8:58pm Nov 15 2011
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Paige heard a growl from the other side of the door and froze. All she could hear was he heart beat as she waited for the sound to come again but it didn't and after a few moments the door opened up to a guy waring a ski mask. He was tall all thought that could have been because she was sitting down on the ground. Paige thought about running but the guys was in the way and there was no way someone her size could knock over him, "Hello? Your saying Hello now? Well it's a bit late for that." Paige said coldly.
Her voice was suprisingly stable as she glared up at her kidnapper. She stood up straightening herself out keeping her eye locked on the guy in the doorway, "So what happens now? I'm kind of new to this whole kidnapping thing so you have to explain this to me." she said obviously sarcastic.
8:21pm Nov 16 2011 (last edited on 8:21pm Nov 16 2011)
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Posts: 741
Behind his ski mask, Connor smirked. "Y'know," he said slowly, meeting the girl's glare with amusement in his eyes, "for someone who was just kidnapped, you're awfully smart-mouthed. I don't think you're in any position to be using sarcasm." As he said the last word, he shot forward, making the girl back up into the wall. Putting his hands on the wall on either side of her, he bent his head slightly so that his lips were nearly touching the girl's ear through her hair.
"What happens next," he said softly, "depends entirely on you, I suppose. You could try to run, and I could chase you. That's not a very good option, I'm afraid, because I'd catch you before you got very far --and that's a not a promise, its a fact-- and then I'd be upset and I'd have to keep you locked in this room, here, and the door wouldn't open again until I decide to feed you. You could try to overpower me," he said, then snorted because the image of the girl trying to hit him was ridiculous beyond belief, "in which case I would probably end up hitting you back --which is also not a very promising option for you. Or --and this is my personal favorite, really-- you could just accept the fact that you're never going home and try to make the most of what you've got."
8:44pm Nov 16 2011
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Paige held back a scream as the guy pinned her against the wall and spoke into her ear. She turned her face away from him her cheeck against the wall concidering the options she gave him which sadly were the only opsions she had. Paige decided that she would go for the last option figuring if she ran or tryed to over power him that it would just make her stay less pleasurable than it already would be. She took in a deep breath to steady her voice and becaouse he was so close she could smell the guy, "Fine." she said.
Despite the situation she was in all Paige could think about was that her kidnapper smelled like a wet dog. She didn't think there was a dog in the house though. There hadn't been a bark, a whine, or scraching durring this whole 'conversation' though then again she could have just been to overwhelmed to notice. She took in another deep breath and before she think about it she asked, "Do you have a dog?" Afterwards she wished she hadn't asked. She was kidnapped and the thing she decided to ask the person who kidnapped her was if he had a dog.
8:52pm Nov 16 2011 (last edited on 8:52pm Nov 16 2011)
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Connor grinned as she agreed to cooperate --he really didn't want to have to hurt her-- but stepped back at her question, brow furrowed. The ski mask drooped down over his eyes and he let out an irritated noise, snatching it off of his head. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking it out of his eyes before he responded, "Sorry, what? A dog?" He frowned, cocking his head to the side and staring at her for a moment. He considered the question, and when he answered, it was with a sort of bitter amusement. "I --well, sort of. In a way, sure. He's a bit of a stray, though. Only comes around every few days. Usually." He smirked at her, and added, "He helped me catch you."
9:01pm Nov 16 2011
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Paige slid down the wall when the guy stepped away and held her knees to her chest again. She looked up at him waiting for his answer and was a bit shocked when he took off his mask. He didn't seem like the kind of perverts you see on the news who get sent to jail for kidnapping a teenaged girl and it certainly wasn't one of those times when a kid gets taken by one of their relatives. He seemed only a couple years older than her and she couldn't see why he would kidnap her.
Paige stopped think when he answered her question. Since she had got knocked out her memory of last night was a bit fuzzy. She remembered a wolf, no it had to have been his dog. He said he had one and that it helped him take her so it must have been just a big dog. It tackled her when she tryed to back away and then she was knocked out. This guy must have been in the bushes and picked her up once she was out cold she figured, "Why me?" she asked, "I wasn't the only person in the park so why me?"
9:23pm Nov 16 2011
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Connor raised an eyebrow at her, and he was smirking slightly when he said, "What, you'd prefer it if I'd taken some little kid?" It wasn't an answer, he knew, and he didn't intend to give her one --he wasn't sure he could even if he wanted to. He sat down cross-legged on the floor, away from the door, staring at her intently and muscles tensed to jump up if she tried to move towards the open door.
9:36pm Nov 16 2011
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"Well no but..." Paige trailed off not knowing what to say. She watched as he sat down across from her and away from the door but she figured he wouldn't just let her run out. Paige looked down at her shoes and rubbed her shins a bit. She felt hopeless and she hated the feeling. She wanted to do something about it but couldn't think of a way. She looked back up at her kidnapper gripping her jeans tightly. She looked him in the eyes for a moment before she looked around the room. Her eyes reached the boared up window and she let out a quiet sigh before looking up at the cieling.
9:50pm Nov 16 2011
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Connor watched the girl's eyes dart around the room. "What's your name?" he asked, picking at a crack in the floorboard next to him. "Are you hungry? Do you want some Tylenol? I'd imagine your head hurts pretty bad."
