12:34am Aug 25 2011
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Markus stood as Riley shrugged on her jacket. He slid his hands into his pant's pockets and exhaled another puff of smoke. He saw some sense to what she first said. They defiantely didn't want to raise any red flags here. And besides, if they had to stay in this city for a little while, he wanted to go looking for suitable place to hunt... Just incase something happened. He turned his eyes to Riley as she asked about the cigarrette. He shook his head. "Dulls, mostly. But just the scent of blood."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:42am Aug 25 2011
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"Mm. That's useful," she responded with sarcastically as she rolled up the sleeves of the black leather of her jacket. Her black biker boots met the concrete as they exited the restaurant and Riley held her wrist out in the air before her. A few rippling shadows detached themselves from the natural darkness and flew into the skin of Riley's wrist. Like always, their touch was cold. She tried not to think of the few times they had warmed. Instead, she surveyed the icy tendrils to leak out any information from them. "Damn, they've got vamps all over the city," she exclaimed. "They're mostly in packs of two. We need to find a loner to take without anyone noticing." She was quite looking forward to the interrogation that would follow the capture.
hello my name is elder price
12:49am Aug 25 2011
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Markus frowned. Vampires all over the city? Tilting his head, he said, "If vampires are everywhere, then this city's underground his ruled by a coven." The greek had run across a coven only once in his lifetime. Somewhere in the 1600s in northern Europe. Though he had since forgotten the name of the city.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:02am Aug 25 2011
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Ooc; I love how we're making this up as we go. |D also, imma go after this. First day of School tomorrow xP The shadows writhed in Riley's hands, squirming as she idly twirled them around on her fingers. They wanted very badly to make their master give in to the hatred she felt to all of these vampires. Now these, she could kill, but she sighed and calmed the shadows all the same. She wasn't going to be foolish. "Where should we start looking? I er can't trust the shadows right now," she muttered. Can't trust yourself is more like it.
hello my name is elder price
8:24pm Aug 25 2011
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OoC:// So... How was skool? BiC:// Markus removed the cigarette from his mouth and tapped the end to remove some of the ashes building up before replacing it. "If I were a vampire wanting to make an army for an angel, I'd look in the night clubs. Perfect hunting ground," he said, after he took another drag of the cigarette.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:33pm Aug 25 2011
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Ooc; Only four classes a day, like always. I don't have lunch with anyone I know because I'm in the freshman lunch when I'm a sophomore. :/ Algebra 2's awesome because we don't have homework. Everrr! 8D Not like I did it anyway last year, but....so overall, gewddd. C: Bic; "Mmm, shadow-filled fallen angels like night clubs, too." she said with a grin. Her wings ruffled against her back, but that was only a reaction to the breeze that had kicked up around them. She shrugged her jacket off and slung it over her shoulder, revealing only her low-cut red tank top. The wavy locks of her hair covered half of her chest when the locks shaded over her left eye. Impervious to her own looks, Riley looked around with her black eyes. She cocked her head to the left and felt a hum through the ground below her; loud music with a steady beat. "Down the block, that-a-way," she said, pointing to an alleyway that would take them straight out to where she believed the club to be.
hello my name is elder price
4:04pm Jan 23 2012
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Ooc; Bringing this back to life, staffies. Dragon's not necroposting. o3o
hello my name is elder price
4:24pm Jan 23 2012
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I'm guessing it is my turn...
And it sucks...
Markus had tried his damnedest not to look as she pulled off her jacket to reveal her low cut tank. He felt something inside him stir. Something he hadn't felt for a very long time. Though, he was instantly snapped out of it when he heard her voice point them in the direction they needed to go.
"Lead on," the vampire said, gesturing her to do so.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:23pm Jan 23 2012
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Riley cracked her neck and fingered the Aviator shades that were half-hanging out of the pocket of her shorts. "Lead on." At Markus's words, Riley nodded and headed off into the alleyway. The sound of music continued to grow as Riley walked onward and the feathers on her wings rustled in anticipation. The girl was actually looking forward to just go to a club and let loose a little bit. Obviously she couldn't get drunk on spirits; her body was immune to such mortal pleasantries, something she'd cursed in the past. But the beat of the music could drown out her thoughts and almost have the same effect.
"Here we are," Riley said as she came out of the alleyway. Some of the shadows that had spiraled down from the walls pooled at her feet and slunk back to where they'd come from. Though quite a bit stayed with her and writhed in Riley's own faint shadow that was cast by the moonlight. She flashed a feral grin at Markus and made her way to the front of the building, where a bouncer stood waiting to let people in.
He took one look at Riley, gaze falling down to her breasts, and waved her in. She winked at Markus and disappeared into the club.
hello my name is elder price
7:28pm Jan 23 2012
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Another emotion surged through the Greek. It was a kind of deep, burning hatred that warmed his cold skin. What did humans call this? Oh yea; jealousy. Wait.. he was jealous? Over the bouncer because gazed at her breasts. His crimson eyes narrowed slightly as he glowered at the bouncer. The human male gave Markus the once over before letting him inside two with a slight flick of his fingers.
