7:20pm May 10 2011
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((Wasn't Ratt on Flare's shoulder..? xD)) This time the raspy laughter was more of a chuckle. "Aren't you a fan of a bit of fun, my dear girl?" The voice snarled from the darkness, it was clear that it, well, he, was having fun from the tone. The figure took a step out from his shadowy hiding spot, a smile that showed jagged and bloodstained teeth curled from one corner of his face to the other. Miles' eyes widened, and he couldn't take his eyes off of one side of the.. Creatures.. Face. It was if it was split in half by a line that was slightly blacker then the creature, who he supposed was Feline's fur. One side, of course, was normal, with an emerald green eye and a rounded pupil. The other however, was a mess. The eye was blood red, and permanently in a thin slit, akin to a snakes. Three scars went across that side face horizontally, starting at the darker 'line'of fur and ending on the edge of the face, he supposed that they went across the back of his head too. The ear was also torn, and the teeth more jagged. "Oh, I dear say I've forgotten my manners, if I were you I'd like to know the name of my murderer." The Feline laughed as if he had told the most hysterical joke. He unsheathed his claws, which were replaced by what seemed like daggers or some other sort of knifes, and rubbing them against each other, making a sound that would cause most to cringe. "I am Slasher.His tail slowly dragged across the ground side to side, a butcher knife seemed to grow out of the tip, which only made him more threatening. ~~~ Ribunny peered at the ground as she glided above it. Her wings extended to full length and stretched out as much as she could so that gliding would be easier. "Dot!" She barked, listening to her voice echo on the ground. She already was loosing hope that she would ever find her adoptive sister. Dot's upright ear twitched and her floppy ear raised a bit. She faintly heard the others calling her. She turned around for a few seconds, making a high pitched whimpering sound. She wanted to be with her friends, but not just some of them, she wanted all of them! She turned back again. I bet I could do something! I gotta try, try, try! Her tail twitched and she sped off in a flash off yellow light. (Lolol, ever see Sonic? It looks like it does when he runs but with yellow~) ~~~ "Because you haven't believed in it yet." Jasper replied, still full of determination. "Tell me Luciole, do you believe in yourself, and in what you can do, what you can change?"
7:41pm May 10 2011
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"We don't need to fight," Eora said urgently, not taking her eyes off of the feline. "We are not enemies," she said, trying to calm this creep down. --- ((Oh yeah... :P)) Flare was careful not to let Ratt fall off of his shoulder as he searched. "Dot!" he yelled again, "Come back!" --- "I don't want to change," Luciole snapped heatedly, crossing her arms. "I like me just the way I am without magic."
8:08pm May 10 2011
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"You are correct, but aren't we all fans of a bit of sport now and again." The smile on his face didn't change, and his eyes remained unblinking. Miles narrowed his eyes. He didn't like the feeling the psychotic Feline gave him, it was like he was feeling familiarity or something. "You dare treat us like sport? Your own comrades of the same race of Sophisticates?" He demanded, unable to help his voice from cracking a bit as he talked. ~~~ Ratt huddled in Flare's fur, grasping tightly to his shoulder with his little paws. He flinched every time he saw a flicker of flames, afraid of becoming a Rattburger. (... I'm hungry.) Dot slowed her pace slightly becoming visible to Ribunny from the air. "I got a visual." She murmured, not caring if no one was around to hear her. She folded her wings against her back, forming them into something that resembled a jet plane, she dropped in altitude as she did this, and steadied herself to see Dot race off again. She narrowed her eyes, and shot off after her, her speed causing a small sonic boom. ~~~ "You aren't going to change, and if you do, it will only be for the better." Jasper sighed. "I do not wish to force you, so if you don't want to learn more then you do not have to."
5:38am May 11 2011
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OoC; is it wrong that i find this fun to lurk upon? ;o
2:52pm May 11 2011
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((Hmm, I think we may have to move this back to rmail if people keep posting XD lawl, jk. But rly. Lurking is fine, I'm flattered, but if you have comments, rmail rather than post please.)) "This will only be half as fun as what we have in store for you if you choose to join us, then," Eora said craftily. --- Flare could tell that Ratt was being frightened by the flames, so he quickly got out of the burning area. He flinched upon hearing a large boom. There was no hope of catching Dot any more, he knew. --- Luciole paused and sighed. "If you can find someone to teach me, fine, I'll learn. But I doubt you'll find anyone lacking feline prejudice."
