11:47pm Aug 22 2011
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Markus smiled softly as that memory came easily to his mind. "I met her when she was but a fledging who had tried to fly before her time. One of her wings was broken and she lay helpless on the forest floor. I was in the area and saved her from a hungry fox before bringing her back to an apparmtent I shared with my brother. There, I tended to her broken wing and helped her fly. She has remained by my side over the years. Though sometimes I suspect she has found herself a nice mate since she disappears for days at a time," he said as he slipped his hands into the pockets on his jacket.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:07am Aug 23 2011
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"Sweet of you," she commented as she imagined Markus finding a broken Riiva in said forest. She chuckled when he mentioned her mate. "Hey, birds love, too," she said with a grin as they walked out of the apartment building. Different scents assailed her nose, most of which were the remnants of partying in the streets from last night. She crinkled her nose and examined their surroundings; not a soul in sight.
hello my name is elder price
12:17am Aug 23 2011
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Markus gave a half-shrug as he agreed with her. Once outside the building, he paused as he cocked his head to extend his earing range. When he didn't hear anything in the immediant area, he moved over to Riley and suggested; "If we go further downtown, we might find somebody."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:38am Aug 23 2011
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Posts: 3,828
--brain-dead on this. I'm too wrapped up with DrakexDrakine. That and I just thought my knee was my elbow. xD;--
hello my name is elder price
12:51am Aug 23 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// O.O XD Funny, shad. I'm going to be. Maybe some rest will help you think, ya?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:59am Aug 23 2011
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Ooc; Yeah, I ought to go to bed, too. xD My friend was rubbing my knee and I was like, "Stop. Touching. My. Elbowwwww." and I actually rubbed my real elbow. It was an odd feeling.
hello my name is elder price
9:30am Aug 23 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Pffft. To funny, shad.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:28pm Aug 23 2011
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"Good idea," Riley said and she pulled her hands from her pant pockets. "This might make things faster," she murmured and cast out a few shadows from her hands. Though it was a sunny day out and there wasn't much darkness, Riey hoped in a city like this, the shadows could easily travel about. Fetch any information on any vampires in the city. Do not attack, she added the last part after a few moments and the shadows whirled slightly in disagreement. A glare from her made them cower before they spun off into the nearest alleyways, sunlight already sending a few scuttling back to Riley. "Can you smell anything?" she asked Markus as she glanced at him.
hello my name is elder price
9:17pm Aug 23 2011
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Markus cocked his head at her question before closing his eyes and letting the wind bring him scents from afar as well as from his immediate area. He smelled metal, sweat, car exhaust, mingles of different emotions ranging from happy to anger, and the faint metallic smell of blood. But it was probably a few days old. He debated on telling her, and decided against it as he shook his head; signifying a negative.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:23pm Aug 23 2011
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She sighed and led them into a nearby restaurant, Riley's own stomach growling with hunger. She shrugged apologetically to Markus before getting a hostess to seat them. (Hope that's okay. xP) Riley settled into her seat and waved the waitress away for now. "Hopefully the shadows can find something and let's also hope they don't attack whatever it is they find," she said sourly as she spun a napkin underneath her finger.
hello my name is elder price
8:13pm Aug 24 2011
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Markus waved off her shrug as he followed Riley to the table were the waitress stopped infront of. Sitting down across from her, he glanced around, taking in scents as he did so. Yep; the vampire is also on high alert. "I just hope they don't attack people pretending to be vampires. Mortals of this day and age are very... crazed... when it comes to that subject," Markus added, pausing only slightly to translate a word. His thoughts are usually in greek or the ancient version of it and he has to take his time to translate everything he is thinking into english.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:34pm Aug 24 2011
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Riley barked out a dark laugh at Markus's comment. "They're part of me, Markus. They know a vampire when they see one," she said as she chuckled and shook her head. She turned her head to the side and scanned the cozy restaurant for the waitress from earlier. The girl, clad in a black dress, the bottom as short as something Riley herself would wear, approached with a frown on her face. She flipped open a writing pad and pointed the pen to Riley wordlessly. "Coffee," Riley said as she leaned back in her chair. She wanted something quick, but she couldn't remember the last time she'd eaten. This was one of the things she missed about being a full angel; you didn't have to eat like a mortal. In the end, her hunger won out and she ordered a steak sandwich. "That'll be all," she said a bit more sharply than intended when the waitress turned her gaze toward Markus. She left without another word.
hello my name is elder price
9:36pm Aug 24 2011
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Markus flinched slightly at her barking laugh; having not expected it. And the tip of his ears burned slightly when he heard her say that the shadows were a part of her. Though when the waitress came over, his crimson eyes scanned her body and a very low growl rumbled in his chest. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms against his chest as he watched her walk away; gazing at her backside out of the corners of his eyes. Hey, he could look.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:44pm Aug 24 2011
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Riley's gaze had wandered throughout the restaurant after she had watched the waitress depart, head snapping back to the door every time it opened. When she glanced back at Markus, she blinked; he'd still been watching the waitress. She tapped her fingernails against the table top and turned her gaze back to the door in an attempt to not let it bother her, and with a frown she mentally scolded herself for the thought. Her wings itched and she closed her eyes to probe at a nearby shadow. It was lurking in an alleyway not too far from the restaurant, getting edgy because of the small amount of darkness it had been confided into. She jumped through a few other ones, seeing only a small veil of what they could see, and found nothing. The others were too far away, sprouting out around the city; but they would return. "Nothing yet," she said sharply as she cracked open her eyes again.