The vampire smirked and slipped into the club. Once was inside, the loud beat of the music made him wince slightly. Though, he soon got over it as he prowled through the throng of people dancing to the beat. Skirting around a few people, he found a relatively empty neon blue couch and eased himself into it. Leaning back, Markus set his arms on the back and crossed his legs so one ankle was resting on his other knee.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:15pm Jan 23 2012
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Ooc; Skype won't load on my computer. e_e wth
Riley managed to push through the throng of bodies that were grinding against each other. There was a slightly seductive pulse to the music that had the lights dancing with purple and green colors, washing over the mortals that were clustered together on the dance floor. Riley didn't fight the dancers, only allowed herself to be paired with some of the boys until she managed to worm her way across the club, skin still tingling and shadows racing from all the lust and desire that had rubbed off on her skin.
She found Markus sitting on one of the couches, sitting almost formally. Riley almost laughed, but she settled for pursing her lips and plopping down on a chair across from him. "No telling what's happened on these things," Riley said as she patted the arm of her chair. "We'll have better luck on the dance floor," Riley said, cocking one brow up.
"Or do you not know how to dance?" she said and stood. She looked at him, a challenge brimming in her black eyes, and headed back toward the dance floor.
hello my name is elder price
8:25pm Jan 23 2012
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Posts: 5,310
I'm sorry...
Markus glanced up at Riley when she approached. She had successfully broken his trance of staring into nothingness. Wait... Did she question his ability to dance? Yea. She did. But, it didn't really bruise his immortal ego. He'd gotten use to the fact that some females didn't want to dance, they just wanted to hang off a mysterious and slightly buff guy. But Riley was different. Aside from being a fallen angel from the One God.
"Was never taught," the Greek stated simply.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:48pm Jan 23 2012
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Riley's lithe cat-like frame shook with laughter when Markus told her that he had never learned to dance. She looked down at the people, all moving in sync to the music. "Well, you're about to learn," she said and grabbed for the sleeve of his jacket. Riley tugged twice and let go, flashing a sexy grin as she stepped backward and fell into step with the others that had been dancing.
If Markus would follow her, she'd teach him a thing or two.
hello my name is elder price
6:25pm Jan 24 2012
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Markus cocked his head, watching her tug his jacket sleeve twice before moving off to join the dancing people. He wanted him to join her? The vampire shook his head. "No. I'll watch only," he said with a slight grin. He rather enjoyed watching her dance.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:19pm Jan 25 2012
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OOc; Typed up so much. Really want to cuss out my internet right now. -insert obscenities here-
Riley never made it her policy to go after a guy who wasn't interested in her. It was much more fun to tease with the ones who were drawn to her and see what they could do. So Markus waving her off like so really did nothing to deter her mood. Lust sweat and the salty tinge of what was happening in the darker corners of the club were suffocating and for that, Riley was grateful. She enjoyed going to raves and nightclubs alike, simply to get lost in the music and drown on some of the nightmares that still haunted her. Sometimes she really just came to enjoy a dance.
So it was with relief that she fell back into the crowd. Her curved body fit in the shape of everyone around her as she rocked her hips. Sometimes her arms would brush against someone else, sometimes another's hair brushed past her cheek. Scents and emotions rolled around her as the ethereal shadows writhed like dancing snakes around her. The mortals couldn't see them, what with the prismatic lights flying over them and the dark haze of the heat of the dance that covered their hooded eyes. No, Riley could really let herself let loose. No one noticed her grace, her immortal fluidness. Save for one person who said he would be watching her.
At that Riley smirked and was surprised when she felt someone's hands slide down her side. "You wear the shadows beautifully, cado angelus." The latin words for "fallen angel" fell softly against Riley's ear and she dipped her hips down again in time with the beat. The man behind her breathed against her neck as he mimicked her motions, hands falling on her thighs as she continued to sway to the thrilling beat. Since the man had his hands on her skin, Riley got a quick and simple read off of him with her shadows. He seemed not to notice. What an idiot, Riley thought to herself and continued to dance as the man's moves became sharper, more aggressive against Riley's body.
"Now, now," Riley murmured and stepped cleanly to the side. "We should take this outside," she breathed. Damn that vampire if he doesn't follow me, Riley thought sourly as she pointed toward the back door of the club. The man sniggered, bowed curtly, and sauntered over to the door.
hello my name is elder price
8:09pm Jan 25 2012
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Markus watched as Riley melted into the crowd, but his crimson eyes found her easily as she danced along with the bobbing bodies. A faint smile curved his lips. Then, he closed his eyes and let the smile fade from his lips. Different scents came to his nose. Sweat, lust, alcohol, and the unique scent of each person in the club. The beat of the music was getting to him, making his foot tap slowly against the ground.
His eyes opened back up when he heard something that made him jump. If only slightly. His crimson eyes narrowed on Riley as he saw the other male encroach on the fallen angel. A low growl escaped his throat. Feeling his fangs elongate and poke the inside of his mouth, Markus got up off the couch as the other male sauntered towards the door Riley had gestured at.
