10:42pm Jun 20 2010
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Posts: 480
When one of the beasts pounced at him, Parker pulled the bat back a little and then let it rip, making contact with the erasers head. A sickening crack and a yowl and then the eraser was on the ground, unmoving. A chill ran down Parker's spine as he realized what he'd just done. But if he hadn't done it the wolf thing would have killed him and he knew it. Mollie gasped, trying to get air back into her lungs when she was yanked up by her hair. One of the erasers pulled her up to a standing position but didn't stop there. He wrapped Mollie's long hair around his fist and pulled her up completely off the ground. Her screams were blood curdling as she dangled from the monsters grip and while another eraser started to push her repeatedly in the stomach. (Okay, so in Wolf's Rain the wolves make themselves look like humans to regular people?)
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10:52pm Jun 20 2010
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[That is the only part I don't know for sure. They either make an illusion or change their forms into a human. But either way, to normal humans they look like humans. When they want. That's what Tsume does. I have to go soon. I'll try to keep up from my ipod, but that may be hard.] Si snarled, comeplety angry. He tried to move, but found that he couldn't use his wounded leg to save his life. Angrily, he cursed, snarling out words that would've made a grown man run screaming. Before he knew it, a somewhat large toaster slammed into the Eraser that was holding Mollie into the head. The Eraser dropped Mollie, clutching his now cracked head. [Gotta go. Maybe I'll be able to post from my ipod, maybe not. See ya tomorrow, incase I don't get on again.]
11:04pm Jun 20 2010
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(Alright, see ya.) Mollie had tears streaming down her face when suddenly the eraser released his hold on her. She rubbed her head and then clutched at her stomach, trying to get to her feet. Was that a... toaster? Where did that come from? To her left, the eraser that was holding her lay writhing on the ground. Her eyes narrowed as she stood upright and then brought her shoe down hard on his face.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
10:41am Jun 21 2010
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[LEVITATION! WHOOO! >DD Sorry, but toaster was the only thing that I could come up with. :/] Rae rolled to the side as an Eraser was tthrown toward her. The Eraser landed with a satisfying thump onto the pavement. The eraser groaned. "Shut up, we've been hurt more than you have ever," she mumbled to herself, before kicking the Eraser in it's stomach. She got on her knees, her legs shaking, until she was standing. She limped over to Mollie and Si, where she found her brother on the ground. "Up you go," she put her arms under his arms and pulled him up. Looking around, she said, "Mollie, I suggest we head off," she looked at the limp bodies of either dead or unconcious Eraser's littered around them. "There aren't enough left to fight."
6:32pm Jun 21 2010
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(Haha, I thought it was funny. :3) "Yeah, let's go." Mollie had a major headache and she was sore from head to toe. Blood soaked the collar of her shirt, probably more of the erasers than her own. She groaned as she touched a finger to the side of her face, the skin rubbed raw from being thrown onto the pavement. Parker gazed around the parking lot and at the countless amount of erasers sprawled everywhere. Dropping the bat from his hands, he sprinted towards Rae, Mollie, and Si. "Hey, are you guys okay? What were those things? And why did they attack you?" His dark eyes caught another glimpse of Mollie's tawny wings but said nothing about them to the group. Yet.
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7:38pm Jun 21 2010
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Si felt strange. What had just happened? It couldn't be possible that he had done that, could it? It just wasn't normal. But of course, nothing about them was anywhere near normal. Ah, well. He'd have to ask Rae and Mollie about it later. Mollie. Just the thought of her name made his somach feel quesy. Shakinhg his head, he unfurled his wings, though keeping his white ears close to his head, hoping no human would see them. He kicked off the ground with his one good leg, launching himelf into the air, hovering protectivly just a few feet above Mollie. Rae snarled, throwing herself at Parker. "You have no idea what you just did." She growled, her very sharp teet bared at Parker's face. "Because of what you did, you are more vulnerable to them. He.ll, they might be planning on using you as their next target." She sighed, her eyes now tired. "Just go away, far away. And forget you ever saw us."
