4:33pm Dec 17 2010
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(Its fine XD) Shadow scrambled through the hole and sprinted after her. Silk clung to Lilit's head "thanks". Patch ran ahead of Shadow. Streek dived at the keeper, trying to keep the hole from view. She dug her tallons into his nose and pecked at his eyes "kyarrrk!" she screched before flying after Shadow.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:50pm Dec 17 2010
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It wasn't long before the wolves made it out of the zoo, panting on the streets of London. Lilit Let Silk down gently and waited for everyone else. "Kazumi!" she barked, her eyes wide, "Why did you bring him? He'll kill us all first chance he gets!" she snapped. She hadn't noticed this detail before.
5:08pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Shadow glared at Concussion's motionless body. Patch watched sighlently, unsure of what to do why did she bring him? she thought. Streek watched from above, scaning the ground to see if the humans had followed. Silk stood on his hind legs "your not safe yet, we shold keep moveing". Patch nodded "lets go".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:41pm Dec 17 2010
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Kazumi looked at her "no wolf should be in there and he might loose his sanity more if he was left alone" she said to them. She looked down she also wanted to bring him because if she was pregnant then she didn't want to tell her pup she left their father in that hell hole incase they hated her for it.
5:49pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Patch nodded "I don't like it, but I agree". Shadow growled "if he tries anything I'll kill him".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:27pm Dec 17 2010
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Lilit gave a short pant and put Silk on her haunches before continuing in the most direct way out. She could see the mountains around the city, the wild was near! She could just imagine Finch running through here in escape.
7:31pm Dec 17 2010
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Kazumi followed her before making a howling noise hoping that Kaze could hear her. Kaze heared a howling noise and yipped happily "thats my sister" he said before howling back to her happy knowing she was ok.
8:13pm Dec 17 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Shadow folowed. Patch troted after him almost home! Streek landed on Patches back.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:32pm Dec 21 2010
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Lilit and her company ran until dusk, where they reached the outskirts of London. Lilit paused, panting. If she was this tired, Kazumi was probably exhausted. Cautiously and careful not to make any noise, she pushed open the door to a beaten up barn. A few cats hisses and scattered as the dim light pierced the darkness. A big red tractor sat covered in cobwebs in the center. The ground was covered with thick hay, soft with mold and age. No human had been in here for quite some time. "I think we should spend the night here," she declared, "It's getting late, and I can only imagine Kazumi's fatigue from carrying Concussion around." Lilit took a cautious step into the barn, sniffing around. "There hasn't been humans here in ages. There's lots of places to hide, and no one will miss a few cats if we get hungry."
2:46pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Streek clacked her beak "cats bad" she said. Silk shifted from foot to foot and loked eyes with a grey tabby. Shadow growled, sending the cat running. Patch stood beside Lilit.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:20pm Dec 21 2010
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Kazumi walked in with her before moving to somewhere with soft moss and put Concussion on it before pas.sing out next to him. She was tired from carrying him so it was no wonder that she fainted.
8:53pm Dec 21 2010
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"Streek, Silk, make sure to stay close to someone, we wouldn't want any of these cats to hurt you," Lilit advised. She trotted over to Kazumi and nudged her a little ways away from Concussion, closer to Shadow and Patch. A cat in the darkness hissed visciously and sprung out, and she caught it in her mouth, snapping its neck in two. She dropped it in front of Streek. "I'll bet you've never eaten a cat before" she chuckled with a smile. Concussion groaned, for once his insanity was invisible. "Ugh, what happened to my head?" he groaned. He opened his eyes and snarled, getting up to fast. One eye was sill closed, though it was unharmed. "Where am I?" he snarled, half laughing. "Oh my gosh!" Lilit sneered, "You used a sentence without the word 'love'" she teased. Concussion snarled. The back of his head was bleeding again. "Where have you taken me?" he hissed, staring at the wolves. Lilit rolled her eyes. "Be happy we didn't leave you in that hell-whole," she said, "I mean, we were going to, but Kazumi decided to take you along.

9:02pm Dec 21 2010
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When She was moved Kazumi made a noise showing she didn't want to be moved mostly because she was sleepy and thought someone was trying to wake her up. In her dreams she was laying down watching 3 pup run around and play with eachother and she smiled seeing them laugh and have fun. It made her happy to see them play and be free she just wanted to know who their father was.
10:17pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Shadow snarled at Concussion. Patch growled. "DEMON!" Streek screched, flaping into the air "KYAH! KYAH!". Silk puffed out his fur "this is not the time to fight!" he scweeked at the top of his little lungs. "Make to much noise and the humans will come!" he warned.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:34pm Dec 21 2010
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Concussion smiled, his insanity returning. "I was making no noise whatsoever," Concussion cooed. "That hell-bird is the one causing trouble." Lilit snarled, "You shouldn't insult us," she warned. Concussion rolled his eyes. "Oh you need to relax, love" Concussion said, "It's not like the bird is smart enough to know she's been insulted," Lilit's fur puffed up with frustration, "Why Kazumi decided to bring you is beyond me!" Concussion cocked his head, an ear flopping to one side. "She was probably desperate to feel something even close to love," Concussion look out the open barn door at the crescent moon shining above. "Well, loves, I'd best be going now. I'll bet the remainder of my pack is just waiting for my arrival, how I wish I could stay," concussion looked back at them with a crooked smile, "Oh, wait, no I don't. Don't fret though, loves, we will meet in the future."
10:42pm Dec 21 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Shadow spat at him "good ridance!" he growled. Streek puffed out her feathers "demon wolver!" she hissed.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:38am Dec 22 2010
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Kazumi heared alot of noise before slowly opening her eyes as she looked around. Sleepily she stood up before wobbily from how much energy was still drained from carrying him for so far looking around she tilted her head "why is there so much noise" she asked with a yawn.
10:49am Dec 22 2010
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Concussion gave a small smile at the small company before walking out of the shelter to where he could smell the pine forest. That wasn't where he was from, but he was positive that there would be a wolf somewhere in there that would follow him. "Concussion awoke and left, go back to sleep Kazumi, we need rest, you especially" Lilit said softly, settling down next to Kazumi.
10:53am Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi shuck her head no but it made her dizzy which made her fall down "wow i shouldn't of done that" she said with a chuckle before yawning again and laughing abit "did he say anything before he left?" she asked wondering if he had said thank you or something.
10:55am Dec 22 2010
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"Well, he threw a few insults at Streek and then said that we'd see him again, which I highly doubt" Lilit answered.