12:44pm Apr 16 2014
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Fuji's house was tucked into the woods, and he was astonished at the condition at which you three arrived. Allora, battered and bruised, holding a healthy eevee but carrying with her three fainted fire types. You, with your injured pokemon and not exactly unscathed. And a boy wearing an oversized Rocket uniform, puffy read eyes and shame drawn on his face."My Arceus!" he exclaimed, ushering you in. "What happened to you? Arashi, it is good to see you again, but I wish in better timing!"
And so, you are able to explain your situation, as much of it as you prefer, anyhow, and Allora holds her tongue for once. When you get to the part about the boy, he interjects. "All I have at home is my growlithe," he said, sniffling. "But Team Rocket gave me pokemon so I could battle and make money... but they said I have to steal from trainers too and give them the stuff I get. I know it's wrong... I promise I won't do it again." "Let me see those pokeballs, child," said Mr. Fuji, soft but firm. He sniffled, and pulled out the four pokeballs that he had, handing them to the kind man. Fuji tucked them away into his robe, without any fuss from the boy. "Now, the roads are dangerous, so I'm going to do something for you out of kindness, okay child?" he said pointedly. The kid nodded. "Yessir. My name is Tom," he said, boldly sticking out his hand for Mr. Fuji to shake. Fuji smiled, shaking it. "Good. Make sure you repay this kindness to others, Tom. Okay?" He nodded a tearful yes. "Good." Fuji ended up giving the boy one of the pokemon that had been abandoned, making him promise to treat it right, and it would get him home safely. It was a male nidoran, who Tom promptly named Nike. "Thank you sir!" he said, eyes shining with joy. "I'll treat him good, swear!"
12:59pm Apr 16 2014
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Arashi was gratified by Mr Fugi's concern, and somewhat pleased that he was remembered and recognised so easily. This was one of the people he respected most, though he hadn't seen him in years. "It is good to see you as well." He responded, managing a smile. He felt a little guilty for causing the elderly gentleman such concern, though he knew it wasn't exactly his fault, and he proceeded to recount the events of the evening to him, upon the inevitable request. He didn't give an entirely full account, but there was sufficient detail to be going on with. He was a little startled when the kid broke into the conversation, but he let him say his piece, figuring that his perspective and input was required as well.
True to form, and just as Arashi recalled, Mr Fugi spoke kindly to the boy and took him under his wing. The fellow had long been a mentoring type, and had drawn kids' attention with his wise words for as long as Arashi could recall knowing him - not that the long-haired teen would admit to thinking something so cliched. He was amused by the name that this Tom boy gave to the Nidoran, as he'd encountered literature naming a goddess of victory such. No need to burst the kid's bubble, though, as he seemed sincere enough in his repentance, and Arashi was sure that Mr Fugi could handle things if he wasn't sincere. Tom taken care of, Arashi's priority lay with the Pokemon, and he asked quietly for access to the medical cupboard. In a place for abandoned and orphaned Pokemon, there was always a plentiful supply of medicinal goods - one could never be sure what condition the Pokemon would arrive in, after all.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
3:14pm Apr 16 2014
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You were able to sufficiently heal and care for your pokemon, and Allora for her own. The technology of potions and full heals and the sort is quite astonishing, and so is the rate at which pokemon heal. It wasn't long before your three and Allora's four were fresh and ready to go, with Clara and Noche, as well as Allora's vulpix Ren and combuskin Skylar, playing and romping around, and enticing the other orphaned pokemon to join in."So... what do you need from me, sir?" Tom asked Mr. Fuji. The old man grinned mischievously. "Glad you asked." And so, Tom was put to work cleaning pens and filling food bowls, washing pokemon and painting walls, and essentially anything else Mr. Fuji could think of. The old man kicked back, propped his feet up, and enjoyed a break, however little it was. "So, what brings you and your friend- Allora, was it?- to my home?" he asked you.
