10:07pm Jun 13 2012
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"What, you're not one for improvisation?" Riley said as she arched her brows. She for one, was not. It was right up her alley to show up at a rave filled with vampires--that she'd probably love to kill--and dance the night away among the very people whom were looking for her. Unless there was some other Riley in town that was in some way, shape, or form, a supernatural. "Scoping out" said rave didn't appeal to her at all, not when the music wasn't pumped and the lights weren't flashing. I'm turning into such a diva, she thought sourly.
"Think about this, though. If we go a day early and your vampire buddies are skulking around, we might get caught and won't have a chance to show up tomorrow. After all, vamps can typically sense the darkness that comes from me. You did," she said pointedly. "This one right here was: one, too stupid to realize it and two, couldn't tell with all of those dancers in there."
"But if you still want to check it out, fine by me," she said with a shrug.
hello my name is elder price
3:23pm Jun 16 2012
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Markus shook his head. He hated improvising. And when he did, it usually sucked so bad Riiva would be laughing about it later. The she-raven usually did. He listened to what she said, cocking his head to one side.
"Not my buddies," he growled, crimson eyes flashing somewhat. The only vampire he was relatively close to was his older brother -- in spirit only -- Zaou Scar. And the Native American was, by far, the oldest vampire he knew.
"I didn't sense the darkness. You scent was different," he added in a not so growly tone. And he did want to check it out. But he didn't want to spend most of his day figuring out how to get there.
"Can your shadows... Find best route there?" he asked, breaking slightly to find the right word. Damn it all! English was stupid. He wished he could talk in his native tongue at least, but then she might not understand a word he was saying.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:04pm Jun 16 2012
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"Sorry," Riley said insincerely as she rolled her eyes. "For the past hundred or so years, vampires have pretty much all been the same for me." She raised a brow and ran her fingers through her thick black hair. Riley frowned when Markus said he hadn't sensed the darkness coming off of Riley. Well, it's not like she hadn't been angered when she'd gone to meet him. Pointedly going out to search for vampires however, would be harder than normal to control them.
Her eyes glazed over as a memory sparked through her. Sword of shadows becoming her arm, the shadows melding against her skin. Jay's wings wilting and turning gray as he fell...She snapped out of it with a twitch of her nose. Her slender fingers moved up to rub the bridge of her nose as she muttered a few choice words underneath her breath.
"THE best route. The." Riley corrected him. "And no need. I know what the kid was talking about. Come on. We'll head over to my place and grab my bike. It's a little out of the way but will save us some time to get down there," she said.
One look back to the boy over her shoulder as Riley stretched her arms up into the air and she twitched her nose again. At her command, a shadow that had been sticking to the wall to her right detached itself and slid over her skin. It wrapped around her arm and sifted through her fingers. "Take care of the body, would you?" she said to it.
It was more than happy to oblige. The darkness snaked down from Riley's hand and poured itself over the corpse. Flesh disintegrated beneath its touch, then bone. By the time the shadow had gone back to its place, the body was gone.
"Ready?" she asked with one brow raised.
hello my name is elder price
8:47pm Jun 21 2012
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Markus could tell she wasn't very sincere about her apology. He just shrugged. It was the same with humans. They tended to blend over the centuries and never really changed form one era to the next. Sometimes they still surprised him. Like that Hitler man. Gotta kill all the Jews 'cause their evil and stuff! That whole Holocaust had been one of the only bad smudges in human history that he lived through. There might have been more with the Mayans and the Aztecs, but he wasn't alive during their time. But to him, humans were only a means to keep him alive. Though the females had other useful qualities.
He held up his hands in surrender when she corrected him. Stake him then if his English was off. He didn't often speak it.
Cocking his head, he watched as the shadows completely ate the body of the young vampire. Waste of such good blood though. Vampire blood sustained him longer than mortal blood. It was weird, but he liked it. Allowed him to clean up the more dangerous newborns than the other older vampires.
