11:08am Aug 12 2010
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He had a low blush and stepped aside"Yes"she said softly.Senshi made a low chuckle.
11:14am Aug 12 2010
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Andrew walked in, and 'observed' Senshi. "What happened to you?" Paradise stayed silent, letting Andrew do his magic of talking without getting nervous.
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11:17am Aug 12 2010
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Senshi looked at him his eyes back blue"Just a little fight no big deal"Tamashi frowned at him"You big liar you were almost killed!".Senshi rolled his eyes"Dont over exaggerate Tamashi".Tamashi growled at him.
11:28am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise smiled, and Andrew smirked. "Don't worry. Paradise has told me what happened." (( Sorry for the one liner. For some reason, I haven't really been doing as well today, with any of my RP's...:( ))
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11:30am Aug 12 2010
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((lol its okay)) Senshi looked at paradise then back at andrew"Oh did she"He smirked.Tamashi looked at him as if to say'dont fall in love or you have to change her'.He made a small frown ignoring her.
11:38am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise had a slight worry, that they would be mad at her for telling him. But smiled again at Senshi, when they were fine. Andrew nodded slightly, "Yes. So I would like to say, that if you needed anything i'm free. And so Is Paradise." He shrugged. Knowing that they already know.
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11:45am Aug 12 2010
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Tamashi raised an eyebrow.did he really just say that? before she could speak Senshi did"Glad to hear it thanks"His eyes turned violet when he saw Paradise smile at him.
11:49am Aug 12 2010
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Paradise could've sworn her heart skipped a beat when she saw Senshi looking back at her. She smiled and looked away, biting her lip. She didn't realize she was staring at him before, she had to keep control of that. "No problem." She heard Andrew say. She looked back at Senshi and just got lost in his gorgeous eyes, when she finally blinked a couple of times, she realized Andrew had already said, bye, and left. She shrugged, and said, "I'll see you later then?" Looking away from Senshi again, trying not to blush. (( I gotta go :( Bai's ))
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11:51am Aug 12 2010
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(bye) Senshi saw her staring at him and his eyes went a darker purple"Of course"he said softly"cant wait"he smiled.He saw tamashi giggling hes gonna have to do it,She thought to herself.
5:00pm Aug 12 2010
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Paradise blushed, as she started walking out of the room. She actually felt like she was walking on air. Looking down to make sure she was on the ground, she laughed slightly to herself. Doing a small wave to them, before leaving.
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9:25am Aug 13 2010
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Tamashi saw her blush and giggled then looked at Senshi his hormones were racing."Senshi"She said watching him stare at Paradise.He turned to her quickly blushing.Tamashi giggled"I dont care what you say your faling in love with her"
9:36am Aug 13 2010
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Paradise walked back to her room, smiling the whole way. She didn't want to bother Andrew again, since he did what she asked. She'll bother him tomarrow, and force him to do something with her. She sat back in her bed, and waited for any news/needs for Senshi. Because that's all she could think about at the moment.
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9:38am Aug 13 2010
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Tamashi had an idea she knew he was almost healed but she needed to change his bandages.She knew paradise would flip if she saw his chest.She giggled walking to her room and knocking on the door"Umm..paradise could you help me for a sec"She tried holding back her giggle.
9:46am Aug 13 2010
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Paradise smiled when she finally heard Tamashi's voice. "Sure!" She said, hopping off her bed, and going to the door. "Watcha need?" She asked, as she closed the door behind her, hearing the automatic lock.
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9:48am Aug 13 2010
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Tamashi smiled"Its about time to change senshi bandages on his chest will you help me"She smiled and said sweetly.
9:53am Aug 13 2010
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Paradise smirked, and said, "Sure, I'd love to help." Knowing she was just going to see Senshi again, got her excited. But she tried to hide it.
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9:56am Aug 13 2010
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Tamashi smiled"Great cmon"Shje walked back to the room where senshi had fallen asleep but his head was still up but leaning to the side.He looked cute sleeping.Tamashi went to get the bandages out of the bathroom.
9:58am Aug 13 2010
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O gosh... She said, her heart skipping beats again. He was probably the most beautiful person, even when he slept.She bit her lip, already blushing, and trying to hide her smile. Trying to not stare at him, she followed her.
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10:03am Aug 13 2010
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Tamshi turned to her and handed her the bandages and some cream"Here ill be back im going to go get him his favorite food"She smiled.
10:09am Aug 13 2010
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Paradise smiled at Senshi as Tamashi left. "Okay." She said quiet. When she left, she found herself staring. Not even puting the bandage on. She smiled, and started putting cream on him, very lightly. Not wanting to hurt him.
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