11:44pm Aug 5 2011
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In the same exact diner, a vampire sat in the far booth at the opposite side of the resturante. His crimson eyes were fixated on his plate of human food -- something that substained him for a short while before the thirst really kicked in. And it looked almost gone. Smoke also curled around him in long, flowing tendrils that were coming from a single white cigarette in his mouth. The nicotine and the other drugs in it didn't effect him that much; considering he was already dead. Taking nother drag of he cig, he removed it and snuffed it out in the ashtray provided at the table. Exhaling the white smoke, he finished up his food and leaned back slightly as a waitress took his food and placed the bill on the tabletop. As she walked away, the vampire watched. His crimson eyes already starting to turn hungry. Clentching his jaw together, he kept himself from following as he picked up the bill; which was roughly around $15. He had a twenty in his pocket... Eh... He'd let her keep the change as a tip. Digging out his wallet, he removed the twenty dollar bill and placed the useful folded leather ob ject of his century as he stood up; taking the bill to where it could be payed. But once he was up there, a scent caught his attention. It was different from the humans in the place and he cocked his head to one side as he attempted to place a species to the scent. It didn't work. This one was completely new to him in his two thousand thirty years of living. Glancing out of the corners of his eyes, he glanced at the people in the booths and at the bar. They were all human... Except for that one in the far booth; the opposite to the one he had been sitting at. The person was a female and her scent was very intruiging. When he payed the bill, he dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment of it before turning around and exiting the diner. The small chimes attached to one door signaled his leaving.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:08am Aug 6 2011
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Riley picked up the menu from the diner and looked over the small print while feeling ravenous. She crinkled her nose as the acrid smell of cigarette smoke filled her senses. With a small snort, she shook her head slightly and set the menu back down. Her eyes narrowed as she spotted the smoker. She had always hated cigarettes; the smell alone was enough to block out all other scents around her which left Riley half-blind. After the man tossed away his cig, she began to look away. She paused when she caught the slight tilt of his head from her peripheal (sp fail) vision, the mannerism slightly animalistic and related to something she would do; she focused her attention back on him. Of course, the lenses of her silver aviators kept her black eyes shaded. He glanced her way and she could spot the slight flare in his nose, the look of intent in his eyes. She kept her facial ex pression passive and when the waitress approached her table, she waved her away. "Actually, I think I've got to get going," she muttered as she watched the man get up and leave the diner. She waited a few moments for him to leave before she left a flustered waitress behind. The door chimed again as she walked out of the diner. She ignored the man as she walked out, but looked at him, gaze hidden behind her sunglasses. She strolled up to her bike and slung one leg over the side. She froze instantly when she scented him; the smell of his cigarette trapped in the diner. Vampire. Rage blossomed within her and she angrily snapped the kick stand back up.
hello my name is elder price
5:18pm Aug 9 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Rawr. I should bookmark this. :P
hello my name is elder price
9:21pm Aug 10 2011
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*heaves up to the top*
hello my name is elder price
9:31pm Aug 10 2011
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OoC:// -helps with the heave- BiC:// Once outside the diner, the vampire moved down the walkway a good ways before he heard the chimes ring again; signally somebody's entrance or exit. He didn't look, but he caught a faint whiff of rage. It made him bl ink his crimson eyes slightly. Normal people didn't often show rage. Sometimes anger, but never rage. Tilting his head, he glanced over one shoulder to see the female that smelled odd. So she was the one giving off the rage-scent. And he wondered why. His wonder was short-lived however when it was inturrepted by the coarse caw of a bird. Instictively he held out one arm with its elbow bent. Feeling pressure rest upon his leather-clad arm, he changed his gaze to the sleek white mass of feathers on his lower arm. A smile curved his lips slightly. It was his white-raven friend; Riiva. He had befriended her while he was mending her broken wing. She let out another caw as her wings furled against her white sides. Her black-as-a-starless-night eyes blinked as she cocked her head at him. Reaching forward with her beak suddenly, the pony projections open and closed around a single straind[sp?] of his silver hair before pulling back sharply. The vampire winced slightly, but otherwise showed no emotions as the piece was plucked from his scalp. Riiva opened her white wings, beat them a few times, and lifted off into the air with the silvery straind in her beak. The albino vampire sighed and rubbed the spot were Riiva had removed a piece of his hair. Then, he continued to walk into the city; his thoughts now on what his raven friend was doing.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:41pm Aug 10 2011
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Riley paused at the sound of the distinguishable croak of a raven. One thing Riley could tell was that of the difference between a raven's call and a crow's caw. The raven emits a croak which could vaguely be heard to some as a bull frog. Shaking her thoughts with a bl ink of her eyes, Riley caught sight of a mass of white feathers descending through the air. She was close with the raven bird; her own wings were similar in likeliness, though hers were a bit more sleek, thin for better agility. The raven however, treated the vampire with affection that Riley couldn't comprehend. She growled, tossing out the strange act from the bird and revved the engine on her motorcycle. As the vampire went his way, Riley made sure to go the opposite way. She was vaguely aware that the raven had taken flight again, and her own wings burned from wanting to let loose. That small time on the abandonded road hadn't done much for her, but she forced instinct down and let the purr of the engine console her. The wind whipped through her hair which gave her a very close feeling to flying. She sped through the streets, the motorcycle a part of her as she wound it effortlessly around cars. She slowed her breakneck speed when she reached her apartment that lay on the outskirts of town. She pulled the bike into her garage. Once she entered the building, she worked her way up to her floor, the topmost room. Instead of going into her room, she climbed another set of stairs and broke out onto the roof. With a sigh, she sat down on the edge of the building and looked out into the sky. Ooc; Eeeeyay. xD
hello my name is elder price
4:16pm Aug 13 2011
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Posts: 3,828
hello my name is elder price
11:18pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; You no die! D;
hello my name is elder price
11:20pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Help teh Dragon think!
