5:18pm Nov 19 2011
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Posts: 741
As the patty cooked, Connor pulled a bag of buns out of the fridge. "Er --I don't have cheese or anything like that. Only the bun and the patty," he said, placing the buns on the counter. "You aren't really reacting to this the way I would expect. You aren't screaming, or crying, or trying to run or to hit me. You aren't hysterical. What's up with that?" he asked, leaning against the counter.
5:30pm Nov 19 2011
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"Eh it's fine." Paige said as she looked from the patty to Conner as he pulled the buns from the fridge, "Well..." Paige shrugged. she wasn't quite sure why she wasn't doing those things either. Shock maybe? No wouldn't that cause her to scream and cry? "Maybe it's because your not acting too scary." Paige said shrugging again, "Not that I want you act all threatenting, well I mean you can if you want me to start screaming and crying and kicking but I don't think you want that." Paige added.
6:03pm Nov 19 2011
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Posts: 741
"Not acting to scary?" Connor repeated, furrowing his brow. "Hmm. You may be right about that. I'll try to work on it." He flipped the burger patty out of the pan and onto one of the buns, handing it to Paige. "TV's in the living room, right through there. The couch has some broken springs in it, so if you sit on it, it might be uncomfortable. So, uh. You have to sit on it. Because I don't want you to be comfortable. There, I'm mean, see?"
6:08pm Nov 19 2011
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Posts: 5,578
"Thats better." Paige said with a slight smile as she took a bite of the burger and headed into the living room. She sat down on the couch and decided it wasn't to bad. She found the remot to the T.V. on the arm of the couch and turned it on keeping it on the first chanel figuring that's what Conner watched. Paige continued eating the burger happy to have something in her stomach finally.
10:49pm Nov 20 2011
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6:50pm Nov 22 2011 (last edited on 9:42pm Nov 26 2011)
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Posts: 741
((Sorry 'bout that. I got swamped with homework and couldn't find time to respond. Four day weekend, though, so hopefully I can make up for lost time.))
"Uhh..so," Connor said somewhat awkwardly, eying the open space on the couch next to Paige. He wasn't entirely sure he should sit down so close to her. Instead, he opted for sitting on the floor, his back against the couch. "Are you, uh. You in school? High school? College? I probably should've done some research on you, I guess --that's what they do in movies, at least, usually-- but I wasn't really--" he cut off, not wanting to say he hadn't been planning on kidnapping her. She wouldn't take him seriously and she'd try to run, and then he'd get angry and she'd have a real reason to be afraid.
7:11pm Nov 26 2011
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Paige looked over at Conner who had sat down on the ground in front of the couch, "High school." She answered shortly after she had swallowed a bit of her hamburger. Paige found it some what amusing that he seemed kind of awakward talking to her. She could see why it would be awakward but that didn't make it any less amusing, "You weren't really what?" she asked taking another small bite of her food after she asked.
1:01pm Dec 1 2011
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9:31pm Dec 2 2011
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8:16pm Dec 6 2011
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6:52pm Dec 9 2011
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10:13pm Dec 10 2011
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((sorry for the excessive spamming I just am trying to make this easy for you to find))
8:41pm Dec 13 2011
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((I hope you can get on soon 'cuz I'm leaving this weekend for my cousins graduation and then I think I'm going to my grandma's house for christmas again this year.))
6:31pm Dec 21 2011
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2:54pm Dec 22 2011
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"Wasn't really --uh," Connor mentally kicked himself. He was definitely not being very intimidating. If he kept on the way he was, Paige wouldn't be taking him seriously at all. He took a deep breath before continuing to speak. "I wasn't interested enough in you to actually want to know anything about you. You seemed like you'd make a nice...plaything, and that's the only reason you were worth the trouble. I hope you won't disappoint me like you no doubt disappoint your family. I mean, really. I wonder if they've even noticed that you're gone." He winced inwardly at his harsh words but he was also proud of himself for his cold tone of voice. That was more kidnapper-ish, he was sure.
