Another Amazing Rp With 'Teh' Ty <3

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6:11pm Feb 8 2012

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''But I... I don't need any... any help...''
I murmured, the world darkening around me.
I wasn't sure how I was managing to still walk with her, but I managed it somehow. I stumbled over my own feet once or twice, and almost fell a few times, but stayed miraculously on my feet.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:11pm Feb 8 2012 (last edited on 6:11pm Feb 8 2012)

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Posts: 3,809

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:11pm Feb 8 2012 (last edited on 6:12pm Feb 8 2012)

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Posts: 7,283
[[Can I time skip to like the hospital room or something? |DDD

What's wrong? ;-;-;  ]]

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6:12pm Feb 8 2012

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[[Yez. :3]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:14pm Feb 8 2012

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Posts: 7,283
I had kept an arm around his waist as we walked, praying with every step of the way that he wouldn't collapse. Though Sanctus wasn't very buff, I also wasn't very strong. So picking him up would be a sight to see. 

Finally, though, I brought him in the hospital. The second they saw us, the doctors came and took him away to give him the medications that he had missed when he left. 

I finally was allowed to go into his room. After a slight knock, I walked in, hoping I didn't look as mad as I felt.

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6:20pm Feb 8 2012

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I didn't like the medication they gave me.
I didn't like having to sit in the room again getting a lecture off some nurse about how dangerous it was or how I could have contracted pneumonia or something.
I didn't like how they kept trying to get me to go to bed, or how I knew Dawn was going to flip at me, or how I still didn't have my drawing stuff.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't like anything about what was going on.

When the doctor left and I heard a knock at the door, I was sat at the end of the bed, my legs crossed and my hands in my lap. My hair was sticking up in more places than I thought possible, and was still wet, and the nurses had made me change my clothes.
Despite that, my skin still felt cold to the touch, even though I hadn't felt much at all for the past hour or so, and I still had a splitting headache. I'd been told I looked 'pale and colourless' by one of the nurses, but I didn't agree.
She was probably just over-exaggerating.

When Dawn walked in, I couldn't help but imagine steam coming out of her ears. I was dead. She was ticked.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:26pm Feb 8 2012

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I had came in the ask what it was that I should go get for him, (Dunno if he already said it.) so that he wouldn't leave the hospital again to make things worse for his health. But, as I saw him, all I saw was the idiot who chose to leave the hospital because he was bored. 

I would have asked, but I didn't want to show my anger. I didn't want to yell or scream, not matter how much I wanted too. I opened my mouth, about to ask what I had been planning to ask, but changed my mind. I knew I wouldn't be able to control my tone once I spoke. 

I sat down on the chair that I had slept on last night, looking up at him with a stern glare, though I hadn't meant too. 

Finally, a
"Feeling better?"
came from my lips, my voice strained to keep from attitude portraying in my voice. 

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6:32pm Feb 8 2012

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I took one look at her, tilting my head to the side slightly as she sat down. She seemed to be about to say something, then decided against it. When she did look up at me, her eyes were just a little worrying. She seemed much more angry now than she had been earlier, if that was possible. I had the feeling I should be careful, or get ready to be throttled.

I chose not to answer her question- any answer I gave would result in a possibly hostile situation involving shouting- and to instead comment on something a little more neutral.
''You're mad.''
Well, that wasn't very neutral, but I never had been much good at social situations at the best of times, and it was the best I could come up with.

Apparently, stating the obvious was something I was very good at. Pity there weren't many jobs involving that kind of skill.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:38pm Feb 8 2012

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Posts: 7,283
"I'm not mad."
I said through my teeth before standing up abruptly and adding, 
"I'm furious! You had me worried sick! You could have died out there, but you don't seem to care. The doctor's or... Someone could have been sued if something happened to you, since they weren't here to make sure you were alright. I would have had to live with the guilt of actually agreeing with you about staying home at night..."
I kept rambling on, my anger only increasing; even angry tears building in my eyes. 
"... Oh, but you don't care, right Sanctus? All you cared about was the fact that you didn't have enough entertain to satisfy you while people here were making sure that you stayed alive!"
I would have laughed at myself for sounding like his mother, but seeing as he didn't have one, someone had to step up and tell him what he needed to hear. 
Well, not hear, really. See. 
I refused to ever apologize for anything I said, as I took a sigh and sat back down. Crossing my arms and looking down to avoid his eyes. I said what I needed to say, so I was done talking to him.

