10:16am Aug 13 2010
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His chest rose and fell gracefully as he slept.His heart beat steady and his mucles relaxed but tight.His breathe steady and smelled like flowers his eyes closed with his mouth open slightly.he was gorgeous.
10:19am Aug 13 2010
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A cold shiver went down Paradise's spine. She was so lucky, to be even touching something so beautiful. She swallowed hard, as she put the bandages around him. When she was done, she couldn't help it. She pressed her lips, gently against his forehead. Blushing, she quickly let go, and walked out. Just in case he awoke.
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10:21am Aug 13 2010
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His eyes opened slightly.He looked up seeng paradise go.He smiled and closed his eyes again. Tamashi came back seeing the new bandages and he was back to sleep and paradise gone.She sighed happily andf loked at senshi who seemed to be smiling in his slepp"What happened here"she asked with a grin
10:21am Aug 13 2010
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(( I gotta go!! :(( And it was just starting to get good...!! ))
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10:24am Aug 13 2010
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(grrrrrrr XC ok bye)
5:25pm Aug 13 2010
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((I AM BACK!)) Paradise walked back into her room, wondering if Senshi was awake. Her life would really be over, if ANYONE new what she did. It was such a childish move. Kissing his forehead. But she just couldn't help herself.
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2:39pm Aug 15 2010
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4:16pm Aug 17 2010
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Senshi woke up to see his sister glaring at hi9m.He blushed a little from what he was dreaming"Umm...why are you staring?"He asked.She simply tapped her foot.
4:18pm Aug 17 2010
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(( Hrm..I kinda have brain deadness, and have no idea what to put..Any ideas? I can't think of another reason for her, or Andrew to come in.))
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4:20pm Aug 17 2010
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((i could think of one...maybe they could hear the screams of her beating senshi XD)
4:22pm Aug 17 2010
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(( Bahahahaha! Okay! Or maybe for some reason, Andrew and Tamashi go for a walk or something? ANd Tamashi doesn't want to leave Senshi alone, so Paradise stays with him? NOt much romance has happened with Andrew and Tamashi yet. So this is just a suggestion XD ))
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4:28pm Aug 17 2010 (last edited on 4:43pm Aug 17 2010)
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(9cool better) Tamashi skipped to paradises room.She rubbed her head hesitating.She didnt really want to bother her again but she needed to do something"Uhh"she began.Senshi put his hand on is head as his eyes went a darker purple.
4:44pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise heard Tamashi outside her door, and opened it. "Hey Tamashi. Does Senshi need something?" She asked, hoping she'd say he needs her help with something.
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4:49pm Aug 17 2010
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"I..um..yes ..i nedd to go out for a few hours and was hoping you could watch him for me?"She said sweetly.
4:54pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise smiled. A few hours...With Senshi.. "OF course. I'd love to." SHe nodded, and said as she closed the door behind her. "What are you doing for a few hours?"
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5:01pm Aug 17 2010
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She sighed"Well i have to take care of something"
5:10pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise smiled, and nodded her head. "Maybe you should talk to Andrew sometime." She shrugged, and added, "Just saying... He doesn't act like it, but he DOES get lonely...Very lonely.." SHe smirked, and did a small wave to her as she walked into Senshi's room.
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5:13pm Aug 17 2010
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Tmashi blushed hard as her eyes turned a dark violet"I..i..uhh..ok"She looked away.
5:23pm Aug 17 2010
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Paradise walked inside Senshi's room, and knocked on the door, as she closed it. "Senshi...? It's Paradise..Again." SHe said, again with a smile on her face. ~ Andrew walked out of his room, and saw Tamashi. "Paradise with Senshi again?" He asked, not that excited. Andrew felt like he was always by himself now. And he usually liked it.
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5:26pm Aug 17 2010
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She blushed"Aww umm yeah"Shje sighed looking at him Senshi looked at her"Hey paradise"