10:38am Apr 7 2014
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Posts: 616
Soon, you are all talking and laughing with each other. Especially at Mr. Silverfield's lively joke about a magikarp and a spearow. It isn't long after the merriment that the lively group began discussing traveling plans for you and Allora. But you didn't get far into your planning.
From the other side of the school you hear a large explosion, and turning, you see the remains of a blast and thick black smoke rising from the school. The sounds of people screaming can be heard. It is coming from the storage and pokemon-center part of the school building, the place where you know all of the school's starter-pokemon are kept. Allora wastes no time and sprints in the direction of the blast, followed by Clara. Her father, after telling her mother to stay, sprints after his daughter. In the sky, projected on the black smoke, a clear, red R is visible.
11:43am Apr 7 2014
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Posts: 646
They're getting ridiculously audacious. Arashi thought resentfully, as soon as he'd realised what was happening. Eyes narrowed, and his mouth set into a grim line, he contemplated his options. Deciding that he would be less obvious if his Pokemon were not visible, he returned them and stashed their shrunk Pokeballs in his socks. ((I'm fairly sure they shrink, based on the anime.)) This done, he glanced at his parents, hoping that they would understand what he wanted to do. His father had returned Yanagi, much as he had done, and his mother was dragging his supplies into a nearby loo in order to hide them (and herself). She was no fighter, and she knew that she'd be a liability in an emergency like this, so she was going to call for help. "Be safe." She implored of the others, while Isaac slunk over to Arashi's side. There was no way he was going to sit this one out and allow his little nephew to venture out unprotected.
Together with Isaac and his father, Arashi snuck closer to the site of the explosion, intending to remain hidden and thus preserve a tactical advantage. After all, they didn't know what kind of situation lay ahead. Arashi's father was planning on, at the very least, capturing some footage of the attackers. If nothing else, they could be witnesses, and perhaps they'd even be able to help save some of the starters. Arashi knew that his Pokemon were probably irritated about being returned, but he knew full well that he hadn't had chance to develop a deep enough rapport with them that he could know how they'd respond in such a situation, or that they could know that they could trust him in such straits.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
2:03pm Apr 8 2014
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Posts: 616
Nearing the blast zone, you can see clearly that they had tactfully blown a hole in the wall right where the starters were kept... leading to the assumption that there was someone on the inside aiding them. You can see Allora, now with three pokemon out in front of her, defending one of the cases of pokemon, whilst teachers and students with pokemon were fighting and defending the others.It is blatantly obvious that it is Team Rocket's doing as soon as you arrive. Their grunts are taking on the students and teachers with a vengeance, determined to confiscate them. If they had a large stock of starters, Arceus knows recruitment would double, and their comeback would be inevitable. You can see occasionally that some of the cases are disappearing, and realize what is happening. They are using psychic type pokemon to teleport the cases away to lord knows where. Allora and her houndour, combusken, and vulpix are too busy to notice, but you can see a grunt flanking her, followed by an abra, attempting to get near her case she was guarding.
4:36pm Apr 8 2014 (last edited on 4:42pm Apr 8 2014)
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Posts: 646
Arashi scowled as he viewed the scene before him, the bitterness in his ex pression matched only by that of his father. The Zadkiels had never been a family to which forgiveness came easily, and that was doubly true when it concerned those who wronged so many. As his father had not noticed the grunt flanking Allora, Arashi decided to point it out to Isaac while the older man sent out another of his Pokemon. After all that had happened before, neither adult Zadkiel had ever gone anywhere with only one Pokemon. The Pokemon sent out was a Gardevoir, an amiable - if rather laid back - female individual, whom Zadkiel senior intended to use for his own teleportation purposes. He hoped that, with the help of Amaya (the Gardevoir), he could rescue some of the Pokeballs without the Rockets realising that it wasn't their own team doing the lifting. Additionally, Mr Zadkiel had begun taking pictures without flash.
Arashi, meanwhile, had been communicating as quietly as possible and as quickly as he could with his Uncle Isaac, indicating the danger to his friend. While he might not always get on with Allora, he was protective of those who got close to him. This tendency of his sometimes verged into the territory of possessiveness when tensions and stress levels were running high, and this was just such a time. Nobody was allowed to threaten his friends! In response to Arashi's whispered injunction, Isaac aimed a quiet Yawn at the Abra and its handler - the distance between him and them meaning that aiming at one of them probably also meant aiming at the other. It was the only one of his moves that he could use without drawing a lot of attention - as his others had more visible effects. The little feline hoped that the effects of his move would alert Allora and/or her Pokemon to the presence of the grunt and Abra, by causing them to react - and one or more of them to (hopefully) fall asleep before they could do any damage.
