9:22pm Dec 3 2010
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9:28pm Dec 3 2010
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Concussion sighed. Back to this he supposed. Living life in a cage surrounded by walls of white until something interesting came along. He pricked his ears to the sound of yelling from the humans. It sounded like an argument. He heard a few of the human words he had picked up living around them all the time. Words like 'wolf' and 'cage' and 'zoo' were all common. After a few growls from the people, he was dragged out on a cart in a cage back into the fresh air of Kazumi's enclosure. Was he finally going to be allowed out? He was. The people let him out of his cage and swiftly left. Concussion was free; well, he was half-free. He wanted more. He glanced around, feeling the gras.s on his paws for what felt like the first time in ages. Then he rolled in it, covering his pelt with the scent of fresh gras.s. Then he paused, as if he just now noticed the other wolves. He held his position expectantly.
9:37pm Dec 3 2010
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Kazumi watched him as he rolled in the gras.s but made no move to go near him insted she moved further away from him. She didn't want him near her, she hated him and it didn't matter to her if he was the father of her pups she hated him. Kaze looked at the bird confused "whos a demon?" He asked her.
9:54pm Dec 3 2010
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Shadow snarled at Concussion "you!" he growled his one eye flashing you! You killed my family, my pack! You took everything from me! I'll tear out your eyes, like you tore out mine! I'll eat your heart! "Blood-moon wolver! All hatched beneth the blood-moon, in raining-leaf season" she explained. (LOL Shadow has a mega-gdudge XD. Basicly what Streek said was "All the animals that are born on the night of a lunna eclips in autum are deamons" XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:06pm Dec 3 2010
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Concussion's eyes flashed with amusement and he righted himself light-heartedly. He approached Shadow without caution- if he had any it was hidden beneath layers of insanity. His ex pression hardened and he took on a condescending tone. "The runt who got away" he growled, ignoring the bird.
10:15pm Dec 3 2010
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Shadow snarled bearing his teeth, his hackles rose. Patch went to stand by Kazumi her ears flat on her head her teath beared.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:19pm Dec 3 2010
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"Oh, quiet down love." Concussion said, turning around and walking away. "No one's fighting here. I just gained my freedom and I'm not about to waste it on a silly little runt who wants revenge"
10:45pm Dec 3 2010
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Shadow growled. Silk ran up to Shadow "calm down killing him will do no good!" he scweeked. Patch growled "I don't like it but hes right, killing won't get us out of here".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:01am Dec 4 2010
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Kazumi put her head on Patch looking at her "make sure Shadow doesn't fight him please it will only end bad" she said with a small whimper.
12:47pm Dec 4 2010
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Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:44pm Dec 5 2010
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concussion laughed. "You think you can kill me can you? What makes you different from the first time you tried hmmm?" Concussion taunted. "Go on and attack me and see who ends up in a tiny cage surrounded by white walls next"
7:47pm Dec 5 2010
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Kazumi stood up and stood inbetween them. "Stop it" She said growling at them. "there is no point fighting while humans are around us so wait until we are outside of this hell hole." She growled more.
7:50pm Dec 5 2010
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"No point!" Concussion barked. He lowered his voice with a grin. "The point is that there is no point, love. If he wants to fight then he can have one, but I'll not be making the first move." He licked his lips and backed of slightly, his eyes gleaming. "Just howl if you want a taste" he said, turning around and trotting up the hill into the indoor enclosure.
7:52pm Dec 5 2010
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Kazumi watched him go and growled more "jerk" she said before laying down again. She felt a deep hatred for him and mostly wished he would drop dead but she knew here that wouldn't happen so she was out of luck.
9:37pm Dec 5 2010
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Shadow filed his lungs with air and when he was sure he wouldn't snarl he exhailed and stalked off. Patch growled at Concussion and then sat down. Shadow sat down and dug his claws into the grond Silk was right.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:10pm Dec 6 2010
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10:27am Dec 11 2010
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((What am I supposed to do now?))
11:01am Dec 11 2010
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((i has no clue XD))
1:52pm Dec 11 2010
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Streek took off and began flying back to the zoo. She scwawked angrly and dived at Concussion. "No Streek!" Silk cryed. Streek sunk her talons into Concussion's nose before landing beside Silk. She stagerd a bit then balanced herself on one leg. (Did that help a bit?)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:15pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Not really XP Concussion retaliates and goes back to doing nothing O.O Should I bring another wolf in or something? Maybe someone for Streek XD)) Concussion snarled, ducking to avoid the sharp talons, lunging upwards to try and bite down on the bothersome little bird, snarling angrily when he missed.