Really? She wanted to go back and get her bike? With a faint scowl, he ran one white hand through his silver hair before nodding once at her "Ready?" question.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:01pm Jun 24 2012
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"Don't get a damn attitude with me. If you don't wanna stick around with me, no one's asking you to," Riley said when she saw Markus scowl at her suggestion of retrieving her bike. It was true that she really didn't care whether or not the vampire stuck around. He was an interesting guy, but not interesting enough for Riley to pretend they were friends. Friends. The thought made her snort.
Tossing her mane of black waves around her shoulders, Riley shoved her hands in her jean pockets and walked down the alleyway they'd come out of. If Markus followed her, alright then. If not, she'd assume he either didn't want to pal around with her anymore or he had his own plans for this get-together with the vamps.
Riley covered her mouth with one hand as she yawned. It felt as if she hadn't slept in ages. Technically her body didn't need rest but sure as hell her mind did if she didn't want to make stupid mistakes.
Her apartment was right where she'd said it was. The garage doors opened up automatically with her pin. Her black BMW sat there, patiently awaiting its owner. She swung herself onto it, straddled the seat and kicked the kickstand up.
hello my name is elder price
2:47pm Jun 25 2012
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The Greek bit back a snarl as he watched her walk off towards the apartment. The bike would be two loud, he knew, and opted for a more stealthy approach as Riiva approached. Her white body lit down on his shoulder and her beak gently nibbled one of his piercings before taking back off. She cawed once, twice, thrice. And Markus quickly took the meaning.
"Follow me."
The raven had told him.
With a cock of his head, he gestured her onward. She listed off and he followed at a discreet distance. Though, he still kept his eyes on the body of the white bird.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:35pm Jun 26 2012
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"And my vampy friend is a no-show," Riley said with disgust. Honestly, couldn't he put a little faith in her expertise? Riley started the bike up. Its soft purr made her smile with pleasure, that smile turning into a wicked grin as she revved the engine and turned the sound into a roar. Her tires squealed against the ground of the apartment garage. It skittered over the gravel of the driveway until she met the road.
Ducking head head down low, Riley sailed through the deserted streets, traffic was scant at these hours of the night. She only met one car that was swerving rather dangerously on the road; the driver was obviously drunk. Riley took note that there weren't any police forces skulking about. "Interesting," she said to herself, but the word was ripped away by the wind before it could reach her ears.
Riley ditched her bike on the highway. She stuffed it in the bushes next to a rundown gas station. The highway did not have any lights, nothing but darkness to swallow it up. Riley did a quick scan of the area to make sure no one was around before spreading her wings. She took to the air in a flash of feathers, scowling at the darkness that was crawling over her plumage.
"We're not going to kill any vampires tonight," she said sternly. The flight went surprisingly well, without an army of vampires scuttling out from the old warehouses that lined the area. She touched down onto the ground on a thin dirt road that ran between four warehouses, all of which stored, or used to store, cotton for distribution here in California.
"Now to find out where they're setting up that rave..." Riley said.
hello my name is elder price
6:46pm Jun 26 2012
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When the two had managed to leave the downtown city, Riiva took off with Markus at her tail feathers. The Greek was manipulating the wind to make it so as the two basically flew alongside the road. He also used the wind to keep down the dust cloud would've been making had he been just a normal vampire.
Despite the wind, Riiva managed to caw twice and climb higher into the sky as they neared the place where the rave was supposed to take place. As Markus slowed to a stop, he flicked his silver hair out of one eye as he spotted four warehouses. He scowled and headed towards the closest one.
At least there wasn't anybody else -- vampiric wise -- crawling about. Riley might already be here... Somewhere.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:06pm Jun 26 2012
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The good thing about the wide dirt road that separated the houses was that it was bathed in light. Riley could clearly see from the shadows that no one was standing guard outside, and she sensed from the shadows that no one was there either. One black biker boot shone with light, then another, and finally Riley's whole body as she stepped on the dirt. The warehouse to her right seemed promising enough.