Arashi considered the possibility of using one of his own Pokemon, but he didn't have time to check Kaer's moves, and he wanted to remain concealed as long as possible. Hada, he didn't want to risk until he knew that using one of the tiny bird's moves would count. After all, his starter was level five - no higher - and would be at a severe disadvantage in a room full of more experienced and more ruthless Pokemon and trainers. It was very frustrating to know that there was very little practical use he could put himself to, while his friend and family were doing otherwise, but he didn't want to be cannon-fodder either, which - as a novice - he certainly would be. He just hoped that the police his mother was trying to contact arrived soon. If he spotted something he could do, he most assuredly would try, but he reluctantly recognised that he was not able to rush in and make everything better like the heroes in his favourite books and comics. Irritated with himself and the situation, he intently searched the scene for anything he could turn to his advantage.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
9:44pm Apr 8 2014
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Posts: 616
Allora's vulpix Ren, with the species having some psychic tendencies, was able to sense the presence of Isaac, and in response noticed the grunt. Giving out a cry, she created a wall of fire between the grunt and the case using her fire spin. Allora continued to battle, using her dark typed houndour in her advantage against the psychic types with teleport. Her dark aura, when next to the case, prevented the use of teleport. Clara therefore was resigned to stand right next to the case itself, focusing on fending off the psychic types that got near with her bite. The battle was a losing one. It seemed no matter how hard the trainers fought, they were unable to prevent Rockets from teleporting in, grabbing cases, and teleporting out. Your Dad's idea, however, was working. The gardevoir was able to snag three cases herself, though was attacked several times by trainers who believed that she was working for team Rocket. Cases were disappearing rapidly, until reinforcements arrived. The Johto police moved in and quickly began to subdue Rockets left and right. But it seemed that the good guys weren't the only ones with tricks up their sleeves. "Halt!" came an amplified voice, and slowly the large crowd of people turned towards the outside. A tall, silver haired woman in a black uniform walked calmly towards the group of police, followed by several other Rockets with multi colored hair. She looked over the tired trainers, both Rocket grunts and teachers, nodding her head. "This fight has been admirable, but you have lost, return your pokemon now and return home." The wind whistled, and there was silence, as nobody moved or returned anything. She looked around, smiling, as if she knew this was going to happen. "Fine then," she began, pulling out a strange looking pokeball. "Then we'll return them for you!" Taking the ball, she threw it at one of the teacher's pidgeot, and it was swallowed in a black light. "Skylar!" the professor cried, and more of the balls flew through the air. Some of the pokemon were able to shoot them down, but the trainers were soon forced to return their pokemon and scatter. Allora, however, did not return hers, and continued to defend the rest of the pokemon from the stealing pokeballs. What happened next saved the whole operation. With a flash of light, the champion of the Johto League and the Elite Four were standing in the courtyard. The silver haired Rocket leader looked shocked, but adjusted her gaze and stared into his eyes. "Looks like our operation has been cut short, boys. Alakazam, teleport!" And she was gone. The champion walked towards the disaster. Gardevoir had hoarded the four cases she had grabbed beside you and your dad, and Allora had protected her one. All of the rest, were gone. He walked to Allora and began to talk to her, honoring her for her bravery. For someone so extroverted, she looked quite uncomfortable. She gestured to you to come and join her.
2:58am Apr 9 2014
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Posts: 646
Arashi watched on tenterhooks as the fight raged on, torn up inside by the tension of it all. Occasionally, a box would be broken in the fighting, causing Pokeballs to roll all over the place and get underfoot, and he picked up as many of these as he could while grunts scrabbled to do the same. (After all, Pokemon attacks are pretty destructive, and aim isn't always perfect.) He was so relieved when the Vulpix responded to Isaac's presence, he nearly sighed, but he bottled it up inside him - no time to relax until it was finished, after all. It hurt to see Amaya being injured by allies, though, and he was glad when Isaac moved to defend her. The feline Eeveelution was incapable of Teleport, but he could still lend a paw for family. At least the grunts didn't seem any the wiser. Slinking close to one of the non-Rocket trainers, still trying to stay low and in the shadows, Arashi tried to pass on the message that the Espeon and Gardevoir were allies. He hoped that the fellow's Pokemon, at least, would hear him.
Chilly fingers of apprehension traced their way down his and his father's spines almost lovingly when the silver-maned dark lady emerged and said her piece, but neither made any move to follow her instructions. In Arashi's case, he hadn't even called out a Pokemon, so the point was moot, though he was sorely tempted to call one out just to defy her - not that he could without recklessly endangering his Pokemon. In his father's case, it was unclear whether or not he'd been discovered, and he didn't want to blow Amaya's cover by responding, for all that he was afraid for his Pokemon. Almost in sync with one another, father and son's eyes widened in horrified fascination when an already-trained Pokemon was kidnapped with a strange Pokeball right before everyone's eyes. It was both indicative of an impressive scientific advancement, and terrifying in implication. Arashi's heart seemed to leap into his mouth, aching for the separation of Skylar and his human, and he knew that his father would be feeling the same. They knew from experience that being forcibly separated from Pokemon with whom one has an emotional connection was traumatic. With a guilty start, Arashi realised that he was grateful that it had been someone else's friend and not a part of his family this time, but he shoved the feeling down as fiercely as he could. Those emotions wouldn't help him here. Again, he was impressed by Allora's guts, and those of her Pokemon, as she and they battled on undaunted, and he hoped desperately that they would be spared the anguish he knew was waiting.
