11:20am May 16 2010 (last edited on 11:54am May 16 2010)
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This is a private roleplay and you must rmail me in order to join our rp. The basic plot of this animal roleplay is:(Talking animals that live secretly in the world of humans are suddenly discovered and must find a new home. This is the story of their adventures in the search for a new home on a different planet.) The story takes place in 2854 when space travel is possible for anyone, even the animals, to do it. Before you can join, you must rmail me you bio, which should include: Name Age Gender Species(Kind of Animal-Dog, Cat, Chicken, etc.) A few dragons are allowed. Looks-optional but much appriciated Please rmail me this bio and I will respond to whether or not we would like to have you participate in the writing of our story. emeraldwing is my co-creator. You may have more than one animal.
11:32am May 16 2010 (last edited on 1:23pm May 16 2010)
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Name: Scarlet Age: 12 Gender: Female Species: English Springer Spaniel Dog Looks:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Enchantica Age: 119 Gender: Female Species: Dragon Looks: the blue dragon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Leah Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Wolf Looks:  
11:37am May 16 2010
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Name-Hex Age-1 year Gender-M Species-Tiger Looks- 
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12:39pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 1:16pm May 16 2010)
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((need 3 more animals b4 we can start!))
1:26pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 1:29pm May 16 2010)
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Name: Mistic Age: 116 Gender: Female Species: Night Dragon Looks:  __________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Luna Age: 14 Gender: Female Species: Wild Husky Wolf Looks: 
1:33pm May 16 2010
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((we have 6 animals, so we r gonna start now. any ideas?...))
1:40pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 1:51pm May 16 2010)
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In the cool nightime air, an ear peircing screech could be heard for miles around. it was hunting time and in mating season. Everyone knew that Mystic took no mercy and atewhat ever her talons grabbed. She flew up high making her presence know, it would make a difference any way, she was now only a sillouette against the full moon and in the distance you couldheaar the cries of a wolf's song.___________________________________________________________________________________She raised up her head and sang as loud as she could, she sang because that was all she knew how to do, besides hunt of course but she had just finished her meal and was singing her joy. "Wow Luna, your songs are beautiful." said a voice from behind. a spearow in the tree who had been following the proud husky. the bir would listen to the songs and add her own voice to the mix, it was alway amazing.
2:17pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm May 16 2010)
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As Scarlet wandered aimlessly around the dark forest, she suddenly heard a beautiful song coming from afar. As she crept towards the music, she realized that it wasnot a dragon's song ,but rather the song of her close cousin, Luna. At the moment, she suddenly realized that where she truley belonged was not with her mother,but with Luna. She knew that Luna would one day save her life._______________________________________________________________________________________ Leah, searching for the source of a beautiful song,began to recal her dream in which she found herself in an unfamiliar world. In the dream, Leah recalled earlier events of her near future. The only imagestill clear in her head was the image of Luna saving her from near death. As the picture leaves her mind, she discovers that Luna was the source of the music._______________________________________________________________________________________ Upon hearing the call of Mystic, Enchantica sprinted into her flight,eager to join Mystic. She knew that Mystic's call could onlymean one thing: a kill had been made. By the sound of her call,Enchantica knew that a wolf must have been singing somewhere in the forest. As Mystic and Enchantica met, they rushed to find the source of the song, for they knew this young wolfwould do something to save their lives.
2:24pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 2:57pm May 16 2010)
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Hex roared and ran away.He was running from a flock of birds. "Leave me alone!"He roared.
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2:58pm May 16 2010
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Name-Kira age-4years Gender-F Species-Tiger looks- 
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2:58pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm May 16 2010)
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Mystic drempt as she flew. she thought about how much more popular she would get if she were the one to capture the singing wolf. And she would do just that, drag it off to her lair and make it sing for her non-stop. Mystic grinned to herself while she drempt and flew along side Enchantica._________________________________________________________________________________Luna's ears pricked as she heard the sound of wings and paws rushing towards her. She was trying to locate where they were but there were atleast 4 creatures after her at once, instead of stancing to fight, Luna turned and hid under the cover of trees, hoping that the shadows and moonlight hit her fur just right. It was a skill she had learned from her mother, the ability to use the surroundings to hide, just like she was now.
