8:16pm Mar 30 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
After a while Kazumi woke up to see Jett asleep. She smiled at him and began to stroke his hair as she nuzzled into him a happy warm feeling in her chest at how close she was to him. She loved how she felt around him like she was safe and no one could hurt her.
6:22pm Mar 31 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 709
Jett woke up and sneezed loudly. He saw his spit fly up into the air and it began to fall. Jett sat up abruptly to see if he had sneezed on Kazumi. He did...
6:25pm Mar 31 2014
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Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him shocked before she started laughing. She began to look around for a towel or something to wipe her face on to get rid of the snot and water. She wasn't grossed out because he didn't mean it.
6:29pm Mar 31 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 709
Jett got up and bowed apologetically. He went into the bathroom and grabbed some paper towels. He handed some to Kazumi as we he blew his nose.
6:38pm Mar 31 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
Kazumi looked at him and giggled as she wiped her face. "It's ok you didn't mean it and can i say you look really cute when you sneezed." She said giggling as she threw the paper towel in the bin and smiled at him happily.
1:33pm Apr 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett threw away his paper towel in the bin like a basketball. He leaned on the bed about to kiss her but stopped before he got too close. He petted her head. "How long are you going to be here? My parents are going to get worried if I'm not home soon." Jett wrote down and handed to Kazumi.
1:51pm Apr 4 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
Kazumi felt disappointed that he didn't kiss her but she looked down at the note and shrugged "The dr said at the least I would have to stay a couple of days." She said to him as she looked up at him her head tilted as she smiled at him. "They want to see if I have anything wrong with my head but personally I think they might be too late." She said to him laughing.
3:08pm Apr 4 2014
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Posts: 709
Jett chuckled as he held his stomach. Jett couldn't contain himself. He kissed Kazumi on the cheek. "Hey, listen I got to go before my parent's get worried. I'll come by the next few days after school. Mkay?" Jett wrote on the board quickly and showed it to Kazumi.
1:36pm Apr 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,406
Kazumi blushed as she read it. "Yeah thats fine." She said smiling at him. She then hugged him and kissed his cheek while doing so. She was happy that he had kissed her cheek and that she had the courage to kiss his back.
10:30am Apr 8 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 709
Jett waved goodbye and closed the door behind him as he left. Jett, texted his parents that he would be home soon. He walked to the bus stop and read the schedule. School was going to be out soon. After 5 minutes a bus came by and picked him up along with some other people. 30 minutes after that he arrived at his stop. He paid the fair and jumped out of the bus and walked to the high school. He took out his schedule and found his bus number, #224. He sat outside on the benches. The last bell rang and kids flooded out of the building. He made his way to his bus and sat in the front. Jett knew if he sat in the back he would have to listen to boys' perverted conversations and girls talking about who they like. A short lynx kid sat next to him. Jett waved hi and he ignored him. Oh well Jett though. Jett leaned forward with his head on the seat. After a long boring drive Jett arrived at his stop and walked all the way to his house. He unlocked the door, went to his room and flopped on the bed.