Arashi, normally quite restrained in public, nearly sobbed with relief when the Champion and the Four showed up, and he ran over immediately when Allora gestured to him, pulling pilfered Pokeballs from hiding places in his clothes - and in one case his hair - as he came. He paused briefly to set this scant few on the ground, before pulling Allora into a tight, desperate hug. It hadn't only been her Pokemon he'd feared for, as he'd heard many times that Rockets could be ruthless, and he had had several nightmarish scenarios flitting through his head, many of which involved some dire fate for his friend. He didn't say a word, not trusting his voice to refrain from quavering, and allowed his hug to say what he could not. After all, he rarely hugged non-family members unprovoked, and was reluctant to make physical contact with others unless it was needful. He was dimly aware of his father's hand on his shoulder, and Isaac rubbing against his leg, and those contacts soothed him, but he wasn't yet ready to speak or let go.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
10:40am Apr 9 2014
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Posts: 616
((I'm getting really absorbed in this role play. I love your writing style xD))
The champion himself stood by watching as you held on to Allora in relief, nodding as he saw the few retained pokeballs falling from your jacket and hair. Allora herself stiffened at the hug, half from the adrenaline of the fight still rushing through her veins, and half from the fact that you were hugging her, and you rarely hugged anyone, let alone her. But eventually she relaxed, hugging you back and allowing herself to breathe again. "It is an example of exemplary bravery what the two of you did," he began, voice deep and welcoming. "I am Laurence, champion of Johto league, and I personally owe you both a debt of gratitude." He put his fist over his heart, and bowed his head in thanks, his black hair draping over his eyes. "The girl tells me that you aided her in protecting this case? That is very brave of you. Both of you, follow me." Your father started to follow, but Laurence held up his hand. "Just these two, I am sure he will tell you what I say to him later." Allora, Laurence, and you headed over away from the destruction. The rest of the Elite Four were taking a tally of the damage, and comforting trainers who had their pokemon stolen, reassuring them that they would be returned safely. The local news station had arrived as well, and was in the process of doing a story on the return of the "Notorious Team Rocket." When you were far enough away, Laurence reached into his jacket and pulled out one of the dark pokeballs that Team Rocket had been using. "I managed to snag one," he began, answering both your and Allora's looks of confusion. "And I need you to bring it to Professor Oak in Pallet, in Kanto." "Us?" Allora asked, baffled. "But why us? Why do we-" "You have both shown exemplary bravery today," he said, his words seeming absolute. "The Elite Four and I cannot disappear from the Indigo Plateau, that would cause panic and disorder in Johto and Kanto. You are both kids, and are therefore easy to overlook, and perfect for an undercover job such as this. Professor Oak will know how to fix this, as well as... an old friend." He was looking off into the distance at this point, thinking to himself deeply. He shook his head suddenly, clearing his thoughts. "These are also for you," he began, sounding almost sad. He pulled out two luxury balls, handing one to each of you. "Go ahead, open them," he said, watching. You each opened them at the same time, letting out two nearly identical pokemon. Eevee, two of them. Allora's was darker in color than yours, and yours had a white spot on the back of its ear. A male a female respectively, they ran right over to each other and began wrestling in the dirt. "This is Sunny and Noche," he began smartly, referencing the girl (yours) as Sunny and the boy (Allora's) as Noche. The two eevee each wore soothe bells around their necks. "All I know is a contact of mine informed me that these pokemon are to be evolved somehow into espeon and umbreon, and that it is a matter of life and death... and as the champion to you both, that is all that I know. On your journey, this must happen. It has something to do with Rocket, but what I do not know. Oak might, and that is why you are to go to Kanto." "Tomorrow you both will have a flight scheduled for Saffron City. From there head through Lavender Town, to Diglett's Cave, to Pewter, and then south to Pallet." He eyed you both, waiting for the barrage of questions.
1:30pm Apr 9 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 646
((Thank you very much, I appreciate it. I can't always respond to you as soon as I'd like, as we seem to possibly be in different time zones, so I tend to try and compensate a little with extra content. I do prefer a relaxed one-on-one like this to an RP with lots of people posting at once, leaving little time to write much before the story moves on, so no worries.))
Flushing a hue he couldn't quite identify - maybe maroon - at the realisation that people were actually observing his actions, Arashi gradually let go of Allora, his eyes fixed on Laurence as the Champion spoke. The two of us? He wondered briefly, as he composed himself, brushing down his clothes in a slightly self-conscious manner. "My father was also an active participant, more so than I." He stated, managing to keep his tone level now that he'd had a moment. He was gratified that he was being acknowledged, not to mention being baffled and a little disoriented, but he didn't want to edge his father out of getting credit. He could feel his ears burning a fuller red as Laurence mentioned a debt. He was embarrassed, but he wasn't about to wave away those words - it might be important one day for the Champion to feel indebted to him, be it minor or major. He felt a little suspicious when Laurence brushed his dad off, but it occurred to him that it might be to leave the press someone to interview - not that his dad would give too many details about who he was - and bring them out of the way of the aforementioned journalists. With this in mind, he decided to give the man the benefit of the doubt. For now.
Arashi stared at the spheroid the Champion proffered, reaching out to take it as the fellow asked them to take charge of it. It was a fascinating ob ject, and one which he fully intended to study himself before handing it over - though nothing intrusive, as he didn't want to break it. Mentally, he had already designated the things Thief Balls, and intended to refer to them as such to anyone he figured actually needed to know about them and wouldn't laugh at his terminology. His eyes lit up a touch when Professor Oak was mentioned, though he said nothing of it, as that particular Professor was one whose career he'd admired for some time. Not to mention, his slightly dotty antics made him both amusing and appealing. While he liked to think that he wasn't simply a delivery boy, he could think of few better candidates to deliver something to. He was somewhat irritated to be referred to as 'easy to overlook', but that was countered by the way Laurence was placing his trust in them despite not knowing them. I wonder who his old friend is?
