7:22am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi looked at it and nodded. "Yeah some parents are like that. Mine didn't like me reading it until i told then that it wasn't real magic as magic could only be done in Latin and if they could find one spell in the books that was Latin they they could still ban me from reading them." She said smiling at him her tail wagging happily.
7:54am Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett nodded to show Kazumi he understood. Jett looked around and saw that whole class was almost full. His heart raced.He was scared. Jett remembered to breathe deeply and started to write on his board until it was snatched from his hands. Jett gasped and looked up surprised. It was a boy a jock to be exact. He held the board up high and dangled it. "What cat got your tongue?" The jock said teasingly. Jett ignore the jock and scrambled to grad the board. The jock was 6ft tall but Jett was only 5'4. "Ah, ah, ah. You have to talk to get it" The jock mocked. Jett growled. He knew if he spoke he would be given away. Without that board there is no sense of communication. Jett stood there squeezing his head.
8:03am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi looked up seeing that Brad was picking on Jett. "Brad would you tell a blind person to see or a deaf person to hear and just like i won't ask a dumb person like you to name the presidents you really shouldn't ask someone who can't talk to talk. You might have more luck getting a fish to not die above water." She said to him before standing up. "Now give back the board or else" She said to him she didn't know why but she felt protective she hated seeing other people being bullied but if she was the one getting bullied she wouldn't do anything.
8:09am Mar 8 2014
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"Shut up, Kazumi. Was just going to see what he would do. The whole school knows about mute boy." Brad said before shoving the board in his chest causing him to fall to the floor. Him and his jock buddies laughed. Jett pressed his ears against his head once more but not before cussing him out in sign language. He stood up put the board down and laid his head on the desk.
8:17am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi rolled her eyes at him before sitting next to Jett and putting her paw on his back. "Just ignore them. They need to bully others to make up for their small male parts." She said to him smiling. That was what she thought they where just making up for something that was happening in their life that makes them feel so bad that they have to bully others to make them feel better.
8:26am Mar 8 2014
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Jett giggled before turning his head and giving a nice warm smile at her. He looked at the board with words smudged all over it and remembered what he was going to ask. He erased the board and began writing again. "Can I see your timetable?" is what it said. Jett pulled out his and handed it to her while holding up the board.
8:31am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi nodded and pasted him her timetable. She looked around at all the lessons he had smiling when she could see some of her lessons on there she had new lessons this year so she didn't know if they had all the same lessons or just some that where the same.
8:40am Mar 8 2014
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Jett looked at her timetable and he wagged his tail happily. They had the same schedule. Jett yipped and the whole class look back at him. He pretended it wasn't him. He then wrote on the board his new discovery and showed it to her but he dropped the board because his wrist gave out. He held his left paw and whimpered a bit. All the writing was hurting his paw. Jett picked up the board again and held it with his right paw.
8:44am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi read the board and smiled. "That's cool at least we have someone to sit with that won't either ignore us or bully." She said smiling while her tail wagged. She then looked at his left wrist and reached out and grabbed it. After she took a hold of it she started to rub it trying to get the pain away she knew what this school was like and even her paws hurt after writing so much so she thought he would be worse.
9:06am Mar 8 2014 (last edited on 9:31am Mar 8 2014)
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Jett, blushed and almost pulled away. Her paws were soft and soothed the pain. He bowed respectfully to say thank her but he wasn't sure she would understand that.
10:13am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi smiled at him and let go of his paw. "This school is known for killing paws with the amout we write taking notes with you writing to talk to people as well we don't want you to be told off." She said to him blushing as her tail wagged.
10:48am Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
"Ah." Jett said. It was more of a sound so he let that one go. The teacher walked in the classroom. "Good Morning, Class. I am Mrs. Cinderstone. I am your homeroom teacher and you will come to my class for study hall. For the period you may chat till your hearts content." Mrs. Cinderstone explained. Jett scribbled on the quickly saying "I will be right back. I have to talk to the teacher. Well not talk hand her a note. Same difference. :P" He placed the board on her desk. He rummaged through his backpack and pulled out the envelope. He walked through the desk and saw everyone chatting. Jett pressed his ears against his against his head and just stopped. He felt angry and sad at the same time. Suddenly he heard a loud thud behind and pain singed through his tail. He wanted to yelp but kept it in. He heard a snicker.It was Brian. He made his way to the teachers desk and handed her the note. He watched as she read it. She nodded to him. "Okay, here keep this note to show to you other teachers." Mrs. Cinderstone said. Jett nodded to her and left with the note. When he passed by Brian he smacked him with his tail.

