10:14am Mar 11 2014
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The nurse looked at the note and nodded before walking over the Kazumi who had curled up on the bed. "Kazumi dear i need you to uncurl so i can check to see whats wrong" The nurse said to her as Kazumi shuck her head no" It hurts too much" She said quietly as she breathed shallowly making the nurse worried. "Kazumi do you know who did this?" She asked her. Kazumi nodded slowly but then passed out. The nurse looked worried before moving to Kazumi and uncurling her to check all her wounds seeing the damage on her face she did one more check before looking at Jett. "Could you do me a favor dear? Go to the office and ask then to phone Kazumi's parents i think she might need the hospital." She asked him.
10:21am Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett nodded and bolted off. He pre-wrote on the board what he needed. The woman at the desk phoned her parents and the she took his board. When he got the board back it said "Kazumi's parents are on their way and that the young man who was with her can go to the hospital as well." Jett hurried to the nurse and handed her the board. "Okay, I already called 911. Can you wait outside from the ambulance and tell them where we are?" The nurse asked. Jett ran outside and waited for the ambulance. He wrote on the board "Follow me.". He waited for what seem liked hours but it was only 10 minutes. He jumped up and down and waved at them. Two men came out and he showed them the board. Jett was out of breath but he didn't care he still ran along with them men to the nurses office. Jett helped the men lift Kazumi up and rushed her out. Jett got in the truck and stroked Kazumi's head.
10:29am Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi stirred a little bit going in and out of conciseness throughout the ride to the hospital. When they arrived there the paramedics moved Kazumi quickly into the hospital and to the doctor that was waiting. When they arrived they moved her to the x-rays to check if anything was broken and found 3 broken ribs her tail was broken as well and so was her leg, luckily her skull was fine but if there was some damage they would have to wait to do a CAT scan on her head which they would have to book her in for. When they put Kazumi into a room the doctor walked out to see Jett on his own. "Are you here for Miss Kazumi Smith?" He asked him tilting his head as he looked around for Kazumi's parents but couldn't see them.
2:14pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett nodded his head. He took the board out that was attached to his special holder made for his belt. He wrote down "Is she okay? When can I see her?" "She has 3 broken ribs, her tail is broken, and her leg is broken as well. You may go in to see her now." The Doctor said. Jett bowed respectfully and rushed into the room. He sat on the bed next to Kazumi and cradled her.
2:46pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi woke up feeling arms around her, looking around she looked confused before seeing Jett. "Where am i?" She asked him. She was confused as to where she was last thing she remembered was Jett running away then nothing. She didn't understand how she felt in so much pain all over her body.
2:49pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
"You're at a hospital. Some hurt you and I think I know who is it. You have quite a few broken bones so take it easy" Jett wrote quickly.
2:53pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi nodded while reading it before looking at him again. "Who did it?" She asked him wondering who would beat her up this much.
2:58pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
"I think it was Brian. I am not sure." After jett finished writing he shook his had. It was the same hand he had scraped. He showed the board to Kazumi. He wanted to talk to her so badly so he wouldn't strain her but words wouldn't come.
3:02pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi nodded again before resting her head on Jett. "Why don't i remember did he sneak attack me or something?" She asked him confused more about the fact she couldn't remember anything.
3:09pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
"I don't know. Maybe it happened quicker than you could comprehend or since you passed out you didn't get a chance to remember. Also you could've been traumatized." Jett wrote down on the board. He held the board up for her to read. Jett looked over Kazumi. He couldn't see how hurt she was with the blanket over her.
3:13pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi nodded before looking at him. "Do my parents know?" She asked him knowing that even if they did know work was more important then she was so they would wait till work was finished before they would come and see her, it was always the same her leg would break they would make her wait till they finished work, both of them worked from home so it wasn't as if it was a problem for them to leave work.
3:43pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
"They know but the lady at the desk told they were on their way." Jett wrote down. Jett's tail wagged nervously. He was really worried about Kazumi but he didn't want to let her know that.
3:55pm Mar 11 2014
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Kazumi nodded before feeling tired again. "I think i'm going to go asleep." She said to him while closing her eyes and falling into a deep sleep. When she fell asleep two wolf Anthros walked into the room they where Kazumi's parents and both of them looked very strict.
4:05pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett looked at them and immediately felt inferior. He waved politely. "You must be that boy the woman on the phone spoke of." The man said. Jett held his tail still and nodded his head.
4:15pm Mar 11 2014
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The female nodded. "Thank you for taking care of our daughter if we knew you where here we would have stayed at work" She said her nose up in the air as she thought of all the work she was missing.
4:24pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett flicked his tail angrily. What kind of mother he thought. Jett grabbed his board and wrote "I'm Jett. I'm mute so I can't talk. i was wondering if you guys plan on staying?" Jett handed Kazumi's father the board.
4:31pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi's father read it before passing it to her mother. "We will only be staying for half an hour we have to get back to work" He said before taking the board from his mate and giving it back to Jett.
4:41pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett nodded and left the room. He saw a vending machine and took out a dollar. He inserted the dollar and hit D7. The snack dropped and he took it. He opened the pack of pop tarts and ate one. He was saving the other for Kazumi. He folded the pack and sat in the waiting room reading a magazine.
4:45pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Not even 5 minutes had passed before Kazumis parents came out of her room and left the hospital talking to each other about how much work they had missed and what they could do to make up for it.
4:54pm Mar 11 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett looked up from the magazine and saw Kazumi's parents walking out. Jett nearly threw the magazine at them but he knew if he did that he would have no chance with Kazumi. Jett walked back into the room and closed the door gently. He took out the pop tart package and rested it on the side table. He then poured out some water for Kazumi. He knew she would be thirsty when she got up. Since Jett was bored he decided to draw on his board. Soon after he finished drawing he fell asleep with his head resting on Kazumi's bed.