10:00pm Nov 16 2011
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"Um..." Paige wasn't sure she realy wanted to tell her kidnapper her name but what would it matter it's not like him knowing her name would make this any less of a kidnapping, "Paige. Me name is Paige." She found it strange how he seemed to be concerned about how she felt but she wasn't going to point that out, "Yeah I'm kind of hungry and my head does hurt." she said. she kept a tight grip on her knees as she looked back at him.
8:56pm Nov 17 2011
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10:43pm Nov 17 2011
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((I'm still here, lol. Just had a lot of homework, is all.))
Connor rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on," he said, standing up. He grabbed the girl's --Paige's-- arm, pulling her up with him. "Don't look at me like that. Why would I go to the trouble of kidnapping you just so I could let you die? Beleive me, Paige," he added, "if I was gonna kill you, your corpse would be a mangled wreck in the middle of the park. You wouldn't be here. Now, come on. I've got some painkillers in the kitchen."
12:01am Nov 18 2011
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"Well that's real reasuring." Paige commented quietly as she let him take her by the arm and take her to the kitchen. His grip on her arm wasn't as rough as she expected it to be coming from the person who kidnapped her. Thats not to say it was quite gentle though but Paige didn't think he would be gentle,"I've told you my name, so what's yours?" Paige asked as she looked up at her kidnapper. He didn't seem as frightening as he did when he had the ski mask on for some reason. Maybe he was just pretending before, or maybe he's pretending now. Paige wasn't sure what to believe at the moment so she just followed him.
1:24am Nov 18 2011
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Posts: 741
"And what makes you think you have the right to know my name?" Connor replied, flashing Paige a toothy grin. He was quiet as he rummaged through one of his kitchen cabinets, frowning when he couldn't find the bottle of Tylenol. "I know its here somewhere," he muttered. He made a small noise of triumph as his hand closed around a small bottle, and he pulled it out, checking the label. He placed the bottle of Tylenol on the counter, guesturing at the girl to take a few as he turned and grabbed a glass, which he filled with tap water. "My name is Connor," he said finally, holding the glass of water out to her.
6:11pm Nov 18 2011
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"Well what difference would it make. You said yourself that I wouldn't have a chance of getting away so why not?" she said. She opened the bottle of Tylenol and took out two of the pills before closing the cap onto the bottle again. She took the glass and took a big sip of the water tilting her head back as she put the pils in her mouth and swallowed, "Connor." she repaeted after she swallowed the pills then noded.
7:39pm Nov 18 2011
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Posts: 741
"The difference is in the power of me knowing your name and you not knowing mine," Connor murmured, picking at the counter top with his nail. They were getting to long, he noticed. They needed a trim. "But there goes that, now that you know it. Not that I really need the extra power over you. I doubt you could take me out even if you were a 7 foot tall, 350 pound heavyweight champion." He stretched his arms above his head as he spoke, yawning. He shook himself as he put his arms down, then looked inquisitively at Paige. "So, uh," he started, "d'you like TV?"
7:52pm Nov 18 2011
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"Uh yeah I like T.V." Paige said. She finished off the glass of water knowing that would help with her head. Paige didn't know why he was acting so...she wasn't sure the word nice fit quite right but he was acting as if this wasn't a kidnapping. He hadn't been all that abrasive except for the begining. She didn't mention it though because she was pretty sure he would ask her if she wanted him to make this less comfortable and then everything would just be awkward silent from then on she guessed. Paige moved her bangs out of her eyes as they drifted into her face.
8:11pm Nov 18 2011
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Connor's eyes followed Paige's hand as it swept her hair out of her face. "Good," he said, looking away from the hand and into Paige's eyes. He flashed her a grin, leaning forward as though he were about to tell her a secret. "I'm really glad you do, because that's about the only thing I've got that's likely to entertain you. No internet, no video games. I've got a cell phone, but I don't think I can trust you enough to let you use it. Oh! Right!" he said suddenly, whirling around to open the fridge. "You said you were hungry, right? Do you like steak? Burgers? Lamb chops, maybe?"
8:17pm Nov 18 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((I'm going to this curch thankgiving feast thing soon so this will be my last post for now sorry. I might be back on after but I'm not sure.))
"I wouldn't trust me with a cel phone either. I'd probably break it." she knew he ment that she would call someone to come get her from wherever she was but she'd probably accidently or on purpose break it in the process. Paige looked into the fridge, "I'll eat anything." Paige said. She wasn't a picky eater at all and litterally ate anything when she's hungry.
4:32pm Nov 19 2011
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Posts: 741
"Huh. Well, it'll be easy to keep you happy," Connor said, grabbing some hamburger meat out of the fridge. He cut open the package and began making the burger patty. "Hey, look how lucky you are!" he grinned, placing the patty in a pan and turning up the heat. "Imagine how many girls your age get kidnappers and live off of oatmeal and bugs, and here you are with your own personal chef!"
4:58pm Nov 19 2011
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"Having a personal chef isn't so bad." Paige said with a small smile of her own.. She could smell the burger as it cooked on the stove and concidering how hungry she was, it smelled even better than burger usually did and it made her mouth water. She concidered what Conner said about how other kidnapped girls wouldn't be eating as well as she would be and she started to wonder her again why he was being so nice. Another wave of the delicious smell of the cooking burger came to her and she didn't care why he was being nice she just couldn't wait for the burger.