Angels and Demons[Private, Kupala and Feyth only.]

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5:59pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 6:58pm Jul 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

Here's the thread.








Angel, Demon, or Gray?:

Rank (Only applies to members of the Grays)





The Grays:

Leader: Lukar (NPC)

Deputy: Twilight (You)

Leader of the Medical team: Rikto (Me)

Medical team:

1.Ning (NPC)

2.Dewey (NPC)

3. Talon (NPC)


Nova (Me)

Layna (You)

Vreicka (NPC)


Reika (NPC)




1.Amalia (You)

2.Rosele (Me)

3. Yuro (NPC)


1.Five (Me)


3.Voltress (NPC)



we'll have lots of npc cats to fill in the ranks. :D


6:31pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 6:42pm Jul 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

Name: Amalia

Age: Young

Gender: Female


Imagine she has invisible white wings(after all she is an angel)

Personality: Rp out (Haven't figured it out)

History: She died when she saved her friend from being murdered by avery evil cat named Twilight. (He was a gray, nor a demon) She has been protecting the cats of the gray ever since.

Angel, Demon, or Gray?: Angel


Crush: Not At the moment

Other: Nope


Name: Twilight

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: Rp out, but I'll tell you, he is evil

History: Nothing muchto tell

Angel, Demon, or Gray?: Gray

Rank: Deputy
Crush: No

Other: Nope



Name: Layna

Age: Young

Gender: Female


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" alt="" />

Personality: She is quiet and likes to hide

History: Not much to tell, but Amalia saved her liffrom Twilight

Angel, Demon, or Gray?: Gray

Rank: Member
Crush: Nope

Other: Nope


Name: Cryn

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Personality: Rp out

History: He used to be a farily nice cat, but when he was killed in a catfight, demonsgot to him before he became an angel.

Angel, Demon, or Gray?: Demon


Crush: Open

Other: Nope


((Sorry for the fails, I amreally tired))



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6:38pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(uhh, could you make another male so we have an even gender ratio? :))


6:38pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

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6:44pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 6:56pm Jul 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

Name(s): The one on the top on the left is Rosele, The one on the top right is Five, The one on the bottom left is Nova, The one on the bottom right is Rikto.

Ages: Teen-age-ish, Adult, Young Adult, Adult

Genders: Female, Male, Female, Male.


Rosele is a sweet, caring young cat who tries to stop fights whenever she can. She can't fight by herself, though she's trying to learn how, but is a good huntress, especially when it comes to hunting mice or rats. She has the nickname of "Dumb blonde," though she's not stupid. It's just a name some cats called her about her fur color, and it stuck.

Five is sneaky, mean, and terrifying, and indeed heartless.  He became a demon for killing three members of the grays- one of the three being his sister. He believes that he is the leader of the demons, even though the demons have no ranks, and he bosses them around when he gets a chance.  He is a skilled fighter, but slow.

Nova is shy and quiet, and awkward in happy situations. If someone were to lick her face, for example, she would likely freeze up with wide eyes and a shocked look on her face.  She prefers to be alone and is a skilled fighter, using speed, strength and smarts, not strength.  She rarely smiles, and is protective of weaker members of the Grays, such as Rozele and Rikto.

Rikto is insane. He stammers every time he talks, and when he speaks, he looks at everything going on around him, and rarely into the face of whoever he's talking to, and his sentences are very, very short and rarely make sense. El is one of the few cats who believes in the Demons and Angels, and is not let near younger cats, since he's considered unsafe for the younger cats' sanity. He somehow has managed to learn a lot about healing, and is good at it.


Angel, Demon, or Member of the Grays?: Rozele is an Angel, Five is a demon, Nova is a member of the Grays,  Rikto is a member of the Grays.

Rank (only applies to members of the Grays. , Member, Leader of the medical team

History: Normal, Became a demon for killing three members of the Grays, Normal, Normal.

Crush: Open for all of them

Other: I love Nova <3


6:45pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
Can you make an angel))

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6:56pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(I'll change Rosele to an Angel)


6:57pm Jul 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Thanks, could you start?))

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7:08pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 7:19pm Jul 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

"Amalia!! Don't do it!" The manx cats stands in front of the pitch black cat, growling at the cat hidden behind the max. "He'll kill you!" The manx grits her teeth, ignoring the younger cat's warnings.

"At least I'll die with honor" she says before launching herself at the other cat. At first they seem evenly matched, but then the black cat slips up and  the manx pins him to the ground, breathing hard. She raises her hand for the killing blow and then stops, as Twilight's face spreads into a smale. Amalia's eyes widen as she feels a weight land on her back. "You cheated" Os all she manages to get out as blood crosses her vision and she blacks out...

    The cat awoke with a start, trying to calm her breathing. She shook her head and stretched the white, papery thin wings attached to her back. She rolled over to face the other angel cats and then yawned before standing up. She twitched her ears and got ready to fly to the gray city where she would begin her new life as a guardian, when she heard ehr name. "Amalia" Yuro called, his eyes shining with the wisdom of many years as a guardian. Sh looked around, her bottom shaking. "Yuro, I don't know if I can do this. Man's are rare, don't you think someone'll be suspicious of their old leader comes back from the dead?"

