2:16pm Jul 19 2010
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He didnt answer he took his swords off his shoulders.
2:25pm Jul 19 2010
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2:26pm Jul 19 2010
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Kyla simply got bored and walked past him. though she was far enough away that his swords couldn't reach her.
2:26pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He appeared infront of her again.
2:31pm Jul 19 2010
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Kyla typed in a go through things code on ehr screen and went through him and continued forward.
2:32pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 7,620
He struch her in the back slashing the laptop as well making it dicintegrate.
2:37pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 4,310
"Ah shoot, i'll have to do it the old way then." Kyla said, anyone who didn't have ehr knowledge or sight would only see that she was playing with air, she wasn't, she could see codes and was unlocking one to allow her to p*censored* through inatimate objects."There that should do it." She walked through a tree to make sure it was working right,"Perfect."
2:42pm Jul 19 2010
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He chuckled.This was fun to him.He watched her.It wasnt like akuma was anywhere near here.He looked at her swishins his sword around and it glowed.
2:44pm Jul 19 2010
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"Pah!i fixed my Ipad." Kyla said happily as anotehr map appeared set out in front of her. "Now wait a minute...DAMNIT! Akuma isn't even here." Kyla said angrily. Her map ahd lied.
2:47pm Jul 19 2010
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He laughed at the girl not looking at her.
2:59pm Jul 19 2010
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3:02pm Jul 19 2010
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"Pssh, only a real wuss would screw with me liek taht." Kyla mutetred searching for some sort of way of finding him...
3:05pm Jul 19 2010
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He started to walk farther than he was standing before.
3:08pm Jul 19 2010
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"I'll have to do it he old fashioned way then snce eh potentially screwed my map." Kyla muttered and searched teh codes(not on the ipad)"got you know chicken." she laughed and followed the code all the way as far as ehr feet would carry her.
3:10pm Jul 19 2010
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Akumu watched her"idiot girl"he sia d just siting there rubbing his black panthers.The threevamps had saw her again they were going that way as well.
3:12pm Jul 19 2010
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Kyla kne wone thing, she coudln't be zapped with his power or she'd end up like the other creatures of this realm. Mindless and controlled as well as transformed into a creature of his choosing...
3:14pm Jul 19 2010
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the three split up and vitkoto walked in her direction"what are you doing now"he said to her.
3:16pm Jul 19 2010
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"Saving humanity, this is all wrong, i was more comforted when nothing but humans and normal animals roam earth, not some alternate reality where everything is whack." Kyla replied sternly continueing on forward.
3:17pm Jul 19 2010
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He shook his head"whatever you say he p*censored*ed her heading where the other guy did.
3:18pm Jul 19 2010
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Kyla shrugged and continued when she got a ring from Ace who could see her from a distance,"WATCH OUT! bEHIND YOU!" the email said. what the hell...