3:02pm May 16 2010
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Kira roared and folllowed the singing.She soon came upon a wolf. "Who are you?"She asked the wolf.
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3:07pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:10pm May 16 2010)
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Startled Luna jumped up. "How did you find me, I was hiding?" she was impressed that she had been found, but then immidiately was on alert. "My name is Luna, it stands for moon's song. Look I really have to go so uuuh good bye." she said and bounded off in to the forest.
3:07pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm May 16 2010)
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3:17pm May 16 2010
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Kira followed the wolf.She began to get the feeling that the wolf was being hunted. Kira soon came upon Hex,who was being chased by birds.
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3:21pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:36pm May 16 2010)
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Scarlet, only in a walk at the time, suddenly broke into a sprint. She didnot know why, but she knew by the sound of beating wings that Luna wasnow in serious danger. Nearing Luna, Scarlet realized that the problem wasnot Luna, but Mystic. She knew that Mystic was plotting an attempt to abductLuna. She also knew that beating Mystic to Luna was the only way to save Luna._______________________________________________________________________________ By the scent in the air, Leah knew she was extremely close to reachingLuna. She also sensed that she was not alone; for she couldhear 2 sets of wings and another set of paws not far from her.Listening closer to the rhythm of the beating wings, she realized thatMystic was on her way, flying with Enchantica;And she knew that Mysticwas planning to capture Luna. ALthough she had only been in a slightjog, she suddenly broke into a sprint. She had to beat Mystic there andwarn Luna._______________________________________________________________________________ As Enchantica's flight with Mystic was coming to a close, shediscovered that Mystic was lost in thought and, due to her previoushistory, immediately *censored*umed she was plotting to kidnap themysterious singing wolk. Enchantica knew that Mystic must be stopped.The Question is: How? Enchantica suddenly began to fly ahead of Mystic.________________________________________________________________________________As Scarlet, Leah, and Enchantica got to the location where they believedLuna to be at the same time, they came across a major problem: Lunawas nowhere to be found.
3:43pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm May 16 2010)
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Mystic, wakeing from her dream, found that Enchantica wasnt flying with her anymore, but on the ground with a group of other animals. She let out a terrifying Screetch as she dived straight for the group, pulling out just before she hit them. Mystic noted the absence of the wolf's voice and flew past them over the forest that Luna had run into. She scanned the ground for any movement but found nothing. Letting out a sigh of frustration, Mystic roared as she circled back, head toward the cave she called home, morning was almost upon them and she could see the color tint the horizon far away.___________________________________________________________________________________
3:57pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 4:27pm May 16 2010)
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Hex growled and jumped,trying to scare the birds off.But sadly it didn't work. Kira growled and ran after Hex.Suddenly she and Hex ran into Scarlet."Sorry"Kira said. Hex looked at Scarlet and jumped back,growling."Who are you?"He growled.
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4:07pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 4:23pm May 16 2010)
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Suddenly, upon hearing the roar of Mystic, Scarlet Leah andEnchantica froze;Minutes went by before they began to speak."Do you think Mysitc got to Luna before we could?" Scarlet asked, scared and knowing they all had the same theory about Mystic's intentions.Leah was first to respond. "I don't see how that's possible. UntilI heard Enchantica came up behind me, all sounds of a wing beat camefrom behind me. Unless...."Leah froze and shivered."Unless mystic got to her before she even started singing." Scarlet finishedwith a low whimper."Exactly" was the only response from Leah and there was no response fromEnchantica as she had flown off silently. Both Scarlet and Leah guessedit was to speak to Mystic; to try and trick the truth out of her.
4:27pm May 16 2010
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Hex kept growling as Kira tried to shut him up.
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