9:40pm Nov 19 2010
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(LOL XD) Shadow snifed then snorted Kazumi was in heat why am I the only male wolf that I know of that doesn't get botherd when a female is in heat? "Yeeerk yeeeerk, Wolvers?" Streek asked Silk "Yes wolves we are going to try and help them get out of the Zoo" he said "We help wolvers!" she said and flew up circled then landed "how we free wolvers?" she asked "I don't know, thats what we need to figure out" Silk said
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:00pm Nov 19 2010
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Kazumi stood up and walked around the cage. She soon came to a hole by the wall. She started digging as she made the hole bigger and bigger. Soon it was big enough for all of them to get through. She then howl to tell the others to come to her she wormed her way though and waited for them to come to her. She then sniffed the air before smelling humans looking around she growled before yelping as she looked seeing a dart. She then whimpered before falling asleep but not before seeing the humans fix the hole so it wasn't there anymore before she was picked up and taken somewhere else. When she woke up she looked around and gasped seeing she was in a room with what looked like an evil male wolf as he growled and circled her before he started to force mate her. When the male was finished he moved away from her before they where seperated and her cage was moved somewhere else so that she was icolated from the others but so when Shadow and Patch moved inside they would see her. ((i was bored XD)) ((oh and heres the Evil male XD ))

10:06pm Nov 19 2010 (last edited on 10:10pm Nov 19 2010)
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Posts: 23,239
(OH NOVUS! Is Kazumi gonna have pups?) (Where is Kazumi's cage?)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
10:31pm Nov 19 2010
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((yus she is very very evil pups and its like this [outside enclosure] [ ] [ ] [inside enclosure ] [ bars ] [Kazumi's cage ]
10:41pm Nov 19 2010
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(Ok) Streek flew into the inside enclosure "Yeeeerk wolver, wolver!" she called then she saw Kazumi, she managed to fit through the bars and perched beside the cage "what wrong wolver?" she asked cocking her head to one side
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
11:30am Nov 20 2010
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((XD lol Streek Reminds me of a Anime character XD)) Kazumi looked at Streek and tilted her head "i was put in a cage and was forced to mate with a male i didn't even know" She said whimpering before putting her paws over her head.
2:07pm Nov 20 2010
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(LOL I have a habit of making my carrys like other carrys I don't even know about XD) "Killy all rat worm humans! KILLY KILLY!" she screeched beting her wings before folding them and siting down. "Streek have mate once, and hatchlings" she said "but gone now" she said sadly. (LOL I made Streek have a random spaz of anger management XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:19pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((lol i'll see if i can find a youtube video of her it was just with her saying Wolvers all the time XD)) Kazumi looked at her and smiled abit "all i have was my brother until i was brought here with the other two now i only have them and the pups inside me" she said with a sigh.
2:32pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((Uzura XD sooo cute XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlcKAWT_5Gk ))
2:35pm Nov 20 2010
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(LOL yeah im gonna make her say a lot of things randomly XD) "Egale kill mate and chicks, and rip out Streeks eye" she said "where is your brother? I find him for you?" (Well that was a realy dumb thing to ask seeing as they don't know where they came from XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:48pm Nov 20 2010
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(OMG MY COMPUTER IS GLITCHING *Kicks computer* I cant get on to the thing 8( >DO *Hits computer* Stupid thing)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:53pm Nov 20 2010
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Kazumi looked at her and tilted her head "i don't know where i am otherwise i would tell you" she said sadly. "Could you tell Patch where i am please i don't want either of them to worry about why i howled then not be there." She said to her before laying her head down.
3:00pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Ok" she said and fluterd out of the inside inclosure "Patch wolver!" she called Patch ran up to Streek "yes?" she answerd "Come" Streek replied flying back inside Patch folowed and saw Kasumi in a cage "Kasumi, why are you in here?" she asked "Why did they put you in a cage?" Streek flew out and circled 3 times then flew off towards the mointains
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
3:47pm Nov 20 2010
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Kazumi looked at her "they put me in this cage because i'm in heat and they had a male mate me." She said sighing beefore looking back at patch. "They must think if i have pups near you or shadow that something might happen or i might abbandon the pups to look after you" she said to her tilting her head at her. "I did find a way out but it seems like they found out and took me here and fixed the hole" She told her.
4:34pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 5:54pm Nov 20 2010)
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Posts: 23,239
Patch blinked "WHAT!!?" she howled Shadow stood up and walked inside "whats wrong?" he asked looking around then saw Kazumi "oh no, what did they do" then he smelt the air there was another smell on Kazumis fur no it can't be! How could one of them goten here! "Concussion was here!" he howled
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:43pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Late post sorry) Streek scaned the ground as she flew, then saw something a black wolf. She dived and landed on the ground in front of it "are you Kazumi-brother?" she asked him.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
4:52pm Nov 20 2010
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Kazumi looked at him "who?" she was confused about who Shadow was talking about. She didn't know who the male was only that she had been forced into a matting with him and she was pregnant with his pups. Kaze looked up at the bird and growled "yes i am where is she? Where did those damn humans take her" he said still growling he only growled when he was really scared for his sister.
5:02pm Nov 20 2010 (last edited on 5:55pm Nov 20 2010)
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"Concussion, hes from another pack, they killed everyone in my old pack" he snarled "I was just a pup when they came, they killed my mother in front of me, then ofered me a place in their cursed pack, I refused, and then they riped my eye out, they thought I would die on my own" he said "Thats horible!" Patch exclamed "Yeeeerk, over mointains, in Zoo, I tell her you ok!" she screechd as she flew off
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
5:36pm Nov 20 2010
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Kaze nodded before howling at the bird "wait! how is she?" he asked worried about his sister. Kazumi looked shocked and whimpered "so they are all evil?" she asked him really scared. She was worried about what her pups would turn out like. ((hmmm i should get my friend in here shes good with bad guys unless you wanna play him XD))
5:43pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(I din't want to play him, I'm terible with bad gyes XD but I can be one of the pups 8D) "Hatchling is coming!" she screached back "Yes, why are you so concerened?" he asked "Thev pups!" Patch yelped "Im sure they won't be like that!" she whined puting her head betwen her paws "Pups?" Shadow asked then wished he hadn't he knew what had hapened to Kazumi
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P