3:00pm May 11 2011 (last edited on 3:13pm May 11 2011)
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((EDIT- Heh.. It wasn't letting me post. o_o' But it's working now~ YAY THE COMPUTER LISTENS TO ME. <3 Laaaaur. <3 Lurkers are cool, since it's kinda like an audience. 8D As long as there is no spammy spam, you may continue lurky lurk.)) The feline raised an eyebrow, sheathing his claws once more. It was miraculous that they could even fit inside his pads without cutting them up. "You have my attention.." He muttered, flicking his tail so that light shined off of it. ~~~ Ribunny sped through the air, her limbs tucked underneath her and he head tilted downwards to see the ground and to prevent her eyes from stinging to much from the air barreling into them. No sign of Dot. I can't give up. She thought to herself as she tensed her muscles to gain more speed. ~~~ Jasper closed his eyes for a few seconds, racking his brain for any ideas on who could possibly help Luciole. He opened them again, sighing. "Though I do not know of anyone who has a Light Crystal that can teach you from experience, I do know of one who knows a lot about every Crystal, even more then I do, and her own is very concentrated and strong." He took a few steps towards the door. "She lives out in the woods, in a cave, for she does not wish to partake in the war, so Feline hostility from her is very unlikely."
3:44pm May 11 2011
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"But I can't just go off on a wild adventure for someone who might not teach me," Luciole said, "I have to win over the canines." --- Eora relaxed slightly. This cat wasn't going to butcher them immediately. "Miles and I, Eora, are part of the feline army, and on our way back to camp now. Our leader is planning an elaborate attack on the canine camp as we speak, and we don't take prisoners, so it's expected to be a bloodbath." --- -not much to do with Flare-
4:01pm May 11 2011
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Jasper nodded. "Yes, you are right about that, but I would think that they would appreciate the fact that you are training. Torment would at least, he is a firm believer in training hard." He crossed his arms to make himself more comfortable. "Again, it is your choice and I do not wish to force you." ~~~ The felines eyes widened and he seemed to smile wider, if that was possible. The word, 'bloodbath' really was the only work he registered. "You have a new ally." He stated after imagining slicing through Canines, left and right. Something inside him seemed to fight when Miles' name was mentioned, but he merely pushed the feeling away. Not today.. He told himself. Literally. ~~~ Ribunny sighed. She didn't have unlimited energy to keep flying like this, plus flying too far away may cause her to get lost. She slowed down, her wings starting to ache from flying so fast for so long. She shifted the position so they acted as gliders again, turned around, spotting Flare and sorta not really gracefully landed near him. "I couldn't find her." She panted as she flopped to the ground, only then realizing how much energy she had exerted
6:50pm May 11 2011
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"It's just that it's my first day here, and so many others dislike me. Like that Iceblink fellow, I shouldn't be surprised at how cold he is, but really, I am half canine still," Luciole said. She paused. "I suppose I will go, but only if you will show me the way." --- "Good to know," Eora said, sheathing her swords carefully. She smiled slightly at the cat, but frowned when he met her gaze. "So, your name is Slasher? Or is that just a nickname of some sorts?" she asked, trying to learn a bit more about him. --- Flare sighed in disappointment. "She is so small..." he said quietly, "I never wished to loose two friends today."
8:13pm May 11 2011
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Jasper nodded solemnly, "They'll warm up to you, most Canines take time to warm up to new comers, you'll see." He led Luciole out of the room, then out of the Canine base. He sniffed the air, then turned to where the trees started and went into them, making sure Luciole was close behind him. After a while, they reached what looked like an abandoned log cabin. "Halley, are you there?" He called out, though he knew she was, since she rarely left her cabin. "Jasper? Is that you..?" The log cabin seemed to change, and now looked very well kept and almost cozy.. Maybe it was just something that was overlooked before. The door opened slightly, and a Canine face peered out of it. "Oh it is! It is! And you have a friend with you!" She didn't even seem to notice that Luciole was a Feline. The door swung all the way open, and a what looked like a German Shepherd Pit Bull mix walked out, though she looked mostly German Shepherd. She wore a purple cloak that was too big for her, with the hood down to reveal her face and her chocolate colored eyes. She walked, no, more like skipped over to them happily. As she neared, a pink Crystal that rested right in the middle of her forehead became visible. It was a deep pink, and more of a magentaish color really. Jasper smiled at his old friend. "Luciole, this is Halley, Halley, Luciole." "Pleased to meet you." Halley said, taking an unnecessary bow. ~~~~ "Real name, my mother thought it would keep others from picking on me as a kit." For once he frowned, crossing his arms. ~~~ "She'll be back." Ribunny said, sitting up again with slight difficulty. "She is prone to running off, and she always comes back." She smiled at Flare, trying to cheer him up.