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:23pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Have Markus' raven friend give Riley his hair? ._. Then I'll go think of something to do with that. xD
hello my name is elder price
11:25pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I actually was thinking about doing that, then decided against it because I feared for Riiva's safety. O.O
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:38pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Riley would never hurt a Raven. xD
hello my name is elder price
11:40pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -scoff- I didn't know that... I'll think of something.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:42pm Aug 15 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Okie dokie x3
hello my name is elder price
12:01am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Riiva's white wings beat against the semi-still air as she rose higher over the city her fanged-human-friend was in. Warm thermals shifted through her feathers and warmed the skin beneath as she rose higher over the city. Her beak was still tightly clamped on the strand of silver hair she had plucked from her friend. Quickly cocking her head to one side, her black eyes caught sight of a person sitting on a roof. Except this person felt different to the white raven. Tilting her wings, she flew over to the person and gently landed a good foot away from the girl. Her wings furled against her sides as she gazed quizically at the person-not-a-person. [[ Fail at attempting to be a bird.... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:07am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Person-not-a-person. <3 Bic; Riley's troublesome thoughts left her mind as she felt the unmistakable beating of a raven's wings reaching her ears. She tilted her head slightly to the left to see the white raven from earlier land a bit away from her. She ran her fingers through her hair, shuddering as she remembered the bird's vampire partner from earlier. She wasn't going to take out her anger on the bird; it had done nothing. "Well, you're a curious creature, aren't you?" she asked softly as she leaned back on the palms of her hands. Her own wings ruffled anxiously, but she kept them safely tucked under her black leather jacket. Riley's eyes caught the silver hair in the bird's beak and she eyed the being quizzicaly. "What is it you have there?" she asked as she held her palm out just a few inches away from herself. She wasn't going to make the bird do anything it didn't want.
hello my name is elder price
12:21am Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// It be true! To Riiva, Riley is a person and is not at the same time. She thinks of a lot of people differently. BiC:// Riiva cocked her head to one side as the person-not-a-person female spoke. The white raven understood a few words of what she was saying since she was mostly used to the Greek alphabet. The person-not-a-person female spoke something else and held out one hand a little ways apart from her human body. Riiva cocked her head to the other side and moved forward slowly before she dropped the silver strand into the person-not-a-person female's open palm. Then she hopped back a bit and opened one wing to preen the feathers.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:34am Aug 16 2011 (last edited on 12:35am Aug 16 2011)
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; It's just the way you put it seems exactly how an animal would think of something like that. <3 LOL watching Everybody Hates Chris. Bic; Riley's fingers closed around the silver hair that the raven dropped into her palm. She held the strand before her, pinching the tip of one end between two fingers. Riley gave Riiva a wry grin before turning her attention back to the ob ject in her hands. She connected herself with the darkness that simmered beneath her skin and let a few shadows leak from her fingertips to engulf the strand. She saw the vampire beneath her closed lids, but she soured when she tried to dig into his past. Blankness is what she obtained and she blamed it on the fact that all she had to work with was a strand of his hair. She took a turn with her looking, instead searching for something intangible, something that wasn't a memory. She felt back to that moment when he saw her in the diner. Confusion. The feeling entered her as she watched herself walk out of the diner, the shadows providing an arial view over the scene. It was only confusion, nothing else to his mere chance of fate with their meeting. She pulled herself back and reuctantly let the shadows melt back into her skin. "He was one of the few who had nothing to do with Fel," she murmured and she dropped the strand of hair, having taken all she needed from it. Something had shifted in Riley and she looked back at the raven that stood preening its feathers beside her. Riley's wings burned and she wanted to thrust them into the air for relief, but she only shook her feathers anxiously. "Can you take me to him?" she asked hesitantly.
hello my name is elder price
7:49pm Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Riiva heard the female, but chose not to answer. Her beak quickly combing through the feathers closest to her white body. Eventually, she furled the wing and glanced at the person-not-a-person female. The white raven bobbed her head twice while cawing at the same time. The meaning; yes. Then she opened her wings and took off from the roof. She flew up a ways before circling around the building.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:53pm Aug 16 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Riley watched as the bird took off again, her dark eyes tracing after the form while bearing only a hint of reluctance. She shook her doubts away and stood up, boots dangerously close to the edge of the roof. With a sigh of relief, Riley stretched out her wings. The dark celestial feathers slipped through her clothing as if it weren't there. She stretched them into the air, the sleek forms towering over her head, before she pushed herself off of the roof. For a few moments, she was suspended in the air, the next few, she was pulled down into a freefall. With two strong downbeats of her wings, Riley surged upward and neared the white raven. She gave the bird a smile and a nod before she placed the silver lenses of her aviators over her face.
hello my name is elder price