7:25am Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 5,406
Alex jumped up. "Don't slap her. She is not yours" He said to him walking over to him and pushing him out of the door. "Autumn go work in the kitchen until i say otherwise" He said pushing him down the stairs. "Now what do you need me to do?" He asked him.
10:26am Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
"I will slap her as many times as I please. She was rude, and you need to correct her. If you do not, I will. Now I need both of you... My servant was cleaning out the stables, and I guess that mean horse was in there... I thought we got rid of him.... But I think it kicked her... Now she is knocked out...."
Autumn put her hand on her cheek, while kinda rubbing it... She followed out of the room, but turned the other way and headed towards the kitchen....
12:22pm Feb 17 2012
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Alex looked at him "Why do you need her? and i will correct her just let me do it." He said to her before walking towards the stables before he stopped. "And the horse is a mare she gave birth we are waiting for a buyer." He said to him walking towards the stables again.
12:35pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
"We will probably need her help. Duh.."
Autumn walked into the kitchen, and started helping with what needed to be done... She could see there were dishes to be washed, so she started on those..
1:18pm Feb 17 2012
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Alex rolled her eyes before he sent a different servent to tell Autumn to go to the stables to help. "Well lets go and see what the problem is" He said as he walked into the stables. He walked over to her and looked her over. Soon he came across a hoof print bruise on her back near her spine. "We have to be careful if this has damaged her spine then she might not be able to work." He told his brother.
1:50pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
When the other servant got Autumn, she walked out to the stables. WHen she walked in she gasped. "What did you do to her?!?" She couldn't help but to say that...
Jordan looked at his brother. "Not be able to work!? You will have to buy me a new servant, or let me use yours." He looked at Autumn.. "What do you mean, what did I do to her?! How dare you! Alex you must take care of that mouth right now, or I will!!!!"
1:56pm Feb 17 2012
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Alexsighed and walked towards Autumn "Think of this as a warning" He said back handing her. He didn't want to but with his brother there he had to do or he knew his brother would do worse to her. He then looked at his brother "Who sent her to clean the stables without any warning?" He asked him raiseing an eyebrow. He didn't see how he would have to buy him a new servent when he didn't do anything.
2:01pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
"Owe!" Autumn held onto her other cheek where he just back-handed her...
"Good. Now maybe she will learn." Jordan smiled. "I sent her down here. I forgot that the evil horse was still down here, I thought we had gotten rid of him long ago..."
2:10pm Feb 17 2012
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Alexlooked at him. "So why do i owe you a new servent when you sent her down here?" He asked him before going back over to the girl he leaned her forward abit and gentaly ran his fingers down her spine making sure not to make any damage worse. "By the way it feels it could be bruised but she is better off resting or not doing anything too strainiest because if it isn't just bruised and is fractured then doing anything too hard like lifting things up that are too heavy could be what breaks her spine." He told him before moving the girl back and looking at the horse. The horse was just standing there watching which was strange considering it normaly bucks and grunts. He could see why she had went in if the horse looked that calm.
2:17pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
"Because if she was dead, it would have been that horses fault. You were the one who purchased the horse! That is why you idiot! You! Over here now and help me clean her up!" He snapped at Autumn like that...
Autumn jumped a bit when he yelled at her like that, so she walked over and started helping wipe up the nasty ashes, and dirt that was on her...
4:12pm Feb 17 2012
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Alex looked at him and sighed. "No that was the horse dad bought theres my horse." He said pointing to a horse that was simaler but bigger.
5:37pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
"Oh.. I could have sworn you bought this one.. Oh well... Lets get her inside now that she is cleaned up."
5:45pm Feb 17 2012
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Alex nodded. "Ok but we have to make sure that while we are moving her that her back is straight so we have to lay her on a board." He said grabbing a large board and laying it down next to her and got ready to lift her up to put her on it.
9:29pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 246
Jordan picked up her legs. "Now get the other side of the body, and little girl you help with the middle."
Autumn nodded and helped as best she could..
11:45pm Feb 20 2012
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Posts: 5,406
Alex nodded "Put her on the plank of wood it will stop anything go wrong" He said to his brother as he got ready to lift the top half of the girls body.
10:48am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 246
"Okay then, Autumn you get the wood ready. Lift on three... One.... Two..... Three!!"
Before he had gotten to three, Autumn had put the board on the ground and backed out of the way so they could get her on the wood carefully.
11:30am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 5,406
When the girl was put on the board Alex looked at Jordan. "Now we have to get her to the infermary to let the Doctor really look at her" he said to him before grabbing the top of the board ready to carry her.
11:37am Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 246
"Fine then." Jordan picked up the other end. "Lets go."
(Do you mean like in town? They have to go to town to let the doctor see her?)
4:12pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 5,406
((no XD their rich XD they have their own personal doctor hehe))
Alex nodded as he began walking backwards to move towards the house. He looked at Autumn "Go ahead on the second floor 3 doors left from my room is the inferamtery go in there and tell Dr Why that we are coming and what has happened" He said to her.
5:14pm Feb 21 2012
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Posts: 246
"Yes sir." Autumn took off to the house, she went up to the room that she was told, and told the Dr. what had happened and that they were brining her up...