8:57pm Jun 16 2010
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((XD What does Lance look like...? XD; )) Lance smiled to himself as he walked through the halls lazily, backpack carelessly slung over his right shoulder. He waved hello to all of his old friends, eventually finding his new locker. He quickly dialed the combination, shoving his backpack inside. All he needed for this cl*censored* was a single navy-blue binder. He cracked open the cover, revealing part of a doodle that seemed to be a heart. He felt someone looking over his shoulder and quickly slammed the binder shut. "HEy, man, you didn't let me see!" Zane protested teasingly. "For a good reason!" Lance laughed, grinning at his best friend, "What's up, dude?" "Not much, going to first hour", Zane chuckled, "You?" "Same here", Lance agreed, nodding, "What do you have first hour?" "Science, bleh. You?" Zane replied, staring at the ceilling for no apparant reason. "English", Lance groaned, smiling regretfully. "I heard a certain girl has that cl*censored* too!" Zane sing-songed. "Man, shut up", LAnce laughed, playfully nudging his friend before veering off into his cl*censored*. He purpousely sat in the desk next to a girl named Leah who was doodling in her notebook. "What're you drawing?" he asked, looking over at the notebook.
9:15pm Jun 16 2010
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OOC: *shrugs* I can't even describe what my own dad looks like without having to see him. And I don't know whether Lance has red or orange hair. BIC: Leah looked over at Lance and smiled. "Remember last year during that walking thing when Emily was saying that one of my drawings looked like Sarah Palin? Well, I'm drawing the oldest form of the creature I drew." she mumbled as she pointed to a hollow being upon her paper- a simple, flame-headed creature with three holes in the places of eyes and the mouth looking upward. She then pointed to the elbows and made her finger ride up the blades that rose up to the shoulders. "Jeff said that it has sticks in its arms," she chuckled. "And remember those popsicles Mr. Malone got for the students? Jeff mentioned something about the Hulk's limes," she chuckled and then looked away. "But I'd say otherwise."
9:23pm Jun 16 2010
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((Nice. XD )) "I think it looks awesome!" Lance laughed, grinning at Leah's drawing, "Do you have any others like it?" He looked up, ant their eyes locked for a second before he tore his gaze away from her. "I mean, this could be, like, a new anime or something!"
9:34pm Jun 16 2010
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OOC: What's nice- Jeff's joke and then mine? >3 BIC: Leah nodded before rolling her eyes. "And where have you been?" she chuckled as she pulled out various papers from the front of her notebook. There was a creature with two fire-breathing snakes upon its head, a non-gryphon gryphon-like thing and a flying turtle, and one of her made up Transformers drawn in Animated style. She pointed to the Transformer. "That's female NightFeather. She has a twin of the opposite gender with the exact same name and they're usually of opposite factions," she informed as she pulled out more drawings and flipped in her notebook for other drawings. She then looked back at Lance. "Remember that Poe project thing? I drew my former pet cat, Shadow. He got shot the same month of the project." She then giggled, "He's got a grandson who's just the cutest thing that looks like him, but the kitten has a pedicure- white fur upon the toes only, to be specific." The bell then rang.
9:41pm Jun 16 2010
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((About not being able to describe the guy you like. =P )) "Where I've been is none of your buisiness!"LAnce chuckled, grinning as Leah pulled out several drawings. He grinned at Nightfeather and commented, "That's the best one I've seen yet! Are you talking about Poe's story The Black Cat? A depressing tale, it really is. There goes the bell..." Lance moved back to his own desk, faking a smile as the teacher moved to the front of the room.
9:54pm Jun 16 2010 (last edited on 10:40pm Jun 16 2010)
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Leah frowned as Lance moved to a seat further away from the front of the room and then saw why. She frowned as Ms. Mull, a substitute so annoying that Leah thought she ought to definately retire, walked up in front of the rows of desks. She then pointed at Leah. "Leah, I know by now that you are not going to sit there," she said as she peered over her gla-sses at Leah as she attempted to get all her stuff back in order. "Samantha Bogard," she called in a comand for a girl with the obvious name to sit there. Leah got up, nodded, chuckled, and skitted on back to the opposite corner.