Laurence's next action had Arashi feeling more awkward than before, as he presented the fledgeling trainer with his third Pokemon in what couldn't have been more than maybe an hour and a half. At least, that's how long it had felt to Arashi - he couldn't be certain without a watch. Not even past his first day as a trainer, and his party was half full. He was still processing that notion when, after introducing Sunny and Noche (giving Arashi time to pull out his 'dex and register Eevee), the Champion explained what they were to do with the creatures. Evolving them a certain way is life or death? What in the name of all that's good is going on? "Lavender Town is where I was born, so the location will be familiar to me." He admitted aloud, feeling that he had to say something. He had been expecting to start his journey in Johto, but he could handle a return to his old home soil - especially if it meant sticking it to the Rockets. Sure, he'd been looking forward to ambling around visiting ruins, but he could find some of those in Kanto, he was sure. There were always ruins. "What time tomorrow, and where do we need to go to get to our flight? Do you already have tickets?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
3:34pm Apr 13 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
((Thief Balls, I like it))
Laurence nodded at you, appreciating the enthusiasm, and relieved that you were accepting his proposal. "Tomorrow around noon. The small airport just outside of Goldenrod is where you will need to go, and a car should pick you both up at 10AM sharp. Normally I would send you each a flying type pokemon, but I'm assuming neither of you have your fly licenses...?" Allora shook her head no. A flying license is given to trainers who defeat five gyms. Allora had only beaten three herself, and you none. The champion nodded his head, assuming the answer had been no anyway. "Good, well make sure you are both ready to go tomorrow. You will be on the road, so pack what you will need. The League has already purchased your tickets, and will be paying for all of your transit in full. There will be directions on your tickets as to which gate to use. I'm sure you two smart young people can figure it out from there?" Allora nodded, anticipatory. Laurence looked you both over approvingly. "I shall see you both in the future," he said, and turned, walking towards the Elite Four. Allora turned towards you. "Can you believe this?" she said, holding her excitement in. She was holding the Thief Ball in her palms, and tossed it back and forth between them. "These things disgust me..." she said, handing it to you for you to take a look. The minute your hands touched the ball, it was like a shock. Your palms immediately turned numb, and the feeling was carried up to your elbows, and felt like it might consume your entire body. Quickly, you pass the ball back to Allora, and shake your arms out. She held the ball like nothing was wrong, looking at you curiously. "Are you okay, Arashi?" she asked, worried. Clara walked up beside her, looking at you as well. She had already returned her other pokemon.
3:45pm Apr 13 2014
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Posts: 646
((Glad you approve)) Arashi was relieved to note that, as he had expected for a venture that had been given to them, they were not expected to pay or to arrange their own mode of transportation, and allowed himself to relax a little. The timings seemed reasonable to him, so he said nothing further on the matter, watching as Laurence left. It had been an interesting experience, encountering those at the top in this way, and he could see in the Champion's very poise and movement the assurance and confidence the fellow surely possessed. Fascinating. Allora had gotten to the Thief Ball first, it appeared, not that he begrudged it of her, and he watched with intrigue as she tossed it. He could empathise with her sentiments, reflecting them somewhat himself, but he was fascinated enough by the ob ject to have some objectivity towards it. Until it stung him, that is.
"I - I am uncertain. It does not appear to have caused me physiological harm, but it delivered an unusual and unpleasant sensation to my system, the nature of which I am unable to identify. Were I not aware that such a thing is highly improbable, I would hypothesise that I have an allergy to the detestable thing. Please remind me to wear my gloves when handling that, in future. I have no intention to repeat that experience." This barrage of verbiage was a fairly good indicator that Arashi was nervous, and slightly disoriented to boot. In order to recover his composure, he was petting the soft fur of the Eevee he had been presented with, soothing himself in this manner. "Did you feel nothing?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
4:15pm Apr 13 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
She looked at the ball strangely. "No... it feels like a normal pokeball to me, aside from making me sick thinking about what it does to pokemon. Kidnapping pokemon... they've always done it before. But now they've found a way to do it by force?" She shuddered, holding her arms. "Well, anyway, it looks like they have a lot of cleaning up to do here. I'm... going to go and find my parents. I guess I'll see you at the airport?" she asked. She gave you a quick hug, and turning around, left for her family.Your dad had managed to avoid the media, with Uncle Isaac now on his shoulders. He approached you, worried. The champion had permitted you both to tell only your immediate family, and no others, about your quest, and tell him you did, noting his reaction. He suggested afterwards that you return home, and prepare for the next day. You agree, and return home you do.
((Make sure you include your father's reaction, what your home looks like, what your mother says, and what you do that night, in your next entry. You are allowed some leeway on what you can control this next entry.))
4:59pm Apr 13 2014
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Posts: 646
Arashi's father was concerned about the whole idea, and he made this quite plain as he and Arashi's mother accompanied their son home. He couldn't quite see why the Champion wouldn't pick an unobtrusive adult or two for the task, but he eventually conceded that he himself would be likely to be recognised by any Rocket who'd raided their old farm, and that the trainers most likely to be disregarded would be the young ones who hadn't had as much chance to accumulate rare and strong Pokemon. This didn't mean that Zadkiel senior was happy with the situation, but he realised soon enough that Arashi felt honour bound to do this thing, and that their family's feud with the Rockets had just been kicked into action. "At the very least, promise us that you won't take too many risks, and that you'll call for help if you need it - and not let your pride blind you." He had said, all the while plotting for contingencies. If his son were hurt, he would very likely be making Laurence regret it in some way, likely auditory in nature.
