7:14am Aug 12 2010 (last edited on 8:46am Aug 12 2010)
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Senshi narrowed his eyes as Tamashi went to get something.She came back with a bottle"Now Senshi this is gonna hurt..alot".Senshi looked at her and nodded slowly.Sweat was dripping from his face and down hs neck.She closed her eyes with tears as she poured the liquid on the slash marks on the right side of his chest across his abbs and to his waist.His eyes flashed open he screamed again arching his back in pain.Tamashi tried to hold him dow.His eyes turned a foggy grey color as he continued to scream getting louder than lower again.Tamashi tried desperately to cover his mouth tears streamed down her face.Senshi was panting in pain he finnaly stopped screaming.
9:17am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise jumped from the scream again, and she quickly got up from her bed. She opened the door, and followed the noise, walking towards Tamashi and Senshi's room.Frowning by knowing where the scream came from. She hesitated, but then knocked on the door, "Senshi...? Tamashi?" She knocked on the door again.
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9:19am Aug 12 2010
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Tamshi gasped and then opened the door"Oh its you hi"She said wiping her tears.She was blocking the view of senshi whos eyes were closed and face scrunched up.
9:22am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise frowned at Tamashi, hearing the screams, and now seeing the tears and having no idea where Senshi was. This wasn't a good sign. "What's going on, Tamashi?" Biting her lip, hoping she didn't get a answer she didn't want to hear.
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9:24am Aug 12 2010
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Tamashi turned her head"Its nothing"She started to tear up again.She fell to the floor crying her eyes out.Her hands on her face and senshi was now in view.
9:27am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise was about to lean down, to somehow comfort Tamashi, but when she saw Senshi, she forgot what she was about to do. She patted Tamashi's back, and walked p*censored*ed her, and too Senshi. "Senshi...? What happened to you?" She looked at him, with worry in her eyes. Wanting to somehow comfort him as well. She lightly put her hand, on his fore arm, and sat down on the bed next to him.
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9:30am Aug 12 2010
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He opened his eyes they were a silvery grey.The bandages were all around his torso.Tamashi went over to them still cring.Senshi grunted a little before speaking"A black werewolf...came here"He said simply.
9:34am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise frowned, not taking her eyes off of him. "What's so bad about a black werewolf?" She asked, hoping they wouldn't think that she was some idiot, who should've already known what's so bad about it.
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9:38am Aug 12 2010
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He sighed"Its not the color thats so bad its the actual guy.His name herox we use to be childhood friends until his parents died.they wee also werewolves and turned him into one.humans killed his parents and so he began killing them....he wanted me to join him...but i refused..hes been on a rampage ever since hes turned on everyone thinking everyone turned on him."
9:40am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise bit her lip, "Are you going to be okay, though?" She looked over at Tamashi, then back at Senshi. Surprised that she hasn't gotten Andrew yet.
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9:43am Aug 12 2010
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Tamashi was too focused on her brother to think of anything.She thought about andrew but he was too stubborn to come anyway.She tightened her fists and the thought.Senshi smirked"Ill be fine"
9:47am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise smiled at him, and said, "Good." She took her hand off his muscular arm, but she wished she hadn't. Then she got up, and said, "Well if you 2 need anything, me and Andrew are here." She thought for a moment about that statement, then added, "Andrew is kind of stubborn, but he really will want to help, if he knew what was going on." She shrugged, and smiled at Senshi again, before walking out, after she did a small wave at them. Hoping that Senshi would want her back.
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9:51am Aug 12 2010
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Senshi smiled then sighed sasly as she left his eyes went violet.Tamashi gasped looking at him and frowned.Senshi looked back at her blushing a little.Tamashi slapped him across the face.Senshi growled"Oww what the he-"Tamashi cut him off"You like her dont try to hide it you like that girl senshi!"She yelled at himSenshi blushed and moved his eyes from her pouting"I dont see what the big deal is".She smacked him again.He growled"If you hit me one more t-"She cut him off"You know exactly what the big deal is Senshi"
9:59am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise smiled, as she walked to Andrew's room. "Andrew..? Can I come in? I really need to talk to you." Now Andrew didn't seem like the type of guy to comfort, or be trusted with things. But Paradise knew him so well, and she knew he really did care about people, deep WAY deep down. It was just his stubborn attitude and denial, getting in the way. Andrew could tell in Paradise's voice, that she was serious about this talk. He shook his head, wondering why she ever liked talking to him in the first place, then opened the door. "What about?" Paradise smiled at him, and walked in. "Alot of things."
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10:05am Aug 12 2010
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Senshi sighed.Tamashi looked at him then growled"If you fall for her you have to turn her Senshi theres no other option".Seshi frowned"I will not change her ill die first".Tamashi started crying and yelled at him"Dont say that senshi you almost died today".He huffed"Look Senshi you and i both know you have feelings for this girl but look at the brightside-"He cut her off"There is no bright side being like this Tamashi there isnt"He tried sitting up but was still in pain.Tamashi went over to him"Dont sit up you idiot your not fully healed".He sighed"I dont care"
10:22am Aug 12 2010
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"So...Now he's hurt...? And..?" Paradise rolled her eyes, at Andrews 'not caring attitude'. He did care, she knew it. But she also knew that he just didn't want to get into more drama just as much. "And!? I like him Andrew! I don't know what to do! He probably doesn't even look at me like-" Andrew rolled his eyes, back at her. "Don't say that." He hated talking about stuff like this, but knowing that his best friend is a girl, he had to deal with it. "So why are you telling me all of this?" Andrew asked. "Because, I want your help. If me and Senshi talk I embarress myself, which was why I offered for you to help to." Andrew sighed. "Cmon Andrew...I just need you there, when I'm talking to Senshi. Just in case I..." She shrugged. "Incase I do whatever. Ya know?" Andrew sighed again, wishing his life would just end. Especially with all this drama involved. "Why don't you just tell him? I know that if a girl liked me, I would want her to tell me straight up. Not have this big secret that everyone knows, but me." Paradise frowned at him. "I can't do that..."
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10:33am Aug 12 2010
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Tamashi gasped at his words"You like her that much that you refuse to turn her into our kind".Senshis eyes turned a darker purple and his cheeks were now crmson.Tamashi giggled"I take that as a yes".Senshi smirked"She makes me feel human again..".Tamashi looked at him sadly"Oh senshi".Senshi close his eyes"Even though she was scared at first it turned into curiosity but i could see that..she was happy thats all i want for her..is to be happy"He opened his eyes and looked at tamashi who sighed and folded her arms"so you dont think she will be happy this way"
10:46am Aug 12 2010
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Andrew sighed. Paradise talked him into going over with her again, to see if they needed anything. And Paradise was right behind him. He knocked on their door, and said "Hey, Senshi? Tamashi? Its Andrew." He crossed his arms over his chest, and glared at Paradise. Sure, he loved her like a brother, but sometimes she made him do the craziest things.
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10:50am Aug 12 2010
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Senshi raised an eyebrow"Is this a joke"He said lowly.Tamashi opened the door to see if it was.Suprisingly no it was the real deal it was ,Andrew.Tamashis eyes bucked a little she looked at paradise then back at him"What are you doing here"She asked him.Senshi looked at him eyes turning back to regular blue until he saw paradise then they were back to violet.
11:06am Aug 12 2010
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Andrew shrugged, "What else are people supposed to do, when they hear loud screams? Either run away, or see whats wrong." He smirked at Tamashi's eyes, and said, "May I come in?" Paradise smiled. He was always so good at talking, when he did so.
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