5:54pm May 6 2010
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Mollie inhaled deeply, trying not to think about what was happening beneath them. She looked back at Ceirrae and Si before rasing her finger to her lips, signaling for them to be quiet. Ahead if them, all of the mutants started to take different direction. There were about five different ways to go and none of them were sticking together. "Which way should we go?" Mollie asked frantically.
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6:06pm May 6 2010
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Si shrugged. "We got those built-in-GPS's right?" he asked, titlting his head to the side. "That wouldn't help." Ceirrae snorted. "How would we use that in here?" she crawled forward past her brother, so she was closer to the five directions. She angled her wolf ears toward one direction, tuning into any sounds she could hear, being helped by her enhanced wolf-and-avian senses. She ehard voices, loud and clear. "Definate no no." she pointed to the furthermost left direction. "I hear loud voices." "Then how about the one next to it?" Si pointed out. "Come om Rae. Just find the one that has the least sound-vibration-things. Or whatever you're looking for." Ceirrae snorted, before putting her ear to the cold metal bottom of the vent. Vibrations. More people. "Again, no." she shook her head.
7:54pm May 6 2010
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"How about this one?" Mollie asked poiting a finger to the vent in the center. More commotion sounded beneath them and then, to her horror, Mollie heard the scapig of metal. They were prying the vent plate that they had usd to get inside off. "We've got to hurry!"
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2:51pm May 8 2010
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(I'm gonna call Ceirrae Rae from now on. It's easier to tipe "Rae" than tipe "Ceirrae".) Rae's ears twitched in the direction of the noises. She growled angirly, before whipping around to face Mollie and Si. "Go go!" she pushed Si. "Hurry! We don't know how much time we have!" She was already fealing claustraphobic, and she was breathing in irregular gasps. Si was the same, she noted. "Just go straight Mollie." Rae barked. "I don't wanna go back in there." Si nodded. "Me neither." He made a face. He could feel a slight breeze coming in from a little farther. "there's a slight breeze coming from this vent. It probably opens a little farther. Possibly onto the top of the building." He looked toward his sister, who nodded. Si pushed past Mollie, crawling faster threw the vent, seeing stripes of sunlight coming threw slits in the vent's opening. He elbowed the vent opening with all his strength, popping the medal thing open. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the fresh-air. He turned around. "Mollie! Rae! You gotta see this!" he shouted back into the vent. "It's all fresh and open!" He turned back to the opening, heaving his lithe body out. He stood up straight, stretching his spine. He closed his eyes, turning his face toward the sun. When he opened them again, he found Rae next to him, and Earsers standing on the roof. "This ain't gonna be good." Rae whistled.
4:51pm May 8 2010
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Mollie pushed herself out onto the roof, squinting at the bright sun. A fierce growl made her turn to see about twenty erasers, eyes gleaming and saliva running down their jaws. Great, Mollie thought. We finally get out, feel the sun our faces, and then the stupid erasers show up.
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5:11pm May 8 2010
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Rae did a 360. Seeing more than twenty erasers. "Up and away?" she whispered, too low for any human to hear. Si nodded. Rae glance dat Mollie. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw and eraser make some sign with three fingers. Then she saw an earser come toward her. Using her strength, Rae lept off from the ground, seven feet in the air. She landed wth her feet on the Eraser's shoulders. She warpped her legs around the Eraser's neck and grabbed fistfuls of his hair. She pulled the Eraser's head back, ripping out fistfulls of hair. (Um, eww?)
5:27pm May 8 2010
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Mollie nodded, taking a few quick steps before leaping into the air and snapping her wings open. One of the erasers grabbed for her feet amd managed to drag its claws down the side of her leg. She let out a cry of pain before turning on the eraser and kicking it square in the face. Blood poured from its nose and it snarled. Another came at her then and she flew a little higher before diving straight down on the ugly beast, grabbing it by the neck and twisting. It dropped from Mollie's grip.
