1:48am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Hehe. Now, we all now that Blood likes romance and is always on Res after 11AM for the next three days so...I need a few roleplays but I like small group or one on one's because that way it's less characters to look after. I would really like to do a one on one romance with vampires, pokemon gijinka, wolf hybrid, somthing huminoid please.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:00am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
do a vampire 1x1 with me?
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:07am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Bluejay-Sure. As long as you play the guy. Being a girl, i suck at playing guys. xD
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:09am Jan 4 2011
Normal User
Posts: 2,023
we have something i common cuz,i suck at playing the girl lol 8D
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:26am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Alright, you wanna roleplay here or...?
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:35am Jan 4 2011 (last edited on 11:35am Jan 4 2011)
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Posts: 2,023
your choice
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
11:40am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Hmmm. Well, to save space in the forums, I say...here. Lets post the bio's and get started. Name:Lyric Henderson Called:Lyric Age:Seventeen Gender:Female Species:Vampire Personality:RP it out. Appearence:
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
11:54am Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Name:Faolan Jackson Called: Faolan Age:18 Gender: Male Species:Vampire Personality:RP it out. Appearence:
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:00pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Lyric pushed the hood of her jacket up over her head as storm clouds covered the sun and cool rain begain to fall. She stood under a small overhang with a few humans. She sighed and sat at table, leaning back and watching as the humans mulled about. They looked like mindless zombies, murmering to each other and waiting for the rain to dull enough to get home. ((*.* Sorry for the fail post. I wasn't sure how to start. xD))
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:11pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((lol its ok)) Faolan walked through town with his hands in his pocket. Faolan looked at the sky when it started to rain, Faolan looked around and saw a pip big enough for him to fit in. He walked over to the pipe and crawled inside "ugh... I hate rain." He mummbled to himself and looked outside the pipe as the rain coutinued to fall. ((sorry for the fail))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:21pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Lyric sighed and stood, venturing out into the rain and down the street slowly, her hands in the pockets of her jacket. Before long, the bottom of her back skinny jeans was soaked almost as throughrouly as her hood and hair. She had long since given up trying to keep dry and had pulled her hood down. She stopped as she pas.sed a large pipe and saw a figure inside. The damp air made it hard to tell what it was but she as.sumed it was a human and drew her tounge across her fangs, already tasting the blood.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:26pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan sat in the pipe waiting for the rain to die down. He looked around when he smelt a faint, faint smell, he could tell what it was. Was it a human or a vampire, Faolan crawled to the other end and exited there. He smelled the air but, the smell was still too faint to tell what it was. Faolan shrugged and crawled into the pipe again ignoring the faint smell and slowly started to drift into a nap.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:32pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Lyric krept slowly up on the person in the pipe, baring her fangs and getting ready to spring. Then, as soon as she leapt at what she thought to be human, she smelled the vampire scent that stuck to him but it was too late. Thankfully, she had over shot her leap and landed next to him, glaring. (God. Such short posts. Sorry. Kinda pre-occupied at the moment. Once the actual romance starts, I should be able to have longer posts. -.-)
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:39pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan instantly woke up and saw the vampire land next to him. Faolan jumped a few feet away and looked at her, growling silently, His eyes turned from brown to red in a instant "Don't you know its not nice to try and kill someone else of your kind." Faolan said as he stared at her fangs and sat down looking at her. ((yeah im having some really bad fails right now))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:46pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
"Yeah. Sorry. I couldn't tell wheather you were a vampire or a human. I just as.sumed you were human because there aren't many vampires around here." She said. She sighed and leant her head back against the pipe wall, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. "Hmmm. But I know where I can get some lunch." She smiled and slipped out the other end of the pipe, headed towards a popular hobo hangout. Three men sat around a small fire, thier grundgy hands held over it to warm themselves. Lyric didn't hunt hobo's so she stalked on until she found a few childrem playing in puddles without any adults nearby. Lyric walked up to them and grabbed the nearest. Her scream was cut off as Lyric put her hand over the little girl's mouth and drug her back to the pipe. "Want some?" she asked the other vampire.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
12:53pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan looked at Lyric to the little girl, with a grin and nodded "Sure i love young blood." He said as he looked over the girl grinning wickedly. His eyes were burning red now and his fangs popped out and sunk into the girls neck and drank half of her blood and took his fangs out for Lyric to have some. Faolan leaned back against the pipe wall and watched lyric take some of the girls blood. ((such...such a fail x.x))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:04pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Lyric grinned and sunk her fangs into the girls neck, growling as the blood flowed into her mouth. She finished the girl off quickly and threw the body into a nearby ditch that was full of water and turned back to the other vampire. "I'm Lyric." She said, offering a bloody hand.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
1:12pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Faolan smiled and shook her hand "I'm Faolan." He said and rested his head on the pipe wall, looking at Lyric "So what brings you to this town?" Faolan asked, he hasn't seen alot of vampires here especially... attractive? ones like her. His eyes turned from red to brown after the blood has runned all through his body.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:22pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,023
((i g2g i'll reply later))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
1:23pm Jan 4 2011
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Posts: 2,422
Lyric shrugged. "I guess the irony. A town this nice wouldn't be expected to have a killer...or two in it so most people want to move here. More blood for us, less population for them." She said. "Why are you here?" She asked, noting how his eyes changed. Her's didn't. They'd been red for a while now and most humans freaked when they saw her. She had some contacts that made her eyes a muddy brown but she hated to wear them.
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann