2:47pm Nov 19 2010
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((ok you go post first XD))
2:58pm Nov 19 2010
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Shadows ear twitched, he smelt the air "human!" he yelped shoving Rasaja into a bush and Bolting towards another, something sharp pirced his left leg he stagered and kept running. But he was geting tierd, so tierd, he thuded to the ground and his eyes closed. Patch yelped as the dart hit her and looked around "what was that?". Then she topled over and fell asleep (Ok that was realy random XD But it worked XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:06pm Nov 19 2010
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((yep it did XD)) Kaze looked back seeing the humans running over he stood over Patch and Shadow only to be kicked out of the way. (i'm going to have him stay here XD) Kazumi could hear a commotion, running back she could see the humans and moved to try and protect the twofallen wolves but what shot with a dart and soon fell near Shadow and Patch. Two humans came ove to the wolves and picked them up one by one putting them into cages in the back of the truck before they got in and drove off towards a place that has Z O O over the entrance. Soon the truck came to a stop and the men started taking the wolves out of the truck still in the cages as they where moved into an empty area that was made just for the wolves they caught for the zoo. ((there all we need is for them to wake up XD)) Kazumi soon woke up and looked around before she started panicing she didn't know where they where it was only her and Shadow where in one big cage while Patch was asleep in a different one with humans looking at her. She ran over and started barking at them "leave her alone" she growled at her as the humans looked at her before talking to one another and looking at her and Shadow before looking at Patch. The humans thought that Patch was her and Shadow's pup and that was why she was growling and barking at them. ((XD i think until she gets back this is a 1x1 hahaha but if she comes back it will add drama XD))

5:12pm Nov 19 2010
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Shadow shok himself awake and stood up "Humans!" he snarled throwing himself at the cadge bars, a todler that had goten too close fel back and started crying, he snarled at the mewling creature. Patch got up where are we? How did we get here? Why are we here?
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:15pm Nov 19 2010
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((i just looked if it says shes banned without information then the account has been banned)) Kazumi looked at Shadow who threw himself at the bars on the otherside of the cage away from the humans that where with Patch. It seemed the humans where checking thinga about her Kazumi didn't know what they where doing but she didn't like it. "Shadow they have Patch" she said growling at him before growling at the humans with white fur (lab coats XD) she didn't care about the other humans she just didn't want poor Patch hurt by the humans.
5:26pm Nov 19 2010
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Patch growled at the hemans then yelped in surprise, she had never growled befor. Then backed into a corner of the cadge and started barking furiously at them. (Oh by the way the todler was one of the peoples kids, don't ask why he was at his parents work cuse I just wanted Shadow to scare someone XD) Shadow threw him self at the cadge bars, tiping the cadge over, almost smoshing the todler (LOL I like the word smosh)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:36pm Nov 19 2010
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Kazumi felt the cage move and growled before pouncing on Shadow "if you hurt both of us we can't help Patch." She growled at him when a pup or very young teen was in danger she was very very mean. Kazumi then yelped before seeing another dart in her before looking at the human who looked scared.She then fell to the ground sleeping. Kazumi had made the humans think she was going to kill Shadow and decided it would be better for her to be asleep and they would move her to a different cage away from the male and the pup. (haha one of the humans pov XD)
6:08pm Nov 19 2010
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(LOL XD, im gonna make one of them be a nube and open the cadge with out puting Shadow under XD) Shadow snarled at the human that opened the cadge and then lept at her, he backed into the corner of the room and snarled as they suronded him, one had a long meatel stick and was pointing it at him, then he reilised that that was the thing that made them sleep, a mouse scuried by and stoped at his feet "the dart has to hit your hunches to put you to sleep!" is scweeked "sit down and they cant hit you with it". He looked down at the mouse "thanks" he mutered and the mouse scuried off Patch looked at Shadow and then at the mouse it had managed to open her cadge "thank you!" she said picking the mouse up gently and it climbed on to her head "I can help you get out" it murmerd "go see that door on your right" it said "whats a door?" she asked "just go up to it and put your paw on the curved thing coming out of it" he said, Patch did as the mouse said "good! Now push down, there we go! Now run! Run as fast as you can!" he said jumping off her head. "I'll help your freind!" (By the way the door lead to the wolf inclosure of the zoo, so Patch didn't realy get anywere much XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:12pm Nov 19 2010