Arashi's mother was less verbose in her views on the matter, but expressed herself firmly none the less, forbidding Arashi to chase after any Rockets he might see without sufficient reason, however angry he might be. Only once he had given his solemn word, did she relax and lead him in past the Sprout Tower to the woods and towards their home. It resembled an old Western ranch, in earthy colours and with Pokemon of various types ranging around. It was framed on all sides by dense foliage, that would make it difficult for large groups to enter, and there was no beaten track to the place. Their house itself was a creamy brown hue, old in style but a relatively new construction, the Zadkiel family having a long-standing taste for antiquity. There was, however, no thatch on the roof. Arashi's mother had put her foot down quite definitively on that topic. Climbing plants adorned the walls, a sight that always comforted Arashi, and he smiled to note that they were blooming nicely.
On the inside, the house was coloured in greens and blues, all more muted than bright. The carpet was plush and verdant, something that Arashi had always liked to squinch his bare toes in, and the walls were painted in blue that darkened upwards, reminiscent of the sky. Indeed, there were sprays of cream-to-white representing clouds nearer the top. It had been one of his father's first projects upon moving in. Not all of the rooms had this precise theme, but it was a favourite. Arashi's own room, where he headed after a long family discussion, was more complex in hue. It was modelled after what could be taken as either sunrise or sunset, and was resplendent in purples and blues, with blacks appearing on part of the ceiling, and pinked clouds around, while the carpet was a dark green. He'd been asked how he wanted his room decorated, when they'd moved in and, given the amount of stress they'd left their former home in the midst of, he'd gotten his way. With a sigh, Arashi said goodnight to each member of his new team, introducing them to some Pokemon beds he'd borrowed from the ranch stores. He'd barely tasted his dinner that evening, his mind had been so aflight with recent events, but he would sleep on it.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:58pm Apr 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
The car picked you up promptly at 10 that next morning, and you said goodbye to your parents. It was a good hour drive to Goldenrod, where you met Allora at the check in. A man in a black suit and black sunglasses was waiting for you two, identical in appearance to the man who had driven you to the airport. What is this, the FBI?Anyway, Allora and you made the three hour flight to the airport in Saffron City, and the three hour drive to Lavender. Factoring in the time skip (2 hours back,) and all of the travel time... you both are settled in at the Lavender Pokemon Center around four PM Kanto time. The rest of the day you can spend doing whatever you want, but the next day, you will be heading south along Silence Bridge to get to Diglett's Cave, and take the shortcut to Pewter, then south to Pallet. The entire trip should take between 5-6 days. Should. "And that's where we should head first," Allora concluded, pointing to the beginning of Silence Bridge. "There's a few campsites there that trainer's stay at when they're about to cross the bridge. It takes nearly a whole day to cross it." She looked up at you. "What do you want to do today? We still have a few hours before dark." She looked out the window of the center, where the raindrops were beginning to blur the view. "There's always the Tower."
3:28pm Apr 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 646
Arashi, too, was slightly unnerved by the men in black, but he shrugged it off as being relatively unimportant. It was distinctly odd, being back in his old home town, but not entirely unpleasant. As for Allora's suggestion regarding the Tower, he wasn't certain. There had been a number of rumours about that place, too many trainers having reported strange goings on. He would normally pay such things little heed, but plenty enough odd phenomenons had befallen him in recent times that he was inclined to be cautious. No need to tempt fate unnecessarily. Besides, there were other things around that he could think of to do. "Well, we could help out at the Volunteer Pokemon House for a while. I used to do that when I was little, and Mr Fugi was always pleasant to me. I wonder if he's still there."
One of the places he'd enjoyed visiting most as a child, the Volunteer House had long held a place in his heart. After all, it was about helping Pokemon who had been abandoned or orphaned, and he had long had an affinity for caring for Pokemon. The old man in charge had never patronised him, for all that he'd been small when he'd lived here, and had always seemed to value his input. He could recall fondly many hours of feeding and playing with the lonely creatures who'd found their way there, and he felt a touch of nostalgia tickle him. He hoped that Allora wouldn't think his idea was boring, for all that it didn't have the same thrill as a possibly haunted Tower.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
1:18pm Apr 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
Allora looked relieved when you suggested visiting Mr. Fuji. "I've heard of him, but actually never seen him before! That sounds so fun!" She was back to her old self again.Mr. Fuji's pokemon house was through the woods on a dirt road, and you knew how to get there well. Allora kept on her person Clara, just in case, for it was getting dark. Lavender Town, bright and welcoming during the day (usually) was the opposite at night. The trees seemed to loom over you both as the sun started to set, but it wasn't too close to dark. Yet. Of course, nothing ever goes the way it needs to, and from the woods, you sense somthing... wrong. Not too soon are you spooked when a Team Rocket grunt pops out of the forest, and attacks you and Allora immediately. "Ekans! Zubat!" he called. "Get them!" You both put up a fight ((describe this in detail!)) but in the end, Allora is knocked unconscious, and you are on the ground, watching the boy opening your bag. When suddenly... "Night shade," says a menacing voice. The forest around you goes dark. You can't quite see what happens, but you hear the young boy's screams of terror, and another voice commanding what seems to be some kind of ghost pokemon. When the darkness clears, the grunt is on the ground, and another man, no, someone your age, is holding your bag. Beside him, a ghastly and scyther. He leaves the ghastly to watch the boy, and walks over to check on Allora, who promptly freaks out when she sees him. "ARASHIIIII!" she shrieked. "WHO IS THIS!" And who is it you wonder. The man is tall, slightly taller than yourself, with short silvery-purple hair. He has pale skin, and deep purple eyes. He regards you, expressionless. Then looks back at Allora. "I am Erik," he says bluntly. "And I saved you from this squirming thief." "Please, don't bring back the darkness!" cried the grunt, who, getting a better look at him, couldn't be more than 12 years old.
