sometime soon. Before anyone could say more, Andrew opened the door. "Alright I-" He looked up to see Senshi and Tamasai. Frowning, he ignored them. He always hated people. Other then Paradise of course.
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2:56pm Aug 6 2010
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(awww) Senshi saw both there looks"Better get going tamashi"He said firmly.She looked at him sadly"Aww well nice to meet you"She said as they walked further down the hallway.Senshis eyes turned silver a they did and Tamashi sighed"Youre no fun brother".He loked down at her and she saw his eyes and gasped"What did you see?"She asked he looked back forward and kept walking.
3:05pm Aug 6 2010
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Paradise smirked at Andrew. "Those people actually seemed nice, ya know..." He rolled his eyes, and said, "You wouldn't have talked to them anyways." She nodded her head, agreeing, and said, "So what do you wanna do?" He shrugged and said. "What is there to do here...?" Paradise thought for a moment, then said, "I saw a cafe, not far from here. Lets go eat lunch?" Andrew shrugged again and said, "Lets do it..." As they walked the opposite way, from Senshi, and Tamashi. (( GAH! COnfused. Why did Tamashi ask what he saw, because of his eye color? SOrry...I get confused easily...:( I gotta go BYE :( I'll be on later tonight!))
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3:08pm Aug 6 2010
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(ok bye) Senshi and his sister went into there rooms and rested a little while.Tamashi still wondered what he saw and sighed.Senshi layed on he bed his hads behind his head"Such fear and irritation"He said out loud.He felt like going into the forest again but didnt tell his sister.He walked out his room silently and at a nearby window made sure noone was looking or below and jumped down near the forest then walked into it.
9:43pm Aug 6 2010
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Andrew and Paradise stood in line, waiting for their turn to order. Andrew started realizing, that he was a little more patient then Paradise was. She kept balencing on what foot to another, and sighing every once in a while. While Andrew kept silent, and only moving when stepping forward when he was supposed to, as the line moved forward. Finally, after they ordered, Paradise and him found a place to sit in the back, next to the window. Then sat down and ate.
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9:45am Aug 7 2010
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Tamashi knocked on Senshi's door ,but there was no answer.She knocked again,still no reply.She kicked the door open not damaging it and saw he wasnt there"Damn that Senshi always leaving without me"She grumbled to herself.She took the elevator to go down to the first floor.
3:19pm Aug 7 2010
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3:29pm Aug 7 2010
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(( I didn't even see that you replyed today! I guess it mixed in with the other threads. :O Sorraayy)) Paradise ate slower then Andrew. He sat, quietly drumming his fingers, and keeping silent, as he waited for her to finish her bagel. As she ate she asked, "So...What to do next?" He sighed and said while staring at the woods behind the building, "Explore..." She looked at him confused. "Explore what?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Some where, where people aren't there..." He said, Still staring at the woods, She rolled her eyes, and said, " I should have expected that..."
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3:34pm Aug 7 2010
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(its cool lol) She got off the elevator running into the woods loking around then turning into her wolf form running to find senshi."When i see him im gonna kill him"She growled running and looking.The snow was deep and making her sink a little.
3:40pm Aug 7 2010
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Andrew saw someone/figure run into the woods. Then, instead of pointing, he nodded his head, toward the woods. "I think were aloud in there. I saw someone walk in." Paradise leaned across the table, to look. He sighed by no personal space he got with poeple. She did a ignorant smile, and said, "Sorry" THen sat back down in her seat. OUt of all the people, she's the most comfortable being her peppy self to me? He sighed, as Paradise said, "Let go then." As she got up, and threw their things away, and then they walked outside.
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3:45pm Aug 7 2010
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Senhi was sitting down then his sister tackled him growling.He looked up at her in shock"Tamashi what the hell?"He asked in thought (since they could use telepathy to talk or hear each others thoughts pushing) her off.She growled at him "I could ask you the same thing".He sighed"Im sorry i just went out for a little walk is all".She huffed"A little walk thats it uggh your unbelievable".Senshi smirked.
4:05pm Aug 7 2010
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Andrew and Paradise walked to the woods, and right when they were about to walk inside it, Paradise stopped. Andrew kept walking a couple feet, until he realized she wasn't there. He turned around, and gave her a confused look. "Whats wrong?" She frowned, which was different for her. "You think its dangerous?" Andrew smirked and walked over to her, "I saw someone walk in here. Maybe..Hiking is part of the resort? I dunno.." He shrugged, and layed his hand on her back, to push her gently. SHe walked slowly at first, but then went normal paced.
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4:09pm Aug 7 2010
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Senshi and Tamashi were heading back to where they first walked in not noticing anyone until they stopped a few feet away from Andrew and Paradise shocked faces.They werent regular sized wolves they were as tall as them if not an inch taller or shorter.Senshi gulped taking a tep back with wide eyes.Tamashi followed the gesture and put a paw up ears back and head lowered.Tamashi whimpered and took another step back"Senshi!"She thought to him.He didnt look at her"Stay calm dont run just move back slowly even though we met them earlier we have no idea what they are capable of".She whimpered again.
4:21pm Aug 7 2010
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Paradise almost fell, head first by how scared she was. Andrew was looking down, but when he felt Paradise grab his forearm tight, he looked up, and didn't bother asking what was wrong. That question was answered, before it was asked. Paradise was about to run, when Andrew grabbed her arm. "DOn't run. Stay still." Paradise didn't ask why, and just did as she was told. Andrew's heart skipped a beat, as he saw the wolves take a step back. He watched and smirked. Then took a step back himself. Maybe this was some type of compromise. Andrew and Paradise can go one way, and these abnormally big dogs could go the other. And noone would say a thing.
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4:24pm Aug 7 2010
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All of a sudden she couldnt take it anymore then she changed back into a human running off.She was so scared she couldnt control her power she ran so fast you could barely see her.Senshi was in shock seeing her turn into human form.He backed away from the 2 hoping they didnt realize he was a human too well not fully.
4:46pm Aug 7 2010
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Paradise kept tapping on Andrews shoulder. "Did you see that? did you see it?!" She kept repeating. Andrew didn't respond. He was staring at her, running away. "She look familiar to you?" He finally broke the silence. He looked at Senshi. And frowned. Knowing who he was, just by seeing Temashi. "No..She didn't look familiar to me..." Paradise said. Andrew ignored her. There was another silence, and Paradise finally asked to Senshi. "Do you...Do you do that to?" Paradise asked Senshi. Seeing what would happen next.
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9:45pm Aug 8 2010
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(( BUMP ))
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7:34am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 7:49am Aug 9 2010)
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He took another step back not answring her question he saw Temashi stopped running and took a breathe.He looked back at the two head lowered and ears lowered as he took another step back.He didnt know what to expect from them.His tail swished a bit as he was trying to avoid any conflict and prevent them from asking anymore questions.He had a pretty good thought that they knew who he was anyway.He sighed and turned into a human with wolf ears stivking out his head.
2:13pm Aug 9 2010
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2:19pm Aug 9 2010
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this be gettin spicy