4:44pm Apr 16 2014
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It was a profound relief to Arashi to see his partners recover so quickly, though the feeling did not distract him from attending to his own needs, and he murmured reassurances and phrases of affection to them as he watched them heal. He had worried that they might have lost faith in him after the defeat, but it appeared that they understood that neither they nor he could have done much else. He told them softly of what had transpired, and they seemed much relieved that their struggle had not been in vain - and that they would have the chance to meet their rescuer tomorrow. Once he could see that their energy reserves were full once again, and that they were fully intact, he encouraged them to go and join the rumpus, which they did with glee. Arashi was of half a mind to join them in this, despite his usual tendency to remain aloof, when Fugi's query reached him.
"Well, we're on route to Pallet Town." He answered frankly, "Lavender was the first stop on the road, and we were wondering what to do with ourselves before crossing Silence. I suggested coming to see you and, since the only other option presenting itself was the Tower, the choice was more than obvious. Allora had apparently heard of you, and was keen to meet you. We were on the way here when Tom made our acquaintance. As to why we're in Kanto in the first place, which I'm sure is part of your question, we're going to see Professor Oak." As someone who had known Arashi as a child, Fugi was in a position to know that Samuel Oak was a person that the young Zadkiel had long wished to meet, so this wouldn't be too much of a shocker. Arashi trusted the old man enough to tell him this, though he had checked first to ensure that Tommy-boy was not eavesdropping. He hoped that the genial oldster wouldn't want to pry any deeper, as he really didn't want to have to decide whether to tell him the truth or not. "How have you been since I saw you last?" He asked, "It looks as though the place is the same as the last time I walked through your door. Oh, is Mandy still here?" Mandy was a traumatised Abra with whom Arashi had become close, and who had learned to write alongside him. By the time Arashi had left, she had been Fugi's primary assistant.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
11:20am Apr 17 2014
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Fuji smiled at the mention of Professor Oak. "Ah, yes, well that would be an excellent opportunity for you," he said honestly, not prying further. He eyed the playing pokemon, with Allora now joined in, as he listened to you talk. At the mention of Mandy, he smiled broadly. "Mandy~" he called.Appearing right beside you was a kadabra, holding a clipboard, and with nearly comical looking glasses perched on her nose. "Bra?" she questioned, confused for a moment, but it wasn't long before she noticed you. "Kada!" she hummed, hugging you with her long arms, dropping the clipboard on the ground. She seemed extremely excited to see you, and Fuji chuckled. "She has missed you, Arashi. It has been quite a while." He watched Mandy hold you, the psychic type nearly in tears from a mixture of joy and I've-missed-you-so-much-ness. "Her growth was not only in her level and battling skill, but also in her intelligence and mind." He watched her, grinning. "Go on, show him Mandy." She leaned back, composing herself, then suddenly in your mind, you hear; Hello, my name is Mandy, as clear as day. It is a shock to hear her talk. It takes years of practice for psychic pokemon to learn the human language, for they are the only ones who could. Fuji watched your reaction intently. "Being around a trusted partner has given her a decent grasp on the language, though she still struggles with human words." He looked towards her again. "Can you try 'Arashi?'" A...stra...shti? she questioned, though clearly realizing it sounded wrong. She looked down, embarrassed. "You'll get it, just keep practicing," he encouraged.
1:09pm Apr 17 2014 (last edited on 1:11pm Apr 17 2014)
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Relieved by Fugi's acceptance of his explanation, Arashi chuckled as he watched his friends play, before being mildly startled when the bespectacled Kadabra popped into the space next to him, complete with a clipboard. It appeared that her time here had been very good for her, and that her abilities as an assistant had developed - she seemed to have become as much a part of the place as Fugi himself, and that knowledge made Arashi glad. He recalled a time when Mandy wouldn't have believed that she would be allowed to stay after her injuries were healed, that the cruel trainer who'd mistreated her would come and reclaim her. It had taken quite a while to convince her that the twisted woman who'd had charge of her before had been imprisoned, but now it seemed that Mandy had really come into her own. He hugged back with an equal enthusiasm to hers as he greeted his childhood playmate, never having minded cuddles from those he was close to. Only few were accorded that privilege, and Mandy was one of them. Allora also, for all that he protested, though that was more recent, and more tentative. He wasn't sure whether she was aware that his protests were mostly bluster, but he wasn't yet ready to admit as much.