Her wings were slightly unfurled on her back, the membranes held up in the air and the tips of her feathers just above the ground. Riley's nose twitched as she placed a hand on the warehouse door. A small amount of pressure on the latch and she found it to be locked. "Hmm," she said and craned her neck back to look upward.
Taking a good yard or so back, Riley crouched down to the ground. Standing flights are harder than running ones, which are harder than jumping off of high places. Still, they weren't impossible. Riley raised her wings up into the air, tips fanning out to stretch into her full wingspan. A cock of her head and Riley pushed herself into the air, membranes snapping downward to keep her aloft.
She strained for a moment then climbed upward to roof level with the warehouse. While her wings continued to flap, she grabbed the roof with one hand and attempted to look in through the window. None to her surprise, the glass panels were covered with scotch tape. "So this is where all the vampies are hiding," she said.
Hovering, she closed her wings about ten feet from the ground. She landed in a crouched position with her hands on the ground. Straightening, she wiped the dirt off of her palms and looked back toward the door. Shadows burst from her palms and shot like daggers toward the door. Riley's eyes widened and she grabbed hold of the tendrils that were attached to her, and yanked backwards.
"Damn it," she growled as the sticky darkness pooled back into her skin.
hello my name is elder price
9:14pm Jun 26 2012
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The white raven came down in between the warehouses were Riley was. Her black eyes caught on a stray black feather laying on the ground. However, she circled around the fallen angel at shoulder-level before landed quietly on the shiny black feather. Her wings closed slightly against her body and she cocked her head to one side before swiftly moving it to the other.
Before long, she let out a single caw and took off again, taking the feather with her for some unknown reason. Though, her presence alone signaled that Markus was in the area and looking as well.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:37pm Jun 26 2012
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"Riiva," Riley said as the white raven banked in a circle around her. She forgot about her troubles for a moment and smiled when the creature stole one of her feathers and made off with it. "So I suppose my fanged friend actually did show up." Riley looked down at her hands, at the way the shadows lashed around her fingertips. "Ever since Fel died..." She shook off the thoughts with a scowl and clenched her fists.
Everything about Riley ached to bust open one of the warehouse doors and dive into a frenzy. Even if her wings were torn out from her back, a moment's weakness as mortality flashed through her, and she was killed, it would be better than living like this anymore. Alone and with these troublesome shadows whose hunger never seemed to be sated.
Gritting her teeth, Riley got back up to her feet and walked over to the warehouse door. She raised a knee in preparation to kick the damn thing down but stopped. Markus was here somewhere. If she ended up unleashing an army of vampires, they could hurt him too. "When did I get so soft?" she muttered, growled at the door, and turned around.
"Oi Markus, you gonna come out or what?" she called. A flicker to her right. Riley flattened her body against the warehouse door as an arrow whizzed past her face. She snapped her head to follow the arrow, brows dipping down when she realized it was made of pure light. Well that's not good, she thought.
"'Ello Fallen."
"'Ello mate. Mind showin' yeself so aye can look at me opponent," Riley mimicked and looked around.
Her attacker stepped out from the shadows. A black cape was drawn around his neck, the hood masking his face. Riley could see stubble lining his chin, the hard muscled body build he owned, and very clearly did she spot the enormous bow he held in his hands. He had it knocked, bowstring taut as he aimed one of those peculiar light arrows at her chest.
"Actually, I think you can go away now," Riley said and slowly drew her hands up.
"I fink I'll be stayin' right where I is, lass. After all, I knew ye'd come."
Well this was interesting.
hello my name is elder price
10:04pm Jun 26 2012
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Riiva brought her find back to the searching albino and presented it to him as she hovered in the air. The vampire glanced up and brushed on finger over the soft, shiny black feather. A shiver ran down his arm and he gasped before pulling it back. Giving his thanks to the she-raven, he watched as the white bird flew off back towards the direction of town before heading off to where the raven had come from.
