8:23pm Aug 18 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow looked down at Ravage and said,"I really don't know." "Unfold the autobot tape. I'll keep hold oon the decepticon while you do.",she added and looked at Edgar.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:36pm Aug 18 2012
Posts: 595
ravage growled at them edger unfolded stealjaw who was the same height as ravage
8:45pm Aug 18 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow swung her tail when Ravage growled and the robot hit the ground. Shadow picked her tail up to where her face was close to Ravage's and said,"Growl again and see what happens." She put her tail back down and let Ravage stand up.
She looked at Steeljaw and said,"Just as I remember seeing him. I still wonder why two Autobots and a Decepticon were together anyway." She thought for a moment and said,"Don't even try to get the other Autobot unfolded or it might be a bit to big. From what I remember anyway..."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:59pm Aug 18 2012
Posts: 595
edger set stealjaw down the bot being to big for him to hold
stealjaw was limp his eyes a dim blue ravage snorted laying down
stefan watched
edger looked at stefan "ravage only started moveing after you toutched him, maby if you do the same to stealjaw he might wake up" he sugjested
stefan looked at edger "maby im not so sure though" he said going to toutch the cats snout like he had done to ravage
9:06pm Aug 18 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow watched Steeljaw and waited to see what would happen. She looked back down at Ravage and said,"You better stay down."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:39am Aug 19 2012
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Posts: 1,910
((i wont be on much. mom is trying to restrict my RPing))
((what's going on anyway?))
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
2:58pm Aug 19 2012
Posts: 595
(they are just finding out that the tapes and radio are really ravage stealjaw and blaster, stefan is also about to discover that he can jump start mashines by toutching them) wehn stefan touched the lion bots snout its eyes got brighter and it lifted its head looking around before growling at ravage
10:30pm Aug 19 2012
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Posts: 9,781
(Your momma won't let you rp as much? :( )
Shadow sighed and said,"If a fight breaks out I'm destorying two robots that go by the first letters R and S."
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
8:43am Aug 20 2012
Posts: 595
ravage growled at shadow lashing his tail
1:48pm Aug 20 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kinu stared at the robots. "What just happened?
((how did... what?))
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
4:11pm Aug 20 2012
Posts: 595
edger looked at kinu "these are robots from another world, they must have been in stasis and some how stefan woke them up, i believe the radio is also a robot" edger explained stefan looked at his hand and it seamed to spark slightly
4:14pm Aug 20 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kinu tilted her head, "Weirdest day of my life..."
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
4:53pm Aug 20 2012
Posts: 595
"ive had stranger" edger said with a shrug
stefan looked at kinu
ravage desided he had had enough of them and snarled biteing shadows tail hard
5:04pm Aug 20 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kinu stood behind Stefan, hiding from the bots.
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
6:54pm Aug 20 2012
Posts: 595
steal jaw growled standing infront of the others glareing at ravage
ravage growled but turned and fled seeing he was out numbered, he shot out a window with his blaster jumping threw it and escapeing into a allieway
stealjaw sighed looking back at kinu
3:09pm Aug 22 2012
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Posts: 1,910
Kinu stared at stealjaw.
MothKingEloth on FlightRising\r\n\r\ntwilightGuardian on The Final Outpost\r\n\r\nmothkingeloth on Tumblr
5:15pm Aug 22 2012
Posts: 595
edger took a step forward before messing with his watch and turning into a robotic wolf the same size as stealjaw
stealjaw looked at edger surprised before smileing recogniseing him
9:30pm Aug 24 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow growled out as she grabbed her tail,"This is why I hate you robots." She put her tail down and the ran after the robots. She flew into the air and quickly caught up to Ravage.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
9:52am Aug 25 2012
Posts: 595
ravage snarled sending out a signal for help hoping another con might pick it up and come and get him
(stealjaw stayed at the autoshop only ravage fled)
12:58pm Aug 25 2012
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Posts: 9,781
Shadow dove down in an attempt to grab him. She growled when she missed and then blew out some black fire to surround him. Her black fire had melted a robot or two before and hopefully Ravage wouldn't attempt to escape the circle of it around him. She dove down again to see what would happen.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.