9:38pm Nov 20 2010
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Streek looked at her mangled leg "INSANE DEMON WOLVER!" she screached "MOON CALF HATCHED BENETHE THE BLOOD MOON!" she shreeked hurling a small stone at his head
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
7:09am Nov 21 2010
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The stone bounced off of Concussion's head without a reaction as it fell to the floor of the cage. "You'd like to think that wouldn't ch'a love?" Concussion cooed, tilting his head to the other side with a crooked smile. "Oh? That's terrible!" Finch said, her tail still.
7:13am Nov 21 2010
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi growled more "thats because it's true" she said growling at him more. She then looked at the humans walking over to her cage and began moving it over to his cage "hey! What are you doing?" she yelped backing up as much as she could but it made no use as they connected the two cages together with only bars seperating them but the bars could easily be moved by the humans at any time. Kaze sighed nodding "yeah i know. But some bird came and told me she was ok and something about hatchlings coming." He said as he looked confused about the hatchlings coming thing.
7:56am Nov 21 2010
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Finch gave a little chuckle. "That was my friend, Streek. He has been learning wolf language for some time now, and still calls pups hatchlings. I think what he meant was that your sister is pregnant." Finch thought for a moment. "She would have to be in the zoo over the mountains if that were true, she wouldn't know Streek otherwise." Concussion raised an eyebrow. "A little shy now aren't we darling?" he cackled, rolling onto his back to look at Kazumi upside down. Being in a cage made him even crazier.
8:10am Nov 21 2010
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Kazumi looked at him scared before yelping more seeing the humans remove the only protection she had from him leaving her defenceless. She was terrified and she couldn't move from being so scared in her life. Kaze looked at her shocked "what!!! She can't be pregnant" he said before lookign down still shocked "no she can't be. No. No " he mummbled over and over still very confused about everything but mostly who his sister mated with.
8:13am Nov 21 2010
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"Relax." Finch said, taken by surprise by his reaction. "She probably met someone she loves, shouldn't you be happy for her?" Finch asked. "My name is Finch by the way, and yours?" Concussion flicked an ear. "Relax love, it's not so bad... what's bad is that we are all watching you," he said with a cackle, still on his back in a leisurely stance.
8:29am Nov 21 2010
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He sighed then looked at her "maybe your right." He said smiling before tilting his head "i'm Kaze" he said his tail wagging. Kazumi looked at him and whimpered again as she lay down as far from him as possible. All her corage had gone out the window when they removed the bars. She knew if she made him mad that he could attack her and she couldn't do anything about it.
9:03pm Nov 21 2010
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Streek flew into the cadge and hised something under her breth. She spred her wings wide and pufed out her feathers
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:33am Nov 22 2010
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Kazumi stood infront of Streek "no Streek he could kill you please" she said to the bird whimpering abit.
4:47pm Nov 22 2010
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Concussion gave a little laugh and stood up to a semi-natural position, though his head tilted to either side when he talked. "Little bird wants to play too then?" he growled softly, tilting his head far to the left. He bared his teeth and half snarled and half laughed. "To be honest. I just escaped from the zoo, I can take you to the mountains where the city is visible, but no further. I can't risk going back there." Finch said.
9:08pm Nov 22 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Yrrrrrrk!" went Streek, wichj was the closet thing a bird could get to a growl
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
12:14am Nov 23 2010
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Kazumi stood infront of Streek and growled at him "you leave her alone." She growled at him her tail up in warning. She then turned to Streek "Streek can you tell my brother not to worry about me please i don't want him captured as well" she said to the bird. She wanted to give Streek something to do so that she wouldn't be hurt or killed. Kaze looked at her and nodded "i would like that thank you" he said as he walked over to her and licked her cheek in thanks.
12:28am Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 23,239
Streek reluctently flew off in serch of Kaze. She circled Kaze and Finch "Yark! Kazumi-brother!" she screched landing awkwardly on one leg "Finch wolver!" she scwaked happily.
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:59pm Nov 23 2010
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"Hi Streek! this is Kaze," Finch chirped happily. "We were just heading your direction to rescue his sister, whose name must be Kazumi." Finch took another look at Streek. "What happened to your leg?" Concussion gave another insane laugh, and did an imitation of Kazumi's voice "Go on Streek! Save yourself!" he cooed in a high voice before laughing again. "How noble." He stepped closer to Kazumi. "So what'll it be, love?" he said lowly. "You know what the humans want me to do," his eyes glinted hungrily and he pushed his muzzle into Kazumi's face. "Are you gonna let me?" ((Omg, I think for my Public Speaking clas.s, I'm going to do an autobiography of Concussion, revealing his actual thoughs. What do you think?))
9:18pm Nov 23 2010
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Posts: 23,239
"Cyreth gyrgrot machen ma!" she shreked mening something along the lines of demon blood-wolfs poison fang!. Then looked at Kaze "She say, not worry and don't want you get caught" she said soring into the air and chanted Yonot fyngrot velink velink Gyrgrot nalfnot zink rink started barrel roling in mid air and went into the 2nd verse Snick, snick hargrit nic nark osk zon cark zus ta rew consker inot zorn. Gimlich gimloc machen ma Cyreth terk ageends natchga'th! (That was very random XD That was to ward off evil spirits (Kestrels are very superstitious XD))
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:08am Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((XD go on fifi that would be cool)) Kazumi whimpered as she looked at him she didn't know what to do she didn't want him to mate her but what if she could make a deal with him, deep deep down she had a feeling even if he agreed he would still do what he wanted after he got what he wanted. She was very confused, she then sat down "no i'm not" she said to him glaring at him if she was sitting down he couldn't touch her.
1:26am Nov 24 2010
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Posts: 23,239
(Im still on for now XD But will be gone till sunday afternoon sory D8)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
9:45am Nov 24 2010
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10:36am Nov 24 2010
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Concussion snickered and took half a step back. "What's the matter love, not strong enough?" he taunted. "You know wild wolves will mate up to ten times just to make sure that its his pups the girl will have." He lay down on his haunches with a grin, simply waiting. "And you know they won't let us out until we do just that."
10:38am Nov 24 2010
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Kazumi growled at him "or they will think that you are not up to making me pregnant and bring in a different male" she said glaring at him still growling at him. She hoped either the humans took him away or something she didn't like the idea of being stuck in a cage with him for too long.