9:08pm Nov 12 2010
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(Back for now XD) "Who wants to know?" Shadow snarled back baring his teeth at the intruder Patch yelped and jumped between the two wolves "wait a second, don't turn this into a fight!" she yelped better to forget than to water the ground with blood her mentors words echoed in her head
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:51pm Nov 12 2010
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aze looked at the little wolf before looking back at the scared bigger wolf "i want to know because this is our packs territory." He said at him his voice in a low growl.
10:18pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 10:24pm Nov 12 2010)
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"A pack!" Patch barked spaztecly jumping up and down "ooooo can we join, can we join!" she yiped prancing round the wolf "What do you mean we" Shadow growled at the female if she thinks I'll go with her then she has another thing coming "You won't come?" she asked stoping "but you'll starve to death over the winter"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:27pm Nov 12 2010
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Kaze looked at the little female and tilted his head. "Yes you both can join but only if you are trusted and prove that you won't harm any of the pack members" he said directing the last bit over to the male.
10:46pm Nov 12 2010
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"Yay!" Patch howled happily "yay yay yay yay!" she yiped runing around the wolf "Errrrrg" Shadow went "fine but i'll be gone by spring" he growled "Yay!" Patch howled "im Patch by the way" she said holding out a paw "who are you gyes?" she asked "Shadow" he grumbled glaring at Patches paw with his one eye as if he would snap it off
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:54pm Nov 12 2010
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Kaze looked at her before tilting his head. "I'm Kaze" He said to her smiling at her.
1:31am Nov 13 2010
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"Where is the pack?" Patch asked (NOOOO I did a fail post NOOOOO LOL)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:52am Nov 13 2010
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(Got to go I'll post tomorow)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:18am Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 62
OOC: haha i think you were just alittle tired! lol BIC: Isidar looked up, excitement in his eyes. "Alrighty then!" He said happily. "When do you stop watching the pups?" He questioned. Hoping that she wouldn't notice that he was a guard and not a hunter, and that he was asking her on a date sort of thing. While he waited for her to answer he watched the pups play, once again thinking how great it would be to have one of his own.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
8:27am Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 62
Rasaja watched the whole thing through her sharp keen eyes. She wasn't sure if it would be safe to let the one who called himself shadow join. While the one named Patches seemed friendly and a sort of Happy-Go-Lucky pup. She slowly stood up, and walked like she was stalking something out of the bushes. As she came out from hiding she talked in a firm voice, "I'm Rasaja, Our pack is over to the north. But if you guys try anything, I'm gonna came after you, simple as that." her warning was cold. She wanted Kaze to think she was tough, but wasnt sure if it worked or if he now thought that she was just a jerk.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
10:36am Nov 13 2010
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Kaze laughed before turning to her "nice of you to join us i wondered if you where going to stay in that bush until we started going back to the pack." He said smiling at her showing he was teasing. Kazumi looked at him tilting her head "it should be soon most partents are coming back from their hunts now" she said watching as females came to get their pups.
10:52am Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 62
Rasaja softly laughed. she walked up to Kaze and questioned him "do you think we can trust them that much to show them were our camp is?" then glanced up at the two, the pup seemed ok to her, but shadow she wasnt sure about. Isidar looked behind him to see the mothers picking up their playful pups. He turned back to Zumi, "alright" he said as he looked at her white fur that never seemed to get dirty.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
12:27pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 2
You guys are REALLY good roleplayers!!!!!!! just thought id tell you im lurking!
12:54pm Nov 13 2010
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Kaze looked at her "the only thing we can do is to keep an eye on him while he is here to make sure he is trust worthy to stay in our pack" he said to her. Kazumi looked at him standing up. "Ready" she yipped.
2:05pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 62
Rasaja nodded at Kaze, agreeing with him. She turned her head and looked into his golden eyes, that matched perfectly with his sleek but muscular black body. "alright follow us." She said as shwe motioned to the north. "Alright then! Lets go!!!" Isidar squealed with excitement. He started walk eagerly out of the camp, but then slowed down to walk next to Zumi. "Sooo..." he said not knowing what to say.. Hoping that she would know what to say.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~
2:19pm Nov 13 2010
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"And this is why I don't join packs" Shadow grumbled folowing Kaze and Rasaja "Oh come on Shadow" Patch said troting up to him "this will be fun" "How did you do that?" he asked Patch no wolf has ever goten that close to me he thought "What do you mean?" she asked walking beside Shadow "You arn't scared to be near me?" he said "I mean look at me, im coverd in scars and have an eye and an ear mising" he said stating the obvious "So, it just means you have a lot of scars" she replied This is by far the strangest wolf I have ever met he thought
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:34pm Nov 13 2010
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Kaze nodded and walked next to her back to the pack but he kept both ears out on the two wolves behind him. Kazumi smiled at him before laughing "so how come your a guard but you asked me to go hunting with you?" she asked him smiling at him. ((click my pokemon pleaseeee))
2:40pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Sory fox but the computers blocking the pop up XC) "It there other wolves my age?" Patch asked Kaze "Arrg don't let there be more of you" Shadow grumbled Patch lughed "oh no what will you do"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:51pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:15pm Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 4:16pm Nov 13 2010)
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Posts: 62
Rasaja walked back to the camp with the other wolves, noting their conversations. "oh yes there is. Alot, youll have fun!" she said, being nice to the new pup. Isidar was a little worried.. SHE CAUGHT ME!!!! he thought. "Well... uhhh.... i was hungrey and wanted to catch my own dinner?" he said in a questioning voice, hoping shed buy it. But anyone could tell he was obviously lying.. but he was hoping she couldnt.
~♥~I'll Love You Forever And Always~♥~