4:43pm Apr 13 2013
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Raven walked in through a side door, she kept her eyes on her shoes. She had always had a nervous habit of playing with her hair. "Why is that wreck here?" Jack spat vemioumsly at Ruse looking at Raven.
11:15pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 11:18pm Apr 13 2013)
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Posts: 36,303
"Because her involvement is necessary." Ruse said, "I personally wouldn't have called any of you to deal with this particular task. But it was the simplest route to take apparently." she said before walking over to the door that was knocked on. She opened it and eyed the people on the other side "You're late." she hissed ,"The Deadwood runt has an excuse, you however do not. I have had reason to believe that you of all people would be able to keep time but it is clearly visible that I was wrong. I also had an indication that you all had some sort of intelligence, unlike the Deadwood girl. Now give me your half-assed excuses and take a seat."
"Such fun." Rex said in a quiet hiss.
11:33pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 11:35pm Apr 13 2013)
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Posts: 10,289
"She's hardly a Deadwood" Jack growled leaning against a wall. Raven avoided going near Rex.
12:23am Apr 14 2013
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Lilly got up from her seat and silently walked over to Raven.
1:03am Apr 14 2013
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Raven looked up at Lilly shyly.
1:10am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 36,303
Lilly lightly petted Ravens head "I missed you." she said, "Rex too but he won't say that."
1:13am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony huffed. "Look, can we get this done with? I've got more important places to be."
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
1:14am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
Raven smiled slightly " I've missed you a lot to..." she stood up and hugged Lilly tightly.
Jack rolled his eyes.
1:14am Apr 14 2013 (last edited on 1:15am Apr 14 2013)
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"When everyone takes their seats then I will begin!" Ruse hissed, "I would like to start this meeting in a somewhat orderly way!" Lilly closed her eyes "My organs Raven." she said with a small laugh.
1:17am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
Jack seemed more interested with his gloved hands "Then would you hurry up and start."
2:17am Apr 14 2013
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Raven leapt back from Lilly "Sorry" she said.
2:41am Apr 14 2013
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"It's okay." Lilly said, "Just don't hug me so tight next time okay?"
2:43am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
"I've just missed you a lot" Raven smiled, as Jack rolled his eyes.
2:44am Apr 14 2013 (last edited on 2:45am Apr 14 2013)
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"I'm not starting until everyone is ready." Ruse said, "I'm not going to repeat the brief."
"It's okay Raven." Lilly said. Rex rolled his eyes The little tart he thought bitterly.
2:46am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
Jack glanced at Rex and smirked as he stared up back at the ceiling.
Raven smiled sitting down again.
2:47am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 23,239
Ebony flopped back against the couch. "Mugh!"
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:50am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
Jack's eyes darted toward Ebony briefly then back at the ceiling.
2:53am Apr 14 2013
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"Now despite the people who still have yet to enter the room I'm going to start the brief and they should be sure that they listen." Ruse said, "You were all called here because it is a matter of importance. Your enemies seem to have banded together and are now on a course to take over the world. The reason behind their banding together is still unknown but it appears as if they are being strung along by a greater power. We have gather you all here in order to bring a stop to them."
2:55am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 6,296
Sahaestiel had to bow to fit through the door. Ukamundo wore a large frown on his face
"Sahaestiel teleportedd us to the South of france by mistake" said Ukamundo. "And not his south of France, the South of France on Lexicon Delta!"
Whether we wanted it or not, we\'ve stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let\'s get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta\'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He\'s well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.
2:55am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
"By enemies you mean who?" Jack asked lazily.