7:49pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi sighed "if she wants to leave then let her" She said to her. She didn't want to force Streek to stay with her if she didn't want to.
7:53pm Jan 15 2011
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Finch frowned with worry. "Streek..." Lilt shook her head. "You're right Streek- we can't keep you," she said, "So you can make yourself useful some other way. Take Silk to the zoo again, and then find whatever this Warbeak is that you're talking about, it could mean an *censored*et." "Lilit! We can't let Streek fight! She'll be killed in a second by any wolf!" Finch protested. "I happen to really like Streek's company!"
7:59pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi looked at them while tilting her head "i should be ok for 3 weeks but after that i won't be able to move to much" she said to them while tilting her head watching them talk.
8:08pm Jan 15 2011
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"I'll stay here with you, Kazumi" Lilit promised, "Streek, when you come back, I'll point you to where you can find the others."
8:10pm Jan 15 2011
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Kazumi looked at her "you don't have to you know" she said to her she didn't want to put her out if she wanted to go with the others. ((can we skip some time please im getting bored))
8:13pm Jan 15 2011
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((I'm fine with it. I think we need some new wolves in the mix. I want to bring in a few more wolves on Concussion's side as well as the good side, just to make the big battle yet to come more interesting. Anyone else want to play psycho-maniac-wolves? It's lonely being the only one XD))
8:22pm Jan 15 2011
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((i might lol but Kazumi has a small crush on Concussion))
8:25pm Jan 15 2011
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((LOL I knew it! What is it about maniacs that make them so charming? We should wait for Feather's OK to timeskip, and see if he/she wants to make more characters for Concussion's army.))
8:34pm Jan 15 2011
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(ok XD and i have no clue it might be the fact they arn't boring or that people thing they can change them XD))
11:02pm Jan 15 2011
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(Im fine with time skiping. I'll make a psycho wolf XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:55am Jan 16 2011
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Name:Sally (also known as Bones, becuse she is skin muscel and bone XD) Age:20 (in cainine years) Gender:Female Looks: She has short spotlesly cleen white fur and ice blue eyes. She is skiny, you can see every bone in her body. Other:She is one of Concussion pscho-wolves.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:33pm Jan 16 2011
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Name: Faux Age: Adult Gender: Male Looks: Some doubt that he is actually a wolf. He looks more like some odd mix between a hyena and a fox... a deformed fox. He has dark brown fur with light cream-colored spots and an extra bushy tail. Other: Psycho-wolver! Honestly, he's more deformed than he is psychotic... -- Name: Genesis Age: Adult Gender: Male Species: Eagle Looks: 
Other: It is yet to be decided if he's on Concussion's side or the good side... *evil grin* --- Name: Breeze Age: Adult Gender: Male Looks:  Other: He's a good wolfie~ And he has a crush on Patch- just to make things interesting
8:14pm Jan 16 2011
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Name:Flare/ Flame Age:adult Gender:Female/ Male Looks:  (( in order Flame then Flare XD)) Other:they are part of Concussion pscho-wolves.