"You've certainly grown." He grinned, "Congratulations on your evolution! I missed you as well. It is good to know that you are well and happy." He brought his forehead to rest against hers briefly, before relinquishing his own grip and taking a short step back to get a better look at her. When Fugi hinted at some other factor, some new development, it was all he could do to keep from asking before the fellow got to it himself - if nothing else, Arashi's was a curious soul. Then, when he heard a light, lilting voice within his mind, emanating from the Kadabra before him, his face lit up in a mixture of pleasure and pride. His eyes aglow with elation at the achievement of this Pokemon he viewed as something between a close friend and a surrogate sister, he beamed at the Psychic type as she attempted his name. "Don't worry about my name, Mandy, even I didn't master it all at once. Remember when I called myself 'Rara'? You're doing marvellously, I assure you, and I couldn't be prouder. Have you learned to say any other words?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
8:15pm Apr 20 2014
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I am doing well, thank you," responded Mandy in her slightly out-of-context way. "It is going to take her time before she can learn which phrases are appropriate in which contexts," explained Fuji with a smile. "Go ahead and show young Arashi some of your other words." Vulpix, zubat, chair, pen, door, tree, onix, psychic... she said, increasing in excitement each time she recalled a word. It seemed as if she knew a few phrases, and many words, and only needed to learn to put them together. "Give her just a few more months, and I believe she will be able to have conversations with the most intelligent of humans, and even surpass them," Fuji said, beaming with pride. It was beginning to darken outside, and Tom had returned to your table, sweaty and panting. "Am I... done with... my chores..." he panted, wiping his brow. Fuji chuckled. "Just one more," he said. "Your last chore is to get home safe, before it gets dark, and stay out of trouble!" He eyed the boy. "Got it?" Tom nodded, nearly too tired to speak, and without another word, left the house on his way home. You would never have predicted the circumstances of your next meeting. "Well, you and... Allora yes? You and Allora should be getting back soon. Strange things happen around the Tower at night..."
1:51am Apr 21 2014 (last edited on 1:53am Apr 21 2014)
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"Excellent! You're getting very good at this, Mandy!" Arashi beamed, caught up in enthusiasm for the Kadabra's learning of his language. "I look forward to your mastery of my native language - and I may even still be in the region when you get there! Mr Fugi, please give me a call when Mandy makes a breakthrough in conversation - I'd like to be able to congratulate her." As if it wasn't enough to see his old friend again, here she was learning to converse in his language - it was incredible! It was like a dream of some kind, but clearly reality, and Arashi felt giddy for his old playmate. It was worth being sent to a different region at so little notice, just for this, and he could well believe Mr Fugi's assertions.
Arashi was amused and relieved when Tom showed himself next, as the boy looked so sleepy and harmless. It was good to see that he didn't seem to be bitter about his defeat and subsequent rehabilitation assignment, and Arashi found himself hoping that the young fellow would get home okay. For some reason, he felt almost sure that they would bump into each other again, but he put it down to his wanting to visit Fugi after this, and probably see Tom then. "You're probably right, thank you, I know a route that gives the tower a reasonably wide berth, so hopefully we've had all our evening encounters for the day. Allora? It's time to go. It was nice to see you both again - I'm glad we dropped by. Hope to see you soon." With this said, as soon as the pair of them were done with their goodbyes, Arashi led the way out and in the direction he intended to travel. He had no intention of tangling with the Tower tonight - he just wanted to get some sleep.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
9:23pm Apr 23 2014
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You and Allora were able to make it back to the pokemon center that night without any more excitement. You had rented a room for the night for two people, and Allora fell asleep without much conversation. She was eager to see if Erik would follow through with his word and be meeting the two of you the next morning at 10.
