12:27am Aug 21 2011
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Markus followed the other vampire-scent until the fresh scent of blood washed over him. His crimosn eyes narrowed and he pulled his lips back into a snarl as he bared his fangs. He was close. The blood-scent was getting stronger. So was the vampire one. As he rounded a corner into an alleyway, he could see two figures at the end. One was on the ground; prone. While other was standing over it. The greek growled loudly and the new vampire looked at him. As if realizing the danger it was in, the other vamp attempted to escape by running passed Markus. However the older vampire caught the new one by the throat and threw it against one of the walls. It was then that Markus got a closer look. The newly turned vamp turned out to be a female in her early twenties with long blonde hair and unusual green eyes. But her eyes had a crazed look in them and her scent was way too feral. Like her maker just got up and left her to fend for herself. "Who made you," Markus demanded. She only hissed and bared her fangs. The greek shrugged and struck. He pushed her against the wall and quickly sunk his fangs into her neck. Her vampiric blood soon slipped down his throat as he began to drain her dry.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:33am Aug 21 2011
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Riley staggered onto the ground, wings already half folded as she ran up to the person on the ground. She wrinkled her nose at the stench of blood and made a 'tsk'ing sound between he teeth as she surveyed the dead human before her, the boy she had seen from before. She was careful not to touch the body. She dusted off her jeans and stood as Markus yelled at his victim. When she refused to give her an answer, Riley crossed her arms over her chest. "I can get the answer from her if you don't kill her just yet," she said lazily.
hello my name is elder price
12:45am Aug 21 2011
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Markus detached himself from his victim's neck long enough to pin a hunger-consumed glare on Riley. He was too thirsty to really care. He just wanted to see if she would answer him or not. The vampire he pinned let out a whimpering hiss. The greek snarl and resumed his feeding.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:58am Aug 21 2011
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The girl whimpered and Riley shot her a look as if to say 'you brought this upon yourself'. She shrugged to Markus and watched as he continued to feed, but something about the obvious newness of the girl was nagging at her thoughts. With a sigh, she let a few shadows discreetly sliver under the girl's feet before sucking themselves into her body. She didn't know if Markus would be able to tell, but she knew the shadows didn't enter the bloodstream. Riley caught the girl's cold, yet triumphant glare before Riley doubled over in pain. She bit her lip harshly, blood dripping from her mouth as she muffled out her scream. Her wings were on fire, but when she threw them out to the sides, they were the same. With a flinch as another wave of heat racked her body, Riley pulled the shadow's from the vampire. Dizzy, she sat down on the ground and glanced up at Markus. "Whoever turned her knows a thing or two about angels; and me," she said with a shiver. "Please kill her."
hello my name is elder price
12:41pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus paused when he smelled blood not vampiric or human. He removed his fangs and turned towards Riley with a semi-confused look on his face, the lower half was covered in blood. When she spoke, he grinned; his fangs showing. "Planed on it, my Fallen Angel," he said as he turned his attention to the vampire before him. Since he had already had his fill of her blood and would be sated for many months to come, he slipped back and formed a ball of wind in one hand [[ Dude, I know you only watched liek 2 episodes or somthing like that, but it looks a bit like Naruto's Resengan. ]]. It sucked everything towards it before Markus layed it out in two wind-blades that sliced the female vampire in thirds. Her head rolled off and landed on the ground. Her legs slipped out from underneath her torso and fell. The greek muttered, "Hades torture you for all eternity," before using the back of his hand to whip the remaining blood off his face.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:51pm Aug 21 2011
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She wiped at the blood that had accumulated on her lip and spat some of the metallic taste from her mouth. Her fingers writhed with frenzied shadows, showing fear when her face did not. With a few muttered curses, she quelled the black tendrils and watched Markus slice the vampire victim in thirds. She glared hatefully at the head that rolled onto the ground before she straightened her legs out onto the ground and let her hands fall into her lap. She hadn't recognized the burning touch that had pushed at her shadows, but she did recognize what it was. "That thing was being protected by an angel," she hissed as she crossed her arms over her chest. Since when do angels and vampires forge bonds? she thought dismally. Her wings still ached and she stretched them out before her. She ran her fingers along the black feathers, sighing when she saw that some of the tips had turned white; the black spread over it quickly. Finding them alright, she tucked them behind her back and looked up at Markus. "No wonder I hate vampires," she said with a laugh, but her light eyes let Markus know she regarded him as a friend.
hello my name is elder price
2:44pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus turned to her when she said that the newingly was being protected by an angel. He cocked his head. Angels were the singular God's workers -- or so he gathered from the God's worshippers -- and the vampires were bloodsucking monsters of the dark. It didn't really add up at all and he just shook his head in slight confusion. Hearing her voice again, Markus glanced at Riley out of the corner of his eyes. "Everybody hates vampires. Only complete fools will attempt to pursue one," he shot back, noticing her light eyes.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:20pm Aug 21 2011
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"Well, apparently not everyone," she said as she gestured toward the dead vampire with her chin. She pushed herself onto her feet and looked at Markus apologetically. "And whatever you're thinking about those angels being good, don't. I know a few who have a nasty side to them. Why do you think this world's so corrupt? Heaven isn't exactly 'paradise' in my point of view," she said as she shoved her hands into her pockets. "Of course, I haven't been there in a while," she said as she glanced up at the sky. "'scuse my rambling. What now?" she asked as she kicked at the blood she had spit earlier.