9:32pm Jun 17 2010
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Lance chuckled as Leah was relocated. He turned and mouthed to her, "Tough luck." He turned back to the front, smiling like a perfect student that he most definitely wasn't. Mrs. Mull may be strict, but she was easy to fool in matters such as this. ((Time- skip to lunch...? XD ))
9:41pm Jun 17 2010
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OOC: Nod, nod. BIC: Leah went to her locker and shoved in her items. The first day wasn't complete, and already her her locker was a mess of papers, books, and other items. She then began to hum the real "Pool Party" by the Aquabats and chuckled that the band changed much of it to sing on her sister's, yet again, most favorite preschoolers' show. She then looked for others that she knew, whether they were in any of her cla-sses, her grade, or her neighborhood or just anyone who she considered a friend or partial friend.
7:46pm Jun 20 2010
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5:20pm Jun 21 2010
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Lance walked from the clasroom as the bell rang, his best friend standing next to him. "How's today been for you, Zane?" he asked, not even looking up as he spoke. "It's been long and boring", Zane said flatly, "But it hasn't been for you, has it? You've got something on your mind... What are you thinking about?" "Nothing", Lance lied, looking up to see LEah closing her locker. A small smile peaked on his face and Zane grinned. "I see..." he said, slapping Zane playfully on the back. "So you have a crush on Leah, huh?" "No!" Lance protested, jumping in surprise, "No, she's just my friend!" "Yeah, right", Zane laughed, skeptically as they approached their friend.
7:16pm Jun 21 2010
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Leah hopped up at Zane's last words. "Yeah right what?" she asked and then noticed Zane. She froze in worry, but then smiled. "Wuzzle wuzzle!" she chuckled and then asked, "Wuzzle wuzzle Wuzzle-bee?" She then offered her hand for a handshake.
7:32pm Jun 21 2010
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((Before I post I'd like to know what that Wuzzle thing means...? XD; ))
7:36pm Jun 21 2010
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OOC: Jordin's watching Wow! Wow!, and it's the episode with the wuzzley bears, and all the wuzzley bears can say is wuzzle. oAo
9:21pm Jun 21 2010
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((XD I see. )) "You've been watching that cartoon again, haven't you?" Zane laughed, shaking Leah' hand and grinning. "It's nothing, really. Don't even worry about it." "Shall we go to lunch?" Lance asked, cracking a smile, "Or are we gonna stay here the rest of the day?"
9:35pm Jun 21 2010
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"Wuzzle wuzzle," Leah muttered at Lance as she rolled her eyes and then looked back at Zane. "You never answered my question about the buzzy-bee that the purple feathered birdy bird likes," she chuckled with a wink. "How's he doing?"
4:18pm Jun 22 2010
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"Bumblebee is a cartoon, Leah", Zane laughed, grinning, "Unless you're talking about Lance here. If so, he's doing fine. Little nervous, but otherwise perfect." Lance elbowed Zane in the side, causing his friend to cry out. "Hey! Not nice!" "Who ever said it was?", Lance asked, laughing.
4:41pm Jun 22 2010
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((Iheart has the name Krillacreat and wants you to set up a pet trade for it. ^_^ ))
7:23pm Jun 22 2010
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Leah stared at Zane. "They turned Buildabearville into a cartoon?!" she giggled and then looked at both of her friends. "Lunch, anyone, or shall we talk ourselves into lunch detention?" she chuckled
8:03pm Jun 23 2010
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"Yeah, I'm starved, can we please just go eat?" Lance laughed, ushering Zane and Leah towards the cafeteria. "When did you become so eager to eat?" Zane asked, slightly surprised. "Since the lunch bell rang!" Lance replied, looking wistfully through the cafeteria doors.
9:21pm Jun 23 2010
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Leah just shot a confused glance into the empty air, shrugged, rolled her eyes, and followed her friends into the cafeteria. She then stood there and wondered which friend to follow.