7:54pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus bared his fangs at the last comment. "I won't do any killing for another few months. The blood of vampires sustains me longer than mortal blood," he said as he moved to lean against one of the walls; the one that was not near the charred pile of vampire remains. "Waiting for another vampire to show is going to take a while," he pointed out after a while. "We tend to stay near the more packed cities."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:59pm Aug 21 2011
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"Ah, but these are not your normal vampires, are they? Angels like the countryside; it reminds them of the days of old, I guess," she said with a shrug. She thought of a few Fallen that would want to do this, but her mind was drawing a blank; she hadn't been in contact with any of them since she had run away with---. She broke her thoughts off with a flinch and she turned away from Markus to hide the flash of pain across her face. "I'm sticking with you from now on. We need to find out why they're doing this," she said strongly. "If you think going to a more packed city is better, I'll follow," she finished.
hello my name is elder price
8:15pm Aug 21 2011
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"Countryside has less people, however. If they are going to make an army, they need to go to a more populated area," Markus stated as she finished her first thought. As he opened his mouth to say more, he blinked at what she said. Something about her sticking with him. Oh Hades, I hope this doesn't turn out bad, he thought as he pushed himself off the wall. "Alright," he said slowly. "We'll go to the closest city tomorrow as the ball of enternal flames breaks the horizon." He ran his fingers through the silver hair that fell in his eyes as they slowly stopped glowing -- finally. He also felt his fangs retract into regular canines.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:57pm Aug 21 2011
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Riley frowned as she realized her obvious mistake with the equation. She looked down at the boy that had died, grimacing as she remembered being in his body. She nodded at Markus and shoved her hands in her pockets. "So I'll meet you here tomorrow when the sun comes up," she said with raised brows. "If you want to blend, you should try talking with more modern dialect," she said as she turned away. All she wanted to do was go home to think about this; and sleep.
hello my name is elder price
9:01pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus frowned. "Modern dialect," he said, tilting his head even though the two words sounded much more like a question. "Its harder," he added as a muttered as he turned back in the direction of his appartment.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:15pm Aug 21 2011
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Riley headed in the direction of her apartment, wings pulled so tight against her back, they hurt. When she finally managed to trudge up to her room, she walked past the kitchen and collapsed onto her bed. With her stomach on the mattress, she stretched out her wings, the tips of the plumage folding slightly against the wall. With a sigh of relief at her muscles unwinding, she was able to think. She shifted through scattered memories of Fallens she had met throughout the years of her walk on Earth. Of course, there would be a few angels themselves that would be after her for what she'd done with Fel. She shuddered. But the angels wouldn't go to the extent of turning to vampires, would they? she asked herself. Of course they would; even if the vamps were technically allied with Darkness himself, they see everything they do as true and good. "Hypocrites," Riley muttered to herself as she rested her head against her pillow. ---- Instead of walking back to the spot, Riley took her motorcycle, a BMW S1000RR, down the street. She didn't bother with a helmet, of course, but she kept a black one tied to the back for personal reasons. She paused wen she heard the murmur of what could only be police officers where the 'crime scene' had happened last night. She knew Markus would take the hint not to go there and instead, she stopped the next block over and waited for him. -fail-
hello my name is elder price
9:32pm Aug 21 2011
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Walking into his appartment, he was greeted by silence and the vampire sighed as he locked the front door before moving off to his room. One his way there, he removed his jacket and shirt and placed them on the small dresser that lined one wall of his room. Kicking off his shoes, he moved to his bed and collapsed on the soft mattress. Rolling over, he tried not to think about the events that happened as he doozed off and let the Gods of Sleep embrace him. - - - As Markus rose the next morning, he quickly changed into a new outfit and slipped on his leather jacket before packing everything personal into a backpack. This included a couple extra sets of clothes, and small stone carvings of the Greek dieties. Once he had everything he needed, he slipped on his shoes and exited his appartment. But not before going to his neighbor to drop off his key and a note saying he won't be returning. After all, he kept all his personal effects with him. Slinging on strap over his shoulder, he slipped his hands into his pockets and walked off to where Riley said to meet her... and kept on walking. The police were there and he frowned slightly before he spotted the fallen angel a block over. He stopped next to her and blinked slightly as he took in her ride. "Nice, bike," he commented.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:54pm Aug 21 2011
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Riley glanced back as Markus approached; she had been swaying from side to side, edgy from the appearance of the police. She glanced down at the bike at Markus's comments and felt her hands tighten slightly around the bars. "It was a gift," she said, a lopsided frown displayed on her face for only a moment. "Hop on," she said as she revved the bike. -fail. Smosh is making me laugh ._. -
hello my name is elder price
10:25pm Aug 21 2011
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Markus tilted his head and slipped on the other strap before saying, "I could probably run and still keep up with you. But I won't risk it." Slipping on behind her, he wrapped his arms lightly around her waist to indicate that he was ready to go.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:45pm Aug 22 2011
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"Alright," Riley said with a nod and she froze when Markus's arms slid around her waist. The memories that crashed down on her almost tipped her from the bike, but she caught herself and shook her head before she twisted the throttle, and released a bit of pressure from the clutch, hoping she wouldn't give him any time to react to that. The wind whipped through her hair and Riley let her mind get lost in the roar of the wind as she sped onto the highway. She leaned herself forward to keep her hair from whipping Markus in the face. Though the wind had taken her mind, Riley could not shake the feeling of Markus's hands on her, and the closeness of their bodies.