3:02pm Apr 15 2014 (last edited on 4:54pm Apr 15 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 646
Arashi, pleased that
his old friend was amenable to his suggestion, contentedly ambled
along the dirt road with Allora. He had always enjoyed visiting the
old scientist, though he was now recalling the reason that he had
rarely done so after dark. He'd forgotten how creepy the place could
get when the light dropped. Idly, he wondered what Allora had heard
about the fellow. That was when they were accosted by the
representative of the Rockets. Furious and incredulous in equal
measure, Arashi loosed his team to aid them against this impertinent
interloper. He was well aware that his Pokemon were relatively low
levelled, but what other option did he really have? “Hada, Sunny,
get that Zubat! Kaer, block the Ekans!” He didn't have time to
consult his Pokedex in order to recall their movesets – he'd
planned on learning those later that evening, though he recalled some
of his Natu's moves. He'd given the orders he had because the Ekans
had been aiming to bite down, though whether onto Clara or Allora was
debatable, and Kaer was the most difficult to bite down on of the
group. As for the Zubat, having a ground-based Pokemon and close air
support seemed like the most viable option at the time. It would,
perhaps, have been more effective had they been more experienced and
more levelled, but they didn't have that option available.
Between dodging and
trying to land hits, Hada and Sunny tried to get the Zubat in a
position to be torched by Clara, or attacked by another of Allora's
Pokemon, while the trainers did their level best to give clear and
effective instructions. It was hard for Arashi to watch as his
partners were worn down, blow for blow, but he felt sure that they
had a chance. If only there'd been someone around to see them, they
wouldn't have been in this position, but he wasn't about to give in.
The Ekans had managed to inflict Poison on Sunny and Kaer, though,
and the Zubat had Confused Clara. Worse, it had managed to Confuse
Arashi for a while as well, resulting in babbling that made
absolutely no sense, and a few nonsensical instructions. Feeling
humiliated, Arashi had told Hada to give the grunt a Zen Headbutt
where it hurt – which might have helped a lot if it had landed.
Unfortunately, the grunt had simply called out another Zubat and
Ekans to get in the way, having saved a pair of fresh Pokemon for use
once his first wave had worn them down. Accuracy was one thing, but
if something or someone is put in the path on an attack once the
attacker is committed, there's not much to do about it. He also had
healing items, which he used to refresh his tired Pokemon.
that, though they put in a real effort, it was only a matter of time
before they hit the ground, Arashi after trying to fight the grunt
and his Pokemon himself after all of his and Allora's had been
incapacitated. Arashi wasn't quite rendered unconscious, but neither
could he get up, with an Ekans draped upon him waiting for the first
false move. Instead, he tried to burn the grunt's features into his
brain for the purpose of future retribution, while imagining to
himself many horrible fates for the fellow. He was in the middle of
staring at the grunt with savage intent and imagining something
involving spaghetti, Barbie dolls and a tuning fork, when he heard
it. A voice like velvet, deep and full of dark intent – a sound
reminiscent of silk across a knife in its combination of sleek
melodiousness and not-so-hidden steel. For a moment, he wondered
whether this new witness to his humiliating defeat and bitter
sundering from his partners – a wrenchingly awful feeling – was
another assailant, but what happened next turned that notion on its
The sound of screams
was not one that most would consider to be at all reassuring, nor
would it instil any sense of satisfaction in most, but it lent Arashi
a shark's grin, wide and full of teeth and not a single iota of pity
or remorse for his enjoyment of his attacker's plight. It had really
rankled with him that someone younger than he would be heartless
enough and well enough equipped with strong Pokemon and useful items
to tear away the newest members of his family and bring harm to his
friends, though he supposed that Rockets had never really cared for
the rules of any but themselves. Perhaps the kid's family were
Rockets, and this his initiation? Arashi wondered, but he didn't much
care. Putting aside the fact that he'd needed rescuing in the first
place, this was awesome. Somehow, the Ekans had been removed in the
darkness, and he could move again – which he promptly did by
sitting up, being unwilling to risk standing too quickly.