5:35pm Dec 22 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Yay! <3))
Paige's knuckled whited around the edges of the plate as she looked down at the crumbs she had left on it. She hadn't really thought about how her parents were reacting about this at that moment. She hadn't been to nice to them before she left so she wondered why they would care that she was gone. At a time like this most people would start to cry or at least feel sad and Paige was in truth sad but mostly she was furious. With herself yes and a bit at her parents but mostly at Conner. Sure he was her kidnapper but he hadn't seemed this heartless before aside from stealing from the part the night before. "Oh so I'm just a plaything?" She asked as she got up from the couch and looking down at Conner, "So what if I am at least someone finds something interesting about me. What about you though? You live out her all alone and how old are you? You look to be about 19 so where are your parents huh? You live in a shabby old place like this well it sure looks like your paprents don't miss you now does it." Paige dropped the plate carelessly on the ground before storming off back to the room she had woken up in. Her head was pounding again and she was slightly afraid of what Conner might do to her now but she slammed the door shut and sat with her back against it as if her small frame could secure someone like Conner from opening the door. Paige grabbed hold of her knees again as she stared at the wall on the other side of the bare room.
7:59pm Dec 22 2011
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Posts: 741
Connor stared after Paige for a moment, feeling dumbstruck. He hadn't really expected her to react like that, but then he wasn't very good at anticipating people's actions, anyway. As her words sunk in a scowl took over his face. A low rumbled rose up out of his chest, a sound that wasn't very human, and he stalked angrily down the hall towards Paige's room. He could feel his fingernails lengthening, growing sharper, and he tried to calm himself down at least a little before he reached her door. He was never very good with keeping himself from changing forms when he was angry, and he didn't think turning into a monster mid-sentence would go over very well. All the same, he nearly punched a hole in the door when he tried to push it open. It cracked open slightly but wouldn't open. "Get away from the door," he snarled, "or I'm going to break it down on top of you."
9:13pm Dec 22 2011
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"Well then why don't you?" Paige said over her shoulder, "You don't care about how I feel anyway." she added gripping her knees tighter and ducking her head in a bit incase he actually decided to break down the door. I'm sure he would. She thought to herself, What the hell do you think your doing anyway? Now because of this he's angery and who knows what he's going to do now because of it. The scared side of Paige was starting to get the best of her as the wood of the door started to splinter more and more and the preasure Conner was putting on the flimmsy door was now pressing onto her. In a last ditch effort before the door and Conner collapsed onto Paige she quickly crawled out from under the breaking door and stood up waiting for Conner to come bursting in.
9:50pm Dec 22 2011
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Posts: 741
The sudden lack of anything blocking the door made it slam open, Connor stumbling through and nearly falling onto the floor. Only his wolf-enhanced reflexes kept him from falling on his face. His straightened quickly, chest heaving in anger. "What the hell is your problem?" he barked, eyes flashing. He wasn't sure why he was so angry; he didn't particularly care about anything she'd said --he knew he was alone, and that his home was crappy, and that his parents weren't around-- but he was furious. He was struggling to keep himself from shifting and mauling the girl in front of him. "What, did you expect me to be nice to you? Hello, kid, I just kidnapped you, in case you didn't notice. How stupid can you be? Who do you think you are, anyway? You ought to keep your mouth shut unless you want to end up dead."
10:03pm Dec 22 2011
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"Well then kill me why don't ya? Or are you just a big softy?" Paige took a step closer her hands slightly trembling but she balled them into fists so that it wasn't noticable. It would have been easyer to just back off and let Conner do whatever he was goign to do to her but Paige found herself still standing her voice harsh and her hands turned into fists as she glared at the heaving obviously quite angry Conner infront of her.
"You said you could easily over power and I don't doubt you about that a bit but thats only if you have the guts to hurt me firts." Paige yelled taking another step closer. You idiot back off or do you actually want to be killed? She asked herself.