8:25pm Jan 18 2011
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Genesis noticed now, two birds fluttering in the air, and took the chance to be social. He carefully flew over, trying not to appear threatening. "Hawk birds fight?" he said curiously, thinking they would fight each other. It was clear who would have the advantage, and he wasn't about to let such an unfair battle take place on his watch. --- Concussion laughed like a hyena, "Well, darling," he cooed, "You'll have to prove your brains as well, hmm?" --- "Well that's just enough!" Lilit snapped, stamping her paw on the ground. "Pacing and whining will get us nowhere." she said. "We have to train." "And how do you expect to do that?" Breeze growled, "just fight eachother and waste energy? they could find us at any moment!" "So we shouldn't be wasting it bickering!" Lilit snarled, "Shadow; you've fought with Concussion before, right?"
8:29pm Jan 18 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Flare smirked before walking over to him catching her brothers attention "and how do you want me to prove it to you" she said in a purr as she never let the smirk fall off her face as she spoke to him. Kazumi felt a pain in her stomach and yelped "oh no i think they are coming" she said in pain as the labor started.
5:31pm Jan 19 2011
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((Labor=really random... XD)) Finch froze in terror. "Are you serious?" she asked, hoping that she was just pulling her leg or something. "Streek hasn't even come back yet! Has it really been that long?" "Y'can't love, sorry," Concussion said matter-of-factly. "You'll just have to make it up as you go along, and help us kill our enemies. That," Concussion paused, looking with a smile at Flare, and then Flame and Bones, "will earn you respect."
6:45pm Jan 19 2011
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((i know XD)) Flare smirked and nodded before walking back to her brother if a random attack was to happen when they didn't know she was better off with him then alone. Kazumi looked at her and shuck her head no "i'm not joking and yes it has" she said with a yelp of pain as she felt the contractions start.
12:53am Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 23,239
"Kestrels" Streek corected. Warbeak flew betwen his sister and the Eagle, puffing out his feathers. "Not hurt sister!" he screeched. **** "I was bearly older than a pup" Shadow said. Patch sat beside Kazumi I can't do anything to help. **** Sally began sharpening her claws on a rock.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:54pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"Arack! Genesis-bird sorry! Very pretty hawk-birds, I mean kestrel-birds!" Genesis cried, back-winging a few feet. "I hear deamon-wolver news? I sees deamon-wolver days ago. Worm-born wolver tries to eating Genesis, he does. I give deamon scars to remember me by!" ~~~ Finch paced, riddled with worry. "I'll howl for Kaze, he'll hear, right?" she asked, mostly to herself before letting out a choked howl, louder than necessary in her panic. ~~~ Lilit paused mid-sentence, pricking her ears. "That's Finch! Sounds like trouble!" Lilit said. "Do you think they're attacking already?" Breeze said, panic rising in his stomach. "We'll know when we get there, now lets go!" Lilit answered, racing towards Kazumi's den.
7:59pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 5,406
KAzumi yelped more as the first pup was born cleaning the pup she found out it was a girl before feeling another one on it's way. (how many should she have?) Kaze ran past everyone to his sisters den and ran towards Fintch "whats wrong" he said paniced before hearing his sister in pain and ran to her seeing she was in labor. he then quickly lay behind her before licking her head "it's ok I'm here sis" he said as she whimpered in pain.
8:08pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((I only want to play one. :3 Mikaela)) Name: Mikael Age: Just born Gender: Female Looks: (When she gets older)  Other: Is Kazumi's and Concussion's pup... --- Finch didn't even have to answer, but she calmed down when the others arrived.
8:29pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((hmmm lets say 2 XD)) Kazumi yelp again as the second pup came put picking it up she cleaned the pup seeing that this one is a boy sighing happily she knew this was the last of her first little and she was happy with her two pups a boy and a girl. Kaze looked down at the two pups and yipped happily before running to the others shouting "its a boy and a girl" happily as his tail wouldn't stop wagging.
8:36pm Jan 20 2011
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Posts: 5,279
((Unless Feather wants to play one- *waits*))
1:19am Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 23,239
(I won't play one) Warbeak ruffled his feathers. "Deamon get army, we find wolvers, kill deamon" Streek said "brother look after Kazumi wolver and hatchlings". *** Patch's tail waged.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:38pm Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 5,406
((i'll play him XD)) Name: Raphael (sorry it was either that or one of the other tmnt XD) Age: Just born Gender: Male Looks: (When he is older)  Other: Is Kazumi's and Concussion's pup.
1:38pm Jan 21 2011 (last edited on 1:39pm Jan 21 2011)
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Posts: 5,406
(double post sorry DX))
2:35pm Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"I kill demon wolver to?" Genesis asked. Finch almost fainted with relief as the two newborn pups squirmed into Kazumi's belly for milk. "Well, this is awkward..." Breeze said, his tail wagging slowly. "You really had us scared, Kazumi," Lilit said seriously. "We thought Concussion was attacking already." Breeze nodded in agreement. "We should probably get back to training then." --- ((Concussion: *breaks into evil pep-talk song* )) "Let's move," Concussion said darkly, his ears flicking with anticipation. He cleared his throat and stalked through the forest towards Kazumi's cave.
2:41pm Jan 21 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Raphael moved closer to his mum and sister making small noises as he drank her milk. Kazumi smiled at the two pups and licked their heads as she smiled at them. "i am sorry but going into labor really hurts" she said with a small smile. Flare and Flame ran just behind Concussion following him where he went knowing he had some sort of plan inmind.
5:27pm Jan 25 2011
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Posts: 5,279
1:28am Jan 26 2011
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Posts: 23,239
"Eagle-bird help kill deamon-wolver" Streek nodded. She began flying back to Kazumi's cave. Warbeak followed "eagle-bird come?" he asked. **** Bones folowed. **** Patch sat there, unsure what to do. Shadow paced in front of the cave.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:35pm Jan 26 2011
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Posts: 5,279
"My name Genesis," Genesis said proudly, "I help killy deamon!' He said, letting out a war cry and gliding after the two kestrels. "Let's go into the forest to practice," Breeze said, "Give Kazumi some alone time with her pups Kaze," he said teasingly. Breeze led the others out into the forest, eager to start. "Alright, I'll pair with Patch, and Lilit with Shadow. Finch can be with Kaze. We'll want to practice all the moves we know so far."
5:39pm Jan 26 2011
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Posts: 5,406
Kaze growled playfuly before licking his sister and the pups "i'm not too far so call if you need anything" he said smiling before walking out. Kazumi smiled at her brother as she licked her pups again happily.
3:27am Feb 1 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Patch trotted up to Breeze "alright, lets start!" she yipped her tail wagging. Shadow chuckled. **** Streek flutter into a tree nearby the cave. "Kazumi wolver in cave" she said, pointing with a wing tip towards the cave. Warbeak landed beside her and nodded "watch for deamon-wolver" he said looking down at the other wolves "none is deamon?". "None is deamon" Streek said "any other wolvers come, rip out eyes". Warbeak nodded.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P