11:18pm Aug 19 2011
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Markus shook his head at her question. "He has been up north for the past couple seasons," he responded to her question. Seasons as in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. So, techniqually, what Markus was attempting to say was that his brother has been north for a little over a year; even if he didn't know how to convey it properly. "I don't agree with him either, but he pushes so," he said as he moved off to the living room to sprawl out on the couch. Riiva -- who had bee in another room -- flew out of the hall and landed lightly on the low coffee table in front of him. Her head moved swiftly as her black eyes glanced at Riley.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:24pm Aug 19 2011
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The more Markus was talking, the more Riley was beginning to get a read on him. She decided she liked the vampire, at least from what his harmless actions and easy --though seemingly not easy for him-- talking. She knew almost indefinitely the answer to her next question, but she found herself asking it anyway, wanting to hear his voice for some unknown reason, and that strange Greek accent he spoke with. "I can tell you don't really associate yourself too much with modern society, at least, not with the Americans," she said. She looked down as Riiva looked up at her, and Riley blinked, realizing the similarity in color with their eyes. Not the only similarity, she mused to herself, a smile finding her face at the thoughts.
hello my name is elder price
11:34pm Aug 19 2011
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Markus shrugged. "I try to... What's the word.... assimilate?... But it... doesn't work out much," the greek said, sighing slighlty as he muttered something in his ancient, native tongue. Riiva glanced up from what she was doing -- preening the feathers on her back -- before taking to the air again; supported by a small gust of wind created by Markus. She flew over to Riley and gently took a lock of her hair in her white beak before gently pulling on it. The white raven let go and flew back to the couch as she landed on the headrest; cawing slightly. "It seems Riiva wants you to sit," Markus mused. "She has also taken a liking to you, Riley."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:51pm Aug 19 2011
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"Bah, humans are overrated anyway," she said with a shrug and watched as Riiva glided over to Riley's shoulder, a light wind supporting Riiva's wings as she approached. The girl didn't wince when Riiva took Riley's locks into her beak; the tug was too gentle. She took a seat where Riiva indicated and smiled up at the raven, lifting her fingers just near the creature to see if she would accept Riley's touch. She made sure to gather the shadows deep inside her, vaguely aware of the blue specks that shone through the black in her eyes. "I find a lot of ravens take to my company when I'm...around. We're similar, I guess," she said, hesitantly because the ravens would fly beside her when she was in the air. "But Riiva, you are quite more sophisticated than your brethren," she noted.
hello my name is elder price
12:17am Aug 20 2011
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Riiva cocked her head at Riley's lifted fingers and reached forward with her beak to nip the tips gently before pulling back. Her wings shifted against her back and she let out three short caws as if saying; "I know I am." Markus simply shook his head at his white raven friend's antics. He spoke something in Greek which caused Riiva to move over to the vampire and bit one of his ears. He let out a whimper akin to a dog and rubbed the spot Riiva had clamped between her beat. His crimson eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke Greek again. This time Riiva gave a short caw and flew back over to the open window; her black eyes watching the sky.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:30am Aug 20 2011
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Riley shook out her hair distractedly as she half watched the going-ons between the two old friends. She balanced her elbow on one thighs and let her chin rest against the palm of her hand as she thought. "Any questions you have of me? Seeing as I've gotten a vague sense of who you e, I feel I owe it to you." she finished as she leaned back against the couch. -fail-
hello my name is elder price
12:36am Aug 20 2011
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"Yes. I do have a question for you," he said as he leaned forward; towards her. His head cocked to one side and his crimson eyes started to glow slighty. "What are you, if you are not a human? You scent is very different from the other creatures I have been around." Which would be other vampires, a few weres of different species, and the occasional demon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:41am Aug 20 2011
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Riley shook her head, lips pursed in silence as she wondered whether to grin or frown. Neutrality won out and she kept her lips to a straight line, blue flecks in her eyes long gone and swallowed by the darkness again. "Markus, I do not even know what I am anymore," she said seriously and stood. "I /was/ a Guardian Angel," she continued. "That was until I messed everything up, got kicked out of Heaven, messed some more sh!t up, and...acquired a taste of darkness," she finished as she stretched out her slightly raven-like wings, shivering as she felt exposed when she showed them to the vampire.
