And what if I say no...? (invitation only please)

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4:43am Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

This group of oddly assembled people have been selected for a particular task of which of course is classified  We don't want this getting out so of course I unfortunately cannot tell you what we are doing all I can say is it involves five very chaotic known people though there are more suspects involve,d it also involves not the most high moraled people to help stop them and their plan. Oh and you don't get a choice in staying or leaving.
Have a nice day.

-All res rules apply
-Common roleplaying rule apply (no power-play, god-modding, killing peoples characters without permission etc)


Deion of species: (Because there are many versions of vampires and what not) 

(there will most likely but more people invited but for now just these people)

5:09am Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 23,239
Ebony Scarlock

Unknown. Appears to be in her mid twenties. 



Deion of species: 
Aramuk are a race of shape-shifters that have two forms, one human and one feline. In human form an Aramuk looks like your average human with greatly enhanced senses. In feline form they grow to about the size of your average house cat. In both forms Aramuk have the ability to evolve rapidly, over the course of a few days instead of a few million years, almost like their habitat molds an individual to fit in. For whatever reason it's generally the feline form that changes; growing quills, or gaining the ability to stand and walk bipedal. The human form is remained mostly untouched. Aramuk also have nine lives though this has drawbacks that quickly become clear to anyone who has known an Aramuk through the course of more than one of its lives. They come in handy from a 'staying alive' point of view though. 

In human form Ebony is slim and slightly taller than average with messy black hair that falls to her waist. Her eyes are pale teal and spend half their time glaring. Ebony typically wears a pair of black cargo pants and a dark teal shirt accompanied by a black velvet waistcoat. She also has become attached to a dark teal beret and a long tattered velvet coat. 
In feline form, Ebony is a black shaggy Persian mix with pale teal eyes. Her claws are unusually long and her paw pads are extremely rough. 

Ebony is incredibly skilled at anything to do with telepathy. Mind reading, mind control, sending and receiving thoughts, you name it, but luckily, she uses it only when she needs to or to show off, to stop herself from going power crazy. She can also transform from human, to cat and back whenever she wants, though this is more of an ability than a power as every Aramuk can do this. She can also travel through time using 'dear' Gelucora. 


I'm too lazy to fill this in 

Yellow canarys
Too lazy again~ 

 Kzingyll :3 

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

6:09am Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 23,239




Deion of species: 
Lyderth are an ancient species of dragon. They are covered in a mixture of scales and feathers and on average grow to the size of your average human. They stand bipedal and lack the stereotypical dragon ability to breath fire. 

I has made picture! :D

Power over time and space, 'nuff said there. With a lot of effort she can basically turn people into puppets using various forms of voodoo in a process she calls 'stringing up'. 

Not unless she counts the people she 'strings up'. 



Other: Nope 

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

4:24pm Oct 10 2012 (last edited on 6:00pm Oct 10 2012)

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Posts: 36,303
Lilly Silverwind /Twilight Shadowdancer
Twenty / Twenty
Female / Female
Kitsunemimi /Kitsunemimi
Deion of species:
A kitsunemimi is a person with the attributes of a fox. Literally meaning 'fox ears' in Japanese. Kitsunemimis usually have both the ears and tail of a fox and more then likely have heightened senses.
Lilly has short red hair that falls just above her shoulders (Thanks to a small mishap with Miranda and some scissors) and both her ears and tail are an orange colour with white tips. She can usually be seen wearing jeans and a t-shirt of some sort which more often then not is accompanied by a jacket. She is somewhat slender but that is because she doesn't always remember to eat. Her eyes are crimson red although lately she's tended to wear sunglasses to hid the fact that she hasn't been sleeping the best.
Twilight has short red hair that falls just above her shoulder and both her ears and tail are orange with black tips. She can usually be seen wearing whatever clothes Lilly was wearing when she decided it was her turn to say hello. Just like Lilly she is slender but it's only because they share the same body. Her eyes are icy blue and she tends to throw away Lilly's sunglasses.
Lilly: She has the ability to bend crystals to her will and shapeshift. She also is able to cast spells.
Twilight: She has the same abilities as Lilly although she is more powerful and rash then her twin. She also has the ability to heal herself.
She doesn't keep one anymore. She finds it to be a bad habit.
Selene the demonic death tiger. She sort of killed Selene after Christmas to strengthen her hold over Lilly and well she thought it would be hilarious if she made Selene into her never dying slave.
-Knowing what's going on.
-Causing pain to others.
-Having a plan.

-Her mother and Chad.
-Being out of the loop.
-Being dragged into things she doesn't want to know.
-Small talk.
-Being trapped.
-Being dead.
-Cheery people.

She really hasn't been the same since the christmas indicant in fact she's falling apart slightly.
She's taken to ruining Lilly's life by taking control more often in her sisters damaged state of mind.

Rexford Silverwind.
Silver tongued Daemon
Deion of species:
Okay so not exactly my version but not exactly James's either. Daemons come generally in different shapes and sizes although most are born some are made by the tailing and taking away of the heart and other organs. Most daemons have wings, claws and more often then not a hot temper to match their dark appearance. Daemons feed off of a mixture of dark emotions and blood for the most part due to their lack of organs they don't really have to eat. Daemons can also take on the from of a mortal or their Demonic form. For the most part that is a normal daemon but silver tongued daemons are different. Their tongues are not silver as their name implies. But they are named so because their voices are smooth enough to coax written words from paper to taking on a physical from. 
In mortal form Rex like this tle="" href="">linky (Sorry I'm being a bit lazy). He's slim but toned and is an average height for his age. More often then not he will be wearing a pair of jeans ,a black t-shirt and a dark colored Jacket.
In Daemon form Rex has a pair a large black bat-like wings coming from his back and large claws grow on his hands. His skin turns black and leathery and his eyes glow white. He grows in size and large fangs hang out of his mouth. Spikes trail down his back and arms.
He can render himself invisible and when he reads aloud the words materialise themselves into a physical form (eg."*insert name here* rose from the dead." *Insert name here* would have been raised from the dead if *Insert name here*'s owner agreed to it. Sorry for the bad example).
He'll never tell.
He was broken after Christmas.