And he was. Rising early and preparing to head south to silence bridge, you and Allora nearly ran headfirst into Erik that next morning. Well, Allora actually did. His scyther Tiji beside him, he seemed mentally prepared for the day, with an emotionless ex pression painted on his face. "Are we well prepared to leave?" he asked, helping Allora stand straight up. She brushed herself off, face red, embarrassed. "S-sorry," she stuttered, adjusting her backpack and purse. "We should be." She looked at you for confirmation.
2:31am Apr 24 2014
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Arashi could barely remember the last part of their journey to the Pokemon Center, so tired had he been, but he was refreshed and hungry when he awoke in the morning. Knowing that hospital food didn't tend to be very appetising, he resolved to pick up something along the road as they travelled. After all, with so many choosing to journey, there would inevitably be those who would make use of the market of hungry adventurers. "Should we eat before we meet with Erik, or will we not have time?" He wondered aloud, before deciding that - as his stomach was most insistent - he would grab something quickly from a corner store. Therefore, he was no longer hungry when the appointed time drew nearer.
Flushed with embarrassment, a direct result of Allora's unintentional kamikazi run, Arashi nodded. He had his supplies, and had retrieved his length of steel pipe from them earlier in order to not be unarmed in case of danger. It also made a useful lever, poke-implement, and possible cane if he got tired or injured. It had been inaccessible the previous day, thus not available to defend himself with, but he wasn't going to leave it out of reach again after the events of the previous night. After greeting Erik and Tiji, and giving them a brief update on Tom's improved behaviour, chores and supervision, Arashi and Hada gazed out at the bridge ahead. "Shall we be off, then?" He asked breezily, giving the group a rakish grin.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
12:41pm Apr 24 2014
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Erik nodded. "I believe so," he inferred. "Where are we headed?" he wondered, looking to the south."Diglett's Cave," Allora said, starting to walk. She had let Noche out of his ball to walk with you. "That should take us north, to Pewter, and closer to Pallet." She bent and picked up Noche, stroking his fur. "I can challenge the gym while we're there too." Silence Bridge was a day's walk from Lavender Town, and you would have to make camp that night just before the dock, that way you could have a whole day to cross the bridge. Through the woods, there are many pokemon. There are ditto, spearow, pidgey, ratatta, and ekans. You could chose to capture any of these, or simply move on through, but either way, it was an uneventful day. Erik's murkrow, Juez, kept watch in the skies above you as you walked, only landing when it was time to make camp. Allora had a tent that you could share; it was pretty decently sized, and had a bottom that made it so you wouldn't need to sleep on the dirt. Erik declined her invitation to have him sleep in there with the both of you, saying that he had been sleeping on the ground for weeks now, and was okay with dirt. Allora pulled out her radio and turned it on.