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((haha XD ok but i can't do anything Kazumi is under XD))
6:17pm Nov 19 2010
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Name:Silky Age:2 monthes Gender:Male Looks:He is a Brown feild mouse Other:He was born in the Zoo where his parents were fed to the Snakes and has decided to try and help any animals excape the Zoo, so far he hasn't sucseded in freeing anything XD
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:25pm Nov 19 2010
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Silky climbed up the leg of the human that was holding the gun and managed to disloge the dart in it. He climbed back down and climbed onto Shadow's back "go run, I disloged the dart they can't shoot you!" Shadow snarled at the humans baring his teeth and then lept forward and dashed out the door. Silky sliped back under the closed door with the antidote in his teeth. He climbed into Kazumi's cage and injected the stuff into her and unloked the cage. She shold wake up soon
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
6:34pm Nov 19 2010
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Kazumi opened her eyes and looked around "what happened?" She asked before she could see the mouse on her and the doors open jumping up while being careful of the mouse as she ran outside to see it was just a bigger cage. She didn't care about that as she ran over to Patch."Are you ok" she asked her as she tilted her head worried.
6:53pm Nov 19 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Im fine!" she said "the mouse saved us" the humans had recoverd and they slamed the door behind hem. "Good, I think they will leave you alone now" he said to the wolves "im Silk by the way" he said clibing down from the wolf's back "Im Patch and this is Shadow, thank you for saving us" she said looking at the little brown mouse Shadow grunted, he was outside, there was gra.ss, rocks, trees and a small streem that tricled down some rocks and into a small pond, but they were just in a bigger cadge with walls that were too high to jump or climb, and worst of all humans. They were eveywere, stareing and pointing.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:08pm Nov 19 2010
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Kazumi smiled at the mouse "i'm Kazumi." She said smiling before frowning abit. "i think we are not free yet just in a bigger cage" she said as she looked around as she stood next to Shadow. "So any idea where we are?" she asked him as she looked at him. As she looked at him she couldn't help but notice how hansome he was even with an ear and eye missing it didn't bother her one bit.
7:12pm Nov 19 2010
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(LOL XD) "Nope" he grumbled floping to the ground (NOOO I did a one liner XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:16pm Nov 19 2010
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Kazumi rolled her eyes as she walked past him and hit him with her tail. "Some help you are" she said as she looked around trying to see if she could find a familier scent but it was no good.
7:34pm Nov 19 2010
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"Were in a zoo in London" Silk said "there's a forest across the road wich leads to a big mointain and over the mointain theres another forest thats probably where you all came from" (LOL I just made that up off the top of my head, I actualy know nothing about London and there might not even be a Zoo in London XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:03pm Nov 19 2010
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((lol thats ok)) Kazumi sighed before laying down and rolling over trying to relax. As she stood up she smelt something and looked around wondering what the smell was soon she came to her back end and her eyes widen. She was in heat as she looked around she lay down away from Shadow just incase he could smell her that she was in heat and want to mate her she wouldn't mind if she knew him better then she did.
8:47pm Nov 19 2010
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(LOL Fox LOL XD) Silk looked up at the sky where is that darn bird? he thought, then he spotted something shoot across the sky, the Kestrel had seen him and tilted her wings into a kill spiral and began to dive she pulled out just before she slamed into him and landed softly in front of him. "EYYYYR EYYYYR!" Streek screeched Name:Streek Age:1 year Gender:Female Looks:Like a Kestrel with her left eye missing Other:She lost her eye in a fight with another Kestrel and could not hunt to feed her self, she was close to death when Silk found her and nursed her back to helth, she has been trying to find a way to pay Silk back ever since. (LOL again, I don't even know if Kestrels can be found in London XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
8:55pm Nov 19 2010
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((i think they are O.o XD hahahahaha i say that and i live in the uk XD)) Kazumi looked over at the bird and tilted her head as she wonder what the bird was doing. She didn't want to get too close because of her heat it was known that when males smelt a female in heat they can't control themselves and have to mate with the female in question.