He arrived just in time to see that man with the bow step out of whatever shadow he had been hiding in. A snarl started to curl his lips as Markus's fangs elongated; crimson eyes narrowed and glowed ever so faintly.
He needed to intervene somehow without getting Riley to become a fallen angel pin cushion. With a faint growl, he summoned the winds. They came eagerly and wrapped around him, whispering in his ancient tongue.
"Tell us what you want, son Markus."
The vampire cocked his head and an idea came to him. With a smirk transforming his snarl, he stepped out to where he would be visible by the two of them.
"She has friend. Don't count me out," he said, settling into a firm stance with his legs shoulder-length apart, before the winds screeched as they tore past him. Buffering the male holding the bow with gale winds equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane. The winds spared Riley all together, recognizing she was a friend.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:39pm Jun 27 2012
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"I din't know Fallen befriended 'ese sucking scrum, 'specially you lass. Specially you," the man said with a cold chuckle at the end of it. His mocking grin turned into a gaping hole as the first wave of wind knocked into him. His fingers slipped on the bowstring and, being an entity of light, the winds had no affect on the arrow. It shot toward Riley with deadly accuracy and in a last-minute attempt to avoid the most fatal injury, Riley threw up one of her wings.
Splintering light lanced over her wings and felt like fire consuming her feathers. She cried out in pain and fell onto her knees, wing twitching as the light leeched away at the darkness that resided within her. Sounds from the warehouses, screeches and yells, made Riley grit her teeth and force herself to her feet.
"Markus, the vamps heard us. My bike's back down by the highway, come on," she said and folded her wings against her back. The pain was eating away at her flesh but her boots continued to pound against the ground, arms pumping by her sides. She wasn't a Fallen for nothing; her pain endurance was much higher than a mortal's, even if a supernatural weapon had marred her.
Still, it hurt like hell.
The creepy Scottish guy had disappeared after being tossed in the gale but Riley doubted she'd have seen the last of him.
hello my name is elder price
9:56pm Jun 27 2012
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Markus snarled at this strange man's statement. Glowing crimson eyes narrowed into slights as he lunged forward in an attempt to stop the arrow, but he couldn't make it in time as the light-made ob ject slammed into one of Riley's wings. Growling he turned back towards the creepy male... But the man had vanished with his winds.
The vampire glowered and turned towards the fallen angel as she spoke. He could hear the screeches and yells inside the warehouses and twitched into an attack position. As if he could take them all on and win.
But something else was telling him to stick close to Riley. And that is what he did. He bolted after her and Riiva came down from where ever she had been and gave a long caw, followed by two short ones.
Markus said something in his ancient tongue and the raven took off again, swirling behind and above them to keep a look out on their blinds just in case they happened to be followed.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:21pm Jun 28 2012
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The run took longer than Riley anticipated, especially with her damaged wing slowing her down. She pulled her wings tighter against her back, taking in a sharp breath as pain stabbed at her again. Wind resistance lessened a bit as her plumage didn't get in the way. Boots pounding against the ground and arms swinging by her sides, Riley continued on like that until she reached the bush.
She shoved the thing out of the bushes, knocking the kickstand up and leaping on top of it as it rolled away from the bush. "Get on," Riley ordered of Markus and twisted the keys which she'd left in the ignition. The engine's purr grew into a roar and Riley waited only a few seconds to let Markus on before leaning forward and letting the bike burn rubber.
"Didn't believe I could take him by myself, I see," she said to him, twisting her head so her words wouldn't get lost in the wind.
hello my name is elder price
8:30pm Jun 28 2012
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Markus leapt on the bike with seconds to spare before the machine shot off. His nose crinkled slightly as the smell of burnt rubber reached it. The vampire also felt himself nodding along with what she said.