1:42pm Apr 24 2014 (last edited on 3:06pm Apr 24 2014)
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Arashi had decided to have his entire team out walking with him, as he felt that the fresh air and exercise would do them good. He wasn't entirely sure he had much of a bead on Erik as a person yet, but the newcomer to their little travelling party intrigued him. He wondered briefly what the other male thought of their destination, but he didn't ask, instead setting off after Allora. It was a nostalgic feeling, being back in the woods he had so loved as a child, and he smiled as he immersed himself in the familiar sights, sounds and scents. It had been a long time, but he remembered this place still. He wondered whether there were any Pokemon here who would remember him. It would certainly be worth trying to make contact. There was a Pokemon here that he was quite interested in partnering with, but he didn't know whether he'd be able to find one - let alone whether he'd known one. Ditto, the amorphous blob that could change into anything else it so pleased. It was both fascinating and alluring, and he had always imagined that they would feel like jelly. That was a physical sensation he relished, to the detriment of a few early birthday parties, and jelly had a liquid kind of beauty to it that he found alluring. Therefore, it was his intention to find one if at all possible. Seeing as this was his native soil, and he had played here often enough for the Pokemon he'd met before to not see him as a threat, Arashi wasn't worried about his scent or voice alarming anyone - he just hoped that his increased hight wouldn't throw them off, and that they'd remember him. Caught up in nostalgia, Arashi had begun to hum a song he'd favoured as a child, beginning to softly croon it in melancholy bass tones when nobody picked him up on it. It was a little eerie, but then again, he had been a child of Lavender Town. He'd painstakingly memorised it for a talent show, then never forgot it again afterwards. "I was walking on the beach again, To visit, Barefoot between scattered rocks, Wind-hewn white on sea-smoothened sand. The sky a grey curtain to the sun’s sleepy light, Onward across empty seaside, Water taking my footprints, Onward across silent shores, A windless, birdless day. I was there all alone, To visit. Fishless waves broke over crabless sands, As I made my way, To visit, You could hear the song that wasn’t there; The gulls, the wind, the waves, You could feel the absent echo; The ice-cream van, the children laughing, You could know it, When I went to visit. At last I was there, Before a strange shape in the sand. The forlorn oval of rocks my only company, Aside from the sea. One glistening stone stood above the rest, A memento of mortality. I placed my gift above the reach of the sea, And padded away, Leaving two sandy words to be claimed by the waves, Remember me." As they made camp, Arashi was plotting to return to the forest under cover of dusk, to search for a Ditto to befriend. He'd been looking out for one along the way, but he hadn't spotted any. He helped Allora set up the tent, then, after picking up some wood for a fire, asked whether anyone minded him trying to find a Ditto before he slept. He saw no reason to not be honest about his intention, and felt it his responsibility to make sure that the others knew what he would be doing. He didn't blame Erik for not wanting to sleep in a tent with two effective strangers, but he did think it a little odd that he hadn't a blanket. Well, perhaps he was simply keeping it where Arashi couldn't see it... Yeah, maybe.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
3:46pm Apr 24 2014
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Posts: 616
"So, what is the scoop, John?" came a woman's voice from the radio. Allora had seemed keen on helping you look for a ditto, but not after listening to the news. "Well, it's quite an interesting story this week," said the male announcer. "Susan, you have heard of the various legendary pokemon worshipping religious groups, have you not?" "Why, yes I have!" "Well, it seems as if things are going wrong for them, and quite a few of them too!" "Oh, really? Like what kinds of things?" "Well, Susan, those who worship Suicune? They say that the lake they worship him by has started gathering moss, something that has never happened before." "What?!" "Yes, and the volcano of the fire bird Moltres has gone dormant; the lava has hardened and no longer flows!" "That is very strange." "Right, and it isn't just those legendary pokemon. In fact, over 10 different legendary cults have reported problems in the last year or so. It is quite strange." "Yes, and how about the return of Team Rocket? Apparently, in Violet City in Johto, Team Rocket broke into a school, stealing starter pokemon, and the pokemon of other trainers using-" *CLICK* Allora shut the radio off. "We... know that story," she said, wiping away a tear. "Now... you wanted to find a ditto?" In the forest, it was getting dark, but it was still light enough to see. You searched and searched with her for hours, and found naught but wild pokemon of other types. Allora was frustrated, but had an idea, thinking that since ditto changed form to suit their surroundings... "Then one of them might just be disguised!" And with that, she threw a pokeball into a group of ratatta. The pokemon began to scatter, but something strange happened. Several of the ratatta turned into pidgey and spearow!
4:44pm Apr 24 2014
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Posts: 646
Arashi, seeing as nobody had objected to his search, was quite content to listen to the radio with Allora. What it reported, however, sat less easily with him. Legends going dormant? Their sacred sites neglected? That was the sort of thing that seemed designed to send shivers down the spine. As for himself, Arashi had long held a quiet reverence for Mew - ancient and mischievous, wise and fickle. Was Mew, too, in such straits? He hoped not - but then, who knew what all this meant anyway? It was possible that this was something that the Legends intended for whatever reason, but it just didn't feel right. How could he tell whether Mew was in a similar situation, and what was the situation anyway? Had the reporters not bothered to have analysts work on the problem? Or perhaps, they had, but had not found a cause, or did not want to cause a panic...
