4:33pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 4:46pm May 16 2010)
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As Enchantica searches the sky for Mystic's lair, she finds Mystic towering over two scared young wolves. Enchantica approachesMystic with confidence and asks,"Mystic, what are you doing to these two wolves?"
4:52pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 4:57pm May 16 2010)
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Mystic looked taken aback, "What am I doing to them? What an I DOING TO THEM!?!" she began raising her voice,now shouting, "I WOULD HAVE YOU KNOW THAT THESE FLEA BITTEN MONGRELS TRIED TO TACKLE ME!!" As her voice grew so did her wings, and by the time she was done, Mystics wings were fully unfolded. She stared down at the wolves who had run into her leg. "I AM LEAVING YOU IN CHARGE OF PUNISHMENT. I HAD BETTER SEE A PUNISHMENT!!! She half screamed as she truned around and stormed off towards her lair, she was hurrying now that the sun was peaking above the mountains to the east.
5:16pm May 16 2010
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Enchantica, aghast in shock, looked to the two wolves. The wolves stared back in relply, fear and sorrow in their eyes. "Look, I'm not like Mystic. I don't like hurting other creatures. I won't punish you, but I need you to do me a favor...I need you to cry out in pain so it appears that I have punished you." The wolves, in response, cried out in pain. Knowing Mystic had heard thier cry, Enchantica thanked them and began to fly away. Enchantica, still searching the sky, was thinking to herself When I find the lair of Mystic, I must tell her that the two young wolves had been killed as their punishment. I must tell her that I bit both their heads off and was sure they were dead. She will surely fall for that. She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost missed Mystic's lair. Thinking Well, this is it. The moment of truth, Enchantica slowly took her landing on the edge of Mystic's cave and looked inside. Enchantica could not believe what she saw. She saw Mystic, standing over a dead wolf(who she immediately thought was Luna), frozen in place. Enchantica stood there, watching, for over an hour. She was about to depart when, suddenly, Mystic unfroze and spotted her standing there in the dusk.
5:52pm May 17 2010 (last edited on 6:38pm May 18 2010)
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"What are you doing here?" Mystic asked. Following the path of the other dragon's gaze. "Oh this? This is just a snack, not your precious Luna, I promise." Mystic laughed at Enchantica's accusation. She took a bite out of the dead wolf, curled up and fell asleep in her cool den.
10:11am May 18 2010
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Enchantica, consumed with shock and amazment, simply stared straight ahead at Mystic as she slept. In her mind, she vowed not to leave until she discovered her secrect, which Enchantica knew was vital to the safety of her, Luna(who she still thinks could very well be dead), Scarlet, Leah, Kira, and Hex, along with the safety of Mystic herself. I must find out what her secret is, Enchantica thought to herself. She stood there and pondered on what her secret could be. Mystic awoke and saw her pondering this thought.
2:24pm May 18 2010
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"How am I going to sleep when I know your standing there?" Mystic said as she rose. She began walking toward the young dragon, feeling annoyed. "Look I already told you that my snack isnt that singing wolf. I have better plans for it so just run along and let me sleep... this is the third time you have woken me. GET!" I she said rushing at Enchantica, causing her to flee. "Thats better, and I dont want to see you until the moon comes out, got it??"She yelled after her, turning into her cave and falling back asleep.
3:34pm May 18 2010
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Hex and Kira was asleep under the trees.They were curled up side by side.
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5:44pm May 18 2010
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(( i like the sig koga))
6:41pm May 18 2010
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Luna watched the ones called Hex and Kira sleep. She could tell that they ment no harm, and she decided to protect them. She didnt want to be seen though, and Luna stuck to the shadows only sleeping lightly always listening for the wings of the night dragon Mystic.
7:00pm May 18 2010
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((Thanks Emerald :])) Hex opened his eyes and yawned the stood up and strettched.
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8:43pm May 18 2010
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((np)) Hearing sounds of movement, Luna snapped awake but it was a false alarm. The one called Hex was waking up. "I guess it's almost time to get moving." she said standing up and strectching herself.
4:27pm May 19 2010 (last edited on 4:29pm May 19 2010)
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Enchantica had fled in fear from the secret cave of Mystic, but was on her way to return with Scarlet and Leah, who she seeked out in the forest so they could she the cave for themselves. Soon, as they traveled along closer to the forest, they ran into Hex and Kira, Enchanitca's new friends. Soon after finding them, they discovered that Hex and Kira were not alone. "Who....are you Luna?" Scarlet, Enchantica, and Leah said in perfect unison. The ex pression on their faces was pure shock at discovering the one who could possibly Luna.
4:54pm May 19 2010
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"Kira?Wake up"Hex yawned.Kira opened her eyes and stood then stretched."Hi Enchantica!"Hex said,walking over to the dragon.
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8:34pm May 19 2010
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"Well who else would I be silly." She said jokingly though she was scared out of her mind. "And you must be one of those dragons searching for me." It wasnt a question but a statement, a fact. She then turned and smilled at the wolves. "Good morning you guys, sleep well i hope."
1:49pm May 20 2010
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"Good morning Luna!"Hex said."Morfing"kira said,yawning.
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3:12pm May 21 2010
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3:21pm May 21 2010
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((i posted before u so i dont know what to post Aaaaaack Major writer's mental block))
4:42pm May 21 2010
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Enchantica, speaking to Luna, said "Hi Luna! I thought you were dead....no offense. But when I went to Mystic's cave, I saw a dead wolf that looked just like you and I just as.....I just thought it was probably you. But stay with us, we will keep you safe. Mystic........she's......"but Enchantica couldn't finish her sentence. Instead, Scarlet finished for her. "trying to capture you because we all know you're special." Following that, they recalled her song and their dreams of Luna. Leah, excited to finally see her cousin, went over and hugged Luna. Then, she told Luna some very important information. "Luna, the humans...they are coming farther and farther into the forest. Soon they will discover that we are talking animals and we will have to leave. In their world, animals are just pets and cannot talk, at least not to their knowlede. We are going to need to leave as soon as they discover us. I don't know how much longer it will be, but just make sure you are ready to go far away, possibly to another planet if we have to. That may be abosolutely nessecary for our survival." Then, turning to Hex, Kira, Enchantica, and Scarlet, she said, "Sorry I didn't tell you this before. I just thought I should wait until everyone, exept for the evil Mystic, was here. I didn't mean to keep this from you, but I figured it would be better for everyone's survival. I hope it didn't upset you guys,realizing that you didn't know vital information that I could have given you days before. Sorry." Speaking to everyone again, Leah continued by saying, "As soon as we find the cave of Mystic and stop her evil deeds, I think we should start gathering materials for the trip to a new home planet like this one. Most likely we will have to because I think this is the last forest that is not inhabited by humans, so just be aware of that. Anyways, I think we should start preparing as soon as we stop Mystic. Agreed?" Enchantica and Scarlet quickly agreed, but they were all three still waiting to hear a response from Hex, Kira, and Luna.
4:46pm May 21 2010
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"We won't let nothing happen to Luna"Hex and Kira growled.
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4:54pm May 21 2010
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"Hex, Kira, do you agree to start preparing for our potential trip to a new home planet as soon as we can be 100% POSITIVE Mystic cannot reach Luna? We understand that you won't let anything happen to Luna. None of us will. We trust you. But we need your vote. Do you agree?" said Scarlet, hinting an annoyence in her tone with Hex and Kira. Luna still had not spoken, which was worrying Leah because it was not at all like Luna to stay quiet for this long. Scarlet could see it in Leah's face.