The vampire glanced at Riley before stalking after the other male.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:11pm Jun 12 2012
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Posts: 3,828
ooc; Not necro-posting. Dragon and I are going to continue this.
Riley's black eyes swirled with shadows as she slipped through the throng of drunken dancers and into the outside. The man waited for her just outside the door. When she placed one biker boot out, his hands grabbed at her hips. Riley let him press her against the wall of the club, let his hands lift her shirt up just a bit to expose a sliver of skin. When his greedy lips found hers, she parted his mouth and exhaled.
His red eyes widened as blackness scathed his throat, constricting him. His hands flew off of Riley and wrapped around his neck as he gulped for air. When he bent over, Riley kneed him in the face. He fell backwards, landing on the ground with a sickening thud.
Riley took two steps to stand by his side. She cocked her head at him, her black locks spilling over her shoulders. He opened his red eyes and flinched away from her. "What? Don't like my friends?" she said as she held out her hands. Shadows dripped from her fingertips and pooled around the vampire. It took a lot for Riley not to let them have at this man's sorry hide. Nothing in this world could make her feel better than making this man, this vampire suffer.
"Find your head," she said with a grimace.
Directing her voice back to him, she said: "Alright sucker, my friend and I have some questions to ask you. There ain't a good cop here so I'll give it to you easy. You don't give us satisfying answers, I'll let the shadows do what they want with you." The vampire's eyes widened. "And trust me dude, they don't play nice."
hello my name is elder price
11:06pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus waited. Saw everything. But waited until Riley had this vampire on the ground with her shadows constricting its throat. The Greek wouldn't even admit to sharing a gender with the creature. His crimson eyes narrowed and he slipped out of the club and stood at this vampire's feet with his arms against his leather clad chest.
He could sense he was older way than this vampire; who was only around a decade old into his new life. So the Greek just smirked, exposing his double set of fangs. Then, he turned his attention towards Riley and her shadows. His head cocked to one side and he gestured for her to ask the question since he probably would make them sound extremely horrid.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:27pm Jun 13 2012
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"Alright baby, looks like I get to do the questioning," Riley said as she crouched down next to the vampire. He hissed at her and Riley saw a blur as his arm moved to grasp at her face and knock her back. Her reflexes were more than quick and stopped him in his tracks, never moving an inch save for her arm. She glared down at the vampire and squeezed his wrist. His fingers tightened as pain lanced down his arm. The sharp crack of a bone reached Riley's ears as he whimpered.
"I wouldn't do that," Riley warned. She made a disgusted face and released his arm. Her fingers trailed down his torso and stopped on the zipper of his jeans. "Or I might just be tempted to break a few more, hmm, delicate pieces?" He shuddered beneath her and Riley shot him a half-smirk. "So can I trust you to be a good boy for me?" she said. He nodded.
"I've heard some word around town. Interesting news. You're recruiting humans, turning them and bringing them into covens?" He nodded again. "And how many people are leading this shenanigan?" she said.
"One. She's not going to stop." Riley saw his jaw tighten, his red eyes turn glassy. Oh please. Give me a break. "You were just turned weren't you? I'd say a week or so ago?"
"Three days." He looked away from her. Riley could see his Adam's Apple bobbing as he swallowed. "Killed my whole family when I threatened to expose them." His voice came out a whisper.
"Where can we find your all-mighty leader?" Riley asked.
"South side. There'll be a rave tomorrow night by the docks. She's gathering up all the vampires for some type of speech. She hasn't told us anything except to recruit people." His voice faltered at the end, red eyes flickered. Lying. Riley growled and pressed her palm against his chest. Darkness leeched through the fabric of his clothes and pressed against his skin. The shadows skittered underneath his flesh, grinding their slimy smoky bodies against his innards. He went to let out a scream but Riley smacked a hand over his mouth.
"Tell me the truth and I'll stop. Scream and I'll kill you right here," she said through gritted teeth.
"Okay, okay," he said when she pulled up her hand. He panted and groaned once. "She mentioned some guy we had to kill if we found him. Riley something..."
Riley tilted her head to the side. "You've been a great help, hun. Enjoy the afterlife," she said and snapped his neck.
"Well that was interesting," Riley said as she stood back up. She kicked at his body with her boots to make sure he really was dead. He didn't move. "I say we go to the rave tomorrow night. After all, I am the guest of honor," she said with a wink in Markus's direction.
hello my name is elder price
8:29pm Jun 13 2012
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Markus scowled. But he couldn't keep the amusement from his eyes when he realized this she-vampire thought Riley was a male. Though... He didn't like the sound of this rave. He wasn't a big music person. The sound just dulled his hearing and the constantly flashing lights hurt his eyes. That's why he only went after the drunk ones stumbling out of those types of places.
"Then maybe we scope place out a bit. Get lay of land and all that," he suggested. Then, as an afterthought; "Before we go to rave, though..."
She might've already figured that, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to be on the safe side and get this thing over with as soon as possible. For a vampire, he was cautious has Hades.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.