Riley's hands tightened over the throttle, lips pursed as she revved the engine of her motorcycle. She released the clutch and took off at a dangerous speed on a forgotten road in the midst of a desert in California. She was just outside the city of Adelanto, California with the sun beating down on her back and dirt kicking up from her tires.
The wind tore through her hair and she kept her lips in a line, her neutral ex
pression; a blank face that gave away nothing. Her silver aviator lenses flashed in the sunlight, hiding her black eyes. Her wings ruffled anxiously in the wind, wanting to unfurl, but she fought the instinct and enjoyed the thrill of the ride.
The road she was travelling on was forgotten, as mentioned before. She had stumbled upon it during one of her leisure flights, on her so-called angel wings. She'd made sure that it truly was abandoned, flying lazily overhead for a couple days to be sure there weren't any of modern day's cops wandering around. Of course, like she had thought, it truly was a ghost's road, a large stretch of road that just seemed to wind through the desert.
Coming here calmed her and that was one of the reasons she hated it, yet also loved it. She hated the fact that she needed it, some type of condolense to battle against her past. She tried not to dwell on the harshness of her life, but it was evident in her personality and her mere image. She snorted at the thought and shook her head, releasing a few hairs that had caught between her lips.
She came to a lurching stop, turning the black motorcycle to its side and gripping the asphalt below her with her biker boots. She took off her aviators and blinked at the harshness of the sun's rays. She listened with her angel sense to see if anyone was nearby, ultimately checking for passerby auras. There was nothing, but the shrill cry of a desert vulture.
Cautiously, she unfolded her wings. Their black forms slid easily through her clothes, as if the material itself didn't exist. In a way, it didn't. Seeing as her clothes were of mortal being and her wings were celestial, the two things existed in two different dimensions at once. It was tricky to think of, but not entirely possible.
She stretched them out to their full eighteen-foot extent. The feathers warmed under the heat of the sun, sticky tendrils of darkness curling under the swathe of heat. It felt good to bask in the sunlight and she dismounted her bike, pitching the kick stand as she walked away from it. She walked like that for a long time, in meaningless circles around her bike, letting the sun warm her feathers.
When she accomplished what she came for, she mounted her bike again and left the road where it would be forgotten until her next visit. The dust kicked up behind her, rocks spraying from the black tires. She ducked her head down low, dark hair streamming behind her.
She wound her way down the cliff edges and returned to her home city; the 'city' was more like a semi-industrial rather large town, but she wasn't one to complain. She slowed down within the city limits and pulled into a breakfast diner on the side of the road.
She rolled the sleeves of her black leather jacket up to her elbows before she dismounted her bike. She slipped the keys into her pockets and felt the edges of her mouth quirk up as she admired her BMW S1000RR. Shaking her head, she walked into the diner and seated herself in a booth far at the corner.