8:36pm Jun 21 2010
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Posts: 480
"But I-." Parker looked deep into Rae's eyes, confused and somewhat hurt. "I was trying to help you." Off in the distance the faint sound of police sirens could be heard and a crowd was beginning to form outside the store. Parker looked down at his shoes as he heard the people around him murmuring, "What happened out here?", "Are those children all right?", "Oh, my goodness!". Mollie limped over to Rae and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "He was just trying to help us, Rae." She put a hand to her stomach, feeling where she would have bruises in the morning. Why did that da,mn eraser have to pick her up by her hair? And punch her in the stomach? I have to be more careful.. Mollie looked up at Si, hoping he would throw in a good word for Parker too.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:24am Jun 22 2010
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Si turned his head to the side, facing East. He was well aware that Mollie was asking something of him at the moment, but he didn't really feel like getting caught up in this argument. From eperience, he knew that getting in fights with the female gender would only get him hurt. "We head East. If you're coming, then hurry up," he spoke to no one in familiar. Unfurling his pure wings, he lept from the ground with his good foot and took off toward the trees in the East. Rae was furious. But of course, she was more furious at the Eraser's than at Parker. "Well than, thanks. But really. Messing with them is messing with the wrong people. If they are people at all," she said, though the thought going through her mind about Eraser's at the moment was ABOMINATION.
7:00pm Jun 22 2010
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Bump <3
11:56pm Jun 22 2010
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Posts: 480
If Mollie had thought that Simon would say something to help Parker out, she had been wrong. She looked sadly over at Parker, biting her lip and sending him a silent apology, and then spread her wings out. In one swift jump Mollie floated after Simon, her wings slicing cleanly through the humid air, wincing when her bruised arms moved too much. Parker thought for a moment and then seemed to brighten up a bit. "Wait, you're hurt." He took a cautious step towards her again and then nodded towards his bike. "You don't have to, uh... fly." It sounded weird saying this and he never thought he would have to say it to someone until now. "I could drive you. Follow behind Si and Mollie. And you could relax a bit." His chocolate eyes looked deep into Rae's face, hoping that she would at least consider it.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
2:27pm Jun 23 2010
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"It's just my side, and it's already starting to heal," she bit her lip. It would be faster to fly, but with her wound, would she be fast enough? " It's not like my wing got shot or anything..." But what did she have to lose? Plus, the Eraser's would never think that she would be on the ground. They'd think that she'd be flying, since it was faster. And, she would get to spend time with Parker... "I... I guess it couldn't hurt," she smiled.
2:50pm Jun 23 2010
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Posts: 480
The sides of Parkers mouth turned up in a bright smile and he chuckled softly. "Cool. Come on. I'll show you my bike." He turned and walked quietly over to his most valuable posession, putting the key into the ignition and revving the engine. Parker patted the space of seat behind him for Rae. "Do you want a helmet? There's one strapped to the back."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
4:55pm Jun 23 2010
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"Naw," she shook her head. "With all I've been through, a helmet wouldn't even make a difference to me." She threw her leg over the side, warpping one arm around Pareker's waist. With the other, she pointed East. "Head that way, we've got to get away from California," ~ Si shook his head, rolling his eyes. It was funny, now that he thought about it. Most guys, normal guys, would try to keep their sisters away from some guy who rode a motorcycle. Oh well. He wasn't normal, so he guessed it didn't apply to him. Th only thing he was angry at was his sister, because he didn't understand why she would let some normal person who would only slow them down help them. "Rae's coming," he said, pointing down. "And she's bringing that guy."
4:46pm Jun 24 2010
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"Okay." Parker looked into the sky and seen Mollie and Si. He quickly kicked the kick stand up and hit the gas, making the bike zoom off after the other bird kids. They drove for a few minutes in silence, the wind slicing at Parkers face making his dark eyes water. "So, um.. What happened to you guys?" He didn't mean the question to be rude or hateful, he was just curious. Mollie looked down to see Rae on the back of Parker's motorcycle, her arms wrapped around his waist. A smiled spread across her face and she laughed lightly. "They're kind of cute together." She turned her blue eyes back to Si, a mock smile on her face. "I think she'll tear the poor guy to bits. She didn't look too happy to see him in the store." Her tawny wings felt a strong breeze and she let herself glide for a moment before flapping a few more times.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)