Erik had saved him the bothersome issue of introduction –
bothersome in that he'd had no idea who the guy was – Arashi
addressed the stranger first, after glancing around to see that his
partners were safe. Seeing that they were, for all that they were
unconscious, he gazed solidly into the correspondingly purple eyes of
their unexpected ally. “My thanks to you, Erik, for your timely
intervention. Words cannot express how grateful I am that you
prevented the abduction of our partners, and possible further harm to
ourselves. Were not for you and your partners, our straits would have
been dire indeed. My name is Arashi, as you have no doubt gathered,
and this is Allora. Hada, Kaer and Sunny are the Pokemon I am
responsible for – though it seems that I am not yet measuring up to
the task of protecting them. On behalf of the Zadkiel family, I
honour you for your aid against this Rocketspawn, a representative of
an organisation my family have declared feud against. I know not who
you are, where you hail from, or why you decided to help us, but I do
know that I and my family owe you for this deed. Should you require
assistance from myself and my family, particularly against Team
Rocket, consider us at your disposal.” Arashi's family had long
been steeped in tradition, being old fashioned in more ways than
most, and had kept a number of the old ways alive. Matters such as a
declared feud or a debt of honour, they took very seriously. This had
often lent the Zadkiels a reputation of being stiff
sticks-in-the-mud, over more generations than Arashi had recorded in
his photo album, but there was no way that he was going to let
something like that stop him when this person had saved him and
Allora from a despair he knew too well, from robbery, and maybe even
kidnapping. He was aware that Erik might laugh in his face, or
consider him an oddball, but this was something he had to say,
formalities and all.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
5:41pm Apr 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
"Against Team Rocket?" he mused, eyes never leaving your own. "Ah... Well, are you both alright?" He looked from you to Allora, appearing concerned."Who are you and why did you rescue us," Allora asked, getting straight to her point. "Not that we aren't grateful, but no one goes out of their way to do something like that without expecting something in return." He nodded. "As I said before, I am Erik." He pointed over his shoulder at his scyther. "That is Tiji." Tiji was the coloration of a normal scyther, but with several brownish stripes along his hide. "And that," he said, pointing behind Allora. "Is Rimo." A ghastly appeared behind her as she turned, licking her face and grinning. "Gha!" he said playfully. Erik shook his head. "Rimo, control yourself!" he said. The ghastly's smile faded, and frowning, he drifted into a tree, disappearing. Erik sighed. "He does that when he is scolded, don't mind him." "Why did you help us?" Allora asked again plainly. Erik's eyes hardened, and his face became as emotionless as it was when he first arrived. "I'm just a traveler, passing through. I am a capable trainer, saw you needed help, and saved you. Is that such a crime?" he asked coldly. "Please, don't make me go back to the darkness!" cried the Rocket, startling you all, who had nearly forgotten he was there. This shook Allora out of her near fright of Erik, and she marched over to the grunt, softening her tone when she realized he was only a kid. "Please, don't make me go to jail!" he wailed, now crying. He began to return his pokemon, sniffling. "I just needed the money for my Mom. Let me go and I'll make an honest living, swear!" "He's a danger to society, and should be reported," said Erik harshly, yanking the boy from his feet by his arm. The kid cried out in pain. "Wait, wait a second!" Allora said, pulling Erik's arm off of the kid. "He's clearly terrified, and just made a wrong decision! Everyone deserves a chance." She placed herself between Erik and the boy, talking to him, with him nodding his head. "I'm Allora, and this is Arashi, and we are from Violet City," she said, as if she were talking to a baby. "Arashi's parents are breeders, and my parents are-"
"Do you think it is wise to tell the thief where you live and what you do?" Erik said, baffled by her bluntness. She shrugged. "What's he gonna do, fly there?" she asked sarcastically. Erik looked at you, then back at her, and then shrugged. "That's your decision, I guess."
2:54am Apr 16 2014 (last edited on 4:33am Apr 16 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 646
"I'm a little worse for wear, but nothing that requires immediate medical aid - I'm more concerned for the others." Arashi responded, after checking himself over and slowly standing. He was injured, yes, but not Poisoned, and none of his wounds were debilitating. "I and my partners had neither battled nor had chance to train before this incident. That I have such a large party for a beginner is merely by good fortune, nothing to do with skill. Therefore, I intend to convey myself and them to medical personnel as soon as I and Allora are ready to do so." He could tell that Erik was intrigued by his words, which was better than having him scornful, but he winced when Allora apparently demonstrated her membership of the Blunt Brigade. Really, it was quite the lack of diplomacy to alienate one's rescuer like that. "Does it really matter why?" He mumbled, though he knew that Allora was in full steam and possibly in shock - thus unlikely to pay him any heed. "He does not appear to mean us harm, and he helped us. The rest is not our business." He had to admit that she might have a point about motivations, but this fellow didn't strike his as the extortionate sort. More the prickly and easy to offend sort, to be honest.
"My thanks and greetings, Tiji, Rimo." Arashi added at his previous volume when the Pokemon were introduced, gazing with intrigue at the unusual markings on Tiji, but taking care not to stare. Some Pokemon, like some humans, really didn't appreciate staring. He was amused by Rimo's behaviour, but he felt that he could understand Erik not wanting the Ghastly to act up in company - the Ghastly line was prone to shenanigans that often spiralled out of control if not checked, though it wasn't their fault that mischief was in their nature. Allora's continued insistence that she be told Erik's motivation provoked another wince, this time partly from sympathy - he had been on the receiving end of Allora's point-blank questioning as well and, as a private sort of person, had never appreciated it much more than Erik seemed to. Knowing that contradicting Allora aloud while in the midst of so much stress could blow up on him, he simply tried to convey to Erik by means of his ex pression and subtle touches of body language he'd picked up on the ranch that this was nothing personal, and that his friend would likely have responded this way whatever stranger had come to their aid. He wasn't sure how effective this would be, but he hoped that he could at least alleviate any offence Tiji and Rimo might be feeling.
