4:30pm Mar 8 2014
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Kazumi was in the office talking with the principle about what had happened. "Well Kazumi without further evidence i can't just let you off but since you have told me that you did harm another student even if it was to help your friend i still have to give you detention i'll talk to Jett and your teacher about it when i can get them but for now take yourself to the detention hall until someone comes to get you." He said to Kazumi. Kazumi nodded and stood up before walking to the detention hall to await a teacher to tell her what her sentence would be.
6:39pm Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
((So sorry for not posting earlier. I was really upset and I wasn't feeling well.))
Jett woke up and the room was spinning. Slowly he sat up and he felt a bit better. He waved his paw calling over to the nurse. The nurse checked him over and gave him some water to drink. After gulping down the water the nurse handed him a note. It read "Jett, you are to go to the principle office and explain exactly what happened. After that come back to the nurses often and she will see if you are well enough to stay at school.-Mrs. Cinderstone. Jett sighed and stood up. He grabbed his backpack and waved the nurse goodbye as he exited out the door. Jett made his way to the office with his head hung low. He opened the door and sat down. "You must be, Jett. Hello." The principal said. Jett waved and started to write. He explained everything that happened when Brian started to bully them. He handed the board to the principal. The principal read it quickly and shook his. "Okay, since it's the beginning of the year and you and Kazumi were defending yourselves. I'll go easy. These boys have caused trouble before so I will deal with them. You will stay in detention until lunch along with Kazumi. Now take this note and go to the the detention room." The principal said sternly. Jett nodded, took the note, and waved. Jett quickly made his way back to the nurses office. She told him he was okay and dint have to go home. Then he rushed to detention to show Kazumi that he was okay. His throat throbbed in pain all the same time though. He opened the door and handed the note to the teacher.

6:50pm Mar 8 2014
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((its fine don't worry :D)) Kazumi heard the door open and looked up. Her tail started to wag madly when she could see Jett ok. She was going to get up but a glare from the teacher made her stay in her seat as she read the note that Jett gave her.
6:57pm Mar 8 2014
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Posts: 709
The teacher crumpled the note and threw it away. She glared at me like I was some delinquent. "Sit down. No talking...I mean sending notes to other people." The lady said giving him a look like he was a dunce. God this lady his mean he thought. He cussed in sign language once more and sat down next to Kazumi.
10:04am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi looked at Jett and smiled at him her tail wagging madly still glad he was ok and not in a coma. Now all they had to do was wait till the teacher left so they could talk/write to each other since the teacher was so mean that she hadn't told her what the note said it was so unfair.
10:10am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
The teacher never left always looking up to glare at us for a while. Many hours passed and when Jett looked at the time it 12pm. The bell rang and teacher lifted her head. "You guys can go now." Jett grabbed Kazumi's hand and ran out the door without bothering to wave goodbye.
10:13am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi giggled and ran with Jett following him to where ever he was taking her. She really didn't care she was just really happy that he was ok. She didn't care that people where looking at them weird she just ran with him.
10:19am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett stopped running and pushed open the double doors to the lunchroom. Jett wrote on his board. "I packed my lunch today, what about you?"
10:24am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi looked at the board and smiled. "I normally don't eat lunch" She said to him blushing. She would just got to the library and stay in there all lunch and go to class. It was normally in the lunch room that she ended up walking out of there covered in food so she stopped going.
10:27am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
"That's not good. Come. let's go outside for a while. After I eat my lunch I'll show you something cool." Jett wrote down on the board then taking Kazumi's hand. They walked for a while but then he let go of her hand blushing.
10:29am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi nodded and smiled as she walked with him. When she seen his blush she smiled and while blushing took his paw in hers while looking away from him hoping he wouldn't see the blush on her face. She liked him and hoped that she wasn't making a fool of herself.
10:38am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
"Ah!" Jett said surprised. He smiled and made his way to this bench. The wind was blowing hard. He sat Kazumi down on the bench and then he sat down next to her. He looked at her as her hair blew in the wind. Her eyes were so pretty.
10:46am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi sat down and started looking around the school the wind was blowing her hair back. She closed her eyes feeling the wind in her fur. She enjoyed feeling this relaxed but she knew that a hell hole just lay a couple feet away she might like it but she hated some of the people inside but maybe with Jett here it might make it better.
11:12am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
FOr some reason Jett wasn't hungry. He turned on his mp3 and chose his favorite song(moves like jagger). He stood up pulled his shirt down. Jett started to whistle and began to dance for Kazumi.
11:17am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi opened her eyes feeling Jett move and hearing him whistle. She smiled as she watched him dance. She tilted her head as she watched him and wondered if she could join him or not. After watching him for a bit she decided to throw caution to the wind and jumped up and started to dance with him. She couldn't hear the music but from his whistling she guess at what the song was and went with that.
11:21am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
Jet slowly shifted behind Kazumi put his head close to hers. He rested his hands on her hips and whistled nervously.
11:37am Mar 9 2014
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Kazumi blushed feeling Jett so close to her but she didn't do anything to push him away all she did was moved her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes as she moved with him. She put her paws on his to move with him better.
11:51am Mar 9 2014 (last edited on 11:52am Mar 9 2014)
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Posts: 709
((do you like my siggy Fox)) Jett wrapped his arms around her waist, He really liked her. She had nice curves. Suddenly Jett's body pulsed. He stepped back and quickly put his headphones around his neck,. He ruffled his fur and squeezed his head.
11:55am Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 5,406
((Yeah its cool looking XD do you like mine? Made it myself hahaha naa i wanna have a new one))
Kazumi blushed more when he wrapped his arms around her but then gasped when he suddenly moved away from her. When she could see that he was holding his head she moved closer to him. "Jett are you ok?" She asked him putting her paws on his shoulders trying to get him to look at her to give her some sign that he was ok.
6:14pm Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett was now standing still and he was a tiny little tike at his old elementary school. His best friend, his first love stood in front of him. "Hello, Jett" She says. "Hana, I thought you were dead?" Jett asked nearly breaking down. "I am but you need me for something. Jett, you are falling love but a trial awaits." Hana explained. "What is it?" Jett asked. "You have to let me go." Hana said. "No, I can't." jett said frantically. "That will be your downfall" and with that Hana disappeared and Kazumi was looking at him wondering if he was alirght. Jett stood up straight and looked in the eyes. After thinking aobut it she looked a bit like Hana.