hello my name is elder price
4:06pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus shrugged off her ramble and glanced at the dead vampire at his feet. "Burn the vampire and find out who made her. Also figure out the connection between her and this angel," the greek said. Then he patted his leather jacket's pockets before cursing. "You have a lighter on you?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:43pm Aug 21 2011
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"No," Riley answered sourly. With a quick thought, she squatted down next to the demolished vampire and searched what she hoped were jean pockets. With a small smile, she pulled out a Zippo lighter and tossed it to Markus. "Light 'er up," she said with a grin.
hello my name is elder price
4:55pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus caught the lighter and flashed a fanged smile. Clicking it a few times, a flame appeared before he dropped the lighter on the dismembered body. The flame caught the body went up in flames. Summoning more air to the area, the oxygen caused the flames to burn brighter and hotter as the body began to turn to ash.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:18pm Aug 21 2011
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After the vampire crumbled to ash beneath their feet, Riley turned her attention back on Markus. "So are we going to go vampire hunting tonight or shall we wait until tomorrow when there's more...daylight," she said as she looked up at the sky; a light shade of pink had taken over the horizon. She scratched the back of her neck and sighed.
hello my name is elder price
6:28pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus glanced up at the sky. His pupils dialating as he watched the shade of pink that had invaded the horizon. "Tonight," he stated as he turned his attention back to Riley. "Unless you can't see in the dark." He grinned slightly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:36pm Aug 21 2011
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Ooc; LOL I meant to say less daylight. Adventure Time is messing with my brain. |D Bic; Riley cracked her neck by tilting her head from one side to the other. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and gave Markus a toothy grin. "I think I'll manage," she responded and she tilted her head to look back at the human she had slain. She bit her lip and knelt by him, eyes finding the spot where she had fed. "As much as I don't want to, I think I can get us a lead," she muttered as she placed her hands just over the dead boy's chest. "She may have said something to this kid; you know how all those evil-doers give their victims their whole life story before they kill them. Very cliche," she said as she looked back at Markus as if to get an okay from him.
hello my name is elder price
6:42pm Aug 21 2011
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OoC:// Stupid Adventure Time, messing with my shadow-chan's brain. Now something is messing with mine and not letting me post bigger posts... -_-; BiC:// Markus had to agree with that last part. "Happened to me a few times, but they never expected me to escape or fight back," he said as he guestered for Riley to continue.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:05pm Aug 21 2011 (last edited on 7:06pm Aug 21 2011)
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Riley chuckled to herself as she placed her fingertips lightly over the boy's chest. She bit her lip, knowing it would probably hit her again, but she hoped her hypothesis of it not being as bad was true. She let the shadows slip from her fingers and crawl over the body. They soaked into the puncture wounds into the kid's neck and Riley winced as more of the trace of whatever was on the vampire entered her body again. She shuddered and her wings unfolded and fluttered anxiously against her back, but she didn't pull back. The images were conjuring as the shadows spread to the memories still stored into the kid's brain. She opened her eyes, but was seeing something other than the building wall before her. "Insolent child. Listen to me and I won't kill you." She was looking at the vampire from the boy's point of view, and she could feel a trace of the fear and adrenaline that had pulsed through his veins. He backed into a wall and Riley watched as the girl approached him, sadistic smile on her face as she ran her fingernails against the boy's neck. "W-what do you want?" Riley found herself stammering, the words coming out in a low tone of voice; she realized it was the boy. "I want an army," she replied as she walked up to the boy, and Riley. The woman traced her tongue teasingly across the boy's quivering lips and Riley nearly pulled herself from the vision in shock. The vampire ran her hands up the boy's shirt and then Riley was watching as a gold rim lined her eyes. "But you won't help me with that," she said as her red eyes returned to normal. With that, she sunk her fangs into the boy's neck. Riley stumbled back with a cry. She scratched at her neck while letting loose a string of cuss words under her breath. She searched her fingertips for any sign of blood but she was not surprised to see there was nothing there; she was out of that boy's body. "Angel work," she gasped to Markus. "Yeah, definitely angel work." Ooc; Adventure Time is over now! 8D...Now this 'My Babysitter's a Vampire' is distracting me. ._. And it's stupid. ;c
hello my name is elder price
7:15pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus cursed slightly and growled as he kicked the ashes of the vampire. Then he rubbed the bridge of his nose and muttered something in his ancient tongue. Turning back to Riley, he asked/demanded; "Tell me what you saw."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:23pm Aug 21 2011
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"I'm getting there," she muttered as she once again pulled herself to her feet. She was getting tired with how frenzied her wings were and the fact that the shadows were insistent on pulsing around her. Without even trying to calm them this time, she focused on the task at hand. She let out a soft breath as she looked back at Markus; she didn't realize her nerves quieting when she did. "Your little snack right there had some crazy stuff going on with her eyes. I get a red rim around mine when I'm angry; some angels do that, too, but theirs are gold. Uh, she got kind of angry and hers turned gold. She also said something about raising an army. She saw something about him after she kissed him," Riley shuddered at that part. "and she realized he wasn't going to join her army so she killed him. It doesn't make any sense," she said.
hello my name is elder price
7:29pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus frowned. "And army? Of vampires? The last time somebody tried that, was the time when old-fashioned pirates still put fear into the seafolk," he said as he crossed his arms against his chest as he reviewed what Riley had just told him. "Wait, you said she had a gold ring around her eyes and that it happened to angels when they get mad. What if she was possessed or something..."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:34pm Aug 21 2011
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"If she was possessed, it means another Fallen is on our hands," she said grimly, quite disliking the idea of another Angel who wasn't bound by Heaven's rules running around her city. "There's no way we'll be able to track them, I can tell you that. We'll have to wait to find another vamp and not kill them," she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
hello my name is elder price