11:24pm Aug 16 2011
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Riiva hovered slightly as she watched the spectical. Her head cocked to one side quizically as the person-not-a-person female moved closer and gave a slight nod of her head. Then, she soared off in the direction she had came from. Her white wings beat a few times to get on and soar through the warm thermals that covered most of the city. She was leading the person-not-a-person to the further most fringes were her fanged-human-friend lived.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:49pm Aug 16 2011
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Riley followed the white raven, a trickle of unease making it's way to her stomach. It was habit for her not to trust anything with fangs, habit for her not to trust anyone at all. She shook her head and tilted her head back to the raven, siler lenses of her aviators glinting in the harsh sunlight. "Don't tell him what you've seen of me, please. I have my need for secrecy," she said and with a small frown, she shook her head.
hello my name is elder price
8:52pm Aug 17 2011
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The white raven only glanced at the person-not-a-person female; not quite comprehending the words she had spoken. But, Riiva bobbed her head. Then, she tilted her wings slightly and dove down to an appartment complex. Landing on one of the upper most window ledges, she used her white beak to tap at the glass. After a while, she cawed slightly before continuing to tap. Eventually, the vampire came to the window and pushed it open; his crimson eyes wide with slight surprise. "Riiva, what is the honour this time? I usually don't get two visits from my winged friend in one day," he said in a heavy Greek accented as he leaned against the window frame. Two of his fingers gently rubbed her stomach feathers and then the feathers on her head as she moved her beak to push them there. The vampire's surprise changed to contentness as he smiled slightly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:33pm Aug 17 2011
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When the white bird unexpectedly dove down to one of the apartments they were passing over, Riley was quick to act on it. She landed neatly on the ground just as the vampire from earlier opened his window and greeted his bird friend. Riley looked away at the friendly greeting, sadness blossoming in her chest for only a moment before she steeled herself. She pulled her wings even tighter against her back, the muscles clenching with near pain as she looked up at him again. "She brought me here," Riley called up to the window, the natural rasp in her voice making her words sound more gruffer than intended.
hello my name is elder price
10:38pm Aug 17 2011
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The vampire twitch -- his equivalent of a startled jump -- before turning to look at the female on the ground. He tilted his head slightly to one side as his crimson eyes blinked; taking her image in. Then, slight recognition simmered in the crimson depths. "Your the one with the rage-scent from before," he spoke slowly as his fingers moved down Riiva's neck to rub a sweet spot in between her wings.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:44pm Aug 17 2011
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Riley matched his grimson gaze with the black depths of her own. She glanced down when he spoke again, shame washing over her form, but disappearing as quickly as the sadness had. Emotions flitted through her with ease, not taking heed to let her thoughts measure them out before they were off again, gone from her grasp. She didn't mind the neutral feeling she wore anymore; she had outgrown the depression. Still, her own wings ruffled anxiously against her back before she managed to still them. "It was a misunderstanding on my part," she said softly, knowing very well that he woul be able to hear.
hello my name is elder price
11:04pm Aug 17 2011
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The vampire heard her softly spoken words and removed his fingers from his white raven friend -- who cawed once in protest -- before crossing both arms against the window frame and leaning out slightly. His crimson eyes blinked slowly. "Why a misunderstanding?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:29pm Aug 17 2011
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Riley bit her lip and scratched at the corner of one eye, frowning when she slightly shifted the aviators off of her face. She watched wordlessly as the vampire turned his full attention to her, Riiva protesting for a moment or so. She chose her words carefully, not wanting eavesdroppers to hear them. "I just assumed you were a part of something that your...well, the others similar to you, were in," she said as she scratched the back of her neck. "So I say again; a misunderstanding that I assumed you were someone you're...not and my rage is not aimed toward you," she said with a small grin. "I must thank you, Riiva," she said, speaking pointedly to the raven as she dipped her head slightly to the creature. "A beautiful creature the raven is," she said as she tilted her head slightly to the left. Her wings burned at her own words and she clamped them tighter against her back, fearful he would hear the feathers ruffling or that she would thrust them from her back.
hello my name is elder price
11:41pm Aug 17 2011
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He tilted his head a little more, looking much like a confused dog. "So your rage was directed at others of my kind because of what happened somewhere in your past?" he asked before turning to the white raven to translate into Greek what the female below had just said. Riiva cawed twice in response. Turning his attention to the female below he said; "Riiva says 'Your welcome and I know we are'." As to emphasize the point, the white raven seemed to puff up the feathers on her chest slightly to make herself seem bigger. The vampire caught sight of that and shook his head; chuckling slightly as he muttered something incoherently in Greek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:59pm Aug 17 2011
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"Yes," was all Riley said to the man when he basically repeated what she just said. She barred her mind from the barrage of memories that were attempting to trickle into her thoughts. The only sign of her slight wince was a twitch to her fingers, and a slight decline of her chin. Riley's confident smile turned into a teasing smirk as she looked back up at the vampire. "From what I was able to see, feel, from the strand of your hair Riiva here gave me, you don't know what I am." Riley tilted her head slightly again, an amused ex pression finding her face as Riiva /humbly/ puffed out her chest.