He was grateful when Allora switched off the radio, as he had not wanted to hear a rehash of events he'd been at the centre of - not that sort of event, anyway. Though his mood was not quite so light as before, a Ditto search was just the ticket. While it was frustrating to not encounter a Ditto in the hours spent in search, it was a pleasant pastime to encounter the locals, and a few familiar faces. Several times, he saw an old playmate or two, some of them now with children. Allora's notion of flushing out a disguised Ditto was sound, though her methods made Arashi wonder, and he watched with delight as some of the Pokemon around them shifted from one form to another that should not have been compatible. "Ditto~" He exclaimed happily, selecting one that had assumed Pidgey form and slowly approaching it. A little way outside its personal space, he sat down gradually and pulled out a chocolate bar from his backpack. "Would you like something sweet to eat?"
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
6:02pm Apr 24 2014
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Posts: 616
The pidgey ditto was waddling on the ground, not having shifted to a flying form ever in its life, and not quite knowing how to fly yet. "To?" came the questioning voice, sounding completely different from a pidgey's cry. It hopped forward on unsteady talons, nibbling at the chocolate bar. "To!" it chirped, sounding more like a pidgey.Ditto are strange pokemon, that require unique kinds of training. They need to practice consistently walking and attacking with different bodies. After transforming, however, it doesn't take them very long to become accustomed to their new bodies, and even mimicking pokemon cries. "You catch pokemon weird," Allora joked, watching the ditto-pidgey flap up and land on your shoulder. "Never seen a ditto eat chocolate before." "Pidgitto!" cried the normal type, in a strange half-cry. It was almost there.
2:42am Apr 25 2014
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"Ahh, I think this is a young one - see, so unused to this shape. Sweet." Arashi murmured, keeping his voice calm and sticking to soothing tones. He'd wondered why the little Pokemon hadn't flown away, and now he knew. "See, little one, it's good~ I knew you'd like it." He crooned softly, marvelling at the small creature's growing adeptness at assuming its chosen form. "You're getting good at that shape, aren't you? Such a quick learner, I wonder whether you like being avian." Arashi had always liked interacting with Pokemon on a basis like this, introducing himself with pleasantness rather than aggression. It often helped set the tone for his playing with them, or otherwise interacting with them. "Are you hungry, then? You seem quite eager for this chocolate. Don't worry, it shouldn't upset your digestion. I wouldn't disregard any Pokemon's physiological needs that way. I could teach you which of the forms you know are unable to eat chocolate, if you like. Then, you wouldn't have to worry."
He was gratified when the little being flitted to his shoulder, as he was sure it meant that the Ditto was becoming more accustomed to him, and as it indicated a furthering of the creature's understanding of wings. "This is how I've always interacted with wild Pokemon." Arashi responded, "Though not always with chocolate - I just happened to have some handy. With a versatile digestive system like Ditto's, it isn't a problem in most forms. It's mainly the feline and canine that will present chocolate-related difficulties." As he spoke, Arashi made certain to keep the chocolate within reach of the Ditto, not trying to touch the Pokemon yet. "You're getting better at the sounds, little Ditto. Would you, by any chance, be interested in travelling with me? There's more where this chocolate came from."
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
4:05pm Apr 25 2014
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Posts: 616
"Gey?" questioned the shapeshifting pokemon, almost completely comfortable in its form. "Pidgey!" it crooned after a thought, nodding its head. Allora shook hers. "You do you, then," she said, shrugging. "Not my style, but it seems to work. Then again, fire types aren't the most... approachable." And with that, she headed back towards the campground. The ditto did then decide to join you on your journey, waiting only for you to officially capture it. Erik was nowhere to be found when you got back to camp, but it was too late to look for him. And something about him made it to where you weren't too worried about him. He could handle himself. Allora was already ready for bed by the time you got there, her three fire type pokemon outside the tent, keeping watch. Noche, however, was cuddled up with her inside of the tent, being still young and inexperienced.