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5:48pm May 8 2010
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(Yea. Ick.. -.-) Si stared at his sister and Mollie. In the heat of the fight, he shook his head. "Never messin' with those girls." He mutered, before slamming hisfists on an Eraser's ears, causing the Eraser to screech in pain as his eardrums popped. Si pumped his fist in the air. "Woah yea!" he laughed, before knocking another Eraser's legs out from under him, then delivering a swift kick to his chest. Rae kicked off another Eraser's broad chest, landing on an Eraser's back, delivering a punch to each of it's temples. she leaped off, giving another a roundhouse kick on the base of the spine, causing it to stumble forward. If it was a normal human, it's spine would be broken. But the Eraser just stumbled forawrd. Before the Eraser could regain it's balance and come back toward her, she shot into the sky, her wings fully extended, the sun behind her, casting mysterious shadow's on her face. A few seconds later, she was joined by Si. "Mollie! Come on! We're so close! No point in fighting to get aweay when we already have the cahnce!"
6:34pm May 8 2010
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"Coming!" Mollie tried to get another running start and stumbled. She cried out as she jumped up, pulling her wings out, and glided towards the others. Pain jolted through her leg where the eraser had torn into her and blood flowed from the fresh wound. Mollie winced. "Guys, my leg..."
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7:09pm May 8 2010
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Rae gasped at the blood. "Crap." she flew a bit closer to Mollie. "Do you think you can fly a bit longer? Until we got to a place that we can stop to recharge?" She examined the wound with her eyes. She couldn't tell if it was swelling or not, because of the poor lighting. She glanced at the setting sun. "It's almost night. We'll be able to rest then." Si flapped his white wings slowly, gaining altitude slowly. He was surveying the Erasers. The Erasers stopped trying to fight them. "Ha, looks like they gave up." he chuckled, a smile on his face. The smile dissapeared quickly though, seeing a each othe Erasers pulled out guns. "LEt's go! They have guns!" he cried, shooting toward Mollie and Rae.
1:48pm May 9 2010
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"I can make it," Mollie breathed, pushing her wings harder against the wind. Her head whipped around at Simon's words and her keen eyes gazed quickly back at the erasers. "Oh, crap." She picked up the paced as best as she could as a bullet zipped past her head. "Si, Rae, head for the trees!"
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6:48pm May 9 2010
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Si and Rae nodded, following Mollie toward the trees. Rae yelped in pain as a bullet grazed her left side, causing blood to flow out of the now-hole in her shirt. She lost a few feet of altitude before climbing up shakily. "We gotta land soon." she gasped, black shadows forming at the edges of her vision. She shook her head, trying to stay completly awake and concious. "Guess they aren't so invincible after all, eh Bert?" an Eraser snorted from far bellow. Rae angled her ears down toward them. Raptor hearing mixed with Wolf ears came handy a lot of times. Si and Rae snarled. At the same time, and loud enough for the people bellow them to hear. "We may not be invincible, but we're better than you bastards!" they chorused. They burst out laughing, which led Rae to cough and gasp for breath do to the wound in her side. "We need to get to a like, medicine store or something." Rae choked out. "To get like, bandaids." "You mean bandages?" Si tilted his head to the side, a small smile forming on his lips. "Whatever." Rae glared at him. She beat her wings strongly and angled them toward the tree line. Si followed her.
7:07pm May 9 2010
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Mollie winced as she seen the bullet graze Rae's side. Now they were both hurt and that was exactly what they needed. Bandages. Her wings beat harder as they broke the edge of the trees and her turned her large eyes back to Rae. "Are you sure you'll be able to fly? It looks pretty bad." Mollie glanced down at her own wound then, noticing that it had swollen a bit.
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7:17pm May 9 2010
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Rae put her hand against her side, pulling it back only to see her hand dripping with warm, red blood. She breathed in a shaky breath. "I can make it." she choked out. "I've had worse." It was true. The esperiments had often left her bloody and wounded. "Let's just find the bandages." she closed her eyes for a moment. She tried to beat her wings faster, but found it hard to do so, fealing weak. She was a little ways behind the group. "Eh. Let's find a place to land, close enough to, like, Walgreens or something. Then Si can go down there to buy some." Si stared at her, then snorted. "Why me?" he whined. "Because if those freaking humans will try to send Mollie and I to like, a hospital." she breathed out.
