4:23pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
As Rasaja enterd into the 'camp' she saw Isidar and Zumi close to eachother again. She knew Isidar like Zumi, but had hope that Zumi didnt like him. For after what had happened between her and Isidar, she hope he would never find love again. She looked over towards Kaze, she saw him bringing back his prey, prideful and sugnifigant. Her head kept telling her that she didnt have a crush on him, and that it was only cause he was her hunting partner, but deep down in her heart she knew that all thoes overnight hunting trips ment something to her, and hopefully him too.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:24pm Nov 12 2010
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Shadow scaned the horison snow was faling everywhere he couldn't hunt his black pelt stood out to much, he raised his scard snout to the wind, he would have to find a carcus or he would starve, joining a pack was not an option. Then he smelt something on the wind, a carcus! And it was fresh too. He ran towards the smell, then he herd something, someone was prancing around where the smell was coming from. His one ear twitched, he would have to fight for his food, or just scare the wolf off. Patch pranced around the dead deer, it would keep her feed for a while. Then she hered something someone was in the bush behind her she spun around "come out!" she calLed, maby it was a wolf from a pack, maby it would let her join its pack "come out!" she called again her tail waging. Shadow couldn't believe it the wolf was teling him to come to it, it wanted to be with him what the? he thought, he walked out of the bush ready to fight if he had to its a trap he thought "what do you want?" he growled at the young wolf, it was a female and it was small. "Hello" she said looking at the wolf, it was coverd in scars and it had an eye and an ear mising, it must have been in a lot of fights over teritory "can I join your pack?" she asked the wolf
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:27pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
Isidar pushed off the pups playfully, he knew they loved it. And while he was playing with them, as little puffs of snow came up were they landed, he knew he wanted a pup of his own. and all while he was thinking of that, he noticed he was staring straight at Zumi. Admiring her face and sheek white pelt, her peircing blue eyes, he had a picture of what their pup would look like in his head, but he knew she would never fall for him, but he was hoping he might have once chance with her.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:28pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(The wolves can talk right?)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:30pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
OOC: Yeah they can! =P i just havent made mine talk yet!
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:32pm Nov 12 2010
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Kazumi smiled as she watched them play she tilted her at him before standing up and quickly ran over to him before pouncing on him. "quick get him" she said to the pups while laughing as they all pounced on him. She laughed more before moving and standing by his head "well i think they might of won" she said while winking at him. Kaze streched before walking over to Rasaja. "I'm going to protrol the territory for abit ill be back" he said to her while smiling at her before he ran off into the woods to try and keep outsiders off the packs land.
4:33pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
OOC: Im sorry but now i realyy have to go!!! but ill post either a little later or tommorrow! bye!
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:34pm Nov 12 2010
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((kk bye))
4:38pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
OOC: ok im back for a couple more mins!!! lol
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:42pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol ok))
4:43pm Nov 12 2010
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Shadow growled at the word pack "I don't have a pack" he replied "I just wan't food, so move!" he growled at the wolf hoping to scare her off Patch was yelped as the wolf shoved her aside "you didn't have to do that!" she whined "im happy to share" she said "and its fine if you don't have a pack, we can find one together" she said. The wolf didn't look like a runt so why didn't he have a pack? Maby his pack was killed in a teritory take over? she thought that would explain the scars Shadow turned to look at the wolf "I don't want a pack" he growled slowly at the wolf as if it didn't know anything. He began tering into the carcas "Why not?" Patch asked tearing off the deers back leg Shdow's head snaped up a wolf's howl pierced the silence
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:44pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
Isidar was suprised when out of the blue he got jumped on by a fuzzy white thing, sudenly relizing it was Zumi, then hearing the words 'Get him!' and feeling a bunch of smaller pounces onto him. He laughed with Zumi, and said "I guess it is, but only if you count a suprise attack!" he laughed. she shoke himself slightly making the pups slide oss, and the white fur on his stomach quiver. He got up and shooke again, making the snow flutter off him. He then jumped on Zumi, while saying "Best two out of three?"
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:45pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(I have to go now, bye XD) (I'll post later on today XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:48pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
Rasaja turned towards Kaze and said "alright..." but them her heats forced her to say "...Do you want me to come with you?" she flinched, not wanting to say that, but hoping hed say yes so that she could have more of what she called bonding time and what he called hunting.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:48pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
OOC: lol ok i me too cause i have to go!
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
4:49pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi laughed before smiling "your on." She said before flipping him over so that she was on top of him. She may look after the pups but she was strong enough and fast enough to fight and protect the pack she just loved pups more then fighting. Kaze soon came across the scent of two wolves that wern't appart of the pack soon ran to where they where."Who are you" he asked with a growl as she bared his teeth mostly at the male.
5:56pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
Getting pushed onto his back, he quickly rolled back over and said "youre on!" and held here there for a second, but then got distracted by the pups staring at them. so he decided to include them, "come on lets get her!" he said to them, and they happily joined in... but against him, and on Zumi's side. "well that didnt work out as planned..." he said as he laughed showing id crisp white teeth. With no answer Rasaja decided to follow Kaze anyways. But she came to a halt when she found and odd pack of two wolves, one small and one quite large with alot of scars, a snip missing out of his ear and only one eye. She was scared, this wolf looked like he had been in many fights. Fights that he may have one sense she was still alive. So instead of staying with Kaze to question them, she went and layed down in the trees watching them.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
7:38pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi laughed as she stood over him again. "See i will always win" she said giggleing before telling the pups what a good job they did taking down such a big wolf. She then licked his face before smiling and walking back to her spot to lay down and watch the pups play fight with one another.
7:42pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 62
Isidar smiled, at the fact that he was speaking with her, play fighting with her, and that she licked him. "You just got the pups on your side!" he laughed. Then decided to take a bigger step and asked "you wanna go out hunting to night?"
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
7:51pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi smiled at im before tilting her head as she thought about it "when the pups are with their parents then yes." She said wagging her tail. She really liked him and hoped that he wanted to go hunting because he liked her back not just because he needed a hunting partner. If that was what he wanted she knew she would be heartbroken.