11:06am Dec 22 2010
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Kazumi looked at her and nodded laying her head down before yawning again she was sleepy but she didn't want to sleep and anyone could see that she wanted to stay up even though she was really tired. She looked at the entrance where he left before thinking about going after him but she knew he would only make fun of her for some reason.
5:21pm Dec 22 2010
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5:49pm Dec 22 2010
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Streek preened her wing. (Brain deadness)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:53pm Dec 22 2010
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((-poof to next day-)) Lilit blinked awake to the curious stares of a dozen cats. She growled, not wanting to bark and wake the others. When the cats didn't scatter, she yawned, revealing fearsome wolf teeth and morning breath. The cats ran off in different directions and Lilt smiled. She wondered if Kazumi would be up for traveling today,
5:58pm Dec 22 2010
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Kazumi watched the cats run before smiling at Lilit "do you really have to scare them. We might lose our food" she said laughing as she tried standing up but couldn't without falling. As she lay there she looked at Lilit "remind me never to run with extra weight" she said smiling at her.
7:09pm Dec 22 2010
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Patch yawned and got to her feet "Streek, Silk, are you un-eaten?!" she asked looking around franticly. Silk stuck his head out from underneth Shadow "im fine" he said crawling out and begining to clean his soft fur. "Streek?" he asked. "I fine" she said peering down from one of the beams holing the roof up. She fluterd down and landed on Patch's head "cats gone?" she asked. "The cats are gone, for now" Patch said. Shadow stood up.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:39pm Dec 22 2010
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Posts: 5,279
"It's not like cats are difficult to find, and the forest isn't too far away," Lilit said, "We can get real food there, like deer and rabbits." She stood and stretched, shaking out her fur. "So do you want to linger here, or move on?" she asked, not directly to any one wolf.
8:42pm Dec 22 2010
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Kazumi laughed before looking at her "i don't think i can stand for a long time" she said smiling at her. She wondered if she should howl for her brother to find her.
8:43pm Dec 22 2010 (last edited on 8:45pm Dec 22 2010)
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"Do you think Finch is nearby?" Lilt wondered out loud, wagging her tail with pleasure at the thought of seeing her friend again. "We could call her, and maybe she could come and help. And you have a brother too, right Kazumi?"
8:47pm Dec 22 2010
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Kazumi nodded "yeah i do. Do you want me to howl for him?" she asked her tilting her head smiling her own tail wagging at the though of seeing her brother.
4:36pm Jan 14 2011
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"If he's near enough to hear us, then he'll be near enough to scent us and he'll be on his way now," said Lilit, sitting down with her tail swishing, "Though, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. The people at the zoo always hated it when we howled. Finch said with a grin. She took a deep breath and let out a long howl. Finch pricked her ears. "Kaze! Wake up!" she said, "That sounds like my old friend, Lilit!"
5:32pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi laughed before howling with her her own tail wagging. Kaze woke up his ears perked hearing the howl "my sister as well" he yipped before howling back and running towards where the howl came from.
5:39pm Jan 15 2011
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Finch followed steadily behind Kaze, careful to control her pace in case they needed anything. "Lilit!" she yipped, coming into view of the barn, where Lilit stood howling. Lilit smiled and shut her mouth. "Finch! Where did Bo go?" she asked, wondering about the other wolf that had escaped from the zoo with Finch. Finch shifted uneasily. "He didn't really make it out of the city," she said softly, "The humans caught him and took him away, I have no idea what became of him." Lilit's ears drooped. "That's not cool," she said, "But, on a more cheerful note, Shadow and Patch are here! And our newest friend, Kazumi." Finch chuckled, "I feel like I already know her; Kaze talks about her so much."
5:48pm Jan 15 2011
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Once Kaze could see his sister he ran over to her before nuzzleing her and suddenly he caught the scent of a strange male all over her "Kazumi who did you mate with?" he asked her going into his protective brother mode. Kazumi looked down and whimpered. Hearing her whimper like that told Kaze she was not willing with the male. He then growled before running out the barn and into the forest following the scent of the male wanting to give him a piece of his mind.
5:53pm Jan 15 2011
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"Kaze! No!" Lilit howled, sprinting after him. Being smaller and lighter than him, she caught up by putting in some extra effort and rounding off in front of him, stopping dead in her tracks. "You don't understand Kaze," Lilit said gravely, "You cannot handle him alone." Finch gazed after the two wolves with wonder and confusion. "Kazumi, are you alright?" she asked.
5:57pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Streek landed on Lilit's back "Lilit wolver is right". (Wasn't sure how to jump in XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:59pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi looked at her and nodded "yeah im ok" she said smiling abit before looking to where her brother ran off. Kaze growled at her "move i want to kill him for what he's done" he said before running around her back to following the males scent he didn't care if he couldn't take him on he was going to give it his all to make him regret touching his sister.
6:05pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Shadow chuckled slightly "well im not standing by, im gonna help" he ran after Kaze. Streek claked her beak "no stoping wolvers revenge, he not listen".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:07pm Jan 15 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"No!" Lilit snarled, jumping up on her hind legs and twisting to bring her claws down on Kaze's back before he p*censored*ed. "Concussion will kill you, he's gaining an army as we speak!" she snapped, baring her teeth. "Trust me, we all want to kill him, but now is not the time; we are not prepared! We're all out of shape from being locked up in that stupid zoo, even Finch still needs exercise! You cannot take him alone! Streek's leg may never heal, just from a simple bite!" Lilit pointed out.
6:11pm Jan 15 2011
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Kaze yelped feeling her claws in his back before lisening to what she was saying "i just want to hurt him. To make him regret touching Kazumi" he said sighing he felt like he had failed his sister he promised to protect her and he failed and she might be pregnant with a strange males pups.