5:26pm Apr 25 2014
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Posts: 646
Arashi grinned, both at the Ditto and at Allora. He was quite pleased to have gained a Ditto companion without a fight, and decided to speak to the Pokemon before presenting it with a Pokeball. "I'm glad of your company, little one. How would you like to be called Kin? After all, a Ditto can call any Pokemon kin, and any other form of life big enough to shift into." Arashi allowed Kin to finish eating the chocolate before he introduced the changeling to one of his Pokeballs, and strolled with a quite satisfied air onto their campground. He did wonder where Erik had gone, but he figured that the other guy was experienced enough to pick his own spot to sleep in, and would not appreciate a search party disturbing him.
Seeing as Allora was already in the tent, Arashi got changed for bed behind some bushes - so as to avoid accidental mortification. At least he knew where she was, at any rate. Then, after performing his ablutions and introducing Kin to the rest of his team, he entered the tent with his fledgeling party and curled up in his sleeping bag. Kaer, being the largest, lingered near the entrance to act as an internal sentry, while the rest were content to snuggle with Arashi. Truth be told, Arashi would hug them all at once if his arms would hold that many without squishing them the moment he rolled over or something. At least, with most of them outside the sleeping bag, he wouldn't smother them. Kin, being malleable and quite adaptable, was likely to sneak in for extra warmth after coming in from the chilly outdoors, but Arashi was asleep too soon to know for sure.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~
9:51pm Apr 28 2014
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Posts: 616
The next day was sure to be a long one of walking. Erik had reappeared in the morning, ready to walk already when you were just waking up. He mumbled something about sleeping, and walked off.Allora got up slower than you did. "Five more minutes..." she grumbled, turning over in her Gucci sleeping bag. Once you were all up, it was time to head down the Silence Bridge. Though silence wasn't something that Allora seemed fond of. "Are we there yet," she groaned, loudly. A few fisherman turned and gave her dirty looks as you passed. "Hey, missy, watch your volume!" yelled one of them, after she asked it for a third time. "Oh yeah?" she asked, confronting him. "Why don't you do something about it." Oh no. And that's how Allora lost a battle on Silence Bridge. No amount of explaining to her that battling a water type trainer with fire pokemon wasn't smart had stopped her, and now, she was mopey. For the rest of the day. "He... he..." she whimpered, reviving her pokemon and sitting on the edge of the dock.
7:29am Apr 29 2014
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It appeared as though Kin was something of a maverick, as Arashi had awoken to the sight of the Ditto trying out his shape for the other wakeful Pokemon. S/he wasn't yet very good at human appearance, but it was a new form to play with nonetheless. Needless to say, this sight upon awakening was somewhat disorienting, as being confronted with a distorted version of yourself first thing in the morning was always going to be a nerve-fraying experience. When it had become clear that the subject of this piece of performance art had joined the waking world, however, Kin shrank down into the Pidgey form s/he'd worn the previous day.
Once they'd actually managed to set off, Arashi was torn between amusement and exasperation at Allora's persistent querying. It was reminiscent of little children that sit in the back seat when she behaved in this way, although Arashi possessed sufficient tact to refrain from making this comparison aloud. He suppressed a groan when she challenged a fisherman over his complaint regarding her volume - which was quite justified, and he watched with resignation as she was defeated. The occasion did provide an opportunity to register new Pokemon in his 'dex, however, and he consoled himself by registering Goldeen, Krabby, Tentacool and Horsea. Allora's battle having reached its logical conclusion, Arashi offered consolation in the form of a piece of fudge from the packet he'd been munching on. He didn't have many sweets on him - just the fudge and a few chocolate bars - but he saw no problem with sharing. "Are you alright, Allora?" He asked gently, tilting his head a little.
Gneiss, but not taken for granite~