11:11pm May 31 2010
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"Woah, woah, woah!" Parker said, putting his hands up and taking a few steps back. "I'm not looking for trouble. I told you I'd leave and I never even thought about fighting you." He threw his bag over his shoulder, irritation playing on his face, and kick started his bike, making it roar to life. "Later." Mollie scowled at the ground and tightened her grip on the water bottle. Without realizing it, she had picked up her pace and continued through the forest looking for Rae. Mollie felt as if she needed a little space and quietly unfurled her large wings and ascended into the dark sky.
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1:14am Jun 1 2010
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Rae, a bit annoyed that this boy didn't seem to be un, decided to have some fun of her own. She used her full speed to zip infront of the boy, hoping to surprise him. Trying to sound menacing, and succeeding, she asked "I said it once, and I will ask only once more. Who are you, and who are toy working for." Maybe he wasn't working for anyone?Naw. He was either working for the school, or he was just a plain human. Oh well she did t want to take any chances. She pulled her wings in tighter agaisnt her spine and pulled her tail closer to her legs, whilst trying desperaly to keep her large wolf ear unnoticable. "Again." Si mumbled. "We need another guy in this damn group." Girls were just too weird in his opinion. First, they seemed to be okay with guys who were just trying to be friendly, and then, righ when you think they're starting to warm up to you, they freak out and decide to suddenly become all independent? Ugh. He shook his head in disgust and started walking toward the highway instead of flying like Mollie wad doing.
10:15am Jun 1 2010
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"I don't have to answer to you!" Parker yelled back at the girl. She was really beginning to make him mad now and all he wanted to do was go. And who did he work for? Who asks that? "If it'll get you to just leave me alone, my name is Parker. And if you haven't realized, you're being somewhat of a b.itch so I'm going now. Have a nice life." He took one last look at Rae before revving the engine and turning the bike back towards the highway. Parker hit the gas and was back on the road in seconds, speeding down the highway. D.amn. It's always the cute ones. The breeze blew Mollie's blonde hair into her face and she gently tucked it behind her ear. Her brown wings stretched as she broke the top of the trees and she looked up at the stars. Mollie sighed and closed her large eyes, savoring the moment. Then a noise caught her ear. A motorcycle? She looked down at the highway below and seen a boy, about their age, riding a black bike all alone. (Sorry that Parker's being mean. He's got a short temper too. X3)
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5:40pm Jun 2 2010
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Rae felt like screaming. Bast.ard. How rude. She ground her teeth together, before walking forward, slowly. [Fail. But I have no idea what to post. xp]
11:16pm Jun 2 2010
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(Eek, I don't either.. D: What do you think should happen next?)
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2:24pm Jun 4 2010
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[I guess they should get back to what they were doing before. Were they going to the department store to buys some stuff? I think that's what they were gonna do. Maybe Parker stopped there to get something, so he could be there too.]
8:33pm Jun 4 2010
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(Yeah, that will work. ^^) Mollie looked down at the ground and there stood Rae, looking a little pis,sed off. She slowly glided down to where the other girl stood, folding her wings in tight when her feet hit the ground, and walked over to her friend. "Hey, what's going on?" Parker sighed as the wind whipped against his face, his dark hair blowing this way and that. He flipped on his blinker and turned right, merging in with what traffic there was, which wasn't much. Down the road, Parker could see a McDonald's, something that looked like a resting area, and a small department store connected with a gas station. Eh, I need some gas. The gauge on the front of the bike read almost empty. I'll grab a few things from the department store too, while I'm there.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:54pm Jun 4 2010
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Rae flipped her long blonde hair over her shoulder and stood up straight, before turning around to glare at Mollie. "It doesn't matter," she answered, before shrugging, resuming her old smile. Or whatever she had on her face. Usually, it was either a scowl or a smirk, but whatever. She decided to just let it go. "So, you ready to go? The highway is just on the other side of that brush." Her ears twitched toward the highway. "I can hear it. There are so many cars..." she spoke sadly. Then she sniffed the air. "Ugh. I can smell it, too." She turned back to face Mollie. "Where's Si? I thought he was with you?" Behind her, she heard the leaves on the tall oak tree rustle, and she turned around, a snarl already on her face. She relaxed when she saw it was just Si. "What were you planning to do?" Si muttered. "Kill me?" he shook his head, before crossing his arms, walking toward the highway. He reached the highway, looking back and forth across the road. "Kay, safe to cross." He gestured for Rae to cross. Rae, faster than any human could've been, zipped across the road before a car could spot her. Si turned to Mollie. "Good to go? I'll be right behind you."
9:03pm Jun 4 2010
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Mollie nodded, murmuring a thank you, and then hurried across the street. She wasn't as fast as Rae but she still wouldn't be spotted by anyone in a car. Coming up behind Rae, she slowed down once she was across and then turned to look for Si.
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10:07pm Jun 4 2010
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Si was by her side in a second, having ran across the street, feeling uncomfortable with not being near Mollie. He stood by her side, looking around. Spotting the small department store, he looted to it, saying, "There it is. What shall we get?" he asked, his head tilted to the side. Rae answered, almost frowning. "Food, duh. And maybe a bag or something so that we can carry stuff with us, seeing as we'll be on the run. Possibly new clothes, too. And more bandages. A lot." she added, grunting as pain exploded in her side. "Yea, definatly more bandages." she shuddered. Si looked at her, almost surprised. Had he been so caught up in Mollie that he hadn't noticed his sister was injured? "Are you alright?" he asked, worry etched into his voice. Rae nodded. "Lets just go." without waiting for anyone to as wer, she took off in the direction of the department store, not noticing the motorcycle parked infront of it.