Madam Del Le Ruse
Ruse is what she will introduce herself as but even then it is not her real name.
Unknown but don't go on her appearance because he age has been locked for quite some time.
She's an Air Striker.
Deion of species:
Air Strikers are a very intelligent race of humanoid beings. They usually keep hidden in the clouds but every so often one will decide to visit the world below. Most Air Strikers freeze their ages at a certain point so that they don't wrinkle as they get older. They have a life span that lasts many thousands of years and even then they are quite tough to kill as they can become one with the air itself before striking their enemies down in one foul strike. 
pretty much like this although her mask only hides the top part of her face. She usually wears her mask and black and white clothing to match.
She is able to become one with the air and use it a a weapon by turning it into something that feels like a solid although it is still in it's gas from. Not only that but she can will the air around you out of your lungs and away from your space.
That's classified.
She works for the people putting together the team.


6:02pm Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 10,289
Name: Jack Deadwood
Age: Appears to be in his late twenties but that obviously is not his age.
Species: Deadwood 
Deion of species:
 For the Deadwood family, the word Deadwood has become a deion for a species. They're genetics are twisted and warped so have many species intact in they're gene pool. Vampire, banshee, neko-mimi, werewolf, ect... The list continues. Though Jack in physical appearance looks human though some characteristics are slightly un-human. 

Jack wears a dark black suit which is well fitted and outlines how very tall and lea he in truth is. The suit is slightly ripped and ragged in places. He wears a wide brimmed hat which of course is black and dusty. Jack is deathly pale, his eyes are sunken in and shadowed, he is roughly shaven and his hair is black and untidily kept. He is reasonably good looking other than the fact he always seems to be frowning which of course isn't becoming of anyone really. 
Jack has the ability to bend blood, he is a blood necromancer. Jack is also very skilled with a blade and gun. 
(The list would be so long I wouldn't have time to write it down and this rp would never begin.)
Tom and Miranda Deadwood are his parents
and Meg Collins is his half sister.
As much as he disagrees apparently Raven ii his daughter.

6:18pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289
Name:Meg Collins
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Deadwood
Deion of species:
(The same as Jack's)

Meg is slender, and athletic looking. She like Jack is pale with shadowed eyes though on Meg it's more becoming. Meg has tangled waist length auburn hair, her eyes are a dark brown colour flecked with dark green. She wears a red corset and a very tattered skirt, under which she wears tights, strapped to her legs are two daggers. The belt around her waist has several other knifes and blades which she is quick to use. She wears no shoes.
Meg is a trickter witch,which means she can do a few but not very many things with magic because she is undecided o what sort of trade of witch she wants to be. Meg was also a lethal trained assassin. She can sometimes on a good day shift into a cat or bird.
The forrest
Climbing trees
outwitting people 
Being trapped in a small space
being lied to
Being referred to as a Deadwood
Being contradicted
Being overpowered physicaly.
Meg is a Deadwood but she choose her mother's maiden name over her fathers.
She's lived in the forrest most of her life but ran into a bad crowd off sorts, then took up the trade she had been taught as a child and started killing people. The she relized this gave her no pleasure and returned to the forrest.

8:54pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
(I really can't wait to start this.)


9:05pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

(should we start now or make more charaters.)

9:11pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
(I don't know I really want to start now but are we inviting in anyone else?)


9:17pm Oct 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 23,239
(I'm fine with inviting others and I'm finished with making characters for the moment :3) 

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:28pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

(Yeah, Lets just start)

9:33pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303

Rex stood in the corner of the meeting room with his eyes closed and his arms folded "This really isn't going to be fun." he muttered before rending himself invisible. He tilted his head back slightly I heard them say Jack and Raven's names before he thought Trouble is brewing.


9:40pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 23,239
Ebony cautiously settled herself on the edge of a couch and scanned the room for the hundredth time. What weaselry are they up to I wonder? I hope they realize they owe me a clear explanation.  

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

9:44pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Rex looked over at Ebony before looking at the ceiling That's two people he thought.


9:52pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

Jack was thrown roughly into the room. He swiftly stood up and dusted off his hat "Damn it" He snapped at the closed door, they had taken all of his weapons. He had managed to kill three of them which wasn't a huge acheivment with his reputation. Jack hoped that he wouldn't have to see any old faces he hated reunions almost as much as he hated people in general. Jack avoided looking at any of the people in the room and stalked off to the corner of the room.

9:53pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"And there's Jack." Rex muttered.

Lilly slowly opened the door before walking in and sitting on a lone chair "Erm Hello Jack." she said quietly.


9:56pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

Jack nodded grudily in reply.

Meg was also tossed into the room her fingernails slightly bloody. She cursed silently to herself and pounced on the couch sitting moodily. Her eyes staring timidly around the room, she was starting to feel sick she hated small spacies.

9:58pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
"I'd ask how you've been but I probably don't need to." Lilly said.


9:59pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 10,289

Jack said nothing.

Meg started to sway.

10:00pm Oct 10 2012

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Posts: 36,303
Lilly looked at Meg "Is she okay?" she asked.

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