hello my name is elder price
9:59pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus blinked slightly at her reaction to when he curled his arms around her waist. And he smirked when she twisted the throttle and removed some of the pressure on the clutch. Though, when they raced onto the highway, Markus eased up on his old on Riley's waist until his hands were just brushed against her. His crimson eyes also closed as he felt the self-made wind slip through his silver hair and he himself had begun to think of being as swift as the wind. [[ Dragon fail... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:18pm Aug 22 2011
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Ooc; Not fail. ;c Bic; Riley relaxed only slightly when Markus released his grip, but she caught herself in a frown at the prospect. Confused with the flitting emotions that had been passing through her lately when before she had felt almost nothing, she shook her head. There was no need for words between the two and Riley knew if she had the chance, she probably wouldn't know what to say. The gravel kicked up behind them and Riley found herself turning to her abandoned road. She relaxed a bit more noticably, irony striking her that a vampire was tagging along right behind her, arms slightly wrapped around her waist. She laughed into the wind and pushed the bike even faster. After about an hour of riding, she turned off of the abandoned stretch of road and moseyed onto a slightly busier highway. For another ten minutes they road until the city came into view. She drove into the heart of the city, suddenly edgy at the slow pace compared to what they had been traveling at before. "Motel, hotel, or apartments?" She turned her head back slightly to ask Markus the question, but she kept her eyes on the road.
hello my name is elder price
10:22pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus opened his crimson eyes as the came into the city. Scents unique to the buildings and roads rose to his nose as he inhaled them through his nose. Though at Riley's question, he leaned closer so he could speak into her ear over the wind; "Apparment. Rent would be cheaper than staying in a hotel/motel where it costs over a hundred bucks per night."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:40pm Aug 22 2011
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"Sure," Riley reponded, attempting to surpress a shiver when Markus's breath tickled her ear. Something was seriously wrong with her today...and yesterday. She growled softly to herself and turned onto one of the busier streets. She figured the apartments would be near the convenience stores and such so she branched out from their and found a few promising buildings. One didn't look too rundown and she pulled the bike into a parking spot. "This should be good," she said, although she did phrase it a bit as a question. She slid off of the bike and kicked the kickstand onto the ground. "We'll walk around town after we pay for this place; see if we can pick up some rumors or something," she said.
hello my name is elder price
10:49pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus slipped off the back of the bike as she pulled it into parking spot and nodded to what she said. He inhaled more scents of the city; orienting himself with the new place. The different smells were mostly exhaust, sweat, and different emotions. Turning towards, Riley, he made the "after you" gesture; signalling for her to go first. He'd follow.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:01pm Aug 22 2011
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Ooc; Skipping to the part when they get their apartment because I'm clueless there. xD Bic; Having signed the lease for the apartment under a fake name, along with one of the many fake licenses Riley owned, a two bedroom apartment was theirs. She twirled her keys around on her pointer finger as she walked up to their apartment which, under request, was on the topmost floor. She shoved the keys into the lock and twisted the nob. The apartment was neither clean nor dirty, rather normal in actuality. Riley's nose worked as she walked around the apartment and she sniffed in distaste at the smell of the water. "We'll have to get bottled waters," she said as she peered through the empty fridge. "Wait, do you drink or eat besides blood?" she asked as she straightened. She dumped a black backpack onto the ground which was filled with her pitiful wardrobe; pitiful to other's tastes.
hello my name is elder price
11:06pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus entered the appartment behind Riley and glanced around, his nose wrinkling as other smells assailed his nose. Turning back to the fallen angel, he tilted his head as he replied; "Only when I am truly desprate to stave of the thirst for a few days. And during that time, I am usually looking for a good target to feed off of." He slipped his backpack of and set it gently on the countertop.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:27pm Aug 22 2011
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She nodded to him as she rifled through her bag and pulled out her black leather jacket. She slid the sleeves on over her red tank top and shook it out from the hem of the jacket. The worn crinkles found their typical spots on her body: the spot in her elbow, the cuff of her wrist, and the curve of her breasts. She left the jacket unzipped and pulled her hair out from under the clothing. "You ever seen a demon?" she asked suddenly, chuckling when she did. "They're fallens bitten by your kind, but they still have angelic traits. Maybe they're the ones starting the army," she said as she zipped up her pack again. "Those wings they have creep me out, too. As much as I stand out with my one-of-a-kind black feathers, bat wings just don't do it for me." She stopped herself from babbling and her frown dipped even lower when she realized she had been talking so much. "Let's go," she offered and headed toward the door.
hello my name is elder price
11:35pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus shook his head at her queston. "I've met their offpsring. Half-demons of the shadows who's sires are ancient shadows of the world. But they have often spoke of them and their disinterest in the mortal realm. But I doubt the ones I know are behind this," he said cocked his head to one side in an attempt to remember them. It had been a dozen seasons past when he was in New Orleans. As he watched Riley move towards the door, he followed for a half-step before moving over to a window. He opened it and ran his fingers around the frame; leaving his scent there for Riiva to find later. When he was done, he moved back towards Riley.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:39pm Aug 22 2011
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"Where did you meet Riiva?" Riley asked as she opened their apartment door for them. She smiled as she thought of the raven and she shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. --fail of all fails.--
hello my name is elder price