hello my name is elder price
1:00am Aug 20 2011
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Markus's head tilted to one side as he watched, listened, and absorbed everything she was saying and doing. Though, at the mention of "Heaven" is face went blank. He tended to avoid churches and cathedrals meant towards this new, singular God, and stuck to his dieties of old. The albino vampire stood up slowly as he looked at her wings this time. Their black feathers gleamed slightly. He raised one hand and reached towards some of the feathers. But her paused and dropped his hand back to his side. "Then you have 'Fallen' have you not?" he asked, his glowing crimson eyes blinking slowly. He had read about angels though, having heard about them from different people. He just assumed they weren't real. Yet, here he was; standing in the same room as an angel. Even if said angel had fallen.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:13am Aug 20 2011
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She saw the almost blank ex pression on his face when she mentioned Heaven and she almost barked out a bit of laughter. When his hands reached forward to almost touch her feathers, she drew them back instinctively, and stifled a snarl. She shook her head at her own childish feelings and opened her mouth to speak. "When I say Heaven, I'm talking almost every religion in the world...but I'm also not." she scratched at the back of her neck. "What I'm trying to say is every religion is right, but...not. Either way, I never really cared for the great 'deities' in the first place," she said with a sadistic glimmer to her eyes. "I was already hated there, if that's the word, so yeah, they had no trouble kicking me out. Now I'm stuck here for the rest of eternity to see the wonders of humankind that they created." She snorted.
hello my name is elder price
1:26am Aug 20 2011
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Markus's crimson eyes glimmered slightly at the sadistic one in hers when she mentioned the deities and how she never really cared for them. His upperlip twitch as he stamped down the urge to snarl and bare his fangs at her. He could already feel them elongate inside his closed mouth. When he listened to Riley talk about being stuck on Earth for the rest of eternity, he snorted. "Jump aboard. Already living that as well," Markus said in a tone that was very well near a sneer. Which was outside his usual personality and a small sign that the thirst was getting the best of him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:45am Aug 20 2011
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Riley's eyes widened slightly at Markus's response to her obvious dislike of the higher beings that ruled the oh-so-wonderful world they lived on. Instead of making another rude comment or a jabby response, she noted not to poke fun at his religion again. She felt herself tense at his tone, wondering exactly why he was being so openly hostile with her; she narrowed her eyes slightly. "Eternity's quite the pain," she merely said with a shrug. With a sigh, she slid her wings back through her clothing, clamped them tightly against her back, and sat back down on the couch. "Have I over-stayed my welcome?" she asked, brows arched as she saw the flames of vampiric hunger lick at his eyes.
hello my name is elder price
2:12am Aug 20 2011
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OoC:// You going to post on The Dragonness and the Phoenix? BiC:// Markus shook his head as a growl rumbled in his chest. "No, you haven't. I have just overestimated how long I can go without feeding," he growled; his accent growing thicker and harder to understanding. He moved to the kitchen were he rubbed the back of his neck as his throat started to constrict. His eyes started to glow a little brighter as his silver hair reflected the biolumenescence.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:20am Aug 20 2011
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Ooc; Yeah, I'll go post now. I've been procrastinating because I don't like using my iPod for longer posts. Lol Bic; Riley's curiosity spiked at his answer and she up and followed him to the kitchen, keeping a friendly distance of course. She noticed the slight change in his appearance, moreso the tightened muscles of his throat. "I'd offer mine, but I'm not sure if drinking in shadow-tainted blood is a good idea," she said, only half sarcastic. "Do you have anymore of those convenient bottles?" she asked as she rubbed her nose, the blood having dried from earlier and filling her nostrils with a rusted smell.
