3:06pm May 12 2010
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“Well then, we just need to keep it from bleeding more.” He chuckled. He stood up, whiping his bloody palms on the back of his jeans. He grabbed a water bottle from the plastic shopping bag and handed it to Mollie. “Keep yourself hydrated. It'll help. I think.” He made a face. He sat down beside Rae and Mollie. Rae was struggling with the bandage around her stomach. She was making weird faces. “Don't even think about it.” She snarled, sounding more wolf than human. “No laughing allowed.” She leaned back against the tree, resting her clasped hands behind her head. “Hm...” she closed her eyes. “Got any food?” she asked, jumping up.
7:02pm May 12 2010
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Mollie sighed and tilted her head towards the sky. "I've got nothing." She opened the water bottle that Si gave her and took a swig. It felt good swallowing the cool water. Her throat felt drier than the Sahara and Mollie just now started to notice. She grimaced and put a hand to her throat, then continued to gulp from her bottle.
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7:22pm May 13 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
3:06pm May 14 2010
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Rae took Si's hand and pulled him off. "C'mon Mollie. You wanna go find the nearest fast-food place? As much as this is pleasurable," she sighed, "The Erasers will track us down soon. And we'll need to be able to fly away. That means we'll need energy. Energy to fly. And to get energy, we need food." she paused. "I think..." she tilted her head to the side uncertainatly. Si sighed. "She's right. Come on Mollie." he grabbed her hand and pulled her up, not letting go of her hand.
10:59pm May 16 2010
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"Alright," she said, taking Si's hand and then blushing slightly when he didn't let go. Her stomach growled loudly and she tilted her head down, embarras.sed. "Yeah, let's do that. If you couldn't tell by the noise my stomach just made, I'm starving." She chuckled lightly and tried not to put alot of pressure on leg. It was still hurting even though it was bandaged.
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6:41pm May 17 2010
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Rae rolled her eyes. "Duh." She reached down to stuff one of the plastic bags with bandages and water. She stood up again, tossing the bag onto her shoulder. She put her hand hesitantly to her side, making sure that her wound was alright to walk. She winced. She closed her eyes and turned around. "You heard the girl. She's hungry! And so am I, so let's go." She walked backwards for a few seconds, before turning around only to race toward the highway. Si shrugged. "Follow the wolf-girl." he munmbled, shaking his head. (Do you think they should have powers?? Like you know how Angel could read minds, Gazzy could mimic voices, Nudge and her computer hacking stuff, Fang and his invisibility, and Max with her speed??)
9:47pm May 17 2010
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(Yeah that would be cool :]) Mollie took a running, more like stumbling, start and quietly unfurled her wings. The wind lifted her up off her feet and she tilted sideways avoiding the branch of a tree. "I'm taking to the sky," she called down to Rae and Si. "My leg's still kind of sore.."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:33pm May 20 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:53pm May 30 2010
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[Oo. Lookee here. I found it. :B] Si nodded. "I'll go with you." he said hastily, spreading his white wings. he stretched them out, gratefull for the sun warming his feathers. He beat his wings strongly, causing his feet to rise several dozen feet off the ground. Rae sighed. Her brother was so dopey right now. It was like he was her dog. She shook her head, and started trudging toward the highway, her head held high. Yes, he was acting like such a loser right now, but Rae wished that someone would do the same for her.
7:30pm May 30 2010
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(Lol. I was looking for it and then checked the first page again and here it was! ;D) Mollie could feel her cheeks heating up and quickly turned away from them both. Why am I being so akward around him? Agh! She tried flexing her leg a little and it seemed that it didn't hurt as much anymore. Avoiding Si's eyes, Mollie glanced down at Rae. "When do you think they'll start sending people after us?" (This also calls for a super cute guy for Rae! xD What do you think? Oh, and what powers are we gonna have?)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:13pm May 30 2010
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[I dunno. I guess Rae'll find out later. When she's in the stoor. I'm thinking levitation. And maybe even later, other mind stuff. For Si, I'm thinking of making him turn into a large white bird, a large white panther, and a winged panther. (A mix of all his DNA). And for Rae, AWESOME! xDD] Si blushed furiously, thjough his head was turned away from both Rae and Mollie, facing a tree. The wits of this guy. Rae shook her head, smiling. She made a quick note of the fact that both Si and Mollie were still holding hands. She stared at Mollie, wondering why she was staring at her. Oh yea. "Erm... Soon. The Eraser's will need to rest first, get organized. That way they can come after us in fresh new.. er... quantities?" she shrugged."I dunno. I'm not the experton Erasers." she glared at Mollie, though the corners of her lips were curved upward.
8:15pm May 30 2010
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[I changed Rae's picture. Just so you know.]
