Well we've been RPing in the SB for a while and I'll give you "Previously on SECRET WAR" DA DA DAN I dont remember the order but it goes like this
We're fighting in the SB then I: Senses: Fight that Kat *Uses His Aura Golem technique to make an evil Katkandyfloss* Katkandyfloss: rofl! *creates Wild Shadow which absorbs Aura golem* HAaaaaaaa!!!! Katkandyfloss: *shoots it at senses* Katkandyfloss: its over nine thoouuussaaannddd!!! Senses: *Sucks it up and release's a dark ki blast by using Vortex Shine* Katkandyfloss: *random hugs senses* Senses: *To the beam has been RELEASED* Senses: The number of bruises on kat ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND Katkandyfloss: XD Senses: Kat is in the Hospital therefore I won this round Katkandyfloss:*Bites Senses tail* Senses: I dont have a tail and arent you supposed to be in the hospital Katkandyfloss:*hops in regen tank after releasing Wild Shadow and then Echo Song on an unsuspecting Senses* Senses *Vanishes after winning*
Senses: *Punch* Katkandyfloss: *bites leg* Senses: *Kicks Kat in the* Katkandyfloss: OH HECKS NAH!!! *grabs hair and swings Senses around the sb* xXAlbiXx: *dodges swinging Senses* Senses: Good dodge alibi Senses: But Kat forgot that I CAN FLY Katkandyfloss: YOU KICKED ME IN THE CROTCH! idc anymore *castrates senses* Senses: This didnt happen because I left but when I read it...*NAAAAOOOOOOO MA BALLS*
It was in vet assist, we live in cow country and he was the ffa teacher..
he didnt teach us about what was typically found in vet clinics, he taught us about female cows going into heat, horse grooming, castrating bulls, and seeing a horse boner