7:42pm May 9 2010
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"Alright, let's land." Slowly, Mollie began to descend, trying not to hit her wings on any of the trees branches. A little ways away, a road could be seen through the bushes with cars zipping by. "There's a highway," Mollie told Si, pointing towards the break in the trees. "There has to be a gas station or something near here right?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:02pm May 9 2010 (last edited on 3:22pm May 10 2010)
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Rae slowly descended, landing a bit sloppily on the uneven ground. She leaned her back against the tree and @ssessed the damage on her side. "Ugh. This is sooo not fun." she gasped. "Crap crap crap crap." she said over nd over again. She pulled her wings tightly against her spine. She slowly eased off her leather jacket, ripping it into shreds with her pointy canines,- something that she got when she recieved lupine DNA- sighing. "I love this jacket." she shook her haid, before pressing the shreds onto her side. "Gotta stop the blood from flowing out." she said weakly. Si nodded slowly, before pulling off his shirt and tossing it to Mollie. "Use it for your ankle." he mumbled, before turning around and racing to the highway. ~ Turns out Mollie was wrong. He couldn't see a gas station anywhere. But he did find a pharmacy. Actually, it was a Target, but there was bound to be a little pharmacy thing in there. He stepped through the sliding doors and ran to the bandaid isle, grabbing a few packs of bandages from a shelf. He grabbed a cloth from another shelf, and also a few water bottles. Before he went to pay,- he had stolen the wallet from the Eraser that had died when he tried to open Mollie's cage- he went to the men's clothing isle. He grabbed a clean shirt that he @ssumed would be his size, and then ran to the cash register. In eight minutes he was back on the highway, racing toward the trees.
8:11pm May 9 2010
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(I gotta go. See ya later.)
8:48pm May 9 2010
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((Do you think it would be okay if Mollie started to have a crush on Simon? XD))
Mollie sat down beside Rae on the ground, tearing a small piece off of Si's shirt and wrapping it around her left leg. She gasped as she put pressure on the wound and then tied it tightly. "I'm so tired..."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
3:27pm May 10 2010
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(Sure. =] And maybe later you can make some dude for Sky? Just a thought...) Rae gasped. "I hope he's hear soo-" she was cut off my the sound of her brother bursting through the trees. "Hola females." he snickered. "I see you've got yourselves in a bit of a tight spot." Si chuckled to himself. Omygod. I'm so brilliant. He thought to himself. Rae giggled weakly, before throwing the bloody rags at Si. "Just give us the bandages you *censored*." she coughed out. He gently tossed her the bandages, hisface hardening at the sight of how bad her side looked. His over-protective-brothely mind took control, and all he could think was: Why hadn't I been there to take the bullet instead? He stood up taller, frowning,taking a few steps closer to Mollie. "Here." He pressed a cloth against Mollie's leg, gently rubbing away the blood. "It's pretty swelled, but we can try to fix that by using to strong sticks and tying them with a cloth to keep help your leg heal better. If it's broken??" he asked. -- Rae sighed. She unscrewed the cap on the water bottle, her fingers shaking. She lifted up the hem of her shirt, revealing the wound on her side completly. She would probably have blushed. She wasn't used to showing this much skin. She shivered mentally. It's just my brother. And Mollie. I like Mollie. She isn't stupid like some other girls. She poured the water onto her wound, rinsing the blood off her side. She had her teeth clenched, and her hand that wasn't holding the water bottle was clenched beside her. God, it stings. She trembled. Once she was sure that her wound was clean of dust and grime and dirt and all those other joys, she started to wrap a bandage around her stomach, covering up the wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding.
5:08pm May 10 2010
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(Yeah, I can do that. :)) mollie blushed as Simon wrapped her leg with fresh bandages. I-I don't think it's broke. It's just cut deep.." She gulped back gasped as he pushed slightly too hard.
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