10:26pm Jun 4 2010
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Mollie looked at Rae's side and could tell that her friend was in pain. "We can rest while we're there too. You need it." She looked down at the wrap around her leg. It didn't hurt much anymore but she knew that once she started to clean it, it was going to be very painful. Mollie sighed and followed along beside Rae, checking to see once again if Si was following too. She didn't know why but just having him beside them made her feel safe, protected, like nothing would happen to them as they went along. Of course, this wasn't completely true. Erasers could appear at any second. Parker stepped off his bike and ran a hand though his shaggy hair. He pumped himself a full tank of gas, taking his time, and then went inside the gas station to pay. As he walked in, a few muscular guys looked up at him and snickered. "Nice bike," said an overweight man with a bandana wrapped around his head. The men laughed and continued to talk loud enough for Parker to hear. "More like a piece of shi,t. Where'd you get that hunk o' junk, kid?" Again, laughter erupted inside the station and Parker ignored them, eyes narrowed as he collected his change from the cashier and walked out.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
10:00am Jun 5 2010 (last edited on 10:01am Jun 5 2010)
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"I'm good," Rae snorted, straightening up so she stood at her full hight. "Let's just get some food and get out of here." She shook her head and stalked toward the Department store, fealing ticked off at Parker, and way annoyed that she had gotten hit by that da.mn bullet. Shaking her head, she slipped through the store doors, almost surprised when they opened for her. Oh, modern technology. How exciting! Not. She snorted again, before heading to get a cart. While waiting for Si and Mollie, she checkd off things on her mental list. "So, bags, food, bandages, clothes. Bags, food, bandages, clothes." She repeated softly to herself. -~- Si motioned for Mollie to go. "You go in. I'm going to stand out here incase something dangerous comes. That way I can alert you and Rae." And protect you. He added.
10:25am Jun 6 2010
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"Oh... Okay," Mollie said softly, nodding her head. "We'll be out in a second." She looked cautiously at the automatic doors and then hurried through them. Rae was a few rows down with a cart full of things. Bags, food, bandages, clothes. A puzzled ex pression came over her face as she realized something. "Rae, how are we going to pay for all this?" Parker took his time looking through all the shelves. Everything looked kind of expensive in here but he could pay for it. Sighing heavily, he grabbed a magazine off a rack and looked though the pages.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:43pm Jun 8 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
1:47pm Jun 12 2010
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Rae laughed. her laugh echoing around the rather-large store. Giggling, she pulled out a cradit card from the pocket of her dirty jeans. "Right here. Who knew erasers could come so much in handy?" She slid the card back into her pocket and strated pushing the cart around some more. "What else do we need?" she tilted her head to the side.
6:46pm Jun 13 2010
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Mollie stared at Rae with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. "How did you get it from an eraser?" A wide smiled spread across her face and she couldn't help but laugh. Her eyes smimmed across the things on the shelves before stopping on a case of soft drinks. "Oh, my gosh," Mollie said walking over to a wall full of soda products. "Do you know how long it's been since I've had a soda pop? Can we get some, Rae? Please, please, please?" She smiled playfully at her friend and then burst into laughter. It felt good to just relax and let your guard down. Then she saw someone across the aisle watching them. It was the boy from the motorcycle.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:42pm Jun 13 2010
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Rae lifted an eyebrow. "I have my ways." she smirked, crossing her arms. Hearing Mollie's question, she answered, "Uh, sure. Anything you want. We have an unlimited supply of-" she gasped, seeing what Mollie was looking at. She dropped her smile and stopped laughing at once. "...Parker?" she declared smartly. Yea, way to go. Her face turned into a scowl. "Bast.ard." [Sorry for the short post. D:]
8:01pm Jun 13 2010
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Yes, Mollie said in her mind. Then she caught what Rae said and seen that it was directed towards the boy she'd seen earlier. "What?" Her head tilted a little at her friends ex pression. "Umm, Rae? Helloooooo?" Parker caught Rae's eye and couldn't help but laugh. Running a hand through his shaggy hair, he sat the magazine he was looking through back on the rack and walked toward the two girls. He hadn't seen the blonde one before. Parkers eyes strayed back to Rae as he closed in and tried not to smile. "Nice to see you again, Rae." (It's alright. ^^ Mine was just as short.)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:10pm Jun 13 2010
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Rae ground her teeth together. Scowling, she crossed her arms, her face stony. "Mollie, Parker. Parker, Moll-" She was interupted by someone poking a finger into her shoulder. Whirlling around, she saw that it was Si. "I came in to see why you were taking so long," Simon explained. He was frowning, looking at Mollie, then at Parker, then back at Mollie. "Who are you?" he growled, glaring at Parker.
8:22pm Jun 13 2010
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Parker shifted his gaze to Simon. "Uh, I'm Parker." He didn't feel like going through what he and Rae went through earlier. "I met Rae, here, earlier in the woods. And who are you?" He nodded to Mollie, trying to be polite and then decided to hold his hand out to Simon to shake. Mollie could feel her heart beat quicken when she saw Si and breathed deeply. "Wait. You were in the woods earlier? You two met?" A puzzled look crept across her face, then she realized that it had to be when she'd dropped her water. Her large blue eyes glanced up and down Parker, taking in his shaggy hair and chocolate eyes. He's sort of cute.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)