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6:54pm Feb 8 2012

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Oh yeah. She was mad. She was more than mad. More than furious. I thought she might physically kill me if I wasn't careful.
She made interesting points, but I wasn't in the mood to try and decode her logic right now, so didn't try.
Instead, I sighed and turned away from her- since for some reason, she didn't want to look at my eyes- and looked out the window instead. Still raining.
Maybe I'd really gone and done it this time. Maybe she truly hated me now.
Then again, hadn't that been what I'd wanted? For her not to talk to me? If she did hate me, it'd mean I'd get my own way, and she'd leave me alone.
Her last point was perhaps the one that bothered me most. I didn't particularly see why anyone would even try to make sure I stayed alive, since I wasn't particularly liked by anyone at all, adult or otherwise. After all, I was just another stupid kid in just another dumb hospital. It didn't really strike me as worth looking after, to be honest.
Still, she was pretty angry, so I decided not to voice my opinions, but instead remained silently looking out the window, wondering how long it would take until I was able to just go home.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

6:58pm Feb 8 2012

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Posts: 7,283
We sat in silence for a long time. My eyes stayed on the ground for what felt like hours. Until, finally, I looked up to see that it only had been ten minutes. I looked over at Sanctus unwillingly, before finally saying with a more calm tone,
"You never answered my question."
I had to break this silence somehow.

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7:01pm Feb 8 2012

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I glanced back to her every now and then, and it was perhaps a good thing I did, for otherwise I wouldn't have noticed when she said something. I didn't particularly want to answer her question, but I was too tired to argue.
That didn't mean I couldn't just avoid the question, though.
''What question?''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:05pm Feb 8 2012

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"Are you feeling better?"
I repeated, glad the tension in the air was diminishing even though I had no intention of forgive him for his stupid act.

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7:06pm Feb 8 2012

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''Of course I am. Never been better.''
I made myself smile, even though I was still thinking over whether it was a good thing for her to hate me or not.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:08pm Feb 8 2012

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I stared at him with a skeptical ex[injection]pression for a long time. It was hard reading him sometimes, and right now, I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. 
Was all I said, before looking back down. 

[[/fail. Sorry. :c ]]

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7:13pm Feb 8 2012

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[[Pft. I fail too. |D]]

I sighed and looked back to the window, shaking my head and flopping backwards onto the bed, lying down properly.
I folded my arms and pulled them up behind my head, staring at the ceiling.
I didn't like this awkward silence between us now, and tried to think of a way to get rid of it.
Either get rid of it or stop it being so awkward, in the least.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:19pm Feb 8 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[I dunno what they should talk about next. D| ]]

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7:20pm Feb 8 2012

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[[Sanctus might fall asleep. o 3o]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:24pm Feb 8 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ So Paradise can take advantage of him again. 

...Jk. ]]

"I was about to get a helicopter out to search for ya'."
I said with a laugh at the memory of seeing myself running around the hospital like some lunatic. 
"And, I almost got into a fight with the camera man because I kept telling him to rewind seeing you leave the doors..."
I found myself finding anything I could to say, to show him that I cared. I laughed, seeing myself once more in the back of my mind looking like a crazed person. 

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7:35pm Feb 8 2012

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I didn't notice anything she said, being too busy trying to stay awake by focusing on a dot on the ceiling.
As usual, I failed miserably, and the grip of sleep held tightly onto my mind.
I felt myself slipping into a dreamless sleep, and didn't really think of protesting against it.
I was too tired, my muscles aching and my mind exhausted, and too cold to bother trying to fight sleep.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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