hello my name is elder price
12:06am Aug 18 2011
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He cocked his head this time as he thought about what she just said. "I know your not human, you scent tells me that much," he responded as he moved to smooth down the puffed up feathers of Riiva's chest. The white raven's reponce was to lightly nip at the white fingers and ruffle her wings slightly against her side as her tail feathers fanned out.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:17am Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 11:59pm Aug 18 2011)
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The Greek dialect in his tone was clear enough to her that he was old, even for his kind. Her nose twitched as she quickly tossed the thought of her name slipping through his lips in the tone. She leaned against a street light and looked up at him again, idly aware of the man in his mid-forties peering at them from his window. In one swift movement, she slipped off her sunglasses and glared at the man. Crimson flecked her irises for only a moment before the startled man stumbled backward and she hastily threw the aviators over her eyes once again. "Most humans can even pick up on the fact that I'm not human. Also, we may be attracting quite a bit of attention and I'd like not to stir trouble for you," she said through a frown.
hello my name is elder price
9:34pm Aug 18 2011
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The vampire frowned slightly. "Why don't you come inside?" he asked. "We won't have any eavesdroppers and can talk slightly more... freely." His crimson eyes moved from Riiva to the female below as he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "Just a suggestion..." [[ Blarg... -_-; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:04am Aug 19 2011
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Riley peeled herself from the streetlamp and glanced back the way she had last seen their eavesdropper. At her glance, the blinds snapped shut and the curtains were drawn quickly. She snorted in amusement and a light hint of irritation before glancing back up to the vampire. She was reluctant to answer him, but she was curious about the vampire. "I'm Riley," she said as she crossed the street and stopped just under his door. "And I'll take you up on that offer," she said with another twitch of her nose.
hello my name is elder price
8:10pm Aug 19 2011
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The vampire cocked his head slightly. His lips curved into a small grin. "I'm Markus," he said. "The door should be unlocked. Come on in." He made a welcoming gesture with his head before disappearing from the window. Riiva let out a squawk and hopped inside the building. The window remained open.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:07pm Aug 19 2011
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Riley opened the door, all reluctancy gone, and stepped foot inside the building. Her nostrils flared as she tried to get a vague sense of how long the vampire had been here, and more importantly, who he was. Markus. In all her time, she hadn't seemed to run into the vampire, and from the feel of what she got of his living quarters, he was old. She nudged the door closed behind her with one black boot and irately shook a few waves of her hair from her face. Her fingers twitched as some of the shadows crawled to the fingertips, wanting to leach out of her body and absorb the information around her. On normal circumstances, in anyone else's house, she would have done it. But, she did not want Markus to have any inkling as to what she was, as she did not trust him yet. That and she felt it rude, and that bothered her. "Have you lived here long, Markus? Excuse my prying, but I was growing used to knowing that I was the only non-human around here," she said, biting at her lip as she looked at the walls around her.
hello my name is elder price
10:32pm Aug 19 2011
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Markus tilted his head as he considered Riley's question. His fingers tapped gently against a translucent glass bottle as he attempted to translate his reponse into english. He still didnt' know a lot of the words; just enough to get by. "Two months... Maybe a little less. I try to keep a low... profile," he said with slight hesitancy as he tried to use the right words. "I move around. Sometimes with my... brother. Othertimes on my own." A longer pause before brother since the ancient greek term for 'soul-bound-brothers' didn't exactly translate into english. He raised the opening of the bottle to his lips and let the substaince in it slide down the neck of it and down his throat. Markus lowered the bottle and swallowed twice as his nose wrinkle with slight distaste of whatever lay within.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:44pm Aug 19 2011
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Riley had never found the ways of vampire life a crime; it was what they were, but something in whatever was left in her angel side still had that desire to protect human life. Ugh. She absorbed Markus's words and let them roll through her mind as she processed them, mingling her own thoughts as she still looked around. She wanted to ask about his feeding, but she wasn't going to. Her brows raised slightly as she looked at his drink and his obvious dislike of it. "If that's blood and you're making that face, you're quite the interesting vampire," she said with a grin.
hello my name is elder price
11:02pm Aug 19 2011
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Markus shook his head at her statement. "Not the blood I am used to. Brother drinks the blood of game and predatory mammals and he is attempting to get me..." he shrugged slightly. He couldn't translate the word he wanted since he wasn't sure what it was in english. He set the bottle down the counter that was the start of the kitchen. Moving his hand so it was a good inch away from the glass bottle, a sudden whirlwind exploded from the center of his palm; causing the bottle to fly backwards into the sink where it crashed and shattered. "Oops," he said, shrugging slightly. He didn't even look shameful about what he just did.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:12pm Aug 19 2011
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"So, he's a 'vegetarian.'" she said and watched as he blasted the bottle into the nearest sink. "So I assume he's here with you, then?" she asked, but she hadn't scented anyone but Markus living here in the past couple months, as he said. "I don't agree with your brother," she said with a chuckle as she twined her fingers together and let them rest against her leg. She turned her head to the side slightly as the metallic scent of the blood reached her nose. She leaned against the wall and took note of his ability to manipulate wind. That made her feel edgy as she pictured him pinning her wings down with a strong gale, and her plumage ruffled at the thought, but she hastily pushed it away.
hello my name is elder price