5:18pm May 13 2011
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"And you as well, my lady," Luciole said, trying to be polite. "Jasper has brought me here in hopes that you could teach me to use my element crystal, and there are not others who have it in camp." --- "I can't imagine wanting to pick at you at all, with those claws and tail you had earlier," Eora replied. --- Flare sighed and looked hopefully out into the forest. "I just hope she doesn't get hurt out there." ---
5:44pm May 13 2011
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Halley's tail started to wag. "Oh yes! Of course I will!" She took one of Luciole's paws to look at her Crystal. "Yes, yes! It has been so long since I've seen one of these." She let go of her paw. "I can teach you for sure, yes, yes!" She clasped her paws together, "Have you learned anything so far?" ~~~ Slasher chuckled, his smile returning. "I didn't always have my weapons." He replied. I wasn't always like this either. The thought seemed to come out of no where, and wasn't as raspy or evil sounding as before, in his head of course. ~~~ Ribunny rested her head on the ground. "She's quick enough to run from anything that could threaten her, and she can be pretty strong if need be." She felt like she was starting to convince herself more then convince Flare now.
6:36pm May 13 2011
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"Not really," Luciole said, tugging her paw back self-consciously. "I healed Jasper's paw, but I don't know how I did it." --- "How did you get them if they aren't hereditory then?" Eora asked. --- Flare sighed, a puff of smoke circling to the ground. "Let's go then. I think it would be best to go to the canine camp for shelter. If Miles has joined the felines, he might come after us."
7:05pm May 13 2011 (last edited on 7:08pm May 13 2011)
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"Hmm..." Halley said. "Well, it's good that you were able to do that! Very good indeed, it means that you do have the ability! Now, I want to try out an exercise real quick." She took a deep breath so she could slow her words down. "I want you to close your eyes, and focus your energy on the ground, and imagine white light circling around you and pushing on the ground. Do not strain yourself, it should be fairly easy." ~~~ Slasher frowned again, his red eye glowing slightly brighter then before for a few seconds. "I was born with it." He growled lowly, staring at the ground instead of at Eora even though he was talking to her. ~~~ Ribunny was too tired to protest. "Fine." She sighed, lifting herself up from the ground and to a sitting position to a standing one.
3:32pm May 14 2011
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Luciole hesitated, "What good will imagining do?" she said, leaning uncomfortably against a sapling. The tiny tree bent against her weight, creaking in agony. Luciole anxiously stood straight again, and contemplated apologizing to the young tree, but in the end decided against it. --- "But you just said you didn't always have them," Eora said suspiciously. She crossed her arms, confident that the cat was lying in one way or another. --- Flare nodded and started walking, checking every once in a while to make sure Ribunny wasn't too far behind. "Are you alright?" he asked after a while, "You seem tired."
3:53pm May 14 2011
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((Btw, What Halley's trying to do is to get Luciole to be able to do is hover over the ground at will. Like how most Light Wielders learn to do. o3o)) "Just trust me." Halley replied. "This is one of the easiest exercises for Light Wielders, like you." ~~~ Slasher made a frustrated noise, kicking the dirt with his foot. "I meant that I was born with the ability to get them." He growled, focusing his gaze on Eora once more. "It is difficult to explain, but I can do so if need be." ~~~ "Yeah it's just.." She paused to sigh, "Flying takes a lot of energy, especially when I fly really fast for a long time. I'm fine though.." She attempted a smile.
4:00pm May 14 2011
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Luciole sighed and shut her eyes, sitting down cross-legged on the ground. She did as she was told, imagining the light dancing around her and pushing off the ground. Her crystals were glowing warmly, Luciole could feel it again, and she couldn't help but feel uneasy. She added her surroundings and Hally and Jasper to her imagination, making the light avoid them completely in case it could cause damage. --- "I don't mean to pry," Eora said, "We arre almost there anyways. You will want to explain it to Gem though, she may be suspicious. She is the leader of the feline army." --- "We can stop and rest," Flare said, "There is a hollow tree right over there big enough for the both of us."
4:22pm May 14 2011
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Halley nodded approvingly. "Your are processing very well for a beginner, I have high hopes for you." She murmured as she watched Luciole concentrate. She was able to sense the light bending at her will, and she had to stop herself from straining her mouth from smiling. ~~~ Slasher nodded as he took in the information. "I will attempt to." He said gruffly as they neared the Feline camp. ~~~ Ribunny shook her head. "I don't need to rest." She said, clenching her fists. "I don't want to slow you down either, so we should keep going." Her stubborn nature was kicking in, making her want to do everything else but rest.
4:32pm May 14 2011
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Luciole's light died down abruptly when she opened her eyes. The glow of the crystals stopped and Luciole stood, amazed at the faded lights. She walked over to Jacoba. "Did I really do that?" she asked in a raspy and amazed whisper as the lights completely went out. --- ((Not much to do with Eora and such XD)) --- "If you say so," Flare said, continuing on. "I wonder where the canine army would be. I was half hoping o find a trail or something, but..."
9:01pm May 16 2011
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