9:14pm May 30 2010
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(Very pretty picture, Alice. And here he is! I hope Rae likes him. XD) - Name: Parker
- Age: 17
- Gender: Male
- Deion: Parker has shaggy black hair that is straight and is always in his face. His eyes are a light brown, skin slightly tanned. Parker is quite tall and stands at 6'8". You can see him wearing his usual white undershirt and signature black jacket.
- DNA: None. :) Parker is 100% human.
- History: After his parents kicked him out, he's been traveling around by himself. He goes where ever he can and dreams of exploring the world.
- Other: He has a beat up black motorcycle that he uses to get around.
The chilly night air made Parker shiver as he cruised down the highway, his dark hair wipping against his face. A solitary car zipped past him and one of the streetlights flickered ahead of him. He yawned and blinked his tired brown eyes. Id' better pull over for the night. Camp out at the edge of these trees. The teen thought it over for a moment and then slowed his bike down, pulling over to the side of the abandoned highway and rolling past the tree line. It was dark and quiet once Parker cut the motorbike's engine and he sighed, taking off the pack he had on his back.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:19pm May 30 2010
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[Ooh. I think she'll llluurrrvvv him. ;oNo do something with Mollie. Like, make them take off or something, so I can get Rae alone in the forest or something. xD]
9:36pm May 30 2010
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(Okay.) Mollie nodded with her head down. She could feel her hand starting to get a little sweaty but she didn't seem to want to let go of him. Feeling ridiculous and embarra.ssed all at once, Mollie gingerly pulled her hand away from Si's and rubbed them on her jeans. Now her face was definately red and she regretted taking her hand from his. Suddenly, Mollie dropped her water bottle into the thick brush below them. "Oh, no... I-I'll umm.. be back."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:48pm May 30 2010
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Si was puzzled. Urgh. 'Girls are so weird' he thought, shaking his head. 'What goes on in a female's head, I will always wonder.' he shook his head again. Rae was grumbling, annoyed, and tired. It also didn't help a bit that her wound was hurting even more, and now she had to slouch a bit to keep it from becoming unbarable. With this is mind, she trudged on. A few minutes after she let Mollie and Si and their awkwardness, she heard the sound of a motorcycle entering the forest. 'Who the heck drives their darn motorcycle into a freaking forest in the middle o the night?' she asked herself, he face a soundless snarl. She hid behind a towering oak tree, calling out into the brooding forest, "Whos there?!"
10:01pm May 30 2010
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Mollie quickly lowered herself down to the ground and began to dug around for her water. "So stupid," she whispered to herself getting down on her hands and knees and clawing at the brush. Why do I even like him? she asked herself. There's no way he'd ever feel the same way for me. Don't get you're hopes up, Mollie. Parker froze as he was pulling his small blanket from his bag. He gazed around the forest but didn't see anyone around. He didn't know if he was just hearing things or what but he decided to answer the voice anyway. "Great question," he said crossing his arms and smirking. "Who, may I ask, are you?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:45am May 31 2010
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[Aww.... so adorable x3] Rae growled, almso tsnarling. She didn't like when people answered her questions with a question. She thought it was just annoying. "I thought I asked you first." she grumbled. She crossed her arms, still hiding behind a tree. Why am I acting like such a coward? Hiding? she scoffed. She stepped out from behind the tree. "Who are you." she hissed, her eyes glaring, her face stoney and icey. "Mollie, c'mon. We don't have all day." he sighed. sure, he liked her, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be annoyed at her taking so long. "We don't want to keep Rae waiting. You know how she gets."
2:10pm May 31 2010
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Arms still crossed over his chest, Parker looked the girl up and down with eyes narrowed. "I'm just a guy looking for a place to sleep. Now, if this section of the woods has already been claimed," he chuckled and raised his eyebrows, "I'll pack up and leave." He stuffed the blanket back into the pack and then glanced back at Rae. He didn't know what she was doing all the way out here in the forest but he did know that he didn't want any trouble. Just by looking at the girl, he could tell that she wasn't quite... ordinary. Mollie bit her lip and scrounged for her bottle again until her fingers finally wrapped around it. She got to her knees and, without saying a word to Si, she began to limp back in the direction that Rae had went. No one said you had to wait for me...
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
4:45pm May 31 2010
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Si sighed, running his hand through his white hair. His ears twitched, hearing the rustling of banches and leaves being pushed aside by Mollie. He sighed again and followed Mollie, grumbling something along the lines of "Girls." Rae snarled, sounding more like a wolf than a human. "Are you afraid of fighting a girl?" she growled. "or do you not want to fight me because I am a girl? You think I can't fight you?" she snarled maybe she was off track, but she didn't care. She was already too far. "I can fight you. And win." She took a few steps closer to the guy, before clenshing her teeth togther in pain while bring her hand to her already bloody side.