hello my name is elder price
10:07pm Aug 24 2011
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Markus returned his gaze to Riley when she spoke; if a bit sharply. He closed his eyes and sighed simultantiously. "Figure as much. After dark is when we bite the most," he said as he snapped his jaw together with an audible snap just to emphaze his point. A slow grin then curved his lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:29pm Aug 24 2011
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Riley sniffed disdainfully at his teeth cracking together and held her tongue, not knowing if angry words would slip from her tongue. She felt a pain in her chest she hadn't felt for a while and sighed. "Your order," the waitress said and Riley snapped her head up, eyes widened slightly as she had been startled. The waitress placed the plate down on the table, bending over a bit more than necessary to do so. Riley held a laugh. "And your coffee." As soon as the waitress left, Riley grasped the cream roughly and poured some into her coffee. "If we find a vampire, it's my turn to do the killing," she muttered.
hello my name is elder price
11:03pm Aug 24 2011
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When the waitress came again, Markus raked his crimson orbs over her body again. Hunger of a slightly different kind sparked in his eyes and he moved one hand so he could scratch one side of his jaw. Though, when she left, he turned his attention to Riley as she muttered something. He shrugged. "Fine with me."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:30pm Aug 24 2011
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Riley sipped at her coffee, holding in a sigh from the needed buzz that the caffeine gave her. Though the drink should have scalded her tongue, she didn't feel any pain at the minor touch. She bit into her sandwich, and had an excuse to keep her eyes off of Markus as she kept her thoughts half to the shadows. Flickering images would spin through her own vision for a moment, yet nothing was still out of the ordinary. The sun had reached its peak and was beginning to dip back down to the horizon. "Here we go," she murmured after he swallowed. She set the half-eaten sandwich down and looked down at the tabletop. The shadows scattered and jumped at the chance of new ground, their excitement half caused by the coffee from Riley herself. They worked their way through the city and Riley flipped through them as if she were searching for a television station. In her hasty scan through them, she ended up passing over a rather still one; one that wasn't flitting through the air. No, this one was hiding. She went back to it and watched. She was looking at them from underneath a dumpster in an alleyway. Two people, a young woman and a man appearing to be in his thirties or so were talking quietly to themselves. The shadow felt Riley's presence and skirted forward to catch more of the conversations. "Stop," Riley hissed aloud. The shadow halted in its path and Riley strained to hear the two. "Aven't heard from her. Police reports say there was a murder of some kid; animal bites." The vamp back from Adelanto. She realized, indicating the city they'd left. "She wouldn't be that messy." "There were ashes, too." The woman spoke quietly and the name rang familiar to Riley's ears, but she could place a name to her. "So she was killed by someone who knows of vampires. Tell our scouts to be on high alert tonight. We don't want any recruiting being interrupted." With that, the woman nodded and left. The shadow began to crawl from its hiding spot, but Riley halted it again. The man looked down at the dumpster, shrugged, and left. Riley blinked furiously to get her realities straight, looking at Markus unconprehendively for a moment. Her eyes flickered and she ran a hand through her hair. "Two vamps talking about recruits tonight. They know we killed the vampire but they don't know who we are, of course. Scouts are going to be on high alert for anything suspicious," she filled him in quickly. When she finished, she sighed and downed the rest of her coffee. Ooc; longgggg
hello my name is elder price
11:59pm Aug 24 2011
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Markus's crimson eyes narrowed at what she just told him. To anybody else, it might of just seem extremely random or just nonsense. Though, the vampire ran his fingers through his silver hair and let out a greek curse. "That means we'll have to be more careful than before," he said as he reached into his jacket pocket. Pulling out a case of cigarrettes, he glanced at it before frowning. He was almost out. Shrugging one shoulder, Markus slipped on out with his teeth before putting the case away and started looking for his lighter. He frowned slightly before checking one of his boots. Yea... He often hide objects in the strangest locations. Feeling slightly smug, he pulled it out and lit the flame before lighting the cig. Closing the lighter, the put it in his jacket pocket before taking a long drag. He exhaled the smoke through his nose and sighed slightly. Sure, the nicotine didn't affect him -- disease wise -- since he was already dead, but he was still semi-addicted to it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:11am Aug 25 2011
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Riley's nose crinkled slightly when he breathed out the smoke of the cigarette. In her opinion, that was one of the worst things the idiotic humans had ever invented. She knew of some of the things in the cig itself; pesticides, rat poisons, even the oil that went into rockets. She didnt comment on it, though. Not sure if she could handle Markus eyeing the waitress again, she left the correct amount of bills on the table, making sure to put exact change. She stuffed her extra dollars in the pockets of her extremely short short-shorts and grabbed her jacket. "Let's not make it obvious we're being extra careful, though. Don't want that to give us away," she said as she shrugged her jacket on. "Won't that kill your sense of smell?" She gestured toward the cigarrette, meaning the question, but also just wanting the acrid smoke away from her.
hello my name is elder price