hello my name is elder price
10:26pm Aug 20 2011
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OoC:// Ah. And sorry for poofing and not being on almost all day. Dad said I can't get back on until I clean up my room. Well, room is cleaned and he is only letting me get on for a few freaking hours. And that was after he said I have more work to do on it tomorrow. And I am all liek, "Dude, this is the most clean it is every going to get." I am even getting rid of some of my old books to make more room on my small bookshelf. I be all liek "NYU!" But most of them are small chapter books and shizz like that. -end rant- :D BiC:// Markus cocked his head at her suggested and glanced at her. His crimson eyes moved down her figure as he contemplated on taking her up on the offer. The glowing orbs blinked when he heard her question. He nodded slightly. "They have animal blood. That doesn't help me much. Helps my brother because he is used to it," he said, rubbing his throat slightly. "I need something more than that..." The vampire trailed off as he thought about the best place to hunt for his next meal. He also contemplating on hunting other vampires for their blood. Yea... vampiric blood substained him longer than human.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:35pm Aug 20 2011
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Riley didn't actually think he would take her seriously at the offering to her blood, but she could see him thinking about it all the same. A small smile tugged at her lips and she crossed her arms, lips pursed. "Well, no one's stopping you," she said, smirking to herself when she realized how un-angelic that sounded. "Should I wait here for you to finish or am I allowed to watch your hunt?" she asked, brows arched. She didn't want to leave the vampire's presence; she liked being around someone else for a change. Ooc; LOL It's okay. I've been wondering why the forums have been so dead. xD Good luck with cleaning your already clean room tomorrow. |D
hello my name is elder price
10:59pm Aug 20 2011
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OoC:// |P One of my younger brothers even helped me clean my room... BiC:// Markus blinked as his ex pression changed to something akin to "Are you out of your immortal mind?" kind of look. His brows furrowed together and he closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "You can come if you want to. Or you can stay. Really, the choice is yours," he growled as he moved towards the door of his apparment.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:21pm Aug 20 2011
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"Alright," she said as she followed him to the door. She looked around for Riiva, but couldn't find her, so she merely shrugged and exited the house. One streetlamp was out and another was blinking pitifully down the street. "I'll be up there," she said, waving a finger to the sky as she did. She walked under the unlit streetlamp, listened for any sign of eavesdropper movement before rolling the muscles of her shoulders and unfurling her wings. They brushed soundlessly against the air and in one leap into the air, she snapped them down and careened upward. Her wingbeats were flustered for the first few beats; she preferred the easier running take-off, but they grew stronger when she managed to rise above the line of buildings. She circled over Markus, black eyes glittering as she looked down at him.
hello my name is elder price
11:33pm Aug 20 2011
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Markus inclinded his head to Riley, but continued on his way. A small breeze curled around him; bringing him the scents of the city. He stopped at an intersection and breath them in; inhaling deeply through his nose and sorting through the different scents and the images they brought. A group of girls heading towards a downtown club was his main focus as he breathed in more of that scent. But another trail caught his attention. This one smelled a little like him; except more feral and more.... new. A low, greek curse left his lips. Sh!t. This was a newly turned vampire who just rolled into town with no hook on controlling themselves. And from the scent, didn't want to control themselves. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose before following the new-vampire-scent.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:42pm Aug 20 2011
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Riley watched Markus's moving form below her, closing her eyes slightly to sigh as the wind tickled her feathers. She stopped when he did, glancing down to watch the different emotions pass over his face. She didn't want to call down to him from the sky, instead looked out over the various rooftops and onto the street to take a guess at what he was so angry about. She was too high up to scent anything so she splayed her fingers out and let a few shadows drip from her palms. they hung suspended in the air for a moment before she whispered for them to go off and do her bidding. Markus had moved again, irritation clear on his features, and she waited patiently for the shadows to return to her. When they did, Riley's eyes narrowed as she looked at the older teenage boy through the memories of a shadow. She yawned then and continued to follow Markus, itching to spill some blood, but not wanting to anger the vampire below her by killing his prey. She chuckled.
hello my name is elder price