But there was something else on his mind.
"Now the others know we skulked around," he said, manipulating the made-wind so his words could carry over to her ears. "And will be on high alert." He frowned slightly, glowing eyes dimming. The Greek could already feel his fangs retracted back into regular canines.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:45pm Jun 28 2012
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"Good. It'll be even more fun tomorrow," Riley said, a growl in the back of her throat which made her already rugged-sounding voice seem even more gravelly. There was no way in hell she wasn't going back there tomorrow, even though whoever this guy was would probably expect her to come. He seemed to know a bit about her personality. Grimacing, Riley tried to remember if she'd ever pissed someone off who had a Scottish accent. Eh, not that she knew of.
Riley only dared to slow down when they were back within city limits. They reached her apartment quickly enough and Riley closed the garage behind them after they made it in. "Daylight'll be soon," she said, wincing as she stepped off of the bike and jostled her wing. "You can stay here. I have blackout shades."
Riley withdrew her keys from her pocket, unlocked the hallway door from the garage and stepped in. She didn't bother to lock it again, only left it ajar for Markus. Boots fell heavily against the carpeted floors as Riley fumbled for her room key. The door swung open and she stepped in. The girl couldn't get to the couch fast enough and when she did, a 'fwip' sounded through the air as she snapped her wings out.
The pain of bunching up her muscles around the wound was instantly released and Riley's shoulders sank as she bent over and relaxed. "Damn that..." she started and trailed off with a few incoherent though awful-sounding words. Tilting the membrane down on her right wing, Riley clenched her teeth when she saw the wound. The feathers were white where it hit and gray smoke rose from them as if she were on fire. Well, she sure felt it.
Grayness was already crawling over the feathers, steadily turning to black again as Riley healed, but the process was maddeningly slow. "Dude's packing some nasty ass weapons," Riley said.
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm Jun 28 2012
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Markus hopped off the motorcycle and ran a white hand through his silver, wind-blown hair. Crimson eyes watched as she entered the building, leaving the door open for him. Cocking his had to one side, he retrieved his backpack were he left it and followed the fallen angel inside the building before entering her apartment and closing the door quietly behind him.
The white raven appeared at one of the windows and tapped the glass lightly with her beak before disappearing into one of the trees across the street. Hopefully she would get some rest, the raven needed it sorrily.
Turning his attention back to Riley, he padded over to her and set the canvas bag on the coffee table. Albino eyes watching the infuriating slowness at which her wing healed itself. Cocking his head slightly, he said, "Maybe my blood help a little?"
Vampire blood was good at healing wounds for some odd reason.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:15pm Jun 28 2012
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Riley's eyes flashed and she straightened at his suggestion. "I'm not drinking your nasty blood," she snarled. The red specks in her eyes bled away, succumbing to black again as she looked away. She put one hand up in defense and to keep him from yelling at her while she took in a few breaths of well-needed air. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," she said. Scowling, she brushed her hair back from her face, winced when her wing shifted again, and looked back at Markus.
"I can tolerate you Markus, seeing as you're not keen on killing me. Vampire blood just...I can't do it," she said bitterly.
hello my name is elder price
10:39pm Jun 28 2012
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Markus was a touch close to jumping when he heard her snarl. Putting both hands up in a sign of surrender, he sat down on the coffee table before leaning on his thighs with his elbows. Though that 'keen on killing' her part made his eyes tighten somewhat. He had to have a reason to attack.
Whether it be he was starving. Or because somebody he cared about was in danger.
Sometimes he didn't even attack if his person was in danger.
He was strange like that.
But, he nodded slightly when she said she couldn't. "Just suggestion," he said calmly. Then, he opened his backpack and brought out a small statuette of Aceso, Greek Goddess of the healing of wounds and the curing of illness. She was a minor goddess and the vampire didn't want to invoke Apollo seeing the Sun God was needed else where in the world.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.