10:57am Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi had read the board and smiled. She watched Jett as he got up and went to the teacher and started growling at what Brian has done. Even when Jett had came back she was still glaring at Brian growling lowly showing how mad she was how dare he do that she should know how sensitive a tail is. She knew he was only a jock because he was a Tiger anthro so he was built bigger if he didn't have that he would be nothing at all.
11:04am Mar 8 2014
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Jett got back to his desk and picked up the board. He erased the words and put it down. He took out his mp3 and put the headphones around his neck on. Jett's head bobbed up and down to the music.
12:26pm Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi took her eyes away from Brian and looked over at Jett seeing him listening to music she decided to just go back to reading her book. While she was reading the teacher walked out the room to get something for her lesson after this and suddenly her book was out of her hands. She looked up seeing that it was Jay Brian's friend that had her book. "Can i have that back please?" She asked him sighing as she watched him shake his head in a no fashion. "No. I think i'm gonna keep this. You don't need to be any nerdier then you already are you never know if your less nerdy you might get a boyfriend." He said as he laughed and walked off back to Brian and their gang.
12:42pm Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett's paws clenched and he gritted his teeth when he saw some guy took Kazumi's book. Jett wrote on the board. "Give the book back or else!" He walked up to the guy grabbed his shoulder to make him face Jett. Then he pointed to the board angrily. "Pfft, Whatever." The boy chuckled and turned around. Jett slammed the board down grabbed the guy by the collar and smacked him. Jett reached for the book and hit him upside the head. The boy was now on the ground knocked silly. Jett put the book on Kazumi's desk and was about to sit down but he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck. He was then slammed to the ground and .was turned on his back. Brian, began to choke him. "Come on, mute boy, talk to me. Tell me to let go." Brian snickered. Brian's grip grew tighter and tighter and Jett's eyes started to roll back in his head.
12:52pm Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi quickly jumped up and jumped on Brian's tail. "Get off him Brian he can't breath" He said to him trying to pull him off. When he wouldn't move she did the only think she knew that would make him let go and bit down hard on his tail not letting go until he let go.
12:59pm Mar 8 2014
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Brian screeched and let him go. Jet coughed holding his throat. He tried to get up but he suddenly blacked out. He was still conscious lying on the floor trying to catch his breath. His vision came back but everything was blurry.
1:15pm Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi let go off his tail and moved in front of Jett. "Leave him alone." She growled at him. She was in full defense mode ears back heckles up and glaring at him as if ready to jump at him and attack him. The teacher then decided to walk in the door and gasp at what she was seeing. "What happened in here?" She asked everyone for Brian to jump in with his sob story about how Kazumi was picking on Jett and he was trying to help, the more Kazumi tried to tell her different the more angry she was getting at Brian for the lies he was telling. "Kazumi go to the principle now ill take Jett to the nurse to see if he's ok" Mrs. Cinderstone Said walking over to Jett and slowly sitting him up. "But miss that's a lie he was nearly killing Jett an......" "I'm not miss i tried to help him and she bit my tail" Brian said showing her his bitten tail that was bleeding. "Ok you come with me too Brian Kazumi leave now" Mrs. Cinderstone said to her making Kazumi leave the room to go where she was told to tell the principle the truth.

3:31pm Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
Everything happened so quick he had no idea what was going on. Mrs. Cinderstone was guiding him to the nurse's office. She stopped before they went in. "Jett, now listen to me. Kazumi may be your friend but tell me the the truth. Who was the person that hurt you? 1 finger for Brian and 2 fingers for Kazumil" She asked. Jett limply held up 1 finger. They walked into the nurses office and the teacher sat him down on the bed. Jett was so dizzy and he couldn't take it anymore. He passed out.