"Oh don't worry little angel, they won't, you won't have the same colors as before and you are younger than yo uwere when you were leading the gray's, they won't notice you." He said and she looked down, recoiling. What she looked like now was not what she expected. She was white and all her old scars had dissapeared, she felt a twinge of regret that they weren't there anymore, but it was all part of the plot. She sighed and looked Rosele, wondering how to explain what se was feeling. After all, how does someone describe what dying feels like to one much older than herself...


Twilight opened and closed his eyes as he washed his bloody paws in the river, smiling from his kill the night before. He was deputy, he killed the leader, now all he needed to do was kill the new one without anybody figuring it out and he would be the leader of the street cats. First, he thought, snarling at the reflection of himself in the sewer watre, he would have to get rid of that abnoxious cat, Layna. He let out a growl and turned away. Layna was the reason he had failed at killing Amalia, making it so he had to have help, and she would pay for her mistake, if only her father wasn't the leader...


Layna looked at her reflection the water, her eyes clouded over with aunguish. Her best friend, her sister, her leader, was dead, how could she go on without that cat who had mentored her since she could remember. It was all Twilight's fault and one way or another, she would make sure he payed for his mistakes. She would make sure that he couldn't get to her father like he did Amalia, she would protect the cats with her life against Twilight, just like Amalia.


 Cryn looked over at Five, his companion. "If you find a cat, may I do the honors?" The new recruit said, glancing at the cat he called his mentor. He looked around the empty streets, itching for a fight. He had killed Amalia for Twilight, but what thanks had he gotten, a one way ticket to hell. It wasn't so bad he supposed, he had gotten a mentor who understood what killing was, but he wanted to get back at Twilight for his 'thanks'...


((Sorry, I finished mine))

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7:09pm Jul 14 2011 (last edited on 7:16pm Jul 14 2011)

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Posts: 3,371


Nova stalked slowly towards a rat that was eating something out of a spilled trash can. She was low to the ground, and silent. She inched closer, then pounced. At that moment, the rat heard her, but it was too late. Nova's jaws closed around it's neck, and a small amount of blood covered her muzzle as the rat went limp. She bounded back to camp (can't think of anything else to call it) which was an old dump, but people had stopped using it, and everything that would've stunk had rotted away. Now, there was just ruined couches and old boxes, etc.etc.etc. Nova carried the rat to her den- an old tv with the screen broken and everything taken out of the inside, leaving just the box-looking part, and a few buttons that would have used to control the volume and things like that. She laid down and began eating.

Rosele nodded to Yuro, and turned to Amalia. "It'll be okay," She said, then sighed. "But...I'm afraid I'll have to tell you about the demons." She paused. "They're the opposite of us, and they can breathe the darkness into dead cats before the dead cats turn into angels. The darkness is what turns them evil. And cats who have had the darkness breathed into them turn into demons." She paused. "The three of us have been sent to stop them, and normal cats can see us, but they see us as other cats. They don't see the wings because they are mortal. We have to kill the demons."

-Rikto sleeps-

Five wandered the streets. No one seemed to have died lately, which was a bummer because now he couldn't get any more demons. He sighed. Maybe he could just kill somebody and turn them into a demon. But he couldn't see anyone nearby. It seemed that he was alone.


7:10pm Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 6,948
ooc: oops

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7:11pm Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(I'll edit.)


7:12pm Jul 14 2011

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((Sorry about that, now I feel like an idiot XD))

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7:16pm Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(edited. It's okay.)


7:22pm Jul 14 2011

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Amalia looked to Rosele and cocked her head. "So wait, I was there leader, but you're saying they won't recognize us?" She shook her head in disbelief. Everybody knows what I look like, it doesn't matter that I have a new coat, I'll still be seen, they will still ask questions. What if Layna recognizes me, she thoguht to herself, how can I explain. She squeezed her eyes shut, angry with herself for dying in the first place. "Rosele, why would they make me a guardian, I have only been... dead... for about a day."

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7:32pm Jul 14 2011

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8:57pm Jul 14 2011

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"I was dead for a few hours before they sent me to become a guardian." Rosele explained. "Just act like you're a new cat. Make up a fake name, like Daesiy or something." Rosele sighed. "Luckily, for me, No one knows me, pretty much. I lived outside the grays and I died young." She sighed.

"Layna can't recognize you," Yuko said. "You look like a whole new cat. I mean, When Rosele was alive, she was a calico cat!"


10:56pm Jul 14 2011

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"As was I, but I'm not sure I can lie to Layna..." She trailed off looking at the ground. "Alright." Her eyes suddenly blazed with a new light, one with purpose. "Lets go protect the grays!" She stretched her large wings and then stopped. "Hey, won't they be a bit suspiscious when we don't get hurt?"

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11:14pm Jul 14 2011

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Posts: 3,371
"They can't tell that, either." It's an illussion to them, and to them we look like we're really hurt, and if they scratch us, to them it feels like they really are scratching us, but we actually don't get hurt from it. The only things that can hurt us now...are the demons."


4:10pm Jul 15 2011

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Amalia shuddered as they lept into the sky, her and yuro. She looked back, waiting for Rosele to come. "But, the demons, you haven't mentioned them, what can they do to us and why will the bother us?" In the back of her mind, she already knew the answer to this question, Why else were they called guardians...

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