9:17pm Jan 16 2011
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((Okies... I shall start the pwnsome timeskip to when Concussion has found his psycho-army. :3)) "Cheery sight," Concussion said, blinking, his fur puffed up in the cold of the arriving winter. "I have sent Faux to find you, and trust me, it wasn't easy." Concussion said, his head tilted to the side to examine the others from a unique point of view. "Sally- or should I call you bones, for that is what you look like- it is nice to be in your company once again. I trust that you don't remember me." He turned his head upright and looked at the other two wolves. "Flare, Flame. Friends of Faux's I take it? Or Sally's? Or simply heard about me and were amazed?" Concussion paused with a maniacal grin to admire himself. "Concussion," Faux said, his ears flat against his head, "What exactly is it we're fighting for again?" Concussion barked savagely and snarled at Faux before settling down into his normal self (if it could be called normal). "Why, I don't know," Concussion said, sounding mockingly stupid. "We're fighting to fight, cause that's what wolves are supposed to do!" --- Genesis glided through the sky, not thinking about anything out of the ordinary. Just bird things. Like, "Oh look! A fish in the river!", or "Hey, there's another bird in the sky! A kestrel if I'm not mistaken!". Genesis flapped his wings a few times to get a closer look. Missing an eye and a leg, poor bird. He didn't really make much of the mangled kestrel as he fluttered down to his nest high in a large pine tree. --- Breeze sat patiently by a tree, doing nothing in particular. -FAIL-

12:24am Jan 17 2011 (last edited on 1:47am Jan 21 2011)
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Name:Warbeak Age:15(in avian years) Gender:Male Looks:  Other:He is Streek's brother. "Natchtgath!" Streek screched, hopeing Warbeak was still liveing in this area. Warbeak lifted into the air "kyahroooh!" he screched in reply, riseing to meet his sister. "Kyah! Who did!?" he screched, looking at Streek's mangled leg and eye socket "Killy! Killy!". "Eye lost in fight with crow, leg lost to deamon wolver" she replied "not time for war crys, see eagle bird" "Killy wolver-worm-scum! Killy!" He screched, ignoring Streeks warning "no hurt Streek-kestrel! Killy!". Streek shook her head "you look after Kazumi wolver, hatchlings comeing, need garding" she said. "Scum wolver pay?" he asked. "Deamon pay" Streek comfirmed. "Take to mother wolver" Warbeak said. **** Sally licked a small speck of dirt off her paw, looking something like a cat. "I haven't killed for a while" she said "who are we fighting?".
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:56pm Jan 17 2011
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Flare and Flame looked at everyone around them they fight together and together they are close to unstoppable but when they arn't then they have many weaknesses Flame has the strength while Flare has the speed and the brains to use it well. They had both been fighting a bear before they came here so they both have blood over their coats but it showed that they where fighters till the end. Kazumi lay in the barn her belly swollen with the pups she was going to have she didn't know how many she was going to give birth to but she knew she would love them even if they are his pups. Kaze paced around he has been away from his sister to him for what seems forever he missed her and was worried about how she was doing and if she was safe he could trust Lilit but it was the male wolf the father of his sisters pups that he didn't trust. ((hmmm i would say fail but only because i rammbled XD))
7:27pm Jan 17 2011
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((I think I'd have to agree about the ramble-a-thon XD)) Breeze frowned at Kaze. "Kaze, you've been pacing for more than an hour. I thought we've established that that won't help your sister any," he said with a slight chuckle. "We'll find Concussion soon, Kaze," Lilit comforted, "We're only waiting for Streek to come back with Warbeak. Who knows, she might even find some other friends." ((Okay, I'm confused. I thought that all of the wolves were with Kazumi now, waiting for Streek to come back and such. O.o IMPROVISE!!!! All the wolves are in the forest except for Finch who is staying with Kazumi until Streek comes back with Warbeak. :3 I think Streek should also find Genesis~ *pokes eagle birdie*))
7:32pm Jan 17 2011
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((lol thats what i thought lol that she was left alone with someone while the others left to get an army XD)) Kaze looked at them and sighed " i know it won't help her but i can't help but worry. Who knows what might happen" he said before sitting down to try and stop pacing. Flare looked at Concussion "yes who are we fighting" she said to him in her emotionless voice as she was sitting by her brother who was laying down looking around bored.
11:01am Jan 18 2011
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"You'll find out soon enough, dearest," Concussion said, a wide grin on his face. "We'll be fighting wolves of course; I'll lead you to them and that'll be it. We win. I win, and all that jazz," Concussion said with a shrug. "Just keep your claws sharp and your mind sharper, hmm?" "Don't worry," Breeze said, "Isn't your friend Finch with her?"
6:01pm Jan 18 2011
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Flare smirked at him before looking at her claws "if they where any shaper i would cut myself with them" she said letting her claws go into the ground abit to make marks in the hard ground to prove her point. Kaze nodded "yes she is but what if something happens. I'm Kazumi's brother i failed her once i just don't want to fail her again" he said sighing.