While Arashi might have not sympathised with the grunt's plight before, he could understand that desperation could drive a person to strike unsavoury deals. "You went too far." He told the boy. "I cannot bring myself to forgive you, but you may be able to find a way to support your mother if you bring your situation to the attention of someone well-meaning, such as an officer, or Mr Fugi - he could help. You must experience consequences for your actions, but I will not hold them against your mother, hence this advice, and neither will those who could help her." He had directly interrupted Allora as, well-meaning though she was, he could not countenance letting such information about himself and his family loose. Actually, he was tense and almost vibrating with indignation and horror that she would tell someone even slightly connected to the Rockets where his family lived and worked - they had hidden for so long that they had felt sure that none had traced them there, and now Allora was blabbing it to the first sob-story villain who accosted them! He would be having words with her about this afterwards about whose information was whose to reveal. Did she not understand the value and significance of a secret? For that matter, did she imagine that his family, with their feud, would be sympathetic to the grunt - or even in a position to help, being as they were in a different region? They were in no way relevant! She had blabbed their occupation and location for no good reason! "He might fly there, or tell someone who will!" Arashi hissed, "This is not wise at all, and it's my family you're risking, not just yours, so it isn't your decision alone!" He knew that she probably didn't mean any betrayal, but it still hurt that she would discuss such things so easily with someone who had essentially mugged them and their Pokemon. Didn't she know that she could be risking his family's place in Violet, if the Rockets went after the mention of breeders there? People in his parents' profession were often targets for criminal organisations desiring more Pokemon - hence all the secrecy and paranoia regarding their dwellings.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
10:47am Apr 16 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 616
Allora, hurt, began to defend herself. "I'm just trying to relate!" she scoffed. "He's a little kid, and that's how you identify with little kids!" When neither your or Erik's ex pression changed, she threw up her hands. "Fine, whatever, I'm sorry for trying to identify with a troubled kid. You handle this," she said, directing it towards you and Erik, and stomping off towards a tree."Mr. Fuji..." Erik said, wondering. "Forgive me, but I am not from these parts. Who would that be?" After you explain to him, he nods. "Having the child do some volunteer work might build his character and morals... That sounds like a plan. However, I'm afraid that you must show him the way, as I must be on mine." As he began to walk away, Allora glanced up. "You're... leaving?" she said painfully. She suddenly felt saddened. In a kind of post traumatic shock state, she had become more attached to Erik than she would like to admit. "Would you maybe... like to come with us?" Before you could interject, she rounded on you. "And before you say anything, it might be nice to have someone with some experience accompanying us on our miss... on our journey." She managed to catch herself on 'mission,' and catching herself isn't something she normally does. Good, maybe she is learning. Erik looked her over, emotionless. "Are you setting off tomorrow?" he asked plainly. She nodded, wordless. "I shall meet you at the pokemon center at 10AM." And without another word, he was gone. The ex-Rocket was sniffling on the ground. "Are you going to take me to Mr. Fuji now?" he asked sadly.
((I LOVE THE WAY YOU RP! You role play exactly how I envisioned when I started writing these. You act out exactly what you would say and do in each situation I present, and then you create an action to push the next scene. It's perfect, I wish the other two would learn from you. Their's isn't bad, but it's more responsive instead of storytelling. You use what I write as a template for your post which restates the entire thing <3))
11:19am Apr 16 2014 (last edited on 12:45pm Apr 16 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 646
((You think so? - Blushing - I'm flattered. It's probably down to a combination of all the roleplaying I've done before and a creative writing course I took once. That, and I really like writing stories, so it kind of carries over.))
Arashi was slightly concerned by Allora's hurt ex pression, but he reasoned to himself that he would probably be the subject of a stinging tirade right now if he had done their friendship real harm. It always amazed him how naive she could be at times, but then again, she'd never been uprooted the way he and his kin had been. Thankfully, though, her stomping off relieved both him and Erik of the heat of her temper, which could only help. Explaining Mr Fugi helped him to calm down a lot more than he'd managed so far, as he drew on pleasant childhood memories in order to do so. Among the things he explained were the old scientist's rules, the sorts of Pokemon care that tended to take place, and that the fellow tended to look out for those who helped him with the Pokemon in his charge. Arashi knew of at least one person who'd been a volunteer who had eaten at the old man's Pokemon House due to a lack of funds. Erik's point that it might help the kid back out of the metaphorical darkness struck Arashi as having merit, and he nodded.
He wasn't surprised by Erik's assertion that he needed to go, and was preparing to say farewell when Allora burst in with her - interesting reaction. How she'd gotten so attached to this guy despite bristling at him so much was a mystery to Arashi, although becoming attached to one's rescuer was not, in and of itself, all that unusual. Given this reaction, it was not all that much of a surprise when Allora invited Erik to join them on their journey. That he actually stated that he would meet them, however, was a little astonishing, as was Allora actually catching herself before she blurted too much. Honestly, he wouldn't have blamed Erik if he'd declined, but he was quietly glad that he'd promised to meet them. He was an interesting sort, and had already pulled their chestnuts out of the fire once. Besides, it would be good to have someone else who was reserved around, rather than being alone with the frequently-hyperactive Allora. The Pokemon were all very well, but he'd never been able to understand them as well as they could him. Erik, he could talk to, and comprehend. "We'll see you then." He replied, but Erik had already left. Ah, well, time to deal with Junior... "Yes, child." He allowed, not unkindly - though not exactly full of brotherly love either. "We'll not hurt you. Follow me, we were going to Fugi's anyway." He had by now retrieved everything, and recalled his team, so there was nothing that he would be leaving behind. Keeping an eye on the weepy preteen, he started off slowly.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~