3:17pm Dec 11 2010
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(Ok, that could work XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:15am Dec 12 2010
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Name: Preena Age: 1 Year Species: Merlin (the bird -_-) Gender: Female Looks: She is a normal Merlin, and has never been in any fights. History: She was born in the zoo and trained to be used in bird shows and such for the guests. She decided to get away and visit some of the other animals. She doesn't really want to go back to the shows, and is contemplating just flying away. Personality: Very flustered, she doesn't know much of the wolf language, so her language is always difficult to understand and very confusing. Other: She is generally fearful of wolves and large animals. --- Name: Lilit Age: 2 or 3 years Gender: Female Looks: 
History: She was born in the wilderness of Mexico. As a pup, she was captured by poachers and shipped to Alaska to be chopped up for fish bait. Her transport was intercepted by the United States government, where they had no use for a traumatized wolf pup, so they sent her to the London Zoo, where they were short a few wolves due to a break out. Other: Nope ----- Preena said a few curses as she perched herself on the wire that outlined the wolf cage. She gave a few chirps and glided over and into the wolf cage. She was nervous, she didn't see any wolves. Her sharp eyes locked onto a rat squirming on the other side of the enclosure. She lifted herself into the air and dove for the rat, her talons sinking into its flesh. She peeled the meat off, almost forgetting she was in a wolf cage.

9:49am Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi looked at him and growled more before standing up. "Can you just not fight. We need to work out how to get out of here" she said to them all.
6:10pm Dec 12 2010
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((I think I'm going to have Lilit know everyone, just to save time and such. Plus, it goes with her history)) Lilit blinked and trotted out of the darkness where Concussion had just left. "That guy gives me the creeps" she said with a shiver, trotting up to Kazumi, Shadow and the others. "Ever since Buck and Finch escaped, the humans have been extra careful to keep us in close range. We need a plan, and I don't think we can do it without a distraction."
7:53pm Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi looked at them "i will be a distraction if i act sick they will come to me and leave you all because i might be pregnant but it's not certain." She said sighing.
7:59pm Dec 12 2010
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"I hope it's not certain" Lilit said sympathetically. "When I had my last litter they took all of my pups as soon as they were weaned. I never saw them again." she said. "No, I don't know if that will distract them enough, and we can't leave you behind, you have family our there." Lilit thought for a minute. "I have a sort of an idea, but it's risky," Lilit said. "I'll be in heat soon as well, and, odds are, they'll want to have me mate with either Concussion or Shadow. I could pick a fight with Concussion to keep the people occupied in splitting us up while you all dig a whole being the oak tree and slip out of the enclosure. When you make it out, have Streek give a crow or a screech or something as a signal, and I'll run after you. Then, we make out way out of the zoo, at a full sprint, and out of the city entirely." Lilit said proudly. "The only catch is that Concussion might catch on and follow us out."
8:01pm Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi looked at her "it doesn't matter if he followes us it will mean he will leave us alone" she said to her tilting her head at her.
8:02pm Dec 12 2010
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"Not if you and I are both in heat, he won't." Lilit replied gravely.
8:08pm Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi sighed "we can only hope and if he does go to follow i'll lead him from you but find my brother and tell him, he will find me" she said to her smiling abit.
8:09pm Dec 12 2010
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"Maybe we'll find Finch too!" Lilit chirped happily, her tail wagging. "When should we do it?"
8:10pm Dec 12 2010
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Kazumi looked at her "soon very very soon" she said to her.
8:39pm Dec 12 2010
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Streek clacked her beak "Crow bad luck" she said "Falcon" she said "kek-kek-kek! Like that". "What can we do to help?" Patch asked.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:49pm Dec 15 2010
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((I FAIL *-* I totally thought Streek was a guy. Guess who's getting deleted? XD)) "Patch, you're the best digger, right? You and Kazumi will dig and try to stay out of sight, and Shadow, you need to try and keep them out of view of the visitors and keepers"
5:10pm Dec 15 2010
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Kazumi nodded and walked over to where the softest dirt was before digging slowly as if she could smell something there and wanted to dig it up.
10:10pm Dec 15 2010
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Patch nodded and began to dig beside Kazumi. Shadow stood in fount of them, he pufed out his fur and tried to make himself as big as posible. Streek perched in a tree and watched, waiting to give the signal. Silk cocked his head what can I do to help? He thought hmmm, ah! that might work! He began to dash arond chaseing his tail, hopeing to get the humans atention focused on him. A small boy began to laugh at the mouse, he tuged on his mother's sleve "look at the silly mouse mummy!". (LOL XD what a random kid XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:41pm Dec 16 2010
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Lilit growled as she noticed Concussion edging out into the open. Without hesitation she lunged, drawing attention to the fighting pair. Concussion thudded to the ground with surprise, Lilit pinning his side with merciless claws. Now wasn't the time for words. He gave a wicked smile and tossed Lilit a few feet away with the sheer force of throwing her off. He gave a ruthless snarl, and Lilit could tell she was in trouble. Concussion cackled, "This ain't a game love" he cooed, before leaping on her with teeth and claws boring into her flesh. He could hear the howls and hoots of humans. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Shadow. He wasn't doing anything to defend Lilit. Something was up. Then he saw Patch and Kazumi, and figured out their plan. He pinned Lilit. "I see what you're doing now, You and I are the distraction, aren't we love?" he breathed. Lilit held her breath and stared at Concussion, blood running from a few gashes in her shoulder. The look in her eyes was pained and anxious enough to show that Concussion had guessed correctly. "Well then, we ought to make it convincing, shan't we?" Concussion laughed softly. He took a fake bite at Lilit, who limped out of reach. Concussion was actually going to cooperate? "This is unlike you," she panted. "We all want to be free, love" Concussion growled, his eyes glinting. He could hear the footsteps crunching on the dry ground outside the enclosure. "I'll pretend to die before the bloody bird gives the signal, and then you and I both make a hasty escape, no more questions." "Oh, dear God!" exclaimed a woman, "the wolves are attacking each other! Someone help! Get a zoo-manager, something!" the lady wailed, tugging her child away and covering his eyes.

7:45pm Dec 16 2010
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Kazumi kept digging until she reached the otherside of the wall diggign abit more she made sure the hole was big enough for the males to get through and barked at Streak before nudging Patch "quickly get through" she said to her before barkign at the others.
7:53pm Dec 16 2010
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"KEK-KEK-KEK!" Streek screeched at the top of her lungs. Patch crawled through the hole. Shadow stayed put, hopeing to block the hole from view untill Kazumi and Lilit were through. Silk darted through the hole.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:18pm Dec 17 2010
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The steps were getting louder, and Concussion gave a cry of pain- real pain as one of the keepers hit him violently on the back of the head, knocking him out. "Sorry to leave so soon, 'love'" Lilit mocked at Concussion's fainted body as she sprinted out through the whole, adrenaline blocking the pain from her injuries. "Follow me, I know the way out!" she howled, running through the zoo. "It's a good mile or so to the entrance, the wolves have been moved to the back of the zoo recently" she called without looking back. She knew that the others were following. She saw Silk falling slightly behind, out of the corner of her eye, and scooped her up onto her head. (Iff this is too power-playish, I can edit :3)
4:31pm Dec 17 2010
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Kazumi looked back seeing Concussion knocked out and ran back upting him on her back before running to the hole and putting him through it before puttign him back on her back and running after Lilit